
同人音楽翻訳家 Doujin Music Translator

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Month: May 2020

Fire Emblem Three Houses – Chapter 14 (Crimson Flower)

紅花の章 Safflower Chapter
守護の節 Guardian Moon
卓上の鬼神 Demon of the Tabletop[1]Tabletop is used in many contexts to refer to theory.  Together, they mean something like a fearsome master of theorycraft.

Summary of changes:

Previous: Chapter 13 (Crimson Flower) | Next: Chapter 15 (Crimson Flower)

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1 Tabletop is used in many contexts to refer to theory.  Together, they mean something like a fearsome master of theorycraft.

Fire Emblem Three Houses – Chapter 13 (Crimson Flower)

紅花の章 Safflower Chapter
星辰の節 Constellation Moon
血路の先へ Onward on the Bloody Path

Summary of changes:

Previous: Chapter 12 (Crimson Flower) | Next: Chapter 14 (Crimson Flower)

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Fire Emblem Three Houses – Chapter 12 (Crimson Flower)

白雲の章 White Clouds Chapter
孤月の節 Lone Moon Moon[1]Translating 節 as “moon” makes this translation sound awful.  節 actually does not literally mean moon, but interval of time (in this case, dividing the year).
Since months are based on the moon, “moon” was probably the best translation available.

争覇の幕開け The Opening Act of Conquest

Summary of changes:

Previous: Chapter 11 (Black Eagles) | Next: Chapter 13 (Crimson Flower)

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1 Translating 節 as “moon” makes this translation sound awful.  節 actually does not literally mean moon, but interval of time (in this case, dividing the year).
Since months are based on the moon, “moon” was probably the best translation available.

Fire Emblem Three Houses – Chapter 11 (Black Eagles)

白雲の章 White Clouds Chapter
天馬の節 Pegasus Moon
深遠の玉座 The Recondite Throne

Summary of changes:

Previous: Chapter 10 (Black Eagles) | Next: Chapter 12 (Crimson Flower) | Alternate: Chapter 12 (Silver Snow)

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Fire Emblem Fan Translation – Chapter 10 (Black Eagles)

白雲の章 White Clouds Chapter
守護の節 Guardian Moon
女神の行方 The Goddess’ Whereabouts

Summary of changes:

Previous: Chapter 9 (Black Eagles) | Next: Chapter 11 (Black Eagles)

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