
同人音楽翻訳家 Doujin Music Translator

Fire Emblem Three Houses – Chapter 8 (Black Eagles)

白雲の章 White Clouds Chapter
赤狼の節 Red Wolf Moon
炎と闇の蠢動 Squirming of the Darkness and Flames

Summary of changes:

Previous: Chapter 7 (Black Eagles) | Next: Chapter 9 (Black Eagles)


  • 生けるものが姿を隠し始め、
  • 霧氷がじんわり降りていくように、
  • 山際に沈みゆく夕陽が、
  • それを見た狩人は言う。
  • All living creatures begin to go into hiding as the long winter arrives in Fodlan.
  • From the north of Faergus, cold covers the land for the hoarfrost to gradually begin falling.
  • The sun setting over the mountains illuminates the wolves’ newly grown winter coat red.
  • The hunters who saw them speak of it.  The red wolves have come, they say.
  • Hoarfrost now graces treetops and open fields alike, and an icy chill blown in from the north of Faerghus blankets the land.
  • All of Fódlan’s creatures begin to settle in for a long winter.
  • The setting sun bathes the full winter coat of every wolf in a foreboding scarlet glow.
  • Hunters can now spread the word that the red wolves are back on the prowl.

Event: 新たな異変 (A New Incident)

  • シャミア: ……といったところだな。
  • マヌエラ: ええ。医学に絶対はないけれど、
  • 落ち着きなく動き回る、攻撃的になる、
  • これだけちぐはぐな症状が見られるなら、
  • 複数の毒物か、魔道……しかも闇の魔道か、
  • ジェラルト: マヌエラ、ルミール村の件か。
  • マヌエラ: あら、ジェラルトさん。
  • ジェラルト: 疫病の類いではないってところからだな。
  • 俺もこいつも、ルミール村の連中には
  • あの村で何かが起こってるっつうなら、
  • シャミア: 現地の状況を確認してきた。
  • 私はこれで。
  • マヌエラ: センセイには助けられた恩もあるし、ルミー
  • ふふ、何だったら2人きりでも、
  • > 「嬉しい」
    マヌエラ: まあ……!
  • > 「遠慮したい」
    マヌエラ: あら、そう。
  • ジェラルト: 悪いが、村に行く時は俺も一緒だろう。
  • マヌエラ: ええ、またね。
  • ジェラルト: 俺はいったん部屋に戻るが、
  • 時間があるなら、先に騎士の間に行って
  • 主人公: ………………!
  • ジェラルト: お、おい!
  • > 「大丈夫だ」
    > 「少しめまいが」
    ジェラルト: 変だと思ったら医務室に戻れ。
  • わかったか?
  • ソティス: くう……何じゃ、今のめまいは……。
  • いや……初めてではない……。
  • Shamir: …And that’s about it. Is it really not some form of illness?
  • Manuela: Yes. There are no absolutes in medicine, but I find the possibility exceedingly low.
  • They move restlessly, become aggresive, or conversely, totally fall asleep and won’t wake once they do.
  • With these few unusual symptoms, I believe the cause is…
  • Several kinds of poisons or sorcery… Moreover, either dark magic or a type of hex… Something among those lines.
  • Jeralt: Manuela, is this about Remire Village? I think what you just said now is true.
  • Manuela: Oh, Jeralt-san. How much did you hear?
  • Jeralt: About from when you said it wasn’t some kind of infection disease.
  • This kid and I owe the guys over at Remire Village.
  • If something’s happened to that village, we must do something…
  • Shamir: I have confirmed the situation on-site. Speak to the knights for the details.
  • That’s all for me. Manuela, thank you for the cooperation.
  • Manuela: Since I owe you a favor, Teacher, I’ll go out with you to Remire Village.
  • Fufu, if you’d like, how about just the two of us?[1]Manuela says the sentence in a seductive tone, slowly emphasizing each syllable.
  • > 「I’d be glad to」
    Manuela: Oh…! My gosh, Teacher…
  • > 「I should refrain」
    Manuela: My, fine. You’re boring.
  • Jeralt: Sorry, but when we head to the village, I’m going too. Alright, let’s also get going.
  • Manuela: Sure, see you later. Jeralt-san, Teacher.
  • Jeralt: I’m returning to my office for a bit, but what are you up to?
  • If you’ve got time, it’d really help me out if you could first head to the knights and get the story from them…
  • Byleth: …!
  • Jeralt: O-oy!  What’s wrong?!
  • > 「I’m okay」
    > 「I’m a little dizzy」
    Jeralt: If you think something’s wrong, go back to the infirmary. Otherwise you’ll just overwork yourself with a straight face.
  • Got it?
  • Sothis: Kuu… What was that dizziness just now… Even I felt unpleasant.
  • No… It is not the first time… I’ve felt like this before…
  • Shamir: That’s what we’re dealing with. Is there no chance it’s an infectious disease?
  • Manuela: There are no absolutes in medicine, but the chances are extremely slim.
  • Restless movements, fits of violence, becoming bedridden or even impossible to wake…
  • With symptoms that varied, there are only a few possibilities.
  • It’s either a mixture of poisons or magic. And dark magic, at that.
  • Jeralt: You’re talking about Remire Village, aren’t you, Manuela?
  • Manuela: Oh my, if it isn’t Jeralt. Tell me, what was the first thing you heard?
  • Jeralt: Everything after you mentioned that it’s not likely it’s an infectious disease.
  • My child and I owe the people of Remire Village.
  • If something’s happening there, we must help them.
  • Shamir: We scouted the area ourselves. Speak with the knights. Hear what they have to say.
  • I must go. Thank you for your help, Manuela.
  • Maneula: You know, I’m more than willing to go with you to Remire Village… After all, I owe you my life.
  • If you’d like, I bet we could even manage the mission all by ourselves. Just the two of us…
  • > 「That’s nice of you.」
    Maneula: Professor! A bit of a tease, are we? A girl could get used to this side of you.
  • > 「I’m afraid not.」
    Manuela: You’re saying no? Well, aren’t you just a great, big bore.
  • Jeralt: Nice try, but I’ll be going to the village as well. Enough nonsense. It’s time to move out.
  • Manuela: Ask you like. Good-bye, Jeralt. Good-bye, Professor.
  • Jeralt: I’ll be in my office making preparations. What about you?
  • If you have the time, it would be helpful if you could go ahead and talk to the knights.
  • Byleth: …
  • Jeralt: Hey! What’s wrong?
  • > 「I’m OK.」
    > 「I just got a little dizzy.」
    Jeralt: If anything feels off, return to the infirmary. No need to just grin and bear it.
  • Got it?
  • Sothis: Ugh… What could have caused such dizziness? I felt it too.
  • Actually… I’ve felt that way before…

Event: 沸き上がる謎・黒鷲の学級 (The Seething Mystery – Black Eagles)

  • ヒューベルト: ご機嫌がよろしくないようで……。
  • エーデルガルト: わかっているなら口にしないことね。
  • ヒューベルト: ですが、過ぎたことはやり直せません。
  • エーデルガルト: わかっているわ。それに……
  • ヒューベルト: そちらについては障害なく進んでおりますよ
  • エーデルガルト: せんせい、今節の課題について聞いたわ。
  • 貴方がここに来るきっかけとなった村……
  • ヒューベルト: 騎士団の調査は進んでいるので?
  • > 「わからない」
    > 「進んでいる」
    ヒューベルト: もし村の異変が人為的に引き起こされた
  • 女神再誕の儀で西方教会に与していた
  • フレン殿誘拐の折にも姿を見せました。
  • 大修道院を舞台に何やら正体不明の輩が、
  • エーデルガルト: せんせいはこれまでの事件が、
  • > 「思う」
    エーデルガルト: ええ、普通はそう思うわよね。
  • > 「思わない」
    エーデルガルト: そうなの? 意外ね。
  • エーデルガルト: 大修道院を取り巻く事件は、
  • 様々な者たちの思惑が複雑に絡み合った
  • 自分の味方と、自分の敵がいるだけ、
  • 物事を正確に捉えられないかも
  • Hubert: You don’t look too well… As suspected, is it that thing we discussed?
  • Edelgard: If you know, don’t talk about it.
  • Hubert: Still, the past cannot be changed.  At least now we can consider whether we should put it to use…
  • Edelgard: I know.  Besides… I have to get ready for the Imperial ascension…
  • Hubert: On that subject, it is proceeding without any problems… Ahem, looks like someone is coming.
  • Edelgard: Master, I heard about the task this moon.  Something happened in Remire Village.
  • The village that triggered your coming here… I get the feeling this was the work of fate.
  • Hubert: Are the knights making progress with their investigation?
  • > 「I don’t know」
    > 「They are」
    Hubert: If the unusual event was caused by artificial means, that means someone is pulling the strings.
  • The Death Knight and the mysterious mages working with the Western Church at the Ceremony of the Goddess’ Rebirth…
  • They also showed up during the abduction of Ms. Flayn. And now, another unusual incident occurs in a village near the monastery…
  • For some reason, it seems an unknown group is plotting something with the monastery as their stage.
  • Edelgard: Master, do you think all the incidents up to now are connected in a series?
  • > 「I think so」
    Edelgard: Yes, one would normally think so. But, I’m also thinking over this.
  • > 「I don’t think so」
    Edelgard: Is that so? That’s unusual. But truth is, I’m also thinking something similar.
  • Edelgard: The incidents surrounding the monastery appear to be connected by a single thread, but…
  • I think this might be the result of various peoples’ motives getting mixed up together.
  • Just simply thinking about things like who is friend and who is foe…
  • You may not be able to accurately grasp the whole situation, Master.
  • Hubert: You look unwell. It’s because of what happened, isn’t it?
  • Edelgard: Don’t speak of it aloud.
  • Hubert: You can’t change the past. For now, all we can do is use it to our advantage.
  • Edelgard: I know that. I also know that I must steel myself to ascend the Imperial throne.
  • Hubert: Those preparations are going well. We… Someone is coming.
  • Edelgard: Professor, I heard about our mission for this month. Something terrible is happening in Remire Village.
  • That’s where you were when fate sent you our way. This feels…preordained.
  • Hubert: Are the knights making progress with their investigation?
  • > 「I don’t know.」
    > 「They are.」
    Hubert: If what is happening there is by design, there must be someone pulling the strings.
  • There is the Death Knight, of course. And the mysterious mages who were implicated with the Western Church.
  • They showed up when Flayn was kidnapped as well. And now there is another strange occurrence near the monastery…
  • It seems an unknown organization hopes to make the monastery its stage for something.
  • Edelgard: Do you believe that all of these incidents are connected, Professor?
  • > 「I do.」
    Edelgard: That is the logical conclusion, but I’m not so sure.
  • > 「I do not.」
    Edelgard: Oh? I’m surprised to hear you say that, but actually, I agree.
  • Edelgard: It certainly appears that all of the events surrounding the monastery are connected by a single thread.
  • However… I think it’s possible that it may just be a result of different motives overlapping.
  • Remember, Professor…
  • If you think of people as simply enemies or allies, it may be impossible to grasp the truth.

Event: 村を襲う悲劇・黒鷲の学級 (Tragedy Strikes the Village – Black Eagles)

  • ジェラルト: おい! ベレト!
  • > 「いったい何が」
    > 「わかった」
    ジェラルト: ルミール村の様子が一変したらしいんだが、
  • 村の連中が殺し合ってるとか、
  • 暴れる村人: コロス! コロス!
  • 暴れる村人: フフフフフフフフフ……!
  • 村の子供: 助けてえ! 助けてよおー!
  • ジェラルト: 何だこりゃ……何がどうなってやがる……
  • エーデルガルト: 惨憺たる有り様ね。
  • > 「確かに胸糞悪い」
    エーデルガルト: せんせい、言い直したのだからやめて。
  • > 「確かに酷い」
    エーデルガルト: ええ、どうにかして村を救わなければ。
  • ヒューベルト: といっても、この惨状では下手に手を
  • カスパル: 村人が村人を襲ってんだぜ!
  • リンハルト: 君はいつも無茶を言う。失敗したら
  • フェルディナント: だとしても、このまま手をこまねいて
    見ているなどできない! 私は行くぞ!
  • ベルナデッタ: あ、あたしは帰りたいですけど!
  • ドロテア: 助けを求めている人がいるなら助ける。
  • ペトラ: わたし、突入指示、待ちます。
  • エーデルガルト: 待って。村の中に不審な者たちがいるわ。
  • 彼らを排除しながら、
  • Jeralt: Oy! Byleth! Get ready to leave, quickly!
  • > 「What in the world?」
    > 「Understood」
    Jeralt: Looks like the situation in Remire Village has completely changed, but the information is complicated and we don’t know much.
  • Things like people at the village killing each other and burning houses… Anyways, hurry up!
  • Raging Villager: Kill! Kill! Uaaaaa![2]Katakana is used for the Raging Villager text, implicating something foreign or strange.
  • Raging Villager: Fufufufufufufufufu…! Aa… Vuaaa…!
  • Village Child: Help me! Help mee!
  • Jeralt: What’s going on here… What could’ve done this…
  • Edelgard: What a horrific sight.  It makes me feel like shit… I mean, feel sick.  More than I thought it would.
  • > 「It certainly feels shitty」
    Edelgard: Master, stop rephrasing what I said. More importantly, we need to rescue the villagers now.[3]Byleth is making fun of Edelgard for letting her anger slip and cursing.
    It feels totally awkward and makes sense why your relationship goes down with her.
  • > 「It certainly is horrible」
    Edelgard: Yes, we must rescue the villagers by any means.
  • Hubert: Even with that said, if we get involved in this disastrous scene recklessly, we’ll just be adding to the number of dead.
  • Caspar: Villagers are attacking villagers! So we just have to knock out every one of them, right?!
  • Lindhart: You always say such reckless things.  If you fail, you’ll end up killing them, or be killed yourself.
  • Ferdinand: Even so, we can’t just stand here like this and watch! I’m going!
  • Bernadetta: I-I want to go home! But, I guess now’s not the time to say such things!
  • Dorothea: If there are people who wants to be helped, we’ll help them. Isn’t that right, Teacher?
  • Petra: I await, the charging command. I can go, anytime!
  • Edelgard: Wait. There are some suspicious people inside the village. They look like they’re covertly examining the state of the villagers.
  • While we eliminate them, let’s rescue the conscious villagers.
  • Jeralt: We’ve got to go. Now.
  • > 「What’s going on?」
    > 「OK.」
    Jeralt: The situation in Remire Village has changed drastically. We don’t know much more than that.
  • We’re hearing reports that the villagers are killing each other. Some say houses are burning. Regardless, we need to move.
  • Rampaging Villager: Kill! Kill! Ahhhh!
  • Rampaging Villager: Haha… Hahaha… Hrngyarhh!
  • Village Child: Help! Somebody, please help!
  • Jeralt: What’s going on here…
  • Edelgard: This is horrific. It’s even more revolting…more terrible than I expected.
  • > 「I’m revolted too.」
    Edelgard: That’s not… Anyways, we can’t focus on that right now. We must save this village.
  • > 「It really is horrifying.」
    Edelgard: Yes. We must find a way to save this village.
  • Hubert: True, but if we are not careful how we proceed, we will only increase the death toll.
  • Caspar: The villagers are all attacking each other! Let’s knock them all out, one by one!
  • Lindhart: Always so reckless. You do know that if we mess up, we will either kill or be killed, right?
  • Ferdinand: Still, we cannot just stand here twiddling our thumbs and doing nothing!
  • Bernadetta: I’d r-really like to go home now…but there’s no time for thoughts like that.
  • Dorothea: We have to help them!
  • Petra: I am waiting for your orders with full readiness.
  • Edelgard: Wait. Those people over there… They seem to be observing the chaos.
  • Eliminate them and rescue all of the unafflicted villagers.

Battle: ルミール狂乱戦 (The Remire Frenzy Battle)

  • > 戦闘開始時
    ジェラルト: どうやら不穏な連中がいるようだが、
    まずは村人の救援が最優先だ! いいな?
  • 俺がここで正気を失った奴らを引きつける!
  • > 暴れる村人初戦時
    暴れる村人: コロス……コロス……!
  • > 村人を狙う暴れる村人撃破時
    村人: あ、ありがとうございます……!
  • > 2ターン目開始時
    エーデルガルト: あの奥で指示を出している者……
  • > 上記後、次の敵軍フェイズ
    エーデルガルト: トマシュ殿、ここで何を……
  • トマシュ: わしはトマシュなどではない……。
  • ソロン: どうだ、驚いて声も出ぬか?
  • わしがガルグ=マクに潜んでおったのは、
  • この血があれば、我らはまた一歩、
  • 死神騎士: 俺も愉しませてもらうぞ……。
  • ジェラルト: あれは、死神騎士……! あいつも、
  • > 村人のいる状態でソロンに接近
    ソロン: ふっ……無策にも突っ込んでくるか。
  • 実験はもう十分だ。
  • 村人: うわあああ……
  • 村人: ぐあああ……
  • 村人: ううっ……もう駄目だ……
  • 村人: 主は……我らを見捨てたもうたか……
  • 村人: チクショウ……何で……
  • 村人: ああ、母さん……
  • エーデルガルト: ソロン……! 何てことを!
  • > マップ上にいる村人が全員離脱・撃破された時
    ジェラルト: よし、助けられるだけ助けたな……!
    後はソロンだ! あいつをひっ捕らえるぞ!
  • > vs 死神騎士
    死神騎士: 用があるのは貴様ではない……。
  • > 主人公 vs 死神騎士
    死神騎士: 我が逸楽よ……。
  • > エーデルガルト vs 死神騎士
    死神騎士: ……何のつもりだ?
  • エーデルガルト: 貴方こそ、何のつもりでここへ?
  • > 死神騎士撃破
    死神騎士: まだ命に刃が届かぬか……。
  • エーデルガルト: 死神騎士に構っている場合じゃないわ。
  • > vs ソロン
    ソロン: 矮小で劣悪な獣ごときが、
  • > 主人公 vs ソロン
    ソロン: 不吉なる“凶星”よ……。この機会に、
  • > エーデルガルト vs ソロン
    エーデルガルト: トマシュ……いえ、ソロン?
  • ソロン: 何を……!
  • > 戦闘勝利後
    ジェラルト: 貴様、なぜこの村を狙った?
  • ソロン: フン、実験台など誰でも良かった。
  • 《死神騎士未撃破》
    死神騎士: ……ここは、退こう。
  • ジェラルト: おい、待て!
  • エーデルガルト: 逃がしたわね……。
  • ……村内を見回ってくるわ。
  • > Battle Start
    Jeralt: Looks like there’s a suspicious bunch, but our top priority is to first rescue the villagers!  Got it?
  • I’ll distract the guys who have lost their minds here! During that time, you guys go and rescue the villagers!
  • > Raging Villager First Battle
    Raging Villager: Kill… Kill…!
  • > Defeated a Raging Villager attacking a Villager
    Villager: T-thank you…!
  • > Turn 2 Start
    Edelgard: That person giving orders in the center over there… I’m certain that’s Tomas, the librarian.
  • > Next Enemy Phase after that
    Edelgard: Mr. Tomas, what are you doing here… Rather, do I even need to ask?
  • Tomas: I am not Tomas… My name is Solon, savior of the World of Man…!
  • Solon: How’s that? So shocked you can’t even speak? You were thoroughly deceived by hunting form.
  • I laid hidden in Garreg Mach to obtain the blood of that little girl named Flayn…
  • With this blood, we are another step closer to realizing our greatest aspirations…!
  • Death Knight: I will also allow myself some fun…
  • Jeralt: That’s the Death Knight…! Is he also Tomas… no, Solon’s ally?
  • > There are still villagers when approaching Solon
    Solon: Hmph… So you come charging in without so much as a plan. Beasts, as I expected…
  • That’s enough of the experiment… Kill them.
  • Villager: Uwaaaa…
  • Villager: Guaaa… Is help… not coming…?
  • Villager: Uuu…… I can’t take it anymore…
  • Villager: Has the Lord……completely abandoned us…?
  • Villager: Damnit… Why…?
  • Villager: Aah, mommy…
  • Edelgard: Solon…!! What are you doing! …I swear, you will pay someday for what you’ve done.
  • > When all villagers on the map are saved/killed
    Jeralt: Alright, we helped everyone we could…! Solon is next! Capture him!
  • > vs Death Knight
    Death Knight: You are not the one I have use for…
  • > Byleth vs Death Knight
    Death Knight: My pleasure… Try to kill me with that blade…[4]The Death Knight is not trying to be polite.  He is literally calling Byleth his “pleasure”.
  • > Edelgard vs Death Knight
    Death Knight: …What are you trying to do?
  • Edelgard: I should be asking you, what are you trying to do here? Don’t get in my way.
  • > Death Knight Defeated
    Death Knight: So the blade has yet to take life… Soft people will die…[5]It’s unclear who’s blade or life the Death Knight is referring to.
    It actually sounds like the Death Knight is disappointed and calls his opponent soft for not killing him.
  • Edelgard: This isn’t the time to worry about the Death Knight. Let’s concentrate on defeating Solon.
  • > vs Solon
    Solon: So the puny inferior beast-like creature thinks it can kill me…
  • > Byleth vs Solon
    Solon: The ominous “Malefic”… Mind if I use this opportunity to test your power?
  • > Edelgard vs Solon
    Edelgard: Tomas… No, Solon? I will stop you.
  • Solon: What the…! …If you approach me, I won’t go easy on you.
  • > After Battle Victory
    Jeralt: You bastard, why did you target this village? What the hell are you plotting?!
  • Solon: Hmm, for things like test subjects, anyone would have been fine. I have plenty of results… Allow me to excuse myself.
  • 《Death Knight Not Defeated》
    Death Knight: …This is where I withdraw.
  • Jeralt: Oy, wait! Tch, he vanished…
  • Edelgard: We let him get away…
  • I’ll go look around the village. There may still be enemies hiding.
  • > Battle Start
    Jeralt: There are some suspicious looking ruffians out there, but our top priority is to rescue the villagers! Got it?
  • I’ll rein in the villagers who’ve turned violent. You focus on rescuing the others.
  • > Rampaging Villager First Battle
    Rampaging Villager: Kill! Kill!
  • > Defeated a Rampaging Villager attacking a Villager
    Villager: Th-thank you!
  • > Turn 2 Start
    Edelgard: The one giving commands in the back… I’m certain that’s Tomas, the librarian.
  • > Next Enemy Phase after that
    Edelgard: Tomas, what are you doing here? Dare I even ask?
  • Tomas: I’m not Tomas. My name is Solon, the savior of all!
  • Solon: What’s the matter? So shocked you can’t even speak? You were so easily fooled by my disguise…
  • I was hiding away in Garreg Mach to get the blood of that little girl called Flayn.
  • With her blood, we’ll be one step closer to realizing our goal.
  • Death Knight: I’ll have a bit of fun here too…
  • Jeralt: That’s the Death Knight! He must be an ally of Tomas…or Solon, or whoever he is.
  • > There are still villagers when approaching Solon
    Solon: They charge in without any plan whatsoever. Beasts, all of them…
  • The experiment is over. Kill them!
  • Villager: Ahhhh!
  • Villager: Argh… No help came…
  • Villager: Urgh. I can’t hold on any longer.
  • Villager: Goddess… Have you abandoned us?
  • Villager: No… Why?!
  • Villager: Aaagh! No…
  • Edelgard: Solon, what have you done?! You will not escape punishment!
  • > When all villagers on the map are saved/killed
    Jeralt: We’ve rescued as many as we can. Now it’s time to capture Solon.
  • > vs Death Knight
    Death Knight: You are not the one I crave…
  • > Byleth vs Death Knight
    Death Knight: My pleasure… Do your best to kill me with that blade…
  • > Edelgard vs Death Knight
    Death Knight: What are you trying to do here?
  • Edelgard: You’re the one who should be answering that question. Stay out of my way!
  • > Death Knight Defeated
    Death Knight: My blade craves their flesh… The weak will eventually die…
  • Edelgard: The Death Knight was just a distraction. Let’s concentrate on killing Solon.
  • > vs Solon
    Solon: You are but a savage, insignificant beast… Yet you think you can kill me?
  • > Byleth vs Solon
    Solon: Ah, the cursed Fell Star… This will be a fine opportunity to measure your power.
  • > Edelgard vs Solon
    Edelgard: Tomas! No… Solon, I will stop you.
  • Solon: What?! If you insist on turning your blade against me, then expect no mercy.
  • > After Battle Victory
    Jeralt: Why have you gone after this village? What are you planning?
  • Solon: Heh, I could have conducted this experiment on any test subjects. Now that I have what I came for, I must bid you farewell.
  • 《Death Knight Not Defeated》
    Death Knight: I must go…
  • Jeralt: Wait! Damn it, he’s gone…
  • Edelgard: We let him get away…
  • I’ll survey the village. There may still be enemies in hiding.

Event: 炎帝現る (The Flame Emperor Appears)

  • ジェラルト: どうにか片づいたな……。
  • 奴ら、実験台は誰でも良かったと
  • あいつらのせいで、
  • 炎帝: ここにいたか、ベレト。
  • ジェラルト: その姿……お前が、炎帝か。
  • 炎帝: いかにも。
  • ジェラルト: 世話になったとは随分な挨拶だな。
  • 炎帝: 勘違いするな!
  • ジェラルト: なに?
  • 炎帝: ソロンは確かに我が協力者だが、
  • このような行い、事前に知っておれば
  • ジェラルト: 口では何とでも言える。
  • 炎帝: できぬ相談だ。……が、我と貴様らとで
  • ジェラルト: 何だと……?
  • 炎帝: 放っておけば、彼奴はまた凶行を
  • 特に天帝の剣を持つ貴様の力があれば、
  • > 「手を組もう」
    炎帝: そう怒りを露わにしていては、
  • > 「手は組まない」
    炎帝: 残念だ。貴様ならそう答えるだろうとは
  • 炎帝: その選択、後悔するでないぞ。
  • ヒューベルト: ジェラルト殿、先生。
  • ジェラルト: どうした?
    ……ちっ! しまった。
  • 逃がしたか……。
  • ジェラルト: なあ、ベレト。
  • > 「変わった?」
    > 「どこが?」
    ジェラルト: ルミール村に来てから、お前、
  • ガキどもを指導している時は、
  • お前がそれほど感情を表に出すなんて、
  • > 「そうかもしれない」
    > 「生徒たちのおかげだ」
    ジェラルト: お前のそんな顔が見られるなら、大修道院に
  • あるいは初めから、大修道院を出る必要さえ
  • > 「出る必要がなかった?」
    > 「自分は大修道院を出てから生まれたのでは?」
    ジェラルト: ……!
  • 今度、暇な時に俺の部屋に来い。
  • ソティス: これはいかなることじゃ? おぬしが
  • おぬしの生には、いったい何が
  • Jeralt: We somehow managed to sort things out… Casualties were also… kept to a minimum.
  • Those guys said they would have been okay with anyone as test subjects.
  • Because of them, the people of Remire are…
  • Flame Emperor: So here you were, Byleth.
  • Jeralt: That figure… So you’re the Flame Emperor.
  • Flame Emperor: Indeed. It seems you have been looking after my subordinate, the Death Knight.
  • Jeralt: Looking after him is certainly one way to put it. You really messed up this village…
  • Flame Emperor: Do not be mistaken!
  • Jeralt: What?
  • Flame Emperor: While Solon is certainly a collaborator, we do not have the same objectives.
  • If I had known prior he would do something like this, I would have absolutely stopped him. Of that I assure you.
  • Jeralt: Talk is cheap.[6]Literally “You can say anything with your mouth”. Why don’t you come with us back to the monastery, then?
  • Flame Emperor: That is a consultation I cannot give… But, if you and I were to join forces, I would accept.
  • Jeralt: What did you say…?
  • Flame Emperor: If left alone, that man will continue to commit crimes. Don’t you want to stop that?
  • Especially if we had the power of you who wields the Sword of the Creator, Solon would be no match…
  • > 「I will join forces」
    Flame Emperor: That anger you expose makes it clear that you are lying.
  • > 「I won’t join forces」
    Flame Emperor: A shame. I expected you to answer that way, but…
  • Flame Emperor: Do not regret that decision.
  • Hubert: Mr. Jeralt, Teacher. Have you perhaps seen Lady Edelgard?
  • Jeralt: What’s wrong? …Tch! Damnit.
  • Did we let them get away…?
  • Jeralt: Hey, Byleth. After coming to the monastery, you’ve changed.
  • > 「Changed?」
    > 「How so?」
    Jeralt: You’ve stayed angry since we arrived at Remire Village, haven’t you?
  • And you also look surprisingly happy when you’re instructing the kids.
  • I’ve never once see you express that much emotion until we came to the monastery.
  • > 「That may be so」
    > 「It’s thanks to the students」
    Jeralt: If I get to see you with that kind of face, maybe it’s a good thing we came to the monastery.
  • Or, maybe there it wasn’t even necessary to leave the monastery in the first place…
  • > 「Not necessary to leave the monastery?」
    > 「Wasn’t I born after you left the monastery?」
    Jeralt: …! Ah, I’ve done it… No, I guess it’s about that time, huh?
  • Next time you’re free, come to my office.  I’ve got something to tell you.
  • Sothis: What kind of thing is he talking about? You have no recollection of the monastery, nor do I.
  • What in the world could it be that is hidden within your life…?
  • Jeralt: It looks like we somehow managed to sort things out. And casualties were…kept to a minimum.
  • They said they weren’t picky about who they used as their “test subjects.”
  • Because of them, the people of Remire Village…
  • Flame Emperor: There you are.
  • Jeralt: That armor. So, you’re the Flame Emperor.
  • Flame Emperor: Yes. I believe you have met my subordinate, the Death Knight.
  • Jeralt: Oh, we’ve met him all right. But back to you. You’re the one responsible for the destruction of this village.
  • Flame Emperor: Do not get the wrong idea.
  • Jeralt: What in blazes does that mean?
  • Flame Emperor: It is true that I am working with Solon. But that does not mean our objectives are the same.
  • Had I known they planned to do this, I would have stopped it. You have my word.
  • Jeralt: Your words are meaningless. Now, I’ll have to insist you accompany us back to the monastery.
  • Flame Emperor: I cannot abide that. However, if you wish to join forces, I will hear your plea.
  • Jeralt: What?!
  • Flame Emperor: If left to their own devices, they will commit countless more violent acts like this one. Do you not wish to prevent that?
  • With the Sword of the Creator on our side, Solon would not be a threat…
  • > 「I will join your cause.」
    Flame Emperor: You are lying. I can see that you cannot contain your fury toward me. Pity.
  • > 「I must refuse.」
    Flame Emperor: Pity. Though not unexpected.
  • Flame Emperor: Pray that you do not live to regret your choice.
  • Hubert: Jeralt, Professor! Have you seen Lady Edelgard?!
  • Jeralt: What’s wrong, kid? Huh?
  • Damn it! He’s gone…
  • Jeralt: Hey. I’ve been meaning to talk to you. Since coming to the monastery…you’ve changed.
  • > 「Changed?」
    > 「How so?」
    Jeralt: You’ve been angry since we first arrived in Remire Village.
  • And you look so happy when you’re instructing the brats.
  • Before the monastery, I’d never seen you bear your emotions like that. Not once.
  • > 「You might be right.」
    > 「It’s thanks to the students.」
    Jeralt: Then perhaps it’s a good thing we came to the monastery, if only so I could see your face lit up like that.
  • Or maybe there was never any reason for us to leave the monastery in the first place…
  • > 「A reason to leave?」
    > 「Wasn’t I born after you left the monastery?」
    Jeralt: Ah… I’ve put my foot in my mouth, haven’t I? Though I suppose it may be nearly that time…
  • Come to my office when you next have a moment to spare. There’s something I need to tell you.
  • Sothis: Just what was that about? I can’t recall a time of old when you were at the monastery…
  • I wonder what is hiding in the mist that is your past…

Event: 深まる謎・黒鷲の学級 (The Mystery Deepens)

  • エーデルガルト:せんせい……何と言えばわからないけれど、
  • やれるだけのことは、やったと思うわ。
  • > 「だといいが……」
    エーデルガルト: ジェラルト殿もそう仰っていたわ。
  • > 「力不足だった」
    エーデルガルト: 人は全能ではないのよ。
  • エーデルガルト: そういえば、ルミール村にも
  • 何やら話をしていた、とヒューベルトからは
  • > 「今回の件には関与していないと言われた」
    エーデルガルト: そんなことを?
  • > 「手を組もうと誘われた」
    エーデルガルト: そんなことを?
  • > 「信じている」・「ある」
    エーデルガルト: 本当に!? 正体不明の相手よ?
  • > 「信じていない」・「ない」
    エーデルガルト: そうよね……。多くの事件の裏に暗躍する
  • > 《「今回の件には関与していないと言われた」》
    エーデルガルト: 仮に炎帝の言葉が本当だったとしても、
  • もし炎帝が、炎帝の思う真実を
  • その時はせんせいの前に、仮面を外した姿で
  • > 《「手を組もうと誘われた」》
    エーデルガルト: 仮に炎帝が本気だったとしても、
  • もし炎帝が本当に貴方の力を
  • いつかせんせいの前に、仮面を外した姿で
  • モニカ: エーデルさん!
  • あっ、ごめんね。
  • エーデルガルト: いえ、気にしないでいいわ。
  • Edelgard: Master… I don’t know how to properly put this, but I want to at least thank you for your hard work.
  • I think we did everything that we could.
  • > 「I hope so…」
    Edelgard: Mr. Jeralt also said that. Let’s face forward, okay?
  • > 「I wasn’t strong enough」
    Edelgard: No person is all-powerful. Master, let’s face forward, okay?
  • Edelgard: Speaking of which, it seems someone who calls themselves the “Flame Emperor” also appeared at Remire.
  • I heard from Hubert that you two were talking about something, though.
  • > 「They said they weren’t involved in the incident this time」
    Edelgard: They did that? And, do you believe them, Master?
  • > 「I was invited to join forces」
    Edelgard: They did that? And, do you have any interest in joining forces, Master?
  • > 「I believe them」・「I do」
    Edelgard: Really?! An enemy with an unknown identity? I wonder how you can believe them.
  • > 「I don’t believe them」・「I don’t」
    Edelgard: Indeed… An enemy with an unknown identity behind many incidents who operates behind the scenes… It would be harder to believe them.
  • > 《「They said they weren’t involved in the incident this time」》
    Edelgard: Even if we were to assume that the Flame Emperor’s words were true, we don’t even know what their objective is.
  • If the time comes when the Flame Emperor reveals what they believe to be truth…
  • Maybe then, they will appear before you without a mask, Master…
  • > 《「I was invited to join forces」》
    Edelgard: Even if we were to assume that the Flame Emperor was serious, we don’t even know what their objective is.
  • If the Flame Emperor truly has need of your power…
  • Maybe someday, they will appear before you without a mask, Master…
  • Monika: Edel-san! There’s something I want to ask.
  • Ah, sorry. Did I interrupt?
  • Edelgard: No, don’t worry about it. Well then, Master. See you in class.
  • Edelgard: Professor, I don’t know if this is appropriate to say, but…admirable work out there.
  • I really believe we did all that we could.
  • > 「I wish that were true.」
    Edelgard: Jeralt said the same thing. We must try to stay positive, even through the horror.
  • > 「I wasn’t strong enough.」
    Edelgard: No mortal is all powerful. We must try to stay positive, even through the horror.
  • Edelgard: I hear the so-called “Flame Emperor” appeared in Remire Village as well.
  • Hubert told me that you spoke with him.
  • > 「He said he wasn’t involved in this incident.」
    Edelgard: And do you believe him, Professor?
  • > 「He asked me to join forces with him.」
    Edelgard: Really? Is that what you want, Professor?
  • > 「I believe them」・「I do」
    Edelgard: Oh? But how can you trust someone without even knowing who they are?
  • > 「I don’t believe them」・「I don’t」
    Edelgard: That makes sense. It’s hard to trust someone without knowing who they are or how they’re connected to all this.
  • > 《「They said they weren’t involved in the incident this time」》
    Edelgard: Even if his words are true, his objectives are still unclear.
  • But if the Flame Emperor should someday reveal his true intentions…
  • Maybe then he will appear before you without his mask, and you can look in his eyes and decide what you believe.
  • > 《「I was invited to join forces」》
    Edelgard: Even if he wants you as an ally, his objectives are still unclear.
  • If the Flame Emperor truly wishes to make use of your power…
  • Perhaps someday he will appear before you without a mask, and you can look in his eyes and decide what you believe.
  • Monika: Edel! I need to ask you something!
  • Oh, I’m so sorry. Did I interrupt?
  • Edelgard: No, not at all. If you’ll excuse me, Professor.

Event: 報告・赤狼の節

  • レア: ルミール村を狙った恐ろしい計画に
  • この度の惨禍には、天上の女神様も、
  • それに……書庫番のトマシュが
  • 私たちの目が節穴だったことも、
  • ソティス: まったくじゃ。入り込んだ鼠に気づけぬとは
    情けないにも程があるぞ! のう?
  • それにしても彼らは何者なのじゃ。
  • > 「彼らは何者?」
    > 「トマシュは何のために修道院へ?」
    セテス: トマシュは同盟貴族……コーデリア家の
  • 8年ほど前にコーデリア家に戻り、
  • 何十年とガルグ=マクにいて、なぜ今更……
  • それから、イェリッツァは帝国貴族の推薦で
  • 仮に彼が死神騎士であれば、敵は2国に
  • レア: セイロス聖教会の長い歴史の中で……
  • フォドラの安寧を脅かさんとする者たちが
  • 闇に蠢く彼らの正体はいまだ不明です。
  • ですが、ソロンや死神騎士は
  • ソティス: 安寧を脅かさんとする者たち、か。
  • > 「これからどうする?」
    セテス: 敵の狙いがわからない以上、
  • もちろん騎士団は調査に当たるが、
  • > 「征伐しよう」
    レア: 本当に頼もしくなりましたね。
  • 今は敵の狙いも所在も掴めていませんから、
  • セテス: では、今日のところはこれで。
  • レア: お待ちなさい、ベレト。
  • まだ理解できないことも数多あるでしょう。
  • その存在は、やがて皆の希望となり、
  • 何より私自身が、あなたに期待しています。
  • あなたに……女神ソティスのご加護が、
  • ソティス: 女神……ソティスじゃと!?
  • レア: どうか、しましたか?
  • > 「何でもない」
    レア: そうですか。
  • > 「女神の名前を初めて聞いた」
    レア: そうでしたか。ソティスは女神の真名です。
  • では、また後ほど……。
  • ソティス: おぬし、迂闊なことを口にするでないぞ。
  • 今は疾く退出せよ!
  • Rhea: You did well drawing the curtains on the horrible plot targeting Remire Village.
  • For this degree of calamity, surely even the Goddess Above feels a strong pain in her heart.
  • And also… That the librarian Tomas was a dark mage by the name of Solon…
  • We must also self-reflect on how we were blind.[7]Rhea uses the expression, “our eyes were like knotholes (in wood)”.
  • Sothis: Good grief.  There is a limit to how pathetic it is not to notice a rat had snuck in! Right?
  • In any case, who sort of people are they? How did Tomas manage to conceal himself?
  • > 「Who are they?」
    > 「Why did Tomas come to the monastery?」
    Seteth: Tomas is an Alliance noble… By House Cordelia’s [8]This was localized to House Ordelia, I presume to avoid confusion with the character Cornelia.recommendation, he has been at the monastery since around 40 years.
  • Around 8 years ago, he returned to House Cordelia, and was reinstated again last year.
  • After how many decades at Garreg Mach, why now… What in the world is he plotting?
  • Not only that, Jeritza became an instructor at the military academy by recommendation of Imperial nobility.
  • Assuming he is the Death Knight, that means the enemy is an organization spanning two nations…
  • Rhea: In the long history of the Church of Seiros… No, even before then, since ancient times long ago…
  • Those who try to threaten the Fodlan’s peace have appeared, and have not stopped ever since.[9]Rhea uses archaic grammar, んとする, which has become ようとする in modern Japanese, meaning “try to do”.
  • The identity of those who squirm in the dark are still unknown.
  • However, I suspect without a doubt that Solon and the Death Knight are a part of them.
  • Sothis: Those who try to threaten the peace, huh? If so, then you’ll have to punish them, won’t you?[10]Sothis uses the same grammar point as Rhea here.
  • > 「What should I do from here?」
    Seteth: Seeing that we don’t know our enemy’s objective, we can’t afford to make a move foolishly.
  • Naturally, the knights are taking on the investigation, but please work hard on training for you and your students.
  • > 「We must punish them」[11]”Punish” here is the same word as “subjugate” and “conquest”. Rhea likes this option, which is curious.
    Rhea: You have truly become reliable. The monastery is safe when you are here.
  • For now, since we have neither the enemy’s objective nor whereabouts, please study diligently for when the time comes.
  • Seteth: Now then, this will be all for today.
  • Rhea: Wait, Byleth.
  • I’m sure there are many things you have yet to understand.  But, you are someone powerful.
  • I am certain that your existence will be needed before long, and you will become everyone’s hope.
  • More than anyone, I myself have great expectations of you. Please walk forth with your head up high.
  • May the protection of the Goddess Sothis… be with you.[12]Rhea uses another archaic grammar point here, んことを is used like ように, roughly translated to “May x happen”.
  • Sothis: Did she say the Goddess… Sothis?!
  • Rhea: Did… something happen?
  • > 「Nothing」
    Rhea: Is that so? Well then, I’ll see you again sometime…
  • > 「That’s the first time I’ve heard the Goddess’ name」
    Rhea: Was it? Sothis is the Goddess’ true name. Take care not utter it needlessly.
  • Well then, I’ll see you again sometime…
  • Sothis: You, do not say anything recklessly.  This person… I… what kind of people are we?
  • Hurry and leave now!  Got it?!
  • Rhea: You did well handling that awful business in Remire Village.
  • I am certain the goddess shares in our grief at the senselessness of that calamity.
  • More importantly, I was shocked to hear that our own Tomas was actually a dark mage.
  • I must reflect on our blindness.
  • Sothis: You surely must! You failed to notice that a rat was hiding in your home. Pathetic!
  • Who are these wicked foes? How did Tomas escape your gaze?
  • > 「Who are these villains?」
    > 「Why did Tomas come to the monastery?」
    Seteth: Tomas came to the monastery 40 years ago, by recommendation of House Ordelia of the Alliance.
  • Around eight years ago he went back to House Ordelia before returning to the monastery once again just last year.
  • After having worked at Garreg Mach for decades, why would he betray us now? Just what did he hope to accomplish?
  • Jeritza became a professor at the Officers Academy because of a recommendation from the Imperial nobility.
  • Supposing that he is the Death Knight, that means that our enemy is an organization that has taken root in at least two territories.
  • Rhea: In the long history of the Church of Seiros… No, long before even that…
  • There have been an endless number of threats to the peace of Fódlan.
  • Yet, those who oppose us still operate in the shadows, their identities a mystery.
  • I believe that Solon and the Death Knight are merely one part of a much larger whole.
  • Sothis: A threat to Fódlan’s peace? That means we have no choice. We have to stop them all!
  • > 「What now?」
    Seteth: Without knowing what their objective is, we cannot afford to act recklessly.
  • The knights will investigate. For now, you and your class should focus on your training.
  • > 「They must be stopped.」
    Rhea: I have truly come to rely on you. I believe that the monastery will remain safe so long as we have you.
  • We do not yet know the enemy’s objective or whereabouts. For now, please devote yourself to preparing for whatever comes next.
  • Seteth: That is all for today.
  • Rhea: Professor. Please wait.
  • I know there is much that you still do not understand. However, one thing is clear. You possess great power.
  • I believe that you are destined to be a source of great hope for all.
  • In any case, I expect great things from you. Walk this world proudly, dear Professor.
  • May the goddess Sothis protect you.
  • Sothis: The goddess Sothis?! Is that what she just said?
  • Rhea: Is something the matter?
  • > 「It’s nothing.」
    Rhea: I see. In that case, farewell.
  • > 「I had never heard the name of the goddess.」
    I see. Sothis is the goddess’s true name. Please do not use it carelessly.
  • Farewell.
  • Sothis: Do not say something that we may regret! She… I… What exactly am I?
  • For now, let’s leave this place. Please… Go!


1 Manuela says the sentence in a seductive tone, slowly emphasizing each syllable.
2 Katakana is used for the Raging Villager text, implicating something foreign or strange.
3 Byleth is making fun of Edelgard for letting her anger slip and cursing.
It feels totally awkward and makes sense why your relationship goes down with her.
4 The Death Knight is not trying to be polite.  He is literally calling Byleth his “pleasure”.
5 It’s unclear who’s blade or life the Death Knight is referring to.
It actually sounds like the Death Knight is disappointed and calls his opponent soft for not killing him.
6 Literally “You can say anything with your mouth”.
7 Rhea uses the expression, “our eyes were like knotholes (in wood)”.
8 This was localized to House Ordelia, I presume to avoid confusion with the character Cornelia.
9 Rhea uses archaic grammar, んとする, which has become ようとする in modern Japanese, meaning “try to do”.
10 Sothis uses the same grammar point as Rhea here.
11 ”Punish” here is the same word as “subjugate” and “conquest”. Rhea likes this option, which is curious.
12 Rhea uses another archaic grammar point here, んことを is used like ように, roughly translated to “May x happen”.


  1. i love what you are doing with this direct translation, thank you so much for this! can i ask where i can find you on reddit?

  2. (english isn’t my native langage so i’m sorry if i make mistake!)
    Thank you so much for your work ! I’m french and while playing the game, I often had the impression that something was lost in translation… for exemple when Edelgard swear in disgust, in french version there is no swearing at all, and the 2 Byleth answers are almost the same… so when I randomly pick the first one, I didn’t understand why my relationship goes down with her. So I’m glad I finally found an explanation ! Thank you again it’s very interesting to see the differences between versions

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