白雲の章 White Clouds Chapter
守護の節 Guardian Moon
女神の行方 The Goddess’ Whereabouts
Summary of changes:
- The literal translation of the Immaculate One is “The White One”.
- Edelgard intentionally used insensitive remarks as a test of Byleth’s current judgement.
- Monica and Kronya’s girly personality was toned down quite a bit.
- Thales had a rebuttal to the Flame Emperor’s sass.
- Byleth’s response to Rhea trying to stop him is less aggressive.
- Leonie is more expressive when facing Kronya.
- Hubert had a lot of confidence that Byleth is alive.
- Edelgard calls Solon’s spell circumstantial and did not believe Byleth was defeated.
- Sothis compares a boulder to a boar for some reason.
- Sothis calls herself what the First Dragons are also called in Fire Emblem Fates.
- Sothis’ time speech in the Smash trailer is closer to the original than the game’s trailer.
- Edelgard is audibly pissed that Goddess gave Byleth her power.
- Rhea makes many references to weaving when talking about time and creation.
Previous: Chapter 9 (Black Eagles) | Next: Chapter 11 (Black Eagles)