
同人音楽翻訳家 Doujin Music Translator

Fire Emblem Three Houses – Chapter 7 (Black Eagles)

白雲の章 White Clouds Chapter
飛竜の節 Flying Dragon Moon
鷲獅子の野 Field of the Eagle and Lion

Summary of changes:

Previous: Chapter 6 (Black Eagles) | Next: Chapter 8 (Black Eagles)


  • 天に轟く声で飛竜の群れが鳴き合うと、
  • その雄壮な姿を遠く見上げながら、
  • 木々に分け入っては薪を集め、
  • As flocks of flying dragons cry out together roaring from the heavens, they tear through the crystal clear skies and head south to for the winter.
  • While looking at those majestic figures from afar, children help with winter preparations.
  • Splitting trees to gather as firewood, hanging nets in the river to catch fish.
  • From on high, flocks of wyverns roar in chorus and soar the pristine skies, heading south for the winter.
  • Fódlan’s children lend their hands to winter preparations by gathering firewood and catching fish from the rivers’ cool waters.
  • Yet all the while their gazes are turned skyward, drawn to the magnificent sight above.

Event: グロンダーズ鷲獅子戦・黒鷲の学級 (Gronder’s Battle of the Eagle and Lion – Black Eagles)

  • エーデルガルト: せんせい、グロンダーズ鷲獅子戦については、
  • > 「名前だけは」
    エーデルガルト: そう。なら、私が知っていることを
  • > 「聞いたような聞いていないような」
    エーデルガルト: せんせい……? まあいいわ。私も人づてに
  • エーデルガルト: グロンダーズ鷲獅子戦は、言ってしまえば
  • ヒューベルト: 以前、大樹の節に行った学級対抗戦とは
  • 開催の舞台は、ガルグ=マク南東の帝国領、
  • エーデルガルト: 最も多くの相手を倒した学級が
  • もちろん教師も一緒に戦うことに
  • ヒューベルト: 今年はマヌエラ先生が大事を取って
  • 積年の好敵手が休むなら我輩も、と
  • > 「それなら自分も」
    > 「自分はどうしたら」
    マヌエラ: 気を遣わなくていいのよ、センセイ。
  • ヒューベルト: おや、マヌエラ先生。
  • マヌエラ: あなたたちのおかげでね。でも無理をして
  • ハンネマン: 我々は不参加とするよ。……だからといって
  • マヌエラ: そのとおりよ。この数節、あたくしたちも
  • > 「自分だけというのも……」
  • > 「やはり不平等では……」
    マヌエラ: あら、あんまり油断しているようだと
  • ハンネマン: 生徒に教えるべきことはすべて教えてある。
  • Edelgard: Master, you’ve heard about Gronder’s Battle of the Eagle and Lion from Mrs. Archbishop, right?
  • > 「Only the name」
    Edelgard: I see.  In that case, I’ll go ahead and explain what I know about it now.
  • > 「I may or may not have been listening」
    Edelgard: Master…? Well, it’s fine. I’ve also only heard from others, but I’ll explain it for you.
  • Edelgard: Gronder’s Battle of the Eagle and Lion, put simply, is an annual large scale rivalry battle between the classes.
  • Hubert: It seems its scale is incomparable to the rivalry battle between the classes we went to in Great Tree Moon.
  • I hear the setting of the competition is southeast of Garreg Mach in Empire territory on the vast Gronder’s plains.
  • Edelgard: It is a three-way contest[1]巴戦 is sumo terminology for a special type of fight between 3 people.
    Sumo is 1 on 1, so the loser cycles out until a fighter defeats both other fighters consecutively to win.
    where the class that defeats the most opponents wins.
  • Of course, the teachers are also expected to fight alongside but…
  • Hubert: This year, it appears Miss Manuela is taking precautions and will withhold participation.
  • Mr. Hanneman said “If my worthy rival of many years will be absent, so will I”, so it seems like he will also pass on participation.
  • > 「In that case, me too」
    > 「What should I do?」
    Manuela: No need to be considerate of me, Teacher. Please have fun together with the students.
  • Hubert: Oh, Ms. Manuela. Are your wounds already better?
  • Manuela: Thanks to all of you. But it would be bad for everyone if I overdo it and collapse, so…
  • Hanneman: We have decided not to participate. …But just because we aren’t, don’t go and think you’ll win easily.
  • Manuela: Just as he said.  These couple months, we’ve also been diligently training our students.
  • > 「But if it’s just going to be me…」
  • > 「This definitely seems unfair…」
    Manuela: My, if you’re letting your guard down a bit like you appear to be, my class will end up winning easily.
  • Hanneman: We have taught our students everything they ought to know. No need to hold back, challenge them with all your might.
  • Edelgard: Professor, you already know about the Battle of the Eagle and Lion, correct?
  • > 「Only the name.」
    Edelgard: I see. In that case, allow me to fill you in.
  • > 「I can’t recall.」
    Edelgard: Well then. Allow me to fill you in.
  • Edelgard: It’s a large-scale mock battle between the rival houses that takes place every year.
  • Hubert: Its scale is incomparable to the mock battle we fought during the Great Tree Moon.
  • It will take place in the vast Gronder Field. That is in Empire territory to the southeast of Garreg Mach.
  • Edelgard: Whichever house defeats the most opponents wins.
  • Of course, the professors also fight alongside their respective houses.
  • Hubert: Well, usually. Professor Manuela is being prudent. She will not be participating this year.
  • Since his long-time rival will be absent, Professor Hanneman has also declined.
  • > 「In that case, I must sit out too.」
    > 「What should I do?」
    Manuela: Oh, don’t worry about us. You know you wanna see the kids in action.
  • Hubert: Are you feeling any better, Professor Manuela?
  • Manuela: Thanks to all of you. But I’d only be a burden out there. My students don’t need to see me collapsed. Well, not on the battlefield, anyway.
  • Hanneman: Correct, we will not be participating. Regardless, do not expect victory to come easily. Or at all.
  • Manuela: Well put. We’ve spent the past few months pushing our students to their limits. You can see me in the infirmary after they destroy you.
  • > 「If I’m the only professor present…」
  • > 「This doesn’t seem fair…」
    Manuela: Oh my, look at you. If you’re as confident as all that, my students will walk all over you.
  • Hanneman: We have taught our students well. There is no need to hold back. Challenge them with everything you have!

Event: 三つ巴の平原・黒鷲の学級 (The Three-Way Plains – Black Eagles)

  • カスパル: 帝国領、グロンダーズ平原……ここは
  • フォドラ最大の平原で、
  • つっても、戦場になるのは、
  • ヒューベルト: 大規模戦闘にはうってつけの戦場かと。
  • エーデルガルト: せんせい、貴方ならばこの鷲獅子戦、
  • > 「真っ向から戦う」
    > 「奇策で勝負する」
    エーデルガルト: どこかの誰かのようなことを言うのね。
  • 私がいて、せんせいがいて、皆がいて……
  • ヒューベルト: 力で優っている我らが負けるとすれば、
  • フェルディナント: ほう、お前には失策を挽回する力さえ
  • ヒューベルト: くく、傷口を広げるのが関の山です。
  • カスパル: お、喧嘩か? オレもオレも……
  • ペトラ: 戦う相手、不足ありません。
  • ドロテア: ペトラちゃん、これは狩りじゃなくて……
  • ベルナデッタ: あたしは砦に立て籠って、みんなを
    応援します! 砦、ありますよね!?
  • リンハルト: あるよ、敵陣の奥深くに。
  • ベルナデッタ: ふええええ!? 違います!
  • リンハルト: フレンは今日が初陣だな……その割には
  • フレン: うふふ……。
  • エーデルガルト: ……さあ、まもなく開戦よ。
  • Caspar: Gronder’s Plains, in the Empire territory… This place is my parent’s hometown, the territory of the Bergliez family.
  • As the largest plains in Fodlan, the area is the breadbasket supporting the Empire’s food supply.
  • But that being said, making it a battlefield means the vicinity’s gonna get roughed up.
  • Hubert: I wonder whether it’s the most suitable place for a large scale battle.
  • Edelgard: Master, in your opinion for this Battle of the Eagle and Lion, how would you fight?
  • > 「I will fight head-on」
    > 「I will compete using schemes」
    Edelgard: That’s something a certain someone from somewhere would say… Well, however you command, we can handle it.
  • With me there, you there, everyone there… the Black EaglesAdlerklasse cannot be defeated.
  • Hubert: If we were to lose with our superior strength, it would surely be Teacher’s fault.
  • Ferdinand: Hoh, so you’re saying that you don’t have the power to recover from mistakes. In that case, just go ahead and leave things to me.
  • Hubert: Kuku, the most you can do is widen wounds.  You’ll get in Lady Edelgard’s way.
  • Caspar: Oh, is this a fight? Me too, me too… Wait no, everyone, let’s calm down.
  • Petra: There is no shortage of, enemies to fight. I will hunt, the lions and deers.  Simple.
  • Dorothea: Petra-chan, this isn’t hunting… well, it’s fine. It’s something similar, right?
  • Bernadetta: I’ll shut myself inside a fort and support everyone! There’s a fort, isn’t there?!
  • Lindhart: There is, deep in the enemy ranks. Bernadetta, you’ll be a hero for cutting through the enemy’s front lines.
  • Bernadetta: Fueeee?! That’s not what I meant! What made you think thaaat?
  • Lindhart: Flayn, this is your first campaign, isn’t it… Considering that, you surprisingly don’t seem to be nervous though.
  • Flayn: Ufufu… I will also give my best effort and fight.
  • Edelgard: …Now then, the war will commence shortly. Hoist the flag of the Eagle towards Gronder’s field!
  • Caspar: Gronder Field is in the Empire. It’s actually part of my family’s territory – House Bergliez.
  • It is the largest field in all of Fódlan. The grain it produces sustains the whole Empire.
  • Wait… I sure hope we don’t destroy all that grain.
  • Hubert: It is considered the most suitable place for a large-scale battle.
  • Edelgard: Professor, if it is up to you, how would you approach this battle?
  • > 「I would fight them head-on.」
    > 「I would surprise them with clever schemes.」
    Edelgard: That sounds like a certain someone we both know. But as you wish. We’ll use whatever strategy you think is best.
  • If the Black Eagle House bands together, we won’t lose.
  • Hubert: Our strength is superior. So if we do lose, it would be on your shoulders, Professor.
  • Ferdinand: If you’re not confident you can do this, just sit back and leave it to me.
  • Hubert: The most you will do is make things worse. You’ll just get in Lady Edelgard’s way.
  • Caspar: Are you two about to fight? Haha! Count me in! Wait, no. I think we all need to calm down.
  • Petra: We have no lack of opponents. I am ready to go hunting for our enemies!
  • Dorothea: Hunting isn’t exactly… Well, I guess they’re pretty similar, actually.
  • Bernadetta: I’m just gonna hide in the fort and cheer everyone on. There, um, is a fort, right?
  • Lindhart: Sure, but it’s deep in enemy territory. How kind of you to offer to cut through for us.
  • Bernadetta: What?! No! That’s not what I meant! Ugh, good work Bernie…
  • Lindhart: This will be your first battle, won’t it, Flayn? You don’t seem nervous at all.
  • Flayn: Haha, I shall give it my all!
  • Edelgard: Our battle will begin shortly. The flag of the Black Eagles will soon grace Gronder Field!

Battle: グロンダーズ鷲獅子戦 (Gronder’s Battle of the Eagle and Lion)

  • > 戦闘開始時
    ディミトリ: いよいよ鷲獅子戦が始まる。
  • クロード: 優勝学級には大いなる名誉だけじゃなく、
  • エーデルガルト: さて、そろそろ布陣開始の刻限よ……。
  • > ムービー「会戦」
  • ディミトリ: 恨むなよ
  • クロード: やり方は自由だ、勝ちゃいいんだろ?
  • エーデルガルト: 勝つのは私たちよ……
  • セテス: 始めよう
  • エーデルガルト: 進軍せよ!
  • ディミトリ: 進め!
  • > ムービー終了後
  • エーデルガルト: 戦場中央に設置された弓砲台……
  • > 1ターン目 青獅子軍と黒鷲軍が交戦、金鹿軍フェイズ
  • クロード: 黒鷲アドラー青獅子ルーヴェが戦い始めたみたいだな。
  • > 1ターン目 金鹿軍と黒鷲軍が交戦、金鹿軍フェイズ ・2ターン目 金鹿軍フェイズ
  • > 金鹿軍にローレンツ在籍時
    ローレンツ: ほう、僕が陣取るに相応しい砦があるな。
  • クロード: ローレンツの奴、勝手に動きやがって……。
  • > 金鹿軍にローレンツ不在時
    クロード: おいおい……誰が突出しろって言ったよ。
  • > 主人公 vs ディミトリ
    ディミトリ: お前を相手にどれだけ戦えるか……
  • あまり油断していると、
  • > エーデルガルト vs ディミトリ
    ディミトリ: こうして、君と剣を交えるとはな。
  • エーデルガルト: そう……帝国と王国が戦争を始めれば、
  • ディミトリ: いや……勘弁してくれ。
  • エーデルガルト: それで……いつになったら戦うのかしら。
  • > ディミトリ撃破
  • 《青獅子軍残存時》
    ディミトリ: くっ……これ以上は戦えないか。
  • 《ディミトリが最後の一人の時》
    ディミトリ: まだまだ修練が足りなかったか……。
  • > 主人公 vs クロード
  • クロード: 天帝の剣がどれほどの物か、
  • ……あ、そういうわけなんで、
  • > エーデルガルト vs クロード
  • クロード: 皇女様、気をつけろ!
  • エーデルガルト: ……!? って、馬鹿にしないで。
  • クロード: これは失敬。一瞬怯んだように見えたのは、
    俺の気のせいだよな? ……冗談だ、冗談。
  • エーデルガルト: ふざけた態度で相手の戦意を削ぐつもり?
  • > クロード撃破
  • 《金鹿軍残存時》
  • クロード: 悪いな、俺はここまでだ。
  • 《クロードが最後の一人の時》
  • クロード: 残念だが手詰まりか、
  • > 戦闘勝利後
    セテス: そこまで! グロンダーズ鷲獅子戦、
  • 黒鷲の学級アドラークラッセとする!
  • 《他学級より多く敵を撃破した時》
  • エーデルガルト: 皆の奮戦に感謝するわ!
  • > Battle Start 
    Dimitri: The Battle of the Eagle and Lion has finally begun. Everyone, feel free to demonstrate the fruits of your training.
  • Claude: The winning class doesn’t just get great honor, they say there may or may not be a prize.
  • Edelgard: Now then, it’s about time to line up in battle formation… Everyone, are you mentally prepared?
  • > Movie「Engagement」
  • Dimitri: No holding grudges.  We’re not so skilled that we can go easy on you.
  • Claude: Do it however you like as long as we win, right?
  • Edelgard: We will be the ones who win… No matter what happens.
  • Seteth: Let us begin.
  • Edegalrd: Forward march!
  • Dimitri: Advance!
  • > Movie End
  • Edelgard: A bow artillery has been installed in the middle of the battlefield… It looks like the class that secures it will be at an advantage.
  • > Turn 1 Black Eagles and Blue Lions Engaged, Golden Deer Phase
  • Claude: Looks like the Black Eagles and Blue Lions have started fighting. We should take that opportunity to sneak forward.
  • > Turn 1 Black Eagles and Golden Deer Engaged, Golden Deer Phase or Turn 2 Golden Deer Phase
  • > Lorenz is enlisted in Golden Deer
    Lorenz: Hoh, there is a fortification worthy for me to take up. I have no choice but to attack and take it now.
  • Claude: Freaking Lorenz, acting on his own… It can’t be helped, cover him and secure the hill in the center!
  • > Lorenz is not enlisted in Golden Deer
    Claude: Oy, oy… who’s sticking out, I said?  It can’t be helped, secure the hill in the center!
  • > Byleth vs Dimitri
    Dimitri: To what extent can I fight with you as my opponent… This is a good opportunity to test our strength.
  • If you let your guard down even a bit, I’ll totally wipe you for a victory, Teacher.
  • > Edelgard vs Dimitri
    Dimitri: So this is the way I cross swords with you. Long ago, I would have never imagined it would happen.
  • Edelgard: Indeed… If a war were to start between the Empire and Kingdom we could fight as much as you’d like, you know?
  • Dimitri: Give me a break…  To fight with you, I can’t help but feel my heart sink.
  • Edelgard: So… when will you fight me? We’re in the middle of a battle.
  • > Dimitri Defeated
  • 《Blue Lion Army Remains》
    Dimitri: Kuh… Can I not fight more than this? Sorry, everyone… I leave the rest to you!
  • 《Dimitri is the last one》
    Dimitri: Is our training still not enough…? There is nothing to do but for the Blue LionsLöwenklasse to withdraw.
  • > Byleth vs Claude
  • Claude: This should a good opportunity for you to show me in-depth how much the Sword of the Creator can do.
  • …Ah, for that reason, could you spare me the one-hit KOs?
  • > Edelgard vs Claude
  • Claude: Imperial Princess, be careful! There’s a rat with its child at your foot…
  • Edelgard: …?! Teh, don’t make fun of me. Such a childish trick won’t work against me.
  • Claude: That’s rude. Wasn’t that flinch I saw for a moment my doing? …Joking, I’m joking.
  • Edelgard: Is your screwing around intended to reduce enemy morale? Cut it out and come at me!
  • > Claude Defeated
  • 《Golden Deer Army Remains》
  • Claude: My bad, this is as far as I go. I’ll leave it to the everyone in my class to finish up!
  • 《Claude is the last one》
  • Claude: It’s a shame, but we might be in a fix. Looks like the Golden DeerHirschklasse missed our shot at victory.
  • > Battle Victory
    Seteth: That’s enough! The winner of this year’s Gronder’s Battle of the Eagle and Lion is decided to be…
  • The Black EaglesAdlerklasse!
  • 《Defeated more enemies than the other classes》
  • Edelgard: Thank you everyone for fighting hard! With these results, we should also certainly get the prize.
  • > Battle Start 
    Dimitri: The Battle of the Eagle and Lion is set to begin at long last. Everyone, show off the results of your dedicated training!
  • Claude: Remember, we’re not just fighting for honor. There’s a prize at stake!
  • Edelgard: It’s almost time to begin. Steel yourselves, everyone.
  • > Movie「The Battle」
  • Dimitri: You all should know… I am not about to go easy on you today.
  • Claude: As long as we can pull off the win, it doesn’t matter how.
  • Edelgard: Our victory must be absolute…no matter what it may take.
  • Seteth: It is time.
  • Edegalrd: Forward! Now!
  • Dimitri: For honor!
  • > Movie End
  • Edelgard: The ballista in the center of the battlefield… The house that secures it will have a clear advantage.
  • > Turn 1 Black Eagles and Blue Lions Engaged, Golden Deer Phase
  • Claude: The Black Eagles and Blue Lions are fighting… Maybe we can sneak right past them.
  • > Turn 1 Black Eagles and Golden Deer Engaged, Golden Deer Phase or Turn 2 Golden Deer Phase
  • > Lorenz is enlisted in Golden Deer
    Lorenz: A stronghold for me to seize? Splendid!
  • Claude: There goes Lorenz, acting on his own… Guess we’ve got no choice but to capture the central hill and cover him!
  • > Lorenz is not enlisted in Golden Deer
    Claude: Who told you jump out there? Now we’ve got no choice. Capture the central hill!
  • > Byleth vs Dimitri
    Dimitri: How far can I push myself with you as my foe… This will be a great chance to test our mettle.
  • Do not underestimate me, Professor, or you will fail!
  • > Edelgard vs Dimitri
    Dimitri: So, it is time to cross blades… I never imagined such a day would come to pass.
  • Edelgard: If the Empire and the Kingdom go to war, we’ll be able to fight as much as we please.
  • Dimitri: I am sorry, but that is not something to joke about. The thought of fighting you is troubling at best.
  • Edelgard: In that case, I wonder when you’ll be able to stomach facing me in battle… Do you need a few moments?
  • > Dimitri Defeated
  • 《Blue Lion Army Remains》
    Dimitri: I fear I cannot fight any longer. I’m sorry, everyone… Please continue onward to victory!
  • 《Dimitri is the last one》
    Dimitri: I suppose my training wasn’t enough… The Blue Lions have no choice but to retreat.
  • > Byleth vs Claude
  • Claude: This is a great chance for me to find out if the Sword of the Creator really is all it’s cracked up to be.
  • On that note, you better not surrender too quickly!
  • > Edelgard vs Claude
  • Claude: Hey Princess! Heads up! There’s a rat right by your Imperial feet…
  • Edelgard: BAH! I—Huh. How dare you make a fool of me. You will not rile me with such childish tactics.
  • Claude: Ah, so the sheer terror in your eyes was… something else entirely. My mistake. Anyway, it was only a joke.
  • Edelgard: You really hope to unsettle me with childish jokes? It won’t work. You must stand and fight!
  • > Claude Defeated
  • 《Golden Deer Army Remains》
  • Claude: Sorry, but it’s about time I make my exit… The rest of you…please, finish the job!
  • 《Claude is the last one》
  • Claude: I hate to say it, but it seems we’re at a stalemate. Looks like the Golden Deer won’t be winning this round…
  • > Battle Victory
    That is the end of this year’s Battle of the Eagle and Lion! And the winners are…
  • The Black Eagles!
  • 《Defeated more enemies than the other classes》
  • Edelgard: Thank you for your hard work, everyone! I daresay that prize is as good as ours.

Event: 健闘を称えて・黒鷲の学級 (Praising the Brave Fight – Black Eagles)

  • ディミトリ: 見事な戦いだった。
  • クロード: 完敗だよ、完敗。
  • エーデルガルト: 2人とも、お世辞はいらないわ。
  • それは否定しない。もう一度戦えば、
  • せんせい、貴方はどう思った?
  • > 「青獅子の学級が強かった」
    ディミトリ: ありがとう。
  • > 「金鹿の学級が強かった」
    クロード: はは、そいつは光栄だ。が、正直な話、
  • > 「余裕だった」
    エーデルガルト: せんせい……まあ、今だけは調子に乗っても
  • クロード: ともかく、俺はこの戦いの経験が活かされる
  • ディミトリ: まったくだ。お前たちと剣を交える未来は、
  • エーデルガルト: そうね。鷲獅子戦という名は、元は帝国と
  • それも、過去の話。いずれはその名も、
  • > 「そのとおりだ」
    > 「仲良くやろう」
    クロード: 憎いことを言うじゃないか。
  • ガルグ=マクに戻ったら、学級の垣根を
  • ……ま、食堂でだが。
  • ディミトリ: 互いに親睦を深めるいい機会だな。
  • エーデルガルト: ……いいわ。戻った日の夜に集合ね。
  • > 「楽しみだ」
    > 「勝利の美酒を……」
    エーデルガルト: いったいどうしたの、せんせい
  • エーデルガルト: そんなに眩しい笑顔を向けられると……
  • Dimitri: That was a splendid fight. Both Teacher and Edelgard.
  • Claude: Complete and utter defeat. I definitely don’t want to make enemies of you.
  • Edelgard: No need for the flattery, you two. You think it was a paper-thin margin, don’t you?
  • That I cannot deny. If we were to fight once more, perhaps the result would have been different.
  • Master, what do you think?
  • > 「The Blue Lions were strong」
    Dimitri: Thank you. From here on out, I must be zealous in my training.
  • > 「The Golden Deer were strong」
    Claude: Haha, that sure is an honor. But to be frank, the Black Eagles are one or maybe even two sheets of paper more skillful.
  • > 「It was easy」
    Edelgard: Master… Well, I don’t mind if you get carried away in the moment for now.
  • Claude: Anyhow, I just hope the day will never come where we’ll need to utilize what we learned in this battle.
  • Dimitri: Truly. I want anything but a future when I cross swords with all of you.
  • Edelgard: Indeed. The name of the Battle of the Eagle and Lion is originally taken from a conflict between the Empire and the Kingdom, though…
  • Even so, that’s in the past. Someday, that name too will disappear into the cracks of history.
  • > 「Exactly」
    > 「Let’s get along」
    Claude: Such an admirable thing to say.[2]憎いこと is mostly used sarcastically to mean admirable, but 憎い means detestable. …Now then, I also have a proposal.
  • When we return to Garreg Mach, why don’t we tear down the barriers between our classes and have a grand feast?
  • …Well, it’ll be at the cafeteria though.
  • Dimitri: It’ll be a good chance to mutually deepen our friendships. I support this.
  • Edelgard: …Fine with me. We’ll gather on the night of the day we return. Master, is that alright?
  • > 「I’m looking forward to it」
    > 「I want some nice victory wine…」
    Edelgard: What in the world happened to you, Master? You are surprisingly in high spirits today.
  • Edelgard: To be faced with that radiant smile… I might also end up letting loose.
  • Dimitri: Edelgard. Professor. That was a spectacular battle. You both fought exceptionally well.
  • Claude: Complete and utter defeat… I would hate to make an enemy of you two.
  • Edelgard:  No need to get carried away with praise. I know you both feel we won by a paper-thin margin.
  • And I won’t deny it. If we were to fight again, there’s no telling who would prevail.
  • What do you think, Professor?
  • > 「The Blue Lion House was very strong.」
    Dimitri: I am honored to hear you say that. Still, I must continue to train rigorously.
  • > 「The Golden Deer House was very strong.」
    Claude: I’m honored! And I’ll level with you – I think that margin is at least as wide as two sheets of paper. I mean that.
  • > 「They were nothing.」
    Edelgard: Professor?! Well, I suppose it’s OK to let victory go to your head just this once.
  • Claude: In any case, I hope the day never comes when we have to put this experience to use.
  • Dimitri: Agreed. I would hate to know a future in which I’m forced to cross swords with you.
  • Edelgard: True. Although the Battle of the Eagle and Lion was originally named after a war between the Empire and the Kingdom.
  • But that’s all in the past. I’m sure even the name will one day fade from the pages of history.
  • > 「I hope so.」
    > 「Let’s do our best to get along.」
    Claude: How admirable, Teach! On that note, I have a proposition.
  • When we get back to Garreg Mach, let’s have a grand feast to bring down the walls between our respective houses.
  • And by a “grand” feast, I mean a fairly regular feast in the dining hall.
  • Dimitri: It would be a fine opportunity to know each other better. Count me in.
  • Edelgard: So be it. Let’s plan to meet up on the night we return. Is that OK with you, Professor?
  • > 「I’m looking forward to it.」
    > 「We’ll celebrate our victory.」
    Edelgard: What’s gotten into you today? I’m not used to seeing you this excited.
  • Edelgard: Seeing such a big smile on your face is a rare gift… It makes me feel like I can maybe relax a little too.

Event: 先生への信頼・黒鷲の学級 (Trust in the Teacher – Black Eagles)

  • ベルナデッタ: 終わった……ようやく終わった……
  • ペトラ: ベルナデッタ、元気、出します。
  • ベルナデッタ: う、うん……でもね! でもね!
  • カスパル: おい、リンハルト!
    まだ話は終わってねえだろ? 聞けって!
  • 同盟の奴がこっちからこう来てだな、
  • リンハルト: はいはい、それで上手くさばいてまとめて
  • ドロテア: ねえ、何だかすでに良い感じの子たち、
    いなかった? ずるくないかしら?
  • 私だってこの後、
  • フェルディナント: ふむ……私も食後の紅茶でも、
  • > 《フェルディナント×ドロテア支援C以下の時》
    ドロテア: いいえ、間に合ってるわ、貴族様。
  • > 《フェルディナント×ドロテア支援Bの時》
    ドロテア: ……そうね、
  • エーデルガルト: ……今まで私は、一人で彼らを指揮し、
  • でも、せんせいが指揮し、私があの中に入って
  • 貴方の采配で戦うことを喜ぶ自分が
  • 皇帝は誰の采配も受けない。
  • けれど本当は……共に支え合い、導き合う
  • > 「それが自分だと?」
    > 「皇帝に指示するのは畏れ多い」
    エーデルガルト: ……せんせい、私は皇位継承者である前に
  • それは皇帝になっても、変わらない。
  • 以前、貴方を帝国で雇いたいという話を
  • 今はただ、貴方に手伝ってほしいと思う。
  • リンハルト: ほら、先生、そんな隅にいないでください。
  • ベルナデッタ: ベルが今日まで毎日寮から出て来られたのは
  • フェルディナント: 私たちを指導してくれる先生に、皆で
  • ペトラ: 先生の教え、我が血肉となりました。
  • カスパル: オレたちのこと、先生はバッチリ
  • ドロテア: ふふ、私たちを担任として導いてくれて、
  • フレン: わたくしも、このような体験ができて……
  • エーデルガルト: ……私も、皆と同じ気持ちよ。
  • Bernadetta: It’s over… It’s finally over… There were so many strangers at dinner…!
  • Petra: Bernadetta, you will emit cheer.[3]In Japanese, the words for the phrase “cheer up” is literally to “put out liveliness”.
    Petra uses normal form instead of te-form (imperative), making it sound weird.
    Good experiences, can make you grow up.
  • Bernadetta: Y-yeah… But, but! I can’t, everyone’s too sociableee!
  • Caspar: Oy, Lindhart! We weren’t done talking yet, right?  Listen up!
  • The alliance guys came from here like this, right?  And since the kingdom guys were there…
  • Lindhart: Yes yes, and then you skillfully handled them and defeated them all. I heard you. I’m going to sleep.
  • Dorothea: Hey, somehow suddenly there’s no cool[4]Specifically kids with good vibes. Also implies good-looking. kids around? That’s unfair, isn’t it?
  • I also wanted to disappear somewhere together with someone later…
  • Ferdinand: Hmm… I was also thinking about some after-dinner tea, how about it?
  • > 《Ferdinand x Dorothea C Support or Below》
    Dorothea: No, I’m fine, Mr. Noble. After all, there are some people I want to start talking to[5]To holler at, or to get to know someone you’re interested in..
  • > 《Ferdinand x Dorothea B Support》
    Dorothea: …Yeah, I’ll guess I’ll compromise with Feru-kun.
  • Edelgard: …Until now, I thought that I’d have to guide and command all of them myself.
  • But with Master commanding, while I was among them in experiencing battle…
  • I realized I myself was happy to fight under your command.
  • The Emperor takes orders from no one. It is their position to guide the Empire’s people in everything.
  • But really… Maybe it’s okay to have someone there to support and guide each other.
  • > 「Are you talking about me?」
    > 「I am not worthy to guide the Emperor」
    Edelgard: …Master, before I am heir to the Imperial throne, I am your student.
  • That won’t change even when I become Emperor.
  • I talked about recruiting you for the Empire before. I will revoke that.
  • Now, I think I just want you to help me.  Help my upcoming reign where I, as emperor, will…
  • Lindhart: Hey, Teacher, please don’t hide in that corner. After all, you’re the MVP.
  • Bernadetta: It’s thanks to Teacher that I’m now able to to leave my dorm everydayyy!
  • Ferdinand:  We were saying how we should all give our thanks to our teacher who has been guiding us.
  • Petra: Teacher’s teachings, have become my flesh and blood. …That line, I practiced and succeeded.
  • Caspar: Teacher, you’ve trained us perfectly!
  • Dorothea: Fufu, thank you for guiding us as our homeroom teacher.
  • Flayn: That I could also have this kind of experience… At least allow me to express my gratitude, Teacher.
  • Edelgard: …I, too, feel the same as everyone.
  • Bernadetta: It’s finally over… There were way too many strangers at that feast.
  • Petra: Put your chin high, Bernie. It was a chance for you to have growth.
  • Bernadetta: But… but everyone was acting so friendly! It was overwhelming…
  • Caspar: Linhardt, I wasn’t done talking to you!
  • If those Alliance guys came at it from here and those Kingdom guys came from there-
  • Lindhart: I know, I know. We’d have been able to take them all out at once. I heard you. I’m going to bed now.
  • Dorothea: Did anyone get the feeling that there were already couples forming? That’s not really fair, is it?
  • I wanted to sneak off with someone too…
  • Ferdinand: I was hoping for some tea after our meal anyway. Would you care to join me?
  • > 《Ferdinand x Dorothea C Support or Below》
    Dorothea: Thanks but no thanks, Mr. Noble. I already have my heart set on someone else.
  • > 《Ferdinand x Dorothea B Support》
    Dorothea: I suppose I can settle for you just this once, Ferdie.
  • Edelgard: Until today, I thought it would fall to me to command and guide our ranks all by myself.
  • But with you leading us, I’ve gotten to experience what it’s like to fight alongside everyone…
  • And I’ve realized… how happy it makes me, fighting under your command.
  • The emperor doesn’t take orders from anyone. It’s their duty to stand alone and lead the entire Empire.
  • But maybe it’s better to have someone to rely on… so that you can support and guide each other through the darkness.
  • > 「Am I that someone?」
    > 「I am unfit to guide an emperor.」
    Edelgard: I may be heir to the Imperial throne, but first and foremost, I’m your grateful student.
  • That will never change, even when I fulfill my destiny and become the emperor.
  • I told you long ago that I wished to enlist you in the service of the Empire. Well, I take it back.
  • Now I wish only for your continued guidance during my eventual reign.
  • Lindhart: Don’t just hide away in the corner, Professor. You’re the reason we’re celebrating.
  • Bernadetta: It’s because of you that I’ve had the courage to leave my room for a bit each day. I’m…I’m so grateful, Professor!
  • Ferdinand: We were all just discussing how well you led us. Remarkable!
  • Petra: Your guidance is without parallel, Professor. I have had practicing of that phrase.
  • Caspar: Your training’s been top notch. Really!
  • Dorothea: Whatever would we do without you?
  • Flayn: I have had the opportunity to experience much. Please allow me to offer you my gratitude once more, Professor.
  • Edelgard: I feel the same… You are something special, my teacher.

Event: 報告・飛竜の節 (Report – Flying Dragon Moon)

  • > 《他学級より多く敵を撃破しなかった時》
  • レア: 鷲獅子戦でのあなたの健闘ぶり、
  • セテス: 大樹の節での学級対抗戦と比較しても、
  • 君たちの奮闘を称えよう。
  • > 《他学級より多く敵を撃破した時》
  • レア: 鷲獅子戦での八面六臂の活躍、
  • セテス: 大樹の節での学級対抗戦と比較しても、
  • これも君の指導の賜物だろう。
  • レア: あなたの健闘を祝し、また生徒たちの
  • レア: 今後も生徒たちをよく教導し、
  • ソティス: わしの力を使うておるのじゃ。
  • セテス: この祝福すべき瞬間に、このような
  • 翌節、君たちの学級には、課題として
  • ソティス: ルミール村……確かおぬしが父と共に
  • > 「異変とは?」
    セテス: まだ詳細な状況は判明していないが、
  • 情報の真偽を確認するため、
  • 間もなく戻る頃だろう。
  • レア: 何か、良からぬことの
  • レア: ……皆に、主のご加護のあらんことを。
  • > 《Didn’t defeat more enemies than the other classes》
  • Rhea: You have shown us the way you fight bravely during the Battle of the Eagle and Lion.
  • Seteth: Even compared to the class rivalry battle during Great Tree Moon, the students have really grown.
  • You should be proud of the hard work that all of you put in.
  • > 《Defeated more enemies than the other classes》
  • Rhea: Your versatile[6]Rhea uses a phrase “8 faces 6 arms”, which basically means a jack of all trades”. efforts at the Battle of the Eagle and Lion were nothing short of impressive.
  • Seteth: Even compared to the class rivalry battle during Great Tree Moon, the students have really grown.
  • This is surely the result of your guidance.
  • Rhea: I bestow upon you thanks for your great efforts and expect much of your students in the future.
  • Rhea: From here on out, be an exemplary instructor for them and teach them well.
  • Sothis: That’s because you were using my power. I’d be worried if you didn’t win with that amount of leeway.
  • Seteth: It pains my heart to give you this task during a time that should be blessed, but…
  • Next moon, for your task, we will have your class go to Remire Village and investigate an incident.
  • Sothis: Remire Village… That’s unmistakably the village that has helped you and your father many times.
  • > 「What do you mean by incident?」
    Seteth: The details of the situation have yet to be confirmed, but the villagers appear to be in an odd state.
  • To confirm the validity of the reports, we have already sent the knights.
  • They should be returning soon. First, you should hear the story from them.
  • Rhea: I hope somehow this is not be an omen of evil things.
  • Rhea: …May the Lord protect you all.
  • > 《Didn’t defeat more enemies than the other classes》
  • Rhea: You fought bravely during the Battle of the Eagle and Lion.
  • Seteth: Comparing against their performance in the mock battle of the Great Tree Moon, the students have grown significantly.
  • I suppose I should praise your efforts.
  • > 《Defeated more enemies than the other classes》
  • Rhea: I can only call your deeds during the Battle of the Eagle and Lion…quite versatile.
  • Seteth: Comparing against their performance in the mock battle of the Great Tree Moon, the students have grown significantly.
  • It is clear that this is a result of your guidance.
  • Rhea: In appreciation of your efforts, and to show our high hopes for the future of your students, I award you with this.
  • Rhea: Please continue to instruct your students as a model teacher.
  • Sothis: So! You’ve made good use of all my power after all. I would have been upset if you had failed at such an easy task!
  • Seteth: It pains me to assign such a disturbing mission to you during such a blessed moment in time…
  • However, next month your assignment will be to journey to Remire Village to investigate an abnormal occurrence there.
  • Sothis: Remire Village… If I recall, you’ve been there with your father many times.
  • > 「An abnormal occurrence?」
    Seteth: I have yet to ascertain the details, but it would seem the villages have been acting strangely.
  • I have already dispatched the knights to verify the authenticity of this information.
  • They should be back shortly. I suggest you begin by finding out what they have discovered.
  • Rhea: I pray this is not a bad omen…
  • Rhea: May the goddess protect you all.


1 巴戦 is sumo terminology for a special type of fight between 3 people.
Sumo is 1 on 1, so the loser cycles out until a fighter defeats both other fighters consecutively to win.
2 憎いこと is mostly used sarcastically to mean admirable, but 憎い means detestable.
3 In Japanese, the words for the phrase “cheer up” is literally to “put out liveliness”.
Petra uses normal form instead of te-form (imperative), making it sound weird.
4 Specifically kids with good vibes. Also implies good-looking.
5 To holler at, or to get to know someone you’re interested in.
6 Rhea uses a phrase “8 faces 6 arms”, which basically means a jack of all trades”.


  1. I am very impressed by the effort you invested in the translation work regarding the FE dialogues and enjoyed every single one of your translated chapters, especially because the BE/Edelgard route is my favorite one. I am very interested in the lore behind Three Houses and got the impression that an accurate Japanese translation clears up some vague allusions or misinterpretations in the English version. I hope you will continue your great work and i am looking forward for some new translation differences in the later chapters! Do you actually plan to discuss translation differences regarding the “paired endings”? After i read about a reddit post discussing Edelgard´s shortened-lifespan-theory i was a bit irritated, because it was neither mentionend during the BE route nor in the ending (with exception of the Edelgard/Lysithea paired one) and the idea that one of my favorite characters (surprisingly) hast lost some life time quite bothers me. Some guys noted that the Japanese ending could be a bit different and maybe doesn´t prove the idea, that Edelgard has lost some years through the experiments, as right. I would be glad if you could clarify the Japanese-English-differences in this regard.

    • ryuuhoukagiyama

      March 18, 2020 at 12:50 am

      Thanks for the encouragement. I intended to do main story first and see how I felt. The purpose of this project is for analysis on localization techniques, and what companies choose to change and how they change it. I leave the discussion of the particular changes of the story to others on Reddit as I finish each chapter. Hopefully you are able to get what you are looking for once I finish translating Crimson Flower.

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