白雲の章 White Clouds Chapter
守護の節 Guardian Moon
女神の行方 The Goddess’ Whereabouts
Summary of changes:
- The literal translation of the Immaculate One is “The White One”.
- Edelgard intentionally used insensitive remarks as a test of Byleth’s current judgement.
- Monica and Kronya’s girly personality was toned down quite a bit.
- Thales had a rebuttal to the Flame Emperor’s sass.
- Byleth’s response to Rhea trying to stop him is less aggressive.
- Leonie is more expressive when facing Kronya.
- Hubert had a lot of confidence that Byleth is alive.
- Edelgard calls Solon’s spell circumstantial and did not believe Byleth was defeated.
- Sothis compares a boulder to a boar for some reason.
- Sothis calls herself what the First Dragons are also called in Fire Emblem Fates.
- Sothis’ time speech in the Smash trailer is closer to the original than the game’s trailer.
- Edelgard is audibly pissed that Goddess gave Byleth her power.
- Rhea makes many references to weaving when talking about time and creation.
Previous: Chapter 9 (Black Eagles) | Next: Chapter 11 (Black Eagles)
- 守護聖人セイロスは、
かつてこの季節に姿を現した。 - フォドラ中で巻き起こる戦火に
心を痛めた天上の女神が遣わしたのだ。 - セイロスの頭上では“白きもの”が翼をはためかせ、
- The Guardian Saint Seiros appeared during this season in the past.
- She was sent by the Goddess Above, who was heartbroken at the flames of war that had broken out across Fodlan.
- It is said that high in the skies above Seiros, “The White One” flapped its wings to literally grant favorable winds to Seiros and her warriors heading into battle.
- Long ago, the guardian Seiros made an appearance during this moon.
- She had been summoned by the goddess, whose soul was suffering as the flames of war raged across Fódlan.
- Some believe that high in the sky above Seiros, the Immaculate One’s mighty wings are what powered the strong winds carrying the guardian and her forces into battle.
Event: それぞれの悼み・黒鷲の学級 (Each Grieving Their Own – Black Eagles)
- エーデルガルト: ……またここにいたの。
師 ……。
……あ、涙の跡。- 貴方も泣くことが、あるのね。
……という言い方は、酷いかしら。 - > 「酷い」
エーデルガルト: そうよね、私も昔、同じ言葉を
投げつけられたことがあるわ。 - > 「酷くない」
エーデルガルト: そう、悲しみのあまり、まともな判断も
できなくなってしまったのね。 - エーデルガルト: ……
師 。
貴方は今、立ち止まっているだけなの? - それとも、座り込んで、うずくまって、
そこから動けなくなってしまったの? - > 「どちらでも良い」
エーデルガルト: どちらでも良くないわ。
貴方らしくもない答えね。 - > 「その問いに何の意味が?」
エーデルガルト: 無意味な問いを私がしたことがある?
貴方らしくもない答えね。 - エーデルガルト:
師 ……人の悲しみは、その人自身にしか
理解できない。 - どれほど同情し、共感したとしても、
それは傍観者の涙に過ぎないわ。 - だから私は、貴方と共に泣いたり、貴方と
共に立ち止まったりするつもりはない。 - 私にできることは、私が前に進む時に、
貴方に手を差し出す……それだけよ。 - > 「手を差し出す……?」
エーデルガルト: ルミール村や礼拝堂で、実験とやらを
繰り返していた謎の組織…… - 彼らがまたガルグ=マクの近郊で
何かをしでかそうとしているわ。 - 大司教殿は騎士団を使って、
大規模な調査を行っているみたい。 - まだ目ぼしい情報はないけれど、
じきに敵を発見できるでしょう。 - そうなった時、
師 は私たちを率いて
戦いに赴かないの? - その準備をせずに、ただここで
漫然と時間を過ごすのが、貴方の選択なの? - ……
師 。
貴方の答え、楽しみにしているわ。 - ソティス: ……まったく、なんと偉そうな奴じゃ。
おぬし、言われたい放題ではないか。 - さっさと立ち上がれ、ベレト。
どうせ、答えは出ておるのであろう? - モニカ: ……タレス様が助けてくれるなんて、
もーめっちゃ感激! - タレス: おぬしが死ねば、我らの身の神秘が
暴かれる……それを防いだのみよ。 - それに、おぬしには残っておろう、
やらねばならぬことがな、クロニエ。 - モニカ: もっちろーん。
ソロンと協力してやるよー、任せといてー! - 炎帝: 煩い奴だ……。
- タレス: おぬしには煩わしかったか、炎帝よ。
目を離せぬのだから致し方あるまい。 - おぬしは我らの最高傑作。穢れた獣の血を
薪とし、神をも燃やし尽くす炎なのだから。 - 今こそ、その力でフォドラを洗い流す時。
それこそが、我らの救いとなる。 - 炎帝: ダスカーで、アンヴァルで、惨たらしい
行いを繰り返してきた貴様らに…… - 果たして救いなど来るかな。
- タレス: すべてはおぬしが力を得るために
- Edelgard: …So you were here again.
- Master… Ah, the traces of tears.
- So even you can cry, huh? …Was it mean of me to say that?
- > 「It was mean」
Edelgard: Right. I, too, had those words hurled at me long ago. - > 「It wasn’t mean」
Edelgard: I see. In your grief, you’ve even lost the ability to make an normal judgement. - Edelgard: …Master. Are you just stopping to breathe?[1]Literally, to stand in place or pause. This has some connotation that you will move on eventually.
- Or have you laid down and curled up, unable to move on?
- > 「It’s fine either way」
Edelgard: It’s not fine either way. That response is unlike you. - > 「What’s the point of that question?」
Edelgard: Have I ever asked you a pointless question? That response is unlike you. - Edelgard: Master… One’s sorrow can only be understood by that person.
- No matter how much we try to sympathize and be compassionate, that would amount to nothing more than the tears of a onlooker.
- That’s why I don’t intend to do things like stand still and cry with you.
- What I can do is extend my hand when it is time for me to move forward… That’s all I can do.
- > 「Extend your hand…?」
Edelgard: At Remire and the chapel, a mysterious organization was repeatedly conducting things like experiments… - They appear to be trying something again on the outskirts of Garreg Mach.
- It looks like the Archbishop is using the knights to conduct a large-scale investigation.
- They haven’t found any notable information, but I’m sure they’ll find the enemy before long.
- When they do, you’ll be leading us into battle, won’t you, Master?
- Or will you choose to just stay here and waste time, not making those preparations?
- …Master. I eagerly await your answer.
- Sothis: …Good grief, how self-important of her. She just says whatever she wants.
- Get on your feet soon, Byleth. After all, I think you already have your answer.
- Monica: …Lord Thales, thank you so much for saving me! Aw, I’m deeply moved!
- Thales: If you died, the mystery of our bodies would be exposed… I was only protecting that.
- Besides, I intend for you to remain alive as there is something that you must do, Kronya.
- Monica: Of course~ I’ll cooperate with Solon, leave it to me~!
- Flame Emperor: What a nuisance…
- Thales: Was she being bothersome to you, Flame Emperor? We cannot take our eyes off her so we must put up with it.
- You are our greatest masterpiece. With the corrupted beast’s blood as kindling, you are the flame that will burn even the gods.
- Now is the time to wash Fodlan clean with that power. That is what will bring us salvation.
- Flame Emperor: For all of you who repeatedly committed gruesome deeds at Duscar and Enbarr…
- There will be nothing like salvation in the end.
- Thales: Was not everything we did for the sake of you obtaining power?
- Edelgard: You’re here again…
- Professor… You’ve been crying.
- So even you cry sometimes. Oh… I suppose that was thoughtless of me to say.
- > 「Yes, it was.」
Edelgard: Long ago, someone said the same to me. - > 「It fine.」
Edelgard: My teacher. You’re so blinded by grief that you can’t see what’s going on right in front of you. - Edelgard: Are you waiting for time to heal your wounds?
- Or have you curled up in a corner and lost the will to carry on?
- > 「Does it matter?」
Edelgard: It does. You’ve lost yourself. - > 「How could you ask me something like that?」
Edelgard: It’s not like you to speak to me like that. You know I’d never ask you a question without purpose. - Edelgard: Only you can truly understand your own sadness.
- Others can sympathize or even empathize, but all anyone else can offer are the tears of an outsider looking in.
- So I have no intention of crying for you, or of standing still with you.
- All I can do is promise to reach out my hand when the time comes for me to move forward.
- > 「What do you mean?」
Edelgard: The mysterious organization that was carrying out experiments in Remire Village and the chapel… - They’re up to something near Garreg Mach.
- The archbishop has sent the knights to undertake a large-scale investigation.
- No information has surfaced yet, but our enemies will soon be discovered.
- When they are, will you lead us into battle?
- Or will you just sit here with no thought for the future that is fast approaching?
- My teacher… There is a choice to be made. I hope you make the right one.
- Sothis: My, my. She really is quite arrogant. She spoke her mind without an ounce of reservation!
- But she is right. The time has come to stand again. You already know what your answer is.
- Monica: Oh, thank you. You saved me!
- Thales: If you were to die, then the mystery of our bodies would be revealed. Preventing that was my only aim.
- I’m afraid you must remain, Kronya. There is something I need you to do.
- Monica: Oh, of course. I am always happy to cooperate with Solon. Leave it to me.
- Flame Emperor: How annoying.
- Thales: Flame Emperor… Is she offending you? Unfortunately, we cannot take our eyes off her, so there is nothing to be done.
- You are our greatest creation. We used the defiled beast’s blood as the fuel to your flame, that you may burn even the gods.
- Now is the time to cleanse Fódlan of that power, and bring forth our salvation.
- Flame Emperor: There will be no salvation for you and your kind.
- Those responsible for such gruesome deeds in Duscur and Enbarr.
- Thales: All so that you may acquire the strength you need. All for a purpose…
Event: 森への誘い・黒鷲の学級 (Invitation to the Forest – Black Eagles)
- エーデルガルト:
師 、聞いて!
敵……ソロンたちの居所をついに掴んだわ。 - 彼らは大修道院から程近いところ、
“封じられた森”と呼ばれる一角にいる。 - 大司教殿が、探索のために散っている
騎士団を急いで集結させているの。 - 私たちに知られないように秘密裏に、
だけれどね。 - > 「なぜ秘密に?」
エーデルガルト: 貴方が復讐に駆られ、飛び出していかない
ように、というところかしら? - けれど、貴方は知ってしまった……。
私たちに出陣を命じる?師 。 - レア: 待ちなさい。
そのような行動……私は許しませんよ。 - セテス: 騎士団が最も出払っている時に合わせて
発見の報告があったのだ。 - 君が出てくることを狙って、
わざと姿を見せた可能性すらある。 - 彼らはジェラルトさんを奪った相手……
憎いのはわかるが、ここは堪えてくれ。 - > 「自分が行く」
レア: 自重しなさい、ベレト。
ここは私たちに任せるのです。 - ジェラルトに続き、あなたまで失うような
ことは、あってはならないのですから。 - エーデルガルト: 大司教殿、
師 は復讐心に駆られて
戦おうとしているわけではありません。 - ただ戦略的に、
師 が戦うのが
正解というだけです。違いますか? - 騎士団の大部分は出払っていて、
遺産を持つ強力な戦い手は師 一人。 - セテス殿や残りの騎士団が動いて、
修道院を空にするわけにもいきません。 - 私たちは
師 の指揮で最も効果的に動ける
兵力で、すでに戦闘の準備も整っています。 - 敵にどんな企みがあるとも知れないのです。
今すぐに、出陣すべきです! - レア: ……ベレト、
あなたはそれで良いのですね。 - わかりました。
では、あなたたちに命じます。 - 封じられた森に潜む敵を……
一人残らず討滅しなさい。 - 何が起ころうとも、主の加護を持つ
あなたであれば、乗り越えられるはずです。 - エーデルガルト:
師 、行くわよ。この期に及んで、
- Edelgard: Master, listen! I have finally obtained the whereabouts of the enemy… Solon and his group.
- They’re in a place not too far from the monastery, in a section called the “Sealed Forest”.
- The Archbishop is rushing to gather up the knights that have been scattered for the search.
- Though this was all conducted in secret so we wouldn’t know.
- > 「Why in secret?」
Edelgard: Perhaps she did it so you wouldn’t rush out, driven by revenge or something? - But, you ended up finding out… Will you give to order to depart for battle, Master?
- Rhea: Wait. That sort of action… I will not permit.
- Seteth: We received news of the discovery at a time when the knights are all mostly somewhere else.
- It’s even possible they revealed themselves on purpose with the intention of making you come out.
- They are an enemy who stole Jeralt-san from us… I understand your hate, but please bear with us here.
- > 「I’ll go myself」
Rhea: Restrain yourself, Byleth. Leave this to us. - After Jeralt, we must not lose you as well.
- Edelgard: Archbishop, Master isn’t going to fight out of desire for revenge.
- Strictly speaking, having Master fight is the right choice strategically. If I’m not mistaken?
- A majority of the knights are elsewhere, and the only strong fighter who can wield an heirloom is Master alone.
- Mr. Seteth and the remaining knights cannot move and leave the monastery empty.
- Under Master’s command, we are the most effective deployable force, and we are also already prepared for battle.
- We have no idea what the enemy is plotting. We must depart for battle, at once!
- Rhea: …Byleth, are you fine with that?
- Understood. Then, I command this to all of you.
- The enemy lurking in the Sealed Forest… Eradicate them all.
- No matter what happens, as you all have the protection of the Goddess, you should be able to overcome it.
- Edelgard: Master, let’s go. Don’t lose your nerve at the last moment or anything, okay?
- Edelgard: Professor! I know where the enemy is… Where Solon is.
- They’re in a place called the Sealed Forest, close to the monastery.
- The archbishop is gathering the knights to begin a search.
- She’s doing so in secret, behind our backs.
- > 「Why in secret?」
Edelgard: She must be afraid that a thirst for revenge will compel you to seek them out. - Now that you know, will you give us the order?
- Rhea: No. I will not allow it.
- Seteth: This discovery comes just when the knights are at their busiest.
- It is all too likely that our foes revealed themselves to lure you out there.
- They are the ones who took Jeralt from you… I know how you must despise them, but I must ask you to rein in your personal feelings for now.
- > 「You can’t stop me.」
Rhea: Please, Professor. Do not act carelessly. I ask that you leave this to us. - Losing you so soon after losing Jeralt would be unbearable.
- Edelgard: Lady Rhea, our professor is not acting out of revenge.
- Sending us out there is the most strategic move we can make. You can’t deny it.
- Most of the knights are still far away. Not only does our professor wield a Hero’s Relic, but there is no one here who is more powerful.
- Seteth and the few remaining knights can’t leave the monastery unattended.
- We have fought under our teacher’s command countless times. We are the most effective army here, and we are already prepared for battle.
- We have no idea what the enemy is plotting. We must act now!
- Rhea: Professor… Do you agree with this strategy?
- Understood. I will give you the order.
- Destroy the enemy that is hiding in the Sealed Forest…
- You have the protection of the goddess on your side. Whatever happens, you shall overcome.
- Edelgard: Let’s go, my teacher. Whatever happens, do not lose your conviction out there.
Event: 封じられた森・黒鷲の学級 (The Sealed Forest – Black Eagles)
- ヒューベルト: どうやら封じられた森に入ったようですな。
警戒を怠りませぬよう……。 - ベルナデッタ: 先生……ジェラルトさんの仇、
絶対、取りましょうね! - フェルディナント: ベルナデッタ……話を聞いていたのかい。
復讐にこだわるべきではないのだ。 - ペトラ: 態勢、万全です。
悪の組織、壊滅、尽力します。 - リンハルト: ま、今節は課題がないからね。
たまには全力で働いても罰も当たらない…… - カスパル: リンハルトが、全力だとお!?
明日は雪だ! 今日中に片をつけようぜ! - ドロテア: 声を抑えてちょうだい。
もう敵が近くにいるかもしれないのよ? - フレン: わたくしを救ってくださった先生に、
ご恩返しする時が来たのですわね……! - エーデルガルト: ……
師 、修道院ではああ言ったけれど、
敵は間違いなく貴方を待ち構えているわ。 - ヒューベルト: !
エーデルガルト様、それは……? - エーデルガルト: 他に狙いが考えられないもの……
そうでしょ? - どんな罠が待っているか知れない。
注意して、師 。 - 私たちは今、貴方を失うわけには
いかないわ。 - ヒューベルト: ……そうですな。敵は強いですが、
- Hubert: Seems we were able to enter the Sealed Forest one way or another. We must remain on guard…
- Bernadetta: Teacher… We’ll definitely take revenge on Jeralt-san’s killers!
- Ferdinand: Bernadetta… Were you listening? We must not fixate ourselves on revenge.
- Petra: My readiness, is complete. The organization of evil, I will do my best, to annihilate.
- Lindhart: Well, we don’t have a task this moon, right? It wouldn’t hurt to give it my all every once in a while.…
- Caspar: Lindhart said he’s giving it his all?! We’re getting snow tomorrow! Better get everything squared away today!
- Dorothea: Please keep your voice down. The enemy might already be nearby, you know?
- Flayn: The time has come for me to repay the teacher who saved me…!
- Edelgard: …Master, this was said back at the monastery, but the enemy is clearly hiding in wait for you.
- Hubert: !! Lady Edelgard, you mean…?
- Edelgard: I can’t think of any other motive… don’t you agree?
- We don’t know what kind of trap is waiting for us. Take caution, Master.
- We cannot afford to lose you now.
- Hubert: …Indeed. The enemy is strong, but you should win with a snap.
- Hubert: We are now within the Sealed Forest. We must not let our guard down.
- Bernadetta: Professor… We’ll avenge Jeralt for you, no matter what!
- Ferdinand: Remember–it is a bad idea to get distracted by revenge.
- Petra: I have readiness. Our enemies will be taking…we will take our enemies down!
- Lindhart: Well, it’s not like we have any other missions this month. I suppose this is as good a way as any to spend our energy.
- Caspar: Linhardt spending energy? We had better finish this fast before the pigs start flying everywhere.
- Dorothea: Lower your voice. The enemy could be close!
- Flayn: It is time to repay the kindness of the professor who saved my life!
- Edelgard: Professor, I know I’m the one who insisted we come here, but don’t doubt for a moment that the enemy is waiting for you.
- Hubert: Lady Edelgard! What are you saying?
- Edelgard: What other objective could they possibly have?
- We have no clue what kind of trap is waiting for us.
- Please be careful, my teacher. We can’t afford to lose you…
- Hubert: The enemy is strong, but you will prevail. You must.
Battle: 仇の捜索 (Manhunt for the Enemy)
- > 戦闘開始時
- エーデルガルト: 見なさい、魔獣がいるわね。
敵は万全の態勢、ということかしら。 - > 1ターン目 自軍フェイズ
- モニカ: あっ、来た来た!
ようこそ死の森へー、なんちゃって。 - あたしの名はクロニエ。
この弱っちい女は、仮の姿よ? - クロニエ: キャハハハ!
これがホントのあたしの姿。 - ほーら、そこのケモノさんたち!
あたしが相手してあ・げ・る! - > 1ターン目 敵軍フェイズ
- クロニエ: ほらほら、のんびりしてると、
あたし、逃げちゃうよ? - あ、もしかして逃がしてくれるつもりかな?
みんな、やっさしー! - あたしは、みーんな殺しちゃう
つもりだけどね! キャハハハハ! - > vs クロニエ
- クロニエ: キャハハ! 頑張ってるねー!
そのまま地獄まで送ってあげる! - > 主人公 vs クロニエ
- クロニエ: ノコノコ現れて、あんた、バッカねー。
そんなんじゃお父さんの仇、取れないよ? - キャハハハハ!あんたも殺してあげる!
あたしのこの手でさ! - > エーデルガルト vs クロニエ
- クロニエ: あれ? あんた、何?
もしかしてあたしを殺そうっての? - エーデルガルト: ……そうね。
今のうちに死を覚悟しておきなさい。 - > レオニー vs クロニエ
- レオニー: 見つけたぞ、モニカ!
師匠の仇……わたしが討つ!! - クロニエ: だーかーらー、モニカじゃなくてクロニエ!
あんな借りただけの名で呼ばないでよ。 - レオニー: 黙れ……! 貴様だけは許さない!
刺し違えてでも、絶対に殺す!! - クロニエ: うっさいなー。あんたとあたしじゃ、
格が違うんだよ……このザコ! - > ムービー終了後
- エーデルガルト:
師 ……よね。信じていたわ。
貴方なら、必ず戻ってくると。 - その姿……聞きたいこともあるけれど、
今は目の前の敵を討ちましょう! - ソロン: ……貴様、ザラスの闇で何を見た?
あり得ぬ……あの闇を喰らえるのは……。 - 我が手で始末をつけねば、
戻ることもままならぬか……! - > vs ソロン
- ソロン: 今は貴様などにかかずらっている暇は
ないのだ……! - > 主人公 vs ソロン
- ソロン: わしは、貴様が恐ろしい……。
- 恐ろしいなどという感情は、
わしの中になかったはずなのに……! - だが……貴様だけは消さねばならぬ。
- > エーデルガルト vs ソロン
- ソロン: 貴様……本気か?
ならば生かしてはおかぬぞ! - エーデルガルト: それはこちらの台詞ね。
師 を殺し損なった時点で、貴方の負けよ。 - > ソロン撃破
- ソロン: 不覚……
このわしが、獣どもに敗れようとは…… - > 戦闘勝利後
- ソロン: しかし……これで終わりではない……
我らの悲願、必ずやタレス様が…… - エーデルガルト: 終わったわね。
それより師 、その姿は……。
- > Battle Start
- Edelgard: Look, there are demonic beasts. This probably means the enemy came totally prepared.
- > Turn 1 Player Phase
- Monica: Ah, you’re here, you’re here! Welcome, to the Forest of Death~[2]Monica greets you the same way Tomas greets you to the library in your first monastery exploration. It sounds like she is doing an impersonation. Just kidding.
- My name is Kronya. This weak little girl here is just a temporary disguise, you know?
- Kronya: Kyahahaha! This here is my real form.
- Lookie here, Mr. and Ms. Beasts! I’ll keep you company~![3]Kronya does the incredible girly Japanese thing where she slows down the final syllables when teasing about something she’ll do for you. Also, the word for keeping someone company here is the same word as being someone’s opponent in a match.
- > Turn 1 Enemy Phase
- Kronya: Hey hey, if you take it too easy I might end up running away?
- Ah, or maybe you intend to let me escape? Everyone’s so nice~!
- Even though I intend to kill everyone! Kyahahahaha!
- > vs Kronya
- Kronya: Kyahaha! Doing your best, are you?! If that’s your best, then I’ll send you to hell!
- > Byleth vs Kronya
- Kronya: You’re such a dummy for showing up here so nonchalantly. Oh that’s right, aren’t you going to take revenge on daddy’s killer?
- Kyahahahaha! I’ll kill you too! With my own hands!
- > Edelgard vs Kronya
- Kronya: Huh? What’s with you? Are you by any chance trying to kill me?
- Edelgard: …That’s right. Prepare for death while you still can.
- > Leonie vs Kronya
- Leonie: I found you, Monica! Master’s killer… I’ll be the one who kills you!
- Kronya: Like I said! It’s Kronya, not Monica! Please don’t call me by that name I borrowed.
- Leoine: Shut it…! I won’t forgive you! Even if we both die in the end[4]Literally, stabbing each other at the same time and dying., I will definitely kill you!!
- Kronya: You’re so annoying. You’re not even in the same league as me… you nobody!
- > Movie Ends
- Edelgard: Master… It’s you, right? I had faith in you. I knew you would come back to us.
- That form… There are things I want to ask you, but right now let’s defeat the enemy before us!
- Solon: …You, What did you see in the darkness of Zaras?[5]It is possible that Zaras is influenced by the Japanese pronunciation of Zoroaster, Zarasushutora. Impossible… For you to have consumed that darkness…
- If I do not deal with you myself, I may not be able to send you back…!
- > vs Solon
- Solon: I don’t have time now to bother with the likes of you…!
- > Byleth vs Solon
- Solon: I am terrified of you…
- Even though emotions like fear shouldn’t exist in me…!
- But still… I must eradicate you.
- > Edelgard vs Solon
- Solon: You… Is this how it is? If so, I cannot let you live!
- Edelgard: That’s my line. The moment you failed to kill Master, you lost.
- > Solon Defeated
- Solon: Defeated… That I would to lose to these beasts…
- > Battle Victory
- Solon: But… This is not the end… Our greatest wish, Lord Thales will surely…
- Edelgard: It’s over. Anyways, Master, that form…
- > Battle Start
- Edelgard: Look there! Demonic Beasts! I suppose they aren’t holding back.
- > Turn 1 Player Phase
- Monica: Hello! You’re here! Welcome to the forest of death!
- My name is Kronya. This weakling girl was just a borrowed look for me.
- Kronya: This is what I really look like!
- Now, you vermin… I’ll take down every last one of you!
- > Turn 1 Enemy Phase
- Kronya: If this takes too long, I might be forced to escape.
- Oh, or do you simply intend to let me go? How accommodating of you!
- As for me, I intend to kill you all.
- > vs Kronya
- Kronya: How cute, you’re trying so hard! But now it’s time to die!
- > Byleth vs Kronya
- Kronya: You’re a fool to be so brazen. You’ll never avenge your father at this rate.
- I’ll have to kill you too! With my own hands!
- > Edelgard vs Kronya
- Kronya: Huh? What are you– Are you here to kill me?
- Edelgard: I am. Prepare yourself for death while you still can.
- > Leonie vs Kronya
- Leonie: Monica. You’ll pay for what you’ve done.
- Kronya: I told you! I am not Monica, I am Kronya! Do not call me by that fake name!
- Leoine: I don’t care what you’re called. I don’t care if it takes my last breath. I’ll kill you.
- Kronya: Please! My powers are beyond your comprehension. You’re just a filthy worm!
- > Movie Ends
- Edelgard: Professor… It is you, right? I knew that you would always come back to us.
- I’d like to ask about your appearance, but for now, let’s dispose of our enemies.
- Solon: What did you see in the darkness of Zahras? This should be impossible. The only being that can withstand that darkness is…
- Unless I dispose of you myself, I may never have the chance to send you back there!
- > vs Solon
- Solon: I have no time to waste on the likes of you…
- > Byleth vs Solon
- Solon: I am terrified by you…
- Even though an emotion like fear has no place inside me.
- That means you must be eliminated.
- > Edelgard vs Solon
- Solon: So this is how it is… I cannot let you live!
- Edelgard: You stole the words from my mouth. You lost the moment you failed to kill the professor.
- > Solon Defeated
- Solon: To think…that I would lose to mere beasts.
- > Battle Victory
- Solon: But this is not the end… Thales will carry out our mission, somehow…
- Edelgard: It’s over. Now, Professor. About your appearance…
Movie: 罠 (Trap)
- クロニエ: ウソ……
- 本気のあたしが
アンタなんかに負けるわけ…… - ソロン: ほう……
- クロニエ: ソロン!
- 見てないで手伝ってよ!
- 乙女の危機よ!
- ソロン: ああ、そうだな
- クロニエ: え?
- ソロン: 案ずるな、クロニエ
- お前は獣の蔓延る世を救済する、
その礎となるのだ - クロニエ: ソ、ロ……ン……
あん……たああああ!! - ソロン: 時は来た……
ザラスの禁呪よ、 - その顎を開くが良い!
- クロニエ: たす……け……
- ソロン: さらばだ、凶星よ
- Kronya: No way…
- There’s no way me in my true form could lose to the likes of you…
- Solon: Oh…
- Kronya: Solon!
- Don’t just watch, help me!
- I’m a damsel in distress!
- Solon: Ah, yes you are.
- Kronya: Eh?
- Solon: Do not fear, Kronya.
- You will become the foundation upon which we will save this world infested with beasts.
- Kronya: So…lo…n… Aah… Taaaa!!
- Solon: The time has come…
- O, Forbidden Curse of Zarasu, open thy jaws!
- Kronya: Help… me…
- Solon: Farewell, Malefic.
- Kronya: But how?
- How could I really lose…to a lowly creature like you?
- Solon: Well.
- Kronya: Solon!
- Don’t just stand there and stare!
- I need your help!
- Solon: Yes. You most certainly do.
- Kronya: Huh?
- Solon: Have no fear, Kronya.
- Your sacrifice will help to rid of this world of the filthy vermin that have long infested it.
- Kronya: Solon… Stop this!
- Solon: The time has finally come…
- to unleash the Forbidden Spell of Zahras upon our enemies!
- Kronya: Please…help me…
- Solon: Begone with you…Fell Star.
Event: 消えた師・黒鷲の学級 (The Master Who Disappeared – Black Eagles)
- エーデルガルト: 今の魔道は……
まさか、師 が……? - ソロン: 見たか……奴は呑まれた。
禁呪の闇に。 - 未来永劫、虚ろな闇を彷徨い、
再びこの世界に戻ることはない……。 - ……天帝の剣は惜しかったがな。
- カスパル: 嘘だ! オレは信じねえ!
先生が死ぬわけない! - フレン: そうですわ。
先生は……特別な方なのですから! - ヒューベルト: この程度のことで死ぬような者が、
我が主の師となれるはずもありませんな。 - ソロン: ……確かにまだ死んではおらぬであろうな。
だが、死んだも同然よ。 - 出口のない闇の中を漂うことしかできぬ……
苦しかろう。絶望に呑まれよう! - エーデルガルト: 酷く勝ち誇っているようだけれど、
もしそんな迂遠なやり方で…… - 私たちの師を倒したつもりだというなら、
後悔することになるわよ。 - フェルディナント: ああ、今回ばかりは彼女の言うとおりだな。
闇の中からだろうと、すぐに戻ってくるさ。 - ソロン: その態度……解せぬな。
何を考えておるのか知らぬが、まあ良い。 - 望むならば加えてやろう。
- Edelgard: That sorcery just now… Master couldn’t be…?
- Solon: Did you see it? …They were swallowed up. By the darkness of the forbidden curse.
- Wandering the void of space, forevermore, never to return to this world again…
- …Though the Sword of the Creator deserved better.
- Caspar: You’re lying! I don’t believe you! There’s no way Teacher is dead!
- Flayn: That’s right. Our teacher is… someone special, after all!
- Hubert: Anyone who would die from something like this could never have become milady’s master.
- Solon: …It’s true that they may not be dead yet. However, they are as good as dead.
- Unable to do anything except drift within the darkness with no… It must be agony. They would be swallowed by despair!
- Edelgard: You seem awfully proud that you’ve won, but if you used such a circumstantial method…
- If you planned on having defeated our Master, you’ll regret it.
- Ferdinand: Yes, just this once, it is exactly as she says. Even from within darkness, they’ll return to us before long.
- Solon: That behavior… I cannot understand. I don’t know what you are thinking, but I don’t care.
- If you so wish, you shall join them. In the line to the afterlife…!
- Edelgard: That could only have been magic! What happened to our professor?
- Solon: They were swallowed by the mystical darkness of the forbidden spell.
- An eternity wandering in a void of darkness, never to return to this world…
- To think we almost had the Sword of the Creator…
- Caspar: You’re lying! Our professor is alive, I know it!
- Flayn: That’s right! Our professor is no ordinary human!
- Hubert: It is hard to fathom that our professor would die in a place like this.
- Solon: It is possible that death has yet to find your friend. But there are worse things than death.
- Drifting through the darkness with no chance to escape… Overwhelmed with hopelessness… It must be torturous.
- Edelgard: You’re already boasting a victory, but know this–if you did use such devious tricks to stop our professor…
- I swear that you will regret it.
- Ferdinand: I cannot help but agree with her this once. Even if our professor is trapped in darkness, that is not the end of their story.
- Solon: I will not forgive such arrogance.
- If you prefer it so, you shall also be added to the ranks of the dead!
Event: はじまりのものソティス (Sothis, the Beginning)
- 主人公: ………………。
- ソティス: ……この、大馬鹿者!!
- 敵が待ち構えておるところに突っ込んで、
罠に引っかかるとは、何じゃ! - おぬしは転がり出すと止まれぬ岩か!
猪とて、もう少し考えおるわ! - > 「悪かった」
ソティス: 謝れば済むと思うてか!
この闇は恐ろしいものなんじゃぞ! - > 「そうは言っても……」
ソティス: 言い訳なぞ無用!
この闇は恐ろしいものなんじゃぞ! - ソティス: わしはおぬしと共にあればこそ、
こうしてここにおるが…… - ここは現世から隔絶された闇の世。
それこそ女神でもなければ出られぬのじゃ。 - 我らの身も心も、段々と凍てついてこよう。
死ぬ覚悟は……できたか? - > 「できた」
ソティス: このような時に冗談とは、
おぬしも余裕があるのう……。 - > 「できない」
ソティス: それはそうじゃろう。
わしとて死にたくはない。じゃが…… - ソティス: はあ……
他に術はないか……。 - > 「術?」
ソティス: ……のう、おぬし。
ジェラルトの日記は覚えておるか? - おぬしは泣きも笑いもせぬ赤子じゃったと。
それは、恐らくわしのせいよ。 - ほとんど眠りに近い状態だったのじゃろう。
おぬしの中にあった、わしが作用してな。 - レアは、いったい如何にしたのか、
おぬしの中にわしを存在させた。 - わしはずっとおぬしと共にあり、
おぬしの中で力を取り戻していった。 - そう……女神、いや、神祖としての力をな。
- 主人公: ……!
- ソティス: 我が名はソティス。
それが何の名か、おぬしは聞いたはずじゃ。 - はじまりのもの……フォドラの守護者にして
生きとし生けるものを導く神祖。 - わしは、死して再び舞い戻ってしもうた、
神祖ソティスの心、なのじゃ。 - > 「驚いた」
> 「そんな気はしていた」
ソティス: 恒久の闇より出る術は一つ。
わしの……神祖の力を使うより他はない。 - じゃが、わしは体を持たぬ。それゆえ、
おぬしに力のすべてを渡さねばならぬ。 - それは、おぬしと一つになるということ。
……そして、わしは消えるのじゃ。 - > 「消える?」
> 「そんなことはできない」
ソティス: 消えると言うても、
すべてなくなるという意味ではない。 - わしはおぬしになるのじゃ。
いつもおぬしと共にあろう。 - じゃが、こうしておぬしと話すことは
二度とできぬじゃろうな、……寂しいのう。 - わしは常におぬしと同じものを見聞きし、
おぬしに散々あれこれと言うてきた…… - 欠片も女神らしゅうなかったやもしれぬが、
実に楽しい日々じゃった。 - ベレト、礼を言うぞ。
わしと共にあったのが、おぬしで良かった。 - > 「こちらこそ」
ソティス: さあ、願え。わしとおぬしの意志が
重なれば、二つは一つになる。 - あの森へと戻り、敵を討ち、小童どもを
- Byleth: …
- Sothis: …You big dumb idiot!!
- What are you doing, charging in when the enemy is lying in wait and getting caught in their trap?
- Are you a boulder that can’t stop once it starts rolling? Even a boar thinks about things a little more than you!
- > 「My mistake」
Sothis: Did you think apologizing would fix this?! This darkness is something terrifying! - > 「Nevertheless…」
Sothis: No excuses! This darkness is something terrifying! - Sothis: As you and I are indeed together, being here like this means…
- This is the world of darkness, a place separated from our present world. The very place that nobody can leave, unless they are a Goddess.
- Our body and soul shall gradually become frozen. Are you… ready to die?
- > 「I am」
Sothis: You even have the luxury to joke at a time like this… - > 「I am not」
Sothis: I thought so. Even I do not want to die. But… - Sothis: Sigh… Is there no other method…?
- > 「Method?」
Sothis: …Hey, you. Do you remember Jeralt’s diary? - He said you were a baby that neither cried nor laughed. That is most likely my fault.
- I must have been in a near sleep-like state. While inside you, I was having an effect on you.
- Rhea, however she managed to do it, made me exist inside you.
- I’ve always been with you and regained my powers inside of you.
- That’s right… The powers of a Goddess, nay, a Creator God.[6]Not just any god, but the ancestor or progenitor of gods. The term “神祖” is also a title for Amaterasu, considered the Goddess of Creation in Shinto. In addition, “神祖竜” is the Japanese name for the First Dragons in Fire Emblem Fates, likely making her one.
- Byleth: …!
- Sothis: My name is Sothis. What that name means, you must have heard.
- The Beginning… The Creator God who guides all living things as the guardian of Fodlan.
- I am heart of the Creator God Sothis, who died and ended up coming back once again.
- > 「I’m surprised」
> 「I had a feeling」
Sothis: There is only one method out of perpetual darkness. There is no other way than using my power… the power of a Creator God. - However, I do not possess a body. For that reason, I will have to hand over all my power to you.
- That means you and I will become one… And then, I will vanish.
- > 「Vanish?」
> 「You can’t do that」
Sothis: Though I say vanish, I did not mean I will be completely gone. - I will just become you. I will always be with you.
- But, I will not be able to talk to you like this again… It will be lonely.
- I was able to constantly see and hear the same things you did, and then give you a hard time about this and that…
- I may not have acted one bit like a goddess, but to be honest, the days we spent together were fun.
- Byleth, I give you my thanks. I’m glad you were the one I’m together with.
- > 「The pleasure is mine」
Sothis: Now then, pray. When your will and mine overlap, two will become one. - To return to that forest, to defeat the enemy, and to save the children. That is your wish, is it not?
- Byleth: …
- Sothis: You fool!
- What were you thinking, charging right into an enemy’s trap?
- Are you just a boulder that rolls down whatever hill it’s on? No, even a boulder has more sense!
- > 「I’m sorry.」
Sothis: Apologizing won’t make things right! This darkness is terrifying! - > 「I can explain…」
Sothis: Excuses won’t help us! This darkness is terrifying! - Sothis: As you and I are one… I, too, am trapped within this void. But please consider this…
- This realm of darkness we are in is separate from the world from which you came. I mean that it would take a god to leave this place.
- In time, our hearts and minds will cease to be. Are you prepared to die?
- > 「I am.」
Sothis: How very brave of you, to joke at times like these… - > 「I am not.」
Sothis: I thought as much. I also do not wish to die. And yet… - Sothis: There is no other choice…
- > 「What choice?」
Sothis: Do you recall your father’s diary? - He said you were a child who never cried nor laughed. I think I am the one to blame.
- I must have been asleep, but even then, I feel I was a part of you.
- I do not know how Rhea managed it, but she allowed me to exist inside of you.
- The truth is I have always been with you. It is within you that I found my power yet again.
- The power of a goddess. The power of the progenitor god.
- Byleth: …
- Sothis: My name is Sothis. By now you must be well aware of what that means.
- I am the one who watches over Fodlan and the creatures dwelling there.
- I am Sothis, she who died then returned.
- > 「I can’t believe it.」
> 「Somehow, I know it to be true.」
Sothis: There is only one thing left to do to save us from this darkness of eternity. I must now use the power of a god. - However, I lack a body of my own. And so, I must relinquish all the power that I have…to you.
- The time has come for you and I to join as one. And when that comes to pass…then I shall disappear.
- > 「Disappear?!」
> 「I won’t allow it.」
Sothis: When I say disappear, I do not mean that all I am will be no more. - My soul will join with yours, and you and I will never be apart.
- But…I will no longer have a chance to speak with you. I shall miss it.
- So long have I been on this path with you. Through you, I got to see and hear this world. I even got to chastise you from time to time.
- I may not have acted like a goddess, but…it was certainly fun.
- For all that you have done… Thank you. I’m glad that it was you to whom my fate was bound.
- > 「Thank you…for everything.」
Sothis: Now… We must pray. For if we share this wish, our spirits two will join as one… - Your wish…is to return to the forest, stop the enemy, and rescue the little ones. No need for words. I know your heart as though it were my own…
Movie: 覚醒 (Awakening)
- ソティス: わしと、おぬしの意志は一つとなった
- 時のよすがを辿りて見出した己が答え──
- “はじまりのもの”たる、わしに示せ
- ソロン: 凶星は、闇をも喰らうか……
- Sothis: Your will and mine have become one.
- The answer of one who followed and found a connection to time.[7]縁 (よすが) is a hard-to-translate word that means “connection” and “someone to rely on”, but also “a means of doing something”.
Byleth fits all the definitions, having a literal connection to Sothis (time) by having her heart, but also a reliance and relationship to her as well.
Byleth also uses the power of time as a means of accomplishing his goals. - Show it to me, the one known as “The Beginning”.[8]The line in Byleth’s Smash is actually closer than the game translation.
“To you, both sides of time are revealed. Through Smash, show the world.”
- Solon: So the Malefic will consume even darkness…
- Sothis: Your will and mine are now as one.
- Both sides of time are revealed to you, and you alone.
- You know I am the beginning. What shall you do?
- Solon: So the Fell Star consumes even the darkness itself…
Event: 師の変貌・黒鷲の学級 (Master’s Transformation – Black Eagles)
- エーデルガルト: その髪と瞳の色……
まるで誰かにそっくりね。 - なぜそんな姿になってしまったのか、
聞いてもいいかしら。 - > 「女神が力を貸してくれた」
エーデルガルト: 女神が……? - ………………。
- そう、良かったわね。天帝の剣といい、
貴方は女神に愛されているのでしょう。 - かつての聖者セイロスと、同じように……。
- その力を、
師 は何のために使うのかしら。
修道院のため? または世のため人のため? - > 「世のため人のため」
エーデルガルト: ふっ……。
師 なら、そう答えるかとも思ったわ。 - > 「生徒のため」
エーデルガルト: 生徒のため……
つまり、私たちのためということ? - > 「自分のため」
エーデルガルト: それでは答えになっていないわ。自分が
何のために力を使うかという話なのに。 - エーデルガルト:
師 は、もし世の中が、あるいは生徒たちが、
真っ二つに分かれて争うことになったら…… - どうするのかしら? どちらについても
世のため、生徒のためよ。 - 貴方の……
- エーデルガルト: え……
師 !?
倒れて……寝息? - まさか、眠っているの?
姿形が変わったことが原因、かしら……。 - ……放置するわけにもいかないわ。
- > 《ベレトの時》
エーデルガルト: 私が背負ってもいいけれど……
いえ、ヒューベルトを呼ぶべきね。 - > 《ベレスの時》
エーデルガルト: ヒューベルトに背負わせるわけには
- Edelgard: That hair and eye color… You look just like someone else.
- Can I ask how did you ended up with that kind of appearance?
- > 「The Goddess lended me her power」
Edelgard: The Goddess…? - …[9]Edelgard lets out an frustrated sigh to regain her composure.
- I see, good for you. And having the Sword of the Creator, you must really be loved by the Goddess.
- Just like how it was with Saint Seiros in the past…
- I wonder, what will you use that power for, Master? For the Church? Or for the people of the world?
- > 「For the people of the world」
Edelgard: Heh… I also thought you’d answer with that. - > 「For my students」
Edelgard: For your students… In other words, you mean for us? - > 「For myself」
Edelgard: That’s not an answer. I was talking about what you will use your power for. - Edelgard: Master, if the world, or possibly your students were to split in half and quarrel with each other…
- What would you do? About whichever case, for the world or for your students.
- Your…
- Edelagrd: Eh… Master?! You collapsed… Sleep breathing?[10]In Japanese, there is a word specifically for a type of breathing that indicates someone is asleep.
- Did you really fall asleep? I wonder if your change in appearance was the cause…
- …I can’t leave you here.
- > 《Male Byleth》
Edelgard: I could carry you on my back… No, I should call Hubert. - > 《Female Byleth》
Edelgard: I can’t let Hubert carry you on his back. Good grief, why me…
- Edelgard: That hair…and those eyes… You remind me of someone.
- What happened to you?
- > 「The goddess gifted me her power.」
Edelgard: The goddess? - I see…
- Well, I’m happy for you. Your weapon is called the Sword of the Creator, after all. It’s no wonder she looks favorably upon you.
- Just as it was with saint Seiros, no doubt…
- And just how will you use this new power, Professor?
- > 「For the people of the world.」
Edelgard: Heh, that is so like you to say that. - > 「For my students.」
Edelgard: For us? I see… - > 「For myself.」
Edelgard: That is no answer. You must use your power for something greater than yourself. - Edelgard: Tell me… If the world, and your students included, were to divide and go to war with each other, what would you do?
- In that scenario, each side would represent both the world and your students.
- Who would you–
- Edelagrd: Professor? Have you…fallen asleep?!
- This must be a side effect of your recent…changes.
- I can’t just leave you here…
- > 《Male Byleth》
Edelgard: I could try carrying you, but… No, I had better call for Hubert. - > 《Female Byleth》
Edelgard: I shouldn’t ask Hubert to carry you, so I suppose it falls to me…
Event: 報告・守護の節 (Report – Guardian Moon)
- レア: 時のよすがに……灯る炎……
- 河面にたゆたう……記憶の欠片……
- レア: ……ベレト、
まだ……動いてはいけません。 - > 「ここはどこ……?」
> 「自分は何を……?」
レア: 大丈夫……何も心配は要りませんよ。 - あなたを傷つけようとする者は、
ここにはいないのですから。 - ららら……らららら……♪
- ………………。
- 今この時が、永遠に続けばいいのにと、
少しだけ思ってしまう……。 - 手繰り寄せられた時を共に紡ぎ、
果てなき世を二人で織っていきたい……。 - ……あなたの身に何が起こったのか、
おおよそのことは聞いています。 - この姿……
主より力を授けられたのですね? - あなたが天帝の剣を手にしたその時から、
私は、あなたがいつかこうして…… - フォドラを遍く照らす女神ソティスの力を、
その身に宿すことを信じていました。 - あなたは、私の……
- ……さあ、目を閉じて。
このまま、もう少しお眠りなさい。 - 私がずっと、見ていますから……。
- ずっと……
- Rhea: By the means of time… A flame is lit…
- It flickers on the river’s surface… A fragment of memories…
- Rhea: …Byleth, you… must not move yet.
- > 「Where is this place…?」
> 「What happened to me…?」
Rhea: It’s alright… You need not worry about anything. - For there is no one in this place who would try to hurt you.
- Lalala… Lalalala…♪
- …
- I can’t help but wish just a little that this moment would continue forever…
- I want to spin together the threads of time that had been pulled away, and for the two of us to go and weave a world without end.
- …I heard a little about what happened to your body.
- That form… You received power from the Lord, did you not?
- From the moment you held the Sword of the Creator, I hoped you would one day become like this…
- I believed that within your body resides the power of the Goddess Sothis, which will shine upon Fodlan far and wide.
- You are my…
- …Now then, close your eyes. Sleep a little more, just like this.
- For I am always watching over you…
- Always…
- Rhea: In time’s flow…see the glow of flames ever burning bright…
- On the swift river’s drift, broken memories alight…
- Rhea: Professor. You must remain still.
- > 「Where am I?」
> 「What happened?」
Rhea: Everything is all right. There is no need to worry. - Those who are trying to harm you are far away.
- ♪ Mmm… Mmm… Mmm… ♪
- …
- How lovely…it would be for this moment to last forever…
- I wish I could hold on to this time we have stolen… that you and I could create a world without end…
- I have heard whispers of what happened to you.
- Your appearance… You have received power from the goddess.
- From the moment you took hold of the Sword of the Creator…
- I prayed that one day the radiant power of Sothis, which bathes Fódlan in its celestial light, might reside within you.
- But you are so much more than the light. You are my…
- Close your eyes, dear one. Sleep, just a while longer.
- I will be watching over you, always.
- Always and forever…
↑1 | Literally, to stand in place or pause. This has some connotation that you will move on eventually. |
↑2 | Monica greets you the same way Tomas greets you to the library in your first monastery exploration. It sounds like she is doing an impersonation. |
↑3 | Kronya does the incredible girly Japanese thing where she slows down the final syllables when teasing about something she’ll do for you. Also, the word for keeping someone company here is the same word as being someone’s opponent in a match. |
↑4 | Literally, stabbing each other at the same time and dying. |
↑5 | It is possible that Zaras is influenced by the Japanese pronunciation of Zoroaster, Zarasushutora. |
↑6 | Not just any god, but the ancestor or progenitor of gods. The term “神祖” is also a title for Amaterasu, considered the Goddess of Creation in Shinto. In addition, “神祖竜” is the Japanese name for the First Dragons in Fire Emblem Fates, likely making her one. |
↑7 | 縁 (よすが) is a hard-to-translate word that means “connection” and “someone to rely on”, but also “a means of doing something”. Byleth fits all the definitions, having a literal connection to Sothis (time) by having her heart, but also a reliance and relationship to her as well. Byleth also uses the power of time as a means of accomplishing his goals. |
↑8 | The line in Byleth’s Smash is actually closer than the game translation. “To you, both sides of time are revealed. Through Smash, show the world.” |
↑9 | Edelgard lets out an frustrated sigh to regain her composure. |
↑10 | In Japanese, there is a word specifically for a type of breathing that indicates someone is asleep. |
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