Based on a Reddit vote, I will be doing the Black Eagles route first. I will hold another vote when the route splits again.
Summary of changes:
- Lindhart’s mention of Japanese Keigo (honorific speech) was simplified.
- Petra uses an expression with “fat bellies” that is hard to translate.
- Dorothea has different responses for Male and Female Byleth.
- Petra doesn’t understand that “arm” also means “ability” in Japanese.
- Ferdinand gets to prattle on more about the responsibilities of the nobility.
- Edelgard starts calling Byleth “師”, which she pronounces “Sensei” but means Master (in a master-apprentice relationship).
- Hanneman is much less wordy.
- Edelgard feels more arrogant in her dialogue overall.
- Edelgard reveals she prefers her opposition to give minimal resistance.
- Dimitri tells you not to overdo it, which is hilarious.
- Dimitri is more clear that Dedue, Mercedes, and himself will stay still.
- Claude almost actually convinced you to go easy on him.
- Edelgard foreshadows her mercy to Claude.
- Edelgard likes it when you are arrogant as well.
- Edelgard attempts a more convincing friendship speech, but it’s still awkward.
- Seteth explains that students do missions instead of community service.
- The Flame Emperor reveals some different information.
Previous: Chapter 1 (Before Selecting House) | Next: Chapter 2 (Black Eagles)
Event: 初めての生徒 (The First Students)
- カスパル: なにいっ! 担任って、あんたなのか!?
まさか先生になるとは思わなかったぜ! - ドロテア: カスパルくん、ちょっと。
そんな言葉遣いでは失礼じゃない? - リンハルト: そりゃそうだけどね、
こいつに敬語を期待するだけ無駄だって。 - あ、先生。
これからよろしくお願いしますよ。 - それじゃ僕は昼寝してますので。
- ベルナデッタ: ひえっ!? い、今、あたしを見ました!?
お構いなく! お構いなくお願いします! - ドロテア: ごめんなさいねえ、混沌としてて……。
- フェルディナント: ところでどうだろう、先生。
私たちは同年代と聞いた。 - 今更ではあるが、学級の仲間のように
話しかけても構わないだろうか? - 学級内では、身分や年齢の差があっても、
分け隔てなく接することを推奨されている。 - 私としては、先生もその輪の中に
入ってもらえると嬉しいのだが。 - > 「構わない」
ペトラ: 先生、腹、太い、素敵です。
よろしく、願います。 - > 主人公が男性の場合
ドロテア: ん? ちょっと、ペトラちゃん。
それを言うなら太っ腹でしょ? - こんなに細身で素敵な体形の人に。
腹が太いなんて言っちゃダメよ。 - > 主人公が女性の場合
ドロテア: ん? ちょっと、ペトラちゃん。
それを言うなら太っ腹でしょ? - 女性に向かって、腹が太い、は禁句よ。
もちろん先生はすらりとして素敵だけど。 - ペトラ: 申し訳ない、です。
言葉、難しい、間違いある、あります。 - エーデルガルト: もちろん私に対しても、
普通に接してくれて構わない。 - 皇女といえど、学校にいる間は、
生徒の一人に過ぎないもの。 - 期待しているわ。この
黒鷲の学級 を、
しっかりと指導してくれることをね。 - カスパル: そうと決まれば、歓迎訓練だーっ!
な、先生、とりあえず腕を見せてくれよ! - ペトラ: 腕、見せる、ですか?
何のため、鎧、外させます? - カスパル: だあーっ、違うぜ。
腕っつったら剣の腕に決まってんだろ! - ベルナデッタ: 訓練なんて、ごめんです!
座学でお願いしますううう! - ドロテア: 親睦を深めるために、まずはお茶の時間に
しません? それがいいわよねえ、先生。 - リンハルト: ……すやすや。
- フェルディナント: 君たち、仲間として接すると言っても
限度というものがあるだろう! - 誇り高き貴族の、そして帝国を代表する
黒鷲の学級 の一員としての責務をだね…… - ヒューベルト: ククク……この騒ぎを静めるのが、
最初の仕事のようですな、先生。 - エーデルガルト: ……普段は、もう少しだけ
まともだと思うから。 - よろしく頼むわね、
師 。
- Caspar: Whaat?! The one in charge, is you?!
I woulda never thought you’d be a teacher! - Dorothea: Hold it, Caspar-kun. That wording’s a bit rude, isn’t it?
- Lindhart: You may be right, but it’s impossible to expect him to use honorific speech.[1]Lindhart is referring to Japanese Keigo, which is an honorific form of polite speech used with your superiors. It is difficult to learn, so children are not really expected to know it.
- Ah, Teacher. I look forward to being in your care.
- And with that, I will be taking a nap.
- Bernadetta: Hiee?! D-did you just look at me?! Don’t mind me! Please don’t mind me![2]Bernadetta uses honorific speech when asking you to not mind her.
- Dorothea: Sorry for being so chaotic…
- Ferdinand: By the way, I wonder, Teacher. I heard we are the same generation.
- Do you mind if we continue to talk to you as one of our classmates, just as we are now?
- In our class, we have been recommend to connect without splitting into groups, even with differences in age and status.
- As for me, I would be glad if our teacher also could enter that circle with us.
- > 「I don’t mind」
Petra: Teacher, your belly… is fat. Fantastic. To meet you, is nice.[3]A hard-to-translate expression. In some places in Japan, the phrase “one’s belly is fat” means that one does not discriminate between big and small.
Thus, Petra is thanking you for not discriminating and being strict on hierarchy. - > If Byleth is male
Dorothea: Huh? Wait, Petra-chan. If you say that, that actually means a fat belly, you know? - To someone with such a nice splendid figure like him… you must’t say things like his belly is fat.
- > If Byleth is female
Dorothea: Huh? Wait, Petra-chan. If you say that, that actually means a fat belly, you know? - “Fat belly” to a girl is a taboo word! Even though obviously our teacher is nice and slim.
- Petra: I am very apologies. Words are… difficult. Have made mistakes, I have made.[4]Petra’s grammar is quite bad here.
- Edelgard: Of course regarding me, I also do not mind if you connect with me normally.
- Though I am the Imperial Princess, while I am in school, I am no more than another one of the students.
- We’re all counting on you. To firmly guide us
Black Eagles , that is. - Caspar: If that’s decided, let’s have a welcoming training session! Hey, Teacher, please show me your arms right away![5]In Japanese, arm also means skill or ability. Caspar wants you to show off your skills,
but Petra mistakens this for wanting to see actual arms. - Petra: You want, to see, arms? For what purpose? Will our armor, be taken off?
- Caspar: Dah, you got it wrong. When I said arms, I meant his sword ability!
- Bernadetta: I’m sorry, but anything but training! Please just have class!
- Dorothea: To deepen our friendship, shouldn’t we first have teatime? That’d be nice, you know, Teacher.
- Lindhart: …Zzz.
- Ferdinand: All of you, we said we would connect as friends, but there still are limits, you know!
- Each of us have responsibilities as members of the
Black Eagles to represent the pride of the nobility, as well as the empire… - Hubert: Kukuku… Looks like calming down this racket is your first task, Teacher.
- Edelgard: …And here I thought we were usually a bit more upright.
- Please take good care of us, Master.[6]This is the first time Edelgard calls you “master”. In the text, she uses the character for master in a master-apprentice relationship, “師”,
to indicate the respect and expectation she has for you. However, in the voice line she still calls you teacher, “sensei”.
- Caspar: Wait. So our new professor is…you?! I didn’t see that one coming!
- Dorothea: Easy, Caspar. Aren’t you being a bit rude?
- Lindhart: You know it’s a waste of time to expect politeness from him.
- It will be a pleasure learning from you, Professor.
- Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to take a nap.
- Bernadetta: Ah! Don’t look at me like that! Oh, and…please don’t talk to me too much either.
- Dorothea: I’m sorry for the chaos you’ve walked into…
- Ferdinand: I hear we are rather close in age, Professor.
- I hope you do not mind if we treat you like one of us.
- In our class, we try to treat each other as equals, despite any differences in age or status.
- Personally, I would love to include you in that inner circle.
- > 「I don’t mind at all.」
Petra: You have a gut, Professor. I will take great joy from your teachings. - > If Byleth is male
Dorothea: Petra, I believe you mean to say that our professor has guts. That’s a bit different from having a gut. - You can’t go around saying someone so slim and attractive has a gut!
- > If Byleth is female
Dorothea: Huh? Wait, Petra. If you say that, that actually means a fat belly, you know? - You can’t go around saying someone so slim and attractive has a gut!
- Petra: Oh? Please take my apologies. I have not yet mastered this language.
- Edelgard: Professor, I want you to know that it’s perfectly acceptable for you to treat me as you do the others.
- I may be the Imperial princess, but here at the academy, I’m just another student.
- That said, know that I have high expectations of you. And high hopes. But I’m certain you can lead the Black Eagle House to greatness.
- Caspar: Sure, sure. Now let’s break the ice with a training session! I want to see our new teacher in action.
- Petra: Why will the ice be broken? Is this a custom I have missed in my studies?
- Caspar: Not real ice, just the ice of…um… Well, it just means let’s get to know each other.
- Bernadetta: I don’t want to train! Let’s stay in the classroom and…learn from a book.
- Dorothea: Let’s all calm down and have a nice cup of tea, how about? Doesn’t that sound lovely, Professor?
- Lindhart: …Zzz.
- Ferdinand: I know we all agreed to treat each other as equals, but there is a limit to what I can tolerate.
- The esteemed Black Eagle House requires order.
- Hubert: Looks like your first job will be to quiet down this racket. I don’t envy you.
- Edelgard: Ugh, they’re not normally this…rowdy.
- I do hope you can manage, Professor.
Event: 紋章学者の部屋 (The Crest Scholar’s Room)
- ハンネマン: 来て早々だが、この装置を使って
君に紋章の力があるかを確かめさせてくれ。 - なに、紋章を知らない?
少し長くなるが、我輩が説明するとしよう。 - さて、まずは紋章とは何か、であるな。
……紋章とは、力だ。 - 遙か昔、女神より人に授けられたと言われ、
人の体に宿り、血によって受け継がれる。 - 紋章を宿した者は、魔道に優れたり、
強靭な肉体を有したり、等々…… - それぞれの紋章に対応した、
人智を超える力を持つのだ。 - > 「その紋章が自分にも?」
ハンネマン: どうかな、調べてみなければわからぬよ。 - 言ったとおり、紋章は血によって
受け継がれるが…… - たとえ先祖に紋章を宿した者がいたとて、
その子孫が必ず紋章を宿すとは限らない。 - 子孫の中の限られた者だけが、
紋章の力を受け継ぐことができるのだ。 - 君の先祖に紋章を宿した者がいて、
たまたま君がそれを受け継いでいれば…… - ということなのだよ。
- > 「調べてくれ」
ハンネマン: うむ、もちろんだ。
すぐにでも調べるとも。 - >「調べなくていい」
ハンネマン: いや、そうもいかない。
我輩は教団で紋章の研究をしていてね。 - 君も教師となったからには、我輩の研究に
付き合ってもらわねばならない。 - まあ、セテス君のように、研究への協力を
断り続ける者もいるが……例外中の例外だ。 - ハンネマン: さあ、この装置の上に
手を伸ばしてくれたまえ。 - こ、これは……!?
- 見たことのない文様……
まさか、未発見の紋章だというのか? - この世にまだ我輩の知らぬ紋章が
存在したとは……! 格別の刺激だ! - ……うむ、興奮してしまった。
さあ、もう出て行ってくれて結構だ。 - 我輩はこれからこの紋章について、
調べねばならん。君の役目は終わった。 - ふむ、この線……何を意味しているのか。
対称性の欠如とでも言うべきか、む…… - こちらは、いったい? そうか……
もしやこれは一部で、もっと大きな…… - ベレト/ベレス: ………………。
- Hanneman: I know you’ve only just arrived, but please use this device for me and confirm whether you have any crest power.
- What, you don’t know about crests? It might go on a bit long, but I shall be the one to explain to you.
- Now, let’s start with the definition of crests, shall we? …Crests are… power.
- A long time ago, it is said that certain people received them from the goddess, dwell within the body, and can be inherited by blood.
- Those who house crests do things like excel at magic, have strong bodies, and so on…
- Being matched to a respective crest would mean possessing a power that surpasses human understanding.
- > 「Do I myself also have one of those crests?」
Hanneman: Perhaps you do, but we won’t know until we try to examine it. - As I mentioned, crests are passed on by blood but…
- For example, even if an ancestor was someone who had a crest, it doesn’t necessarily mean their offspring will absolutely have a crest.
- Only a limited few of those descendants can inherit the power of the crest.
- Perhaps one of your ancestors was someone who housed a crest and you have unexpectedly inherited it…
- Or so it is said to be.
- > 「Examine me」
Hanneman: Yes, of course. I will examine you right away. - >「You don’t have to examine me」
Hanneman: Oh no, that wouldn’t do. I do work as a Crest Reasearcher for the church after all. - Since you are now also a professor here, you must go along with my research.
- Well, there are those like Seteth who refuse research collaboration but… they are exceptions within exceptions.
- Hanneman: Now then, raise your hand above this tool for me.
- T-this is…?!
- A pattern I haven’t seen before… Could this be an undiscovered crest?
- That in this world, there are crests that exist which I still do not know…! How positively thrilling!
- …Ahem, I accidentally got too excited. Well then, I’m fine with you leaving now.
- I must examine this crest starting now. Your work here is done.
- Hum, this line … What does it mean? Could one describe it as a lack of symmetry? Hmm…
- And what in the world is this here? Is that so…? Perhaps it’s a part, of something bigger…
- Byleth: …
- Hanneman: Say, while you’re here…I’d like to use this device I designed to determine whether the power of a Crest resides within you. Won’t hurt a bit. Promise.
- You don’t know about Crests? Well, allow me to tell you everything–absolutely everything–about them. Is your calendar clear? This will take a while.
- Crests are a fascinating topic, but before one can dive deeply into said topic, one must first understand what Crests are. They are power incarnate.
- They are said to have been bestowed upon humans by the goddess countless ages ago. They exist within the flesh, and are passed down through bloodlines.
- Those who carry crests may excel at magic, display exceptional strength, or any number of boons.
- Each Crest has its own power, the nature of which is beyond mortal understanding. For now.
- > 「And you believe I have a Crest?」
Hanneman: I suspect as much, yes. But we won’t know for sure unless I look into the matter. - As I said, Crests are passed down through the blood.
- However, just because someone carries a Crest does not necessarily mean their descendants will inherit it as well.
- Only a scarce few descendants of a Crest’s bloodline end up inheriting that Crest’s power.
- Perhaps one of your ancestors bore a Crest, and you just happened to inherit it.
- That is how a Crest usually presents itself, after all.
- > 「Do what you can to find out.」
Hanneman: Yes, of course. I’ll get to the bottom of it straight away. - >「There’s no need to look into it.」
Hanneman: I most strongly disagree! There absolutely is a need. My Crest research is of critical importance to the church, I’ll have you know. - Since you are now a professor here, I must insist that you aid in my research.
- Of course…there are those who lack the foresight to aid in my endeavors, such as that stubborn Seteth. But such individuals are the rare exception.
- Hanneman: Now then, please go ahead and hold out your arm over this device here.
- What is this?!
- A pattern I’ve never seen before… Is it possible an as-yet undiscovered Crest has been detected?
- To think there are still Crests out there that even I am unaware of! How thrilling!
- Ahem… Pardon my unrestrained jubilation. I have much to consider. You may leave now.
- Yes, so very much more research. But for now, your work here is done.
- Hmm… What could this line here be indicating? Perhaps it represents a lack of symmetry… or perhaps…
- What in the world? Oh, I see… It may be connected to that, but to a greater degree than usual…
- Byleth: …
Event: 挑発 (Provocation)
- エーデルガルト: いよいよ模擬戦ね。……良い機会だわ、
師 、貴方が指揮を執ってくれる? - 私たちを教え導くに足るかどうか、
師 の器を測らせてもらうわ。 - > 「任せてくれ」
エーデルガルト: 自信がありそうね。 - > 「自信がない」
エーデルガルト: あらあら、弱気なことね。 - エーデルガルト: 私たちもそれなりに訓練を積んできている。
きっと貴方の采配にも応えられるわ。 - だから遠慮なんてせずに、
貴方の全力を見せてくれる? - クロード: やあ、お二人さん。
作戦会議かい? 俺たちも交ぜてくれよ。 - エーデルガルト: いいわよ。手土産に貴方たちの弱みを
教えてくれるというならね。 - クロード: おやおや、弱みがなければ勝てないのか?
随分と自信薄なんだな、皇女様は。 - エーデルガルト: 勝つための努力を惜しまないだけよ。
貴方だって、策を巡らしているくせに……。 - クロード: 策? はっはっは、いったい何のことやら。
俺たちは正々堂々、戦うだけさ。 - ディミトリ: クロード……お前の口から「正々堂々」と
聞くと、嫌な予感しかしないんだが。 - クロード: ほう、短い付き合いで、もう俺のことが
わかってきたのか? やるな、王子様。 - ディミトリ: 茶化すな。俺は、正々堂々と戦う。だからと
いって勝ちを譲るつもりはないからな。 - エーデルガルト: ふふ、それはこちらも同じよ。
そうでしょう? - > 「お手柔らかに」
クロード: おっと、先生の本心はわかってるんだ。
負ける気はないって顔に書いてある。 - > 「負ける気はない」
ディミトリ: 良かった。先生がそう言うのなら、
こちらも心置きなく戦える。 - マヌエラ: あらあら、みんな揃ってお喋りかしら?
すっかり仲良くなったようね。 - ハンネマン: 君たちが親睦を深めるのは大変結構だが、
そろそろ作戦会議の時間だ。 - クロード: もうそんな時間か。
それじゃ、お二人さん。また後でな。 - ディミトリ: エーデルガルトも、先生も、
- Edelgard: Looks like the mock battle is finally here… This is a good opportunity, master. Can you assume command?
- I will measure your capacity of whether or not you are worthy enough to instruct us.
- > 「Leave it to me」
Edelgard: You seem rather confident. - > 「I’m not confident」
Edelgard: Oh my, how timid. - Edelgard: We have also been accumulating the necessary training. We will surely be able to rise to your command.
- Therefore without hesitation, will you show us the full extent of your strength?
- Claude: Oh hey, you two. Is this a strategy meeting? Let us join in too.
- Edelgard: I’m fine with that. If perhaps, as a gift, you tell us your weaknesses.
- Claude: Oh dear, so if I don’t have any weakness, you won’t win? Your confidence is terribly thin, O Imperial Princess.
- Edelgard: It’s only so that we can win without sparing much effort. Knowing you, you’re probably thinking up some kind of plan…
- Claude: Plan? Hahaha, what are you going on about? I’m only going to fight fair and square.
- Dimitri: Claude… Hearing “fair and square” coming from your mouth makes for a bad omen.
- Claude: Oh, do you already know me after being with me such a short time? Not bad, O Prince.
- Dimitri: Don’t make fun of me. I fight fair and square. And just because I do, doesn’t mean I intend to give up victory.
- Edelgard: Fufu, we are the same in that regard. Isn’t that right?
- > 「Go easy on us」
Claude: Whoops, I figured out Teacher’s true feelings. You’ve got “I don’t intend to lose” written on your face. - > 「I don’t intend to lose」
Dimitri: Good. If Teacher says so, then I can fight without holding back. - Manuela: My my, is everyone gathered here for a chat? Seems like you’re all totally getting along.
- Hanneman: Deepening your bonds is great and all, but the time has come for the strategy meeting.
- Claude: That time already, huh? Well then, you two, see ya later.
- Dimitri: Edelgard, Teacher. Take care not to overdo it.
- Edelgard: It’s finally time for the mock battle.
- This is my chance to measure your worth as an instructor. Do you think you can rise to the challenge?
- > 「Leave it to me.」
Edelgard: So confident. This will be interesting. - > 「I’m concerned…」
Edelgard: That doesn’t inspire much confidence, does it? - Edelgard: Each of us has undergone strict training.
- We’re prepared for anything that comes our way. That means there’s no need to hold back. Show us what you’re capable of.
- Claude: Hey there! Did we miss our invite to this strategy meeting? Oh, no worries–we’ll just join in now.
- Edelgard: Simply tell me your weaknesses, and you’re welcome to stay. But is there enough time to cover them all?
- Claude: Ah, so you can’t win unless you know my weakness? Poor princess. You really should believe in yourself more.
- Edelgard: I spare no effort when pursuing victory. As a master of schemes, I should think you would understand.
- Claude: Schemes? Me? I have no idea what you’re talking about! I plan to fight fair and square, as ever.
- Dimitri: Hearing the words “fair and square” from Claude can only be a bad omen.
- Claude: Your Highnesses haven’t known me for very long, but you already have me figured out, don’t you?
- Dimitri: No need to poke fun. I will fight with honor. That said, I will fight to win.
- Edelgard: Yes, and the same is true of us. Right, Professor?
- > 「Don’t go too hard on us.」
Claude: No use trying to hide how you really feel, Teach. I can see it in your eyes–you don’t intend to lose. - > 「I don’t intend to lose.」
Dimitri: If that is how you feel, then I will not hold back. - Manuela: Aw, how precious. Looks like you and the students have become fast friends.
- Hanneman: While I am pleased that you are taking the initiative to acquaint yourself with the students, I’m afraid it’s about time for the faculty strategy meeting.
- Claude: Ah, how time flies! In that case, I’ll see you later.
- Dimitri: Edelgard. Professor. Be careful out there.
Battle: 鷲と獅子と鹿の戦い (The Battle of the Eagle, the Lion, and the Deer)
- > 戦闘開始前
- エーデルガルト: いよいよ対抗戦よ、
師 。
思う存分、采配を振るってくれる? - > 戦闘開始時
- ジェラルト: わかってると思うが、他学級の奴らを
残らず敗走させた学級が勝利だぞ! - ちなみに俺は、今回の模擬戦の指南役だ。
勝ちたきゃ俺の言うことをよく聞いときな。 - > 1ターン目敵フェイズ
- ローレンツ: クロード、お前の浅知恵など必要ない。
僕とイグナーツ君で敵の出鼻を挫いてやる。 - イグナーツ: ええっ、ボク!?
まだ心の準備ができてませんよお…… - クロード: やれやれ……向こうの先生を侮ってないか?
油断すると痛い目に遭うと思うがなあ……。 - ディミトリ: アッシュ、お前は前線に向えるか。
敵を戦場の中央に釣り出したい。 - アッシュ: はいっ!
やってみます、殿下! - ディミトリ: 用意が整い次第、攻勢に出る。ドゥドゥー、
メルセデス、それまで足止めを頼む。 - ドゥドゥー: は……お任せを。
- メルセデス: あらあら、頑張れるかしら~。
- > ローレンツ撃破
- ローレンツ: チッ、この僕が負けるなんて……。
模擬戦とはいえ腹立たしい……! - > イグナーツ撃破
- イグナーツ: あはは、やられちゃいました……。
新しい先生の指揮、流石だなあ。 - > ヒルダ撃破
- ヒルダ: もー! あたしなんて、
放っといてくれればいいのにー! - > ドゥドゥー撃破
- ドゥドゥー: くっ……ここまでか。
……申し訳ありません、殿下。 - > アッシュ撃破
- アッシュ: 強い……!
次は、負けませんからね! - > メルセデス撃破
- メルセデス: あらあら、負けちゃったわ……。
私はここまでみたいね~。 - > 金鹿生初撃破後
- クロード: やってくれるね、先生。
これは本気でかからないとな……! - > ディミトリ接近(金鹿敗退前)
- クロード: 2つの学級と同時に戦おうってのか?
へえ、たいした自信だな。 - ディミトリ: この状況、好機と見た。
俺たちも一気に畳みかけるぞ! - > クロード接近
- クロード: この森を利用して敵を迎え撃つぞ。
みんな、援護してくれ! - > クロード接近後自フェイズ
- ジェラルト: 森で待ち構えられてんなら、迂回するなり
何なり対策をしたほうが上手くいくぜ。 - > クロード接近、森迂回
- クロード: おっと、回り込んできやがったか……。
こりゃ強引に迎え撃つしか手はないな。 - > 主人公VSクロード
- クロード: 俺は戦術はともかく戦闘はからきしなんだ。
だから手加減してくれよ、先生。 - ベレト/ベレス: ………………。
- クロード: 真顔で頷かれると困るが……。
冗談ってのは、わかってるよな? - > エーデルガルトVSクロード
- クロード: 皇女殿下自らお出ましとは。
その顔を傷つけないようにしないとな。 - エーデルガルト: 手を抜いてくれるなら助かるわ。
どうせ勝つなら楽に勝ちたいもの。 - クロード: 負けるとは欠片も思ってないわけだ。
となると、本気を出してみたくなるが…… - エーデルガルト: ……初めからそのつもりよね?
- > クロード撃破(金鹿陣営生存時)
- クロード: あらら、やられちまったか……。
他の奴らの活躍に期待するしかないな。 - > クロード撃破(金鹿陣営全滅時)
- クロード: おっと……油断しすぎたか。
金鹿の学級 は、これで敗退だな。 - > マヌエラ撃破
- マヌエラ: やるじゃない。これ以上、無理をしたら
あたくしが医務室のお世話になっちゃうわ。 - > (ハンネマン生存時)
ハンネマン: マヌエラ君を退けたか。
我輩も心してかかるとしよう。 - > ディミトリ接近(金鹿敗退後)
- ディミトリ: たいした手際だな、先生。
だが、本当の勝負はここからだ! - > 主人公VSディミトリ
- ディミトリ: 手強い相手だが、勝ちを譲る気はない。
全力で行かせてもらうぞ……! - > エーデルガルトVSディミトリ
- エーデルガルト: ディミトリ、勝負よ。
ここで優劣を決しておくのも悪くないわ。 - ディミトリ: ……いいだろう、受けて立つ。
君が相手であろうと、手加減はしない。 - エーデルガルト: そうこなくてはね!
- > ディミトリ撃破(青獅子陣営生存時)
- ディミトリ: 修練が足りなかったか……。
皆、すまない……後は頼む。 - > ディミトリ撃破(青獅子陣営全滅時)
- ディミトリ: くっ……なかなかやるな。
青獅子の学級 はここまで、か……。 - > ハンネマン撃破
- ハンネマン: 実戦を積んだ者の指揮は、流石に違うな。
我輩が手も足も出なかったよ。 - > (マヌエラ生存時)
マヌエラ: 去年あたくしの学級が勝った時は、褒めも
しなかったくせに、その態度の違いは何!? - > 戦闘勝利後
- ジェラルト: よーし、そこまでだ!
今回の模擬戦の勝者は……! 黒鷲の学級 だな!- エーデルガルト: 模擬戦とはいえ、2学級を見事に降したわ。
- > Before Battle Start
- Edelgard: The rivalry battle is finally here, Master. As you wish, will you assume command?
- > Battle Start
- Jeralt: I’m sure you know this, but the class that defeats all the guys from the other classes is the winner!
- By the way, I’m the coach for the mock battle this time. If you wanna win, listen well to what I say.
- > Turn 1 Enemy Phase
- Lorenz: Claude, there is no need for your shallow thinking. Ignatz and I will take the wind out of their sails.
- Ignatz: Eeh, me?! But I haven’t mentally prepared myself…
- Claude: Good grief… are you looking down on the other teacher? If you let your guard down, I think you’ll be in for some pain…
- Dimitri: Ashe, can you approach the front line? I want to lure the enemy into the middle of the battlefield.
- Ashe: Yes! I will try to do that, your Highness!
- Dimitri: As soon as preparations are in order, go on the offensive. Dedue, Mercedes, I ask that you stay put there.
- Dedue: Yes, sir… Leave it to me.
- Mercedes: My my, I’ll do my best~
- > Lorenz Defeated
- Lorenz: Tch, I lost…? It may be a mock battle, but it’s still aggravating…!
- > Ignatz Defeated
- Ignatz: Ahaha, I got done in… The new teacher’s command is as expected, huh?
- > Hilda Defeated
- Hilda: Geez! Even though I said you should just leave me alone!
- > Dedue Defeated
- Dedue: Kuh… so this is it. …My apologies, your highness.
- > Ashe Defeated
- Ashe: Strong…! I won’t lose next time, though!
- > Mercedes Defeated
- Mercedes: My my, I lost… Looks like this is it for me~
- > After defeating first Golden Deer
- Claude: You did it, Teacher. Looks like I’ll have to take this seriously…!
- > Approaching Dimitri (Before Golden Deer Loss)
- Claude: Were you going to attack two classes at the same time? Wow, such great confidence.
- Dimitri: I saw an opportunity in this situation. We shall also fold into them at once!
- > Approaching Claude
- Claude: We’ll use this forest and engage the enemy. Everyone, cover me!
- > After Approaching Claude, Own Phase
- Jeralt: If they’re content to wait in the forest, it is more effective to take measures such as circumvention, for instance.
- > Approaching Claude, Circumvent Forest
- Claude: Oops, they’ve surrounded us… now our only option is to forcefully engage them.
- > Byleth VS Claude
- Claude: For me, tactics aside, my battle skills aren’t all that. So go easy on me, Teacher.
- Byleth: …
- Claude: Nodding your head with a straight face concerns me… You know that was a joke, right?
- > Edelgard VS Claude
- Claude: Her Highness the Imperial Princess herself has come out. I have to make sure I don’t wound that face of yours.
- Edelgard: If you ease up on us, you will be spared. If I am to win no matter what, I want to win comfortably.
- Claude: So you haven’t thought about the possibility of losing. If that’s the cause, it makes me want to try and get serious…
- Edelgard: …That was your intention from the start, was it not?
- > Claude Defeated(Golden Deer Remain)
- Claude: Tsk-tsk, I got beat, huh… I have no choice buy to hope for the others to succeed.
- > Claude Defeated(Golden Deer Routed)
- Claude: Oops… I got too careless, huh? Guess the
Golden Deer are eliminated now. - > Manuela Defeated
- Manuela: Not bad. If I push on more than this, I’ll end up in the care of my own infirmary.
- > Hanneman Alive
Hanneman: So, you’ve removed Manuela. I shall also take caution. - > Approaching Dimitri(After Golden Deer Loss)
- Dimitri: A great performance, Teacher. But now, the real match begins!
- > Byleth VS Dimitri
- Dimitri: You are a strong opponent, but I don’t intend to give up victory. You will receive me going at my full power…!
- > Edelgard VS Dimitri
- Edelgard: Dimitri, this is win or lose. It wouldn’t be bad to determine who is superior here.
- Dimitri: …Very well, I accept your challenge. With you as my opponent, I will not ease up.
- Edelgard: That’s what I wanted to hear!
- > Dimitri Defeated(Blue Lions Remain)
- Dimitri: So my training was not enough… Sorry, everyone… I leave the rest to you.
- > Dimitri Defeated(Blue Lions Routed)
- Dimitri: Kuh…Not half bad.
So the …Blue Lions are finished - > Hanneman Defeated
- Hanneman: The command of someone with accumulated experience is different than I expected. I couldn’t do a thing.
- > (Manuela Alive)
Manuela: You didn’t even praise me when my class won last year, so what’s with that difference in attitude?! - > After Battle
- Jeralt: Alright, that’s enough! This time’s mock battle’s winner is…
- The
Black Eagles ! - Edelgard: Though it was a mock battle, we defeated the two other classes impressively. Everyone, take pride in this victory!
- > Before Battle Start
- Edelgard: The mock battle is finally here. Will you lead us to victory?
- > Battle Start
- Jeralt: I’m sure you already understand, but the house that defeats the other two is declared the winner.
- Incidentally, I’ll be overseeing this mock battle. So listen well if you want to win.
- > Turn 1 Enemy Phase
- Lorenz: None of your shallow tactics are required, Claude. Ignatz and I will dismantle the opposition.
- Ignatz: Me?! But I’m not ready!
- Claude: Are you making light of our new professor? If you drop your guard, you’re going to get hurt…
- Dimitri: Ashe, can you move to the front lines? I want to lure the enemy this way.
- Ashe: Got it, Your Highness! Leave it to me!
- Dimitri: Once you’ve finished preparing, make your move. Dedue, Mercedes. Keep our enemy occupied until then.
- Dedue: I’m on it.
- Mercedes: Oh my! We’ll try our best!
- > Lorenz Defeated
- Lorenz: I’ve lost?! Oh! Unthinkable!
- > Ignatz Defeated
- Ignatz: I’ve lost. The new professor is quite a commander.
- > Hilda Defeated
- Hilda: Ouch! Was that really necessary?
- > Dedue Defeated
- Dedue: Ngh. Apologies, Your Highness. I can go no further.
- > Ashe Defeated
- Ashe: Ah–so strong! Have to do better next time…
- > Mercedes Defeated
- Mercedes: Oh no… This is as far as I can go…
- > After defeating first Golden Deer
- Claude: Well done, Teach! I may have to take this seriously after all!
- > Approaching Dimitri (Before Golden Deer Loss)
- Claude: Are you really gonna fight two houses at once? Heh, an impressive display of confidence.
- Dimitri: This is a good opportunity for us. Let’s forge ahead!
- > Approaching Claude
- Claude: Let’s use the forest to set up an ambush. I’m counting on your support, everyone!
- > After Approaching Claude, Own Phase
- Jeralt: If they’re waiting in the forest, we’d do well to take a detour.
- > Approaching Claude, Circumvent Forest
- Claude: Welp, we’re surrounded. All we can do is fight back with all our might!
- > Byleth VS Claude
- Claude: Coming up with brilliant schemes, I can handle. No problem. But I’m not much for fighting. Go easy on me!
- Byleth: …
- Claude: You know that was a joke, right? Jeez, not so much as a smile…
- > Edelgard VS Claude
- Claude: Look at that, a real life princess! I’ll have to be careful not to scar that little face of yours.
- Edelgard: Careful, Claude. I’ll win no matter what, but you’re only making things harder for yourself.
- Claude: Losing hasn’t even crossed your mind, has it? Ooh, this’ll be a bit of a shock, then.
- Edelgard: To shock was your intention to begin with, was it not?
- > Claude Defeated(Golden Deer Remain)
- Claude: Argh, I hate losing! I guess I’ll just have to settle for cheering the others on.
- > Claude Defeated(Golden Deer Routed)
- Claude: I must have let my guard down. I guess that’s a loss for the Golden Deer House.
- > Manuela Defeated
- Manuela: Well done. I nearly wound up a patient in my own infirmary.
- > Hanneman Alive
Hanneman: So, you’ve made it past Manuela, eh? I see now I must focus, and then make my move. - > Approaching Dimitri(After Golden Deer Loss)
- Dimitri: Beautiful work, Professor. But the true challenge starts now!
- > Byleth VS Dimitri
- Dimitri: You’re a tough opponent, but I refuse to yield. Do not fool yourself into believing I will hold back!
- > Edelgard VS Dimitri
- Edelgard: Dimitri… It’s time! We can finally settle the question of who’s stronger.
- Dimitri: Very well. I accept your challenge. With you as my opponent, I won’t hold anything back.
- Edelgard: I would expect no less!
- > Dimitri Defeated(Blue Lions Remain)
- Dimitri: My training was insufficient… I am so sorry, everyone. The rest is up to you.
- > Dimitri Defeated(Blue Lions Routed)
- Dimitri: I suppose that does it for the Blue Lion House…
- > Hanneman Defeated
- Hanneman: My goodness. The leadership of someone with actual battle experience is… Well! I was as good as useless.
- > (Manuela Alive)
Manuela: Hey! You didn’t compliment me like that when my class won last year! - > After Battle
- Jeralt: All right, that’s that! The winner of this mock battle is…
- The Black Eagle House!
- Edelgard: Even though it was just a mock battle, we defeated both houses masterfully. Take pride in this victory, everyone!
Event: 対抗戦を終えて (After the Rivalry Fight)
- エーデルガルト: お疲れ様、
師 。
まあ、当然の勝利だったわね。 - > 「危なかった」
エーデルガルト: そうかしら?
そうは見えなかったけれど。 - >「余裕だった」
エーデルガルト: そうね。私たちの師 となるのだから、
それくらいの態度でいてもらわなくては。 - ペトラ: 先生、素晴らしいです。
勝ちました。見事な采配、感謝します。 - ドロテア: ええ。個々人の頑張りもあったけれど、
先生の指揮は言うに及ばずですねえ。 - フェルディナント: 実力はどんなものかと思っていたが、
なかなかやるじゃないか。 - ヒューベルト: ……エーデルガルト様の力あっての
勝利だとは思いますがね。 - リンハルト: どうかな。この戦いにおいては彼女は兵、
先生は将だったわけだ。強兵といえど…… - カスパル: 細けえことはいいんだよ、リンハルト!
勝ったんだから素直に喜べって! - ベルナデッタ: あ、あたしはもう戦場はいいですから!
勝ち名乗りよりも引き籠もりが好きです! - エーデルガルト: 相変わらずまとまりのない……。
- でも、この勝利は私たちが団結した結果。
皆の力が合わさったからこそ…… - なに? この空気……いえ、いいわ。
- どうせ私には「団結」とか「皆の力」とか、
似合わないというのでしょう。 - ならばこの後の祝勝会は中止で……冗談よ。
- Edelgard: Thanks for your hard work, Master. Well, it was only natural that we won.
- > 「It was close」
Edelgard: Was it, I wonder? It didn’t seem that way, though. - >「It was easy」
Edelgard: Wasn’t it? You are to be our Master, so you’ll need to go about with that kind of attitude.[7]This option raises support with Edelgard. - Petra: Teacher, that was wonderful. We won. Many thanks, for the impressive commanding.
- Dorothea: Indeed. Each person also did their best, but needless to say, it was our teacher’s commanding.
- Ferdinand: I was wondering what your true strength looked like, and it was quite impressive, wasn’t it?
- Hubert: …Though I think it was with Lady Edelgard’s power that we won.
- Lindhart: I wonder about that. In this battle, she was a soldier and Teacher was the general. Albeit a strong soldier…
- Caspar: No need to worry bout that, Lindhart! Just be grateful we won!
- Bernadetta: I-I’m already done with the battlefield! I’d prefer to stay in my room rather that be announced as the winner![8]Bernadetta specifically says she prefers to be a “hikkikomori”,
a shut-in who doesn’t like to leave their room. - Edelgard: Uncoordinated as always…
- Still, this victory is the result of our unity. Surely it was because of everybody’s strength combined…[9]Edelgard tries to give a friendship speech but it doesn’t match her character.
- What? This mood is… no, nevermind.
- Somehow it seems like you’re saying it doesn’t suit me to say words like “unity” and “everybody’s strength”.
- In that case, the celebration party after this is cancelled… I’m joking. Alright, everyone, let us go immediately.
- Edelgard: Excellent work today, Professor. Though our victory should come as no surprise.
- > 「It was a close call.」
Edelgard: Was it? I’m not sure I agree with that. - >「It was easy」
Edelgard: Yes, it was. Further proof that you’re well qualified to guide the Black Eagles. - Petra: That was impressing, Professor! I mean…impressive. We gained a victory because of your great leadership.
- Dorothea: We certainly did. We all tried our best, of course, but we couldn’t have won without you.
- Ferdinand: I was curious what it would look like if you did not hold back. And you did not disappoint!
- Hubert: Hmph. I daresay we owe our victory to Lady Edelgard.
- Lindhart: How so? For that battle, she was only a soldier following our professor’s command. Sure, she was an incredibly powerful soldier…
- Caspar: Don’t worry about it too much, Linhardt. All that matters is that we won!
- Bernadetta: I’m all done with being on the battlefield, OK? I’d rather stay back than pursue victory out there.
- Edelgard: You are all as ridiculous as always.
- We only managed to win because we worked together.
- Was it something I said?
- Is it so odd, me talking about togetherness? If so, that perception must change.
- In fact, I’m canceling the festivities so we can discuss this topic further. I’m kidding, of course. Come on, everyone! We’ve earned this celebration.
Event: 報告・大樹の節 (Report – Great Tree Moon)
- レア: 見事な采配でしたね、ベレト。
ジェラルトの薫陶を受けただけはあります。 - この催しを通じて、生徒たちと
親睦を深められたのではありませんか? - > 「深められた」
レア: それは何よりです。これからの1年間、
彼らに寄り添ってあげてください。 - > 「まだまだ」
レア: そうですか。出会ったばかりですし、
無理もないでしょう。 - セテス: ちなみに今回の模擬戦は前哨戦に過ぎない。
本番は飛竜の節に行われる「鷲獅子戦」だ。 - 伝統ある鷲獅子戦に恥じぬ戦いができるよう
生徒たちをきっちり鍛えてもらいたい。 - レア: ……さて。今日あなたをここへ呼んだのは
翌節の課題を伝えるためです。 - あなたたちの学級には、
盗賊の討伐を命じます。 - > 「課題?」
> 「盗賊の討伐?」
セテス: ガルグ=マク大修道院に所属する者には、
身分を問わず奉仕活動を義務づけている。 - 無論、生徒も例外ではない。節ごとに
奉仕に代わる「課題」に取り組んでもらう。 - 生徒と共に課題に取り組み、期日までに
大司教へ、その成果を報告するように。 - 盗賊討伐の件は、追って仔細を伝える。
一度にあれこれ伝えても覚えきれまい。 - レア: ベレト、あなたには特別な何かを
感じます。……期待していますよ。 - ソティス: 盗人か……
- ベレト/ベレス: !?
- ソティス: わしとおぬしの出会いを思い出すのう。
次はあのような不覚をとるでないぞ? - ベレト/ベレス: ………………
- ソティス: 何を固まって……まさか驚いておるのか?
ふん、わしはいつもおぬしと共におる。 - 話しかけたくらいで驚くでないわ。
- > 「わかった」
- ベレト/ベレス: ………………。
- > 「状況が把握できない」
- ソティス: やれやれ……詮方ないのう。
- どうやら、わしはおぬしの心の中に
存在するようなのじゃ。 - 他の者にわしは見えぬが、わしは
おぬしの目と耳を通して見聞きできる。 - わしとおぬしとは、
こうして心を通じて言葉を交わせる。 - ま、それ以上のことはわからぬな。
- ベレト/ベレス: ………………。
- コスタス: クソッ!
何が貴族のガキどもを数人殺すだけ、だ! - セイロス騎士団が追ってくるなんて、
話が違うじゃねえかよォッ! - ???: 貴様らが仕損じたからだ。
つまらぬ陽動にかかりおって。 - それでも目的は果たせるかと思ったが……
元騎士団長の子、か。なかなかやる。 - コスタス: てめえッ!
聞いてんのか! - ???: だが、傭兵を教師に任じるなど……
あの女の考えが読めぬな。いったい…… - コスタス: 無視してんじゃねえッ!
この始末、どうつけて…… - ???: 死ね。
- コスタス: なっ!?
- ???: もはや教団は容赦せぬ。
貴様らは地獄へと旅立つことになろう。 - せいぜい道連れを増やすことだな……
- コスタス: 待ッ! 待ちやがれェッ!
- Rhea: You commanded impressively, Byleth. With only Jeralt’s training, no less.
- Through this event, did you get to deepen your bond with the students?
- > 「I was able to deepen them」
Rhea: That is most excellent. For the coming year, please do get closer to them. - > 「Not really」
Rhea: Is that so? I guess it is no surprise, since you’ve only just met. - Seteth: By the way, this mock battle is no more than a preparatory battle. The real deal is the “Battle of the Eagle and Lion”, held on Wyvern Moon.
- I would like for the students to receive proper training for a fight without embarrassment in the traditional Battle of the Eagle and Lion.
- Rhea: …Now then. I called you here today to give you next moon’s task.
- For your class, I appoint you to do bandit subjugation.
- > 「Task?」
> 「Bandit subjugation?」
Seteth: Those affiliated with Garreg Mach Monastery, regardless of status, are required to do volunteer activites. - Naturally, students are not exempt. Each moon, instead of community service, they will receive a “task” to work.
- Please make sure you work with the students to complete the task, then report those results to the Archbishop before the deadline.
- In the case of the bandit subjugation, I will tell you the particulars at a later time. You probably won’t remember even if I tell you all at once.
- Rhea: Byleth, I feel something special about you. …I expect much from you.
- Sothis: Bandits, huh…
- Byleth: ?!
- Sothis: Do you remember when you and I met? Next time, you won’t suffer such an embarrassing defeat like back then, will you?
- Byleth: …
- Sothis: What are you flinching at…? Could it be that you are surprised by me? Humph, I am always here together with you.
- You mustn’t be surprised about me starting a conversation.
- > 「Understood」
- Byleth: …
- > 「I can’t grasp the situation」
- Sothis: Good grief… It can’t be helped.
- Apparently, it seems I exist within your heart.
- Others cannot see me, but I can see and hear through your ears and eyes.
- You and I can exchange words by heart like this.
- And, I know nothing more than that.
- Byleth: …
- Kostas: Shit! All I had to do was kill a couple of noble brats!
- Nobody said anything about being chased by the Knights of Seiros!
- ???: It is because you failed. You were distracted by an insignificant diversion.[10]The Flame Emperor refers to others as “kisama”, an incredibly impolite way to refer to others.
- Still, I thought you would be able to achieve the objective, but… the child of the old Captain of the Knights, huh? Not bad.
- Kostas: Hey you! Are you listening?!
- ???: But, doing something like assigning a mercenary to a teacher… I can’t read that woman’s thoughts. What is she…
- Kostas: Don’t ignore me! How are we gonna fix this mess…
- ???: You die.
- Kostas: Wha?!
- ???: The church will no longer forgive you. All of you should take a trip to Hell.
- Hmm, I should increase my number of companions as much as possible…
- Kostas: Wait! Wait, you bastard! …Damn it!!!
- Rhea: Your work with the students was remarkable. I can see Jeralt trained you well.
- I do hope you were able to use the occasion to bond with the students.
- > 「I did.」
Rhea: I am so happy to hear it. Nothing would please me more than if you would use this coming year to grow closer still. - > 「Not really.」
Rhea: Oh? Well, you have only just met them, so I suppose that should come as no surprise. - Seteth: Of course, the mock battle was mere practice. The real fight is the Battle of the Eagle and Lion, which will take place during the Wyvern Moon.
- You are expected to properly train your students so as not to humiliate the academy during the long-held tradition that is the coming battle.
- Rhea: As for today, I have called you here to tell you of your mission for the month ahead.
- Your class is to dispose of some bandits causing trouble nearby.
- > 「My mission?」
> 「Bandits?」
Seteth: Those affiliated with Garreg Mach Monastery have a moral obligation to help those in need, regardless of social standing. - Students are no exception. Each month, before the newly birthed moon departs, each house of students must complete their assigned mission.
- You shall work to complete the task at hand alongside your students and report back to the archbishop before the deadline. Understood?
- I will soon provide you with the necessary details for your first mission. If I told you now, I expect you would only forget, and I despise repeating myself.
- Rhea: I can sense something special within your heart… I have high hopes for you.
- Sothis: Bandits, they say…
- Byleth: ?!
- Sothis: Do you recall when we first met? You shall not fall so shamelessly again, correct?
- Byleth: …
- Sothis: Have you no words for me? Do not tell me that you are shocked to hear from me! You ought to know that I am always with you now.
- To hear my voice should not come as a shock.
- > 「Right.」
- Byleth: …
- > 「I do not understand.」
- Sothis: Whatever shall I do with you?
- I am alive within the confines of your heart.
- I am unknown to all but you. But through your eyes and ears, I see and hear.
- Just listen to your heart, as you are doing now, and we may speak like this.
- That is all that I know.
- Byleth: …
- Kostas: What is this nonsense?! All I was told was to kill as many noble pipsqueaks as possible!
- No one said anything about the Knights of damned Seiros being on our trail!
- ???: You have proven yourself worthless– distracted by something so trivial.
- I had hoped you would achieve your goal despite the setback, but now a child of the Knights’ former captain is in play. How interesting.
- Kostas: Hey, this isn’t what I agreed to!
- ???: Hiring a mercenary as a professor. What was that woman thinking?
- Kostas: Are you listening to me?! How do we finish this?!
- ???: You die.
- Kostas: Wh–What?
- ???: Underestimating the Knights was an amateur mistake– one you will pay for. The road to eternal torment awaits you all.
- Now I must locate your replacements.
- Kostas: Wait, get back here! Damn you!
↑1 | Lindhart is referring to Japanese Keigo, which is an honorific form of polite speech used with your superiors. It is difficult to learn, so children are not really expected to know it. |
↑2 | Bernadetta uses honorific speech when asking you to not mind her. |
↑3 | A hard-to-translate expression. In some places in Japan, the phrase “one’s belly is fat” means that one does not discriminate between big and small. Thus, Petra is thanking you for not discriminating and being strict on hierarchy. |
↑4 | Petra’s grammar is quite bad here. |
↑5 | In Japanese, arm also means skill or ability. Caspar wants you to show off your skills, but Petra mistakens this for wanting to see actual arms. |
↑6 | This is the first time Edelgard calls you “master”. In the text, she uses the character for master in a master-apprentice relationship, “師”, to indicate the respect and expectation she has for you. However, in the voice line she still calls you teacher, “sensei”. |
↑7 | This option raises support with Edelgard. |
↑8 | Bernadetta specifically says she prefers to be a “hikkikomori”, a shut-in who doesn’t like to leave their room. |
↑9 | Edelgard tries to give a friendship speech but it doesn’t match her character. |
↑10 | The Flame Emperor refers to others as “kisama”, an incredibly impolite way to refer to others. |
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