
同人音楽翻訳家 Doujin Music Translator

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Month: August 2019

帝國交響楽団 – 終焉の太陽

Title: 終焉の太陽 (The Sun of Demise)
Circle: 帝國交響楽団 (Empire Ensemble)
Vocal: 青砥雫 (℃iel)
Lyrics: kyrie
Arrangement: 羽鳥風画 (Fuuga Hatori)
Release Date: Aug 10, 2018 (C94)
Requested By: Crossy Aidae

An deceptively long song, probably the most sections (18) I’ve ever done a translation for.  This song is an arrange for the battle against the Abyssal Jellyfish Princess, possibly known to be the abyssal form of USS Saratoga.  Saratoga and several other American ships (who I believed to be the ghostly chorus in this song) were sunk during the Abel and Baker nuclear bomb tests after the end of WW2, despite being decorated and celebrated warships.  The song also makes references to voices lines during the encounter with Abyssal Jellyfish Princess.  The Sun of Demise is quite assuredly a references to a nuclear explosion.

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Caro – フレスベルグの少女〜風花雪月〜 (Theme Song of Fire Emblem: Three Houses)

Title: フレスベルグの少女〜風花雪月〜 (The Young Girl of Hraesvelg ~Fuukasetsugestu~)
Vocals: キャロ (Caro)
Release Date: Jul 26, 2019

WARNING: Explanations of this song contain major spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses.   I was gifted this game by my coworker and holy crap, this game played with my emotions in a way I would have never expected.  After finishing all possible routes of the game, I’m honestly shocked at how masterfully this game manages so much foreshadowing without giving it all away.  Do yourself a favor and don’t spoil this game if you haven’t played it yet.

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