白雲の章 White Clouds Chapter
天馬の節 Pegasus Moon
深遠の玉座 The Recondite Throne
Summary of changes:
- Rhea specifies says “my wish” rather than “our dearest wishes” will come true.
- Rhea is more direct in tasking the students to be at the ceremony.
- The Coronation is less verbose.
- Rather than believing he could have done more, Ionius IX believed he did nothing for Edelgard.
- Lindhart’s shock was specifically that their own nation was responsible.
- Edelgard doesn’t say to kill those who oppose, just that she allows it.
- Rhea invokes the Lord to say Edelgard must die.
Previous: Chapter 10 (Black Eagles) | Next: Chapter 12 (Crimson Flower) | Alternate: Chapter 12 (Silver Snow)
- ファーガスの北の地は、吐く息も凍る寒さに包まれ、
アドラステアの南の海でさえ冷たい風が吹きつける。 - 空から天馬の羽と見紛う雪が舞い落ちると、
フォドラの首飾りは真珠より白くなり、 - 険しい喉元を更に険しくするのである。
- The northern lands of Faerghus, where even one’s breath is wrapped in the freezing cold, blow a cool wind onto even the southern seas of Adrestia.
- When snow that some mistake for pegasus feathers fall from the sky, Fodlan’s Choker becomes whiter than pearl,
- making its inaccessible throat even more rugged.
- The northern lands are enveloped in a bitter cold, and frigid winds are carried across the sea to the south of Adrestia.
- When feather-white snow falls on Fódlan’s Locket, the fort looks as delicate as a pearl.
- However….beneath that snowy blanket, her Throat is more treacherous than ever.
Event: 正体を求めて (Seeking the True Identity)
- セテス: レア……話してくれ。
君は私に何を隠している。 - あの者の姿は何だというのだ。
あれでは、まるで……。 - レア: ですから、今言えることは何もありません。
今節の終わりに…… - セテス: ジェラルトの日記を読んだ。
彼の部屋で偶然、見つけてね。 - レア: !
- セテス: 日記には、彼がここを出て行った理由も
記されていたよ。 - 火災で死んだとされていた赤子……
それが、あの者なんだろう? - 彼は、君が赤子に何かしたのだと気づき、
ここを出ていくと決めたんだ。 - 君は赤子に……あの者に、何をした?
まさか、禁忌に触れるような行いは……。 - レア: セテス! まもなく人が来ます。
これ以上は、やめてください。 - 私はあの者を聖墓へ連れていきます。
そこで……私の望みは達せられるはずです。 - 幼い頃、私はあそこで確かに、
彼女の声を聞いたのですから……。 - ……入りなさい。
- ……待っていましたよ、ベレト。
- あなたは主より力を授けられました。
ならば、まず訪れるべき場所があります。 - ベレト、
聖墓に行き、主の啓示を受けなさい。 - > 「聖墓……?」
> 「啓示……?」
セテス: 聖墓は女神の眠る場所。この大修道院は、
元々それを守るために建てられたものだ。 - レア: 限られた者しか知りませんが、聖墓には
セイロスにまつわる伝説があります。 - かつて女神より力を授かった聖セイロスは、
聖墓にて啓示を受けたというのです。 - ……フォドラの民を救い、導くため
その力を正しく使うように、と。 - かつてセイロスに与えられた主のお言葉は、
きっとあなたにも下されるはずです。 - セテス: ……聖墓に赴くといい。なぜ君がその力を
得られたのか、わかるかもしれん。 - レア: 聖墓にて主の啓示を受ける儀式を行います。
あなた方の学級に与える、今節の課題です。 - > 「生徒たちも一緒に?」
> 「なぜ課題に……」
レア: セイロスが啓示を受けた際、その傍らには
聖戦士らが控え、見守っていたといいます。 - あなたに導かれ、共に戦ってきた生徒たちは
儀式の場に立ち会うに相応しいはず。 - もちろん、セイロス聖教会の首長として
私も儀式を見届けるつもりです。 - > 「珍しい」
レア: それだけ特別なことなのです。 - > 「危険はないのか?」
レア: 聖墓は封じられた神聖なる地。
案ずることはありません。 - レア: 仮に良からぬことが起きようとも、私とて、
己が身を守るくらいはできるつもりです。 - セテス: ……いろいろな変化もあったが、
君の役目は変わらない。 - 儀式まで気を緩めず、
- Seteth: Rhea… Talk to me. You’re hiding something from me.
- What does that one’s appearance’s mean? It’s as though…
- Rhea: Like I said, I have nothing to say right now. At the end of this moon…
- Seteth: I read Jeralt’s diary. I found it in his room by chance.
- Rhea: !
- Seteth: In the diary, he had also written down his reason for leaving this place.
- The baby that supposedly died in the fires… That’s that person, isn’t it?
- He realized you did something to the baby and decided to leave this place.
- What did you do to that baby… that person? Don’t tell me you did something that violates taboo…
- Rhea: Seteth! People are coming soon. Please don’t go any further.
- I will bring that person to the Holy Tomb. There… I should be able to get my wish.
- For when I was a child, I was certain that I heard her voice that place…
- …Come in.
- …I’ve been waiting for you, Byleth.
- You have received power from the Lord. That being so, there is a place you must first visit.
- Byleth, go to the Holy Tomb and receive a revelation from the Lord.
- > 「Holy Tomb…?」
> 「Revelation…?」
Seteth: The Holy Tomb is the resting place of the Goddess. This monastery was originally constructed to protect it. - Rhea: There are only a few people who know, but there is a legend about the holy tomb regarding Seiros.
- They say that in the past, Saint Seiros received a revelation in the Holy Tomb after receiving powers from the Goddess.
- …To use her power righteously to save and guide the people of Fodlan.
- The words that were bestowed upon Seiros in the past will surely be passed down to you as well.
- Seteth: …You should head for the Holy Tomb. Perhaps you may learn why you have received that power.
- Rhea: You will perform the ceremony to receive the Lord’s revelation at the Holy Tomb. Give this to your class for the task this moon.
- > 「Together with my students too?」
> 「Why as a task…?」
Rhea: They say when Seiros received her revelation, she was backed up by her holy warriors who were watching over here. - The students who you guided and fought alongside you should be worthy to bear witness at the ceremony.
- Of course, as the head of the Church of Seiros, I will also intend to oversee the ceremony.
- > 「That’s unusual.」
Rhea: It is just something that special. - > 「Won’t it be dangerous?」
Rhea: The Holy Tomb is a sealed holy ground. There is nothing to worry about. - Rhea: Even if something bad were to happen, I will also do whatever I can to protect myself.
- Seteth: …You may have had various changes, but your duties have not.
- Do your best to stay focused until the ceremony and guide your students.
- Seteth: Rhea, please talk to me. What are you hiding?
- What is the meaning of how that one looks? It is almost as though…
- Rhea: As I said, there is nothing of which to speak. For now. At the end of this month…
- Seteth: I read Jeralt’s diary. I happened upon it in his room.
- Rhea: What?
- Seteth: In it, he stated the reason for his departure.
- The baby thought to have died in the fire…has returned to us.
- Jeralt realized that you had done something to the child and decided to flee.
- What did you do to that baby, Rhea? Nothing…questionable, I should hope?
- Rhea: Seteth, enough. They will be here shortly. No more, I beg of you.
- I will take our dear professor to the Holy Tomb. There…I should be able to see our dearest wishes to fruition.
- When I was young, I hear her voice there… I’m sure of it.
- You may enter.
- I have been awaiting your arrival, Professor.
- Now that you have received sacred power from the goddess, there is somewhere you must pay a visit to at once.
- You must go to the Holy Tomb so that you may receive a divine revelation from the goddess.
- > 「The Holy Tomb?」
> 「A revelation?」
Seteth: The Holy Tomb is where the goddess sleeps. This monastery was originally built for the purpose of protecting that hallowed temple. - Rhea: Only a select few know of it, but there is a legend about Seiros and the Holy Tomb.
- Saint Seiros, the first soul to be gifted power from the goddess, received her revelation there.
- She was told it was her sacred duty to save the people of Fódlan, and that she must use her power wisely in order to lead them.
- The words that were handed down to Seiros from the goddess will likely fall upon your ears as well.
- Seteth: Prepare yourself to go at once. There, may you find out why you were blessed with such power.
- Rhea: There will be a ceremony at the Holy Tomb. It is then that you will receive the goddess’s revelation. You may share this mission with your students.
- > 「Do you think it wise to bring them into this?」
> 「A mission? Now?」
Rhea: It is said that when Seiros received the revelation, she had holy warriors by her side, protecting her. - Your students, who have followed you and fought alongside you through the darkest of times, are well suited to stand by you for the ceremony.
- Of course, as the leader of the Church of Seiros, I will be by your side as well.
- > 「Strange…」
Rhea: The occasion is too significant to be missed. - > 「Isn’t that too dangerous?」
Rhea: The Holy Tomb is a sacred temple that is sealed off from the rest of the world. There is nothing to fear. - Rhea: Even if something were to happen, I am more than capable of protecting myself.
- Seteth: Much has changed, but your duty has not wavered.
- Steel your mind for the ceremony, and prepare your students well.
Event: 戴冠・黒鷲の学級 (Coronation – Black Eagles)
- エーデルガルト:
師 、少し付き合ってくれる?
どうしても、やっておきたいことがあるの。 - 行って戻ってくるのに日数を費やすけれど、
聖墓での儀式には間に合うようにするわ。 - > 「どこへ行く?」
エーデルガルト: 秘密、と言いたいところだけれど……
アドラステア帝国の帝都、アンヴァルよ。 - 私には、そこで成さねばならない
ことがある……。 - > 「付き合う」
エーデルガルト: ありがとう……。
そうと決まれば、すぐに出るわ。 - エーデルガルト: ……お父様!
無理なお願いをして、申し訳ありません。 - そのお体では玉座に座ることも、
大変でしょう。ですが…… - イオニアス9世: いいのだ、エーデルガルト。儂に残された
刻は少ないと……ぐっ……理解しておろう。 - ならば……今しかないのだ……。
- エーデルガルト: ……感謝します。
- 玉座の間で帝冠を授かる……でなければ、
帝国の皇位継承の儀は成立しない。 - かつてセイロス聖教会の司教が担った
見届け役は、師が務めてくれましょう。 - イオニアス9世: エーデルガルト……
- エーデルガルト: 私は、帝国のすべてを継ぎます。
……すべての人のために。 - イオニアス9世: これを……
エーデルガルト=フォン=フレスベルグ。 - 赤き血と白き剣の盟約において、双頭の鷲を
頭に戴く汝を、新たな皇帝とする! - ……その覚悟はあるか!
- エーデルガルト: フレスベルグの名と古の盟約に従い──
- フォドラを導き、民の安寧を図るため、
その座に君臨することを誓います! - イオニアス9世: ……これで、皇位継承は済んだ。ああ……
結局、儂はお前に何もしてやれなかったな。 - 王国へ連れ去られた時も、宰相が恐ろしい
行いをした時も、儂は見ていることしか…… - エーデルガルト: もう、もう良いのです。お父様……私は
お父様の目と、拳に救われたのですから。 - お父様が私を想って向けるその目を、
私は信じていました。 - お父様が固く握った拳から血が滴るのを、
私は見ていました。 - 私が血を流している時、お父様もまた
血を流しているのだと知っていました。 - エーギル公: 陛下! 寝所を抜け出しては……
これは……エーデルガルト殿下? - エーデルガルト: 宰相、呼称が間違っているわ。
私は殿下ではない。陛下、と呼びなさい。 - エーギル公: なっ……まさか!?
- イオニアス9世: ……ただ今をもって、アドラステア帝国の
皇帝はエーデルガルトになった。 - 文武百官を招集して布告の準備を進める。
宰相、お前には…… - エーデルガルト: ……更迭を命じる。
外部との連絡はしばらく断ってもらうわ。 - エーギル公: そんな……まさか!?
……承知、いたしました。 - イオニアス9世: エーデルガルト……いや、エル。
この国を、このフォドラを、頼んだぞ……。 - エーデルガルト: お父様……。
師 、付き合ってくれて、ありがとう。- これで、私はアドラステア帝国の皇帝。
もはや立ち止まることは許されない。 - 聖墓での儀式を終えたら、帝国に戻るわ。
貴方ともそれでお別れかもしれない。 - ……そろそろ時間のようね。
- Edelgard: Master, would you mind accompanying me for a bit? There’s something I want to go ahead and do, no matter what.
- It will take up several days for us to go there and come back, but I’ll make sure we make it back in time for the ceremony at the Holy Tomb.
- > 「Where are we going?」
Edelgard: I want to say it’s a secret, but… the Imperial Capital of the Adrestian Empire, Enbarr. - For me, there is something that needs to be done there…
- > 「I’ll accompany you」
Edelgard: Thank you… If you’ve made up your mind, we’ll go at once. - Edelgard: …Father! I deeply apologize for such an unreasonable request.
- I’m sure it must also be difficult to sit on the throne in your condition. But…
- Ionius IX: It is fine, Edelgard. As I have little time left… Guh… I understand.
- In that case… Now is the only time…
- Edelgard: …I am ever grateful.
- If the Imperial Crown is not passed in the throne room… the ceremony of Imperial Ascension is not complete.
- Master shall fulfill the role of bearing witness that a Church of Seiros bishop would perform in the past.
- Ionius IX: Edelgard…
- Edelgard: I will inherit all the Empire… For the sake of all people.
- Ionius IX: Take this… Edelgard Von Hresvelg.
- By the covenant of the red blood and the white sword, thou who hast received the twin-headed eagle upon thine head, I hereby declare to be the new Emperor![1]The pronoun 汝, pronounced “nanji”, is a very old respectful honorific for someone of equal or lower status.
- …Do you have the resolve for that?!
- Edelgard: By the ancient covenent and the Hresvelg name──
- I swear upon the throne to rule, to lead Fodlan and strive for stability for all people!
- Ionius IX: …With this, the Imperial Ascension is complete. Aah… In the end, I could not do anything for you.[2]Ionius switches back to referring to Edelgard as “omae”. It appears “nanji” was only for ceremonial stuff.
- Not when you were taken to the Kingdom, nor when the Prime Minister did those dreadful deeds, all I could do was watch…
- Edelgard: I-it is fine. After all, Father… I was saved by your eyes and fist.
- I believed in your eyes that cared about me.
- I was watching your tightly clenched fists, blood dripping from them.
- And I knew that whenever I was bleeding, you were bleeding as well.
- Duke Aegir: Your Majesty! You mustn’t leave the bedroom… Is that… her Highness Edelgard?
- Edelgard: Prime Minister, you’re using the wrong form of address.
I am not Your Highness. Call me Your Majesty. - Duke Aegir: Wha… it can’t be?!
- Ionius IX: …As of just now, the Emperor of the Adrestian Empire is Edelgard.
- Gather all the minsters, war and civil, and prepare for the proclaimation. As for you, Prime Minister…
- Edelgard: …You are dismissed. We’ll have you excuse yourself from outside contact for a while.
- Duke Aegir: That… you don’t mean?! I-… Understood.
- Ionius IX: Edelgard… No, El. Our nation, our Fodlan, I have entrusted to you…
- Edelgard: Father….
- Master, thank you for accompanying me.
- With this, I am the Emperor of Adrestia. I can no longer tolerate standing still anymore.
- When the ceremony at the Holy Tomb is finished, I will return to the Empire. That might be where I part ways with you.
- …It’s almost time. Everyone’s waiting for us, too. Let’s go.
- Edelgard: Professor, will you join me? There’s something I must do.
- It will take a few days, but I promise we’ll be back in time for the ceremony at the Holy Tomb.
- > 「Where are we going?」
It’s meant to be a secret, but…I’m going to Enbarr, the Imperial Capital. - There is something I must do there.
- > 「I’ll go with you.」
Edelgard: Thank you, my teacher. - Edelgard: Father, forgive me for asking this of you.
- I know how much pain you’re in–how the burden of the throne weighs heavily on you–and so–
- Ionius IX: There is no need to apologize, Edelgard. You must know… that I do not have much time left in this world.
- The time has come.
- Edelgard: Thank you, Father.
- Now, to complete the Imperial succession, you must relinquish your crown here in the throne room.
- The archbishop of the Church of Seiros would normally act as witness, but my professor will fill that role instead.
- Ionius IX: Edelgard…
- Edelgard: From this day forward, the weight of the Empire’s future shall rest upon my shoulders. All that I do will be for the benefit of the people of Fódlan.
- Ionius IX: Edelgard von Hresvelg, the crown is yours.
- By the covenant between the red blood and the white sword, and by the double-headed eagle upon your head, I hereby pronounce you the new emperor.
- Are you prepared to take those responsibilities as your own?
- Edelgard: In accordance with the ancient covenant, and in keeping with the Hresvelg legacy…
- I swear that upon this throne, I shall use my reign to lead Fódlan to a new dawn and achieve peace for all.
- Ionius IX: The Imperial succession is complete. My daughter, I regret that I could not do more for you.
- When you were stolen away to the Kingdom, when the prime minister did those horrible things, I could only watch in horror.
- Edelgard: I– I understand, Father. In those dark times, your eyes and your fists were my salvation.
- Within your eyes, I saw true care.
- And upon your fists clenched tight with indignity, I saw the blood that dripped and fell.
- Even as I bled, I felt that you, too, must also be bleeding.
- Duke Aegir: Your Majesty! You must not leave your sleeping chambers in your condition. Ah, Edelgard. I did not expect to find Your Highness here.
- Edelgard: Prime Minister, you have misspoken. I am no longer “Your Highness” but rather…”Your Majesty”.
- Duke Aegir: I-Impossible!
- Ionius IX: It is true. Edelgard is the new emperor of the Adrestian Empire.
- We will summon the officials and prepare an ordinance at once. And you, Prime Minister–
- Edelgard: –are dismissed. It will be some time before you are allowed to make contact with the outside world again.
- Duke Aegir: No! How can this be?! I- Understood, Your Majesty.
- Ionius IX: Edelgard… My dear El, I leave the fate of Fódlan… in your capable hands.
- Edelgard: Father….
- Thank you for staying by my side, Professor.
- Now that I’m the emperor, it’s time to grasp my destiny.
- After the ceremony at the Holy Tomb, I must return to Enbarr. This may be the last we see of each other.
- We are out of time, my teacher. Everyone is waiting for us. We must go.
Event: 聖墓・黒鷲の学級 (The Holy Tomb – Black Eagles)
- レア: ベレト、驚きましたか?
ここが、聖墓です。 - エーデルガルト: ……大修道院の地下に、これほどの空間が
あったなんて。 - 地下へと下りるための巨大な仕掛けも、
とても今世の力とは思えない……。 - ………………。
- レア: ……ここは、かつて世界を創った
女神と、その眷属たちが眠る場所。 - この玉座は、我らが主……女神ソティスが
座したものと伝わっています。 - ベレト、
この玉座に見覚えが、ありますか。 - > 「ある」
レア: ああ……本当に。
本当に、この日を待ちわびました。 - > 「ない」
レア: 私に隠し事は不要です。
あなたは見ているでしょう、夢を……。 - レア: 玉座に座りなさい、ベレト。
必ずや女神の啓示があるでしょう。 - ……どうです、ベレト。
何か…… - あと一歩のところまで、来ているはず……。
いったい何が足りないと…… - エーデルガルト: そこまでよ。
- メトジェイ: ケェッヘッヘ……全員、動くな!
動けば命はないぞ! - ここまでの案内、実にご苦労。
聖墓にあるものは、帝国軍がすべて頂く! - ドロテア: ……帝国軍!?
どうしてこんなところに…… - フェルディナント: ……! あれは炎帝の配下ではないか?
まさか! - リンハルト: 炎帝と帝国が繋がってた、ということか。
まさか僕らの国が背後にあったとはね。 - ベルナデッタ: エーデルガルトさんは……
このこと、知って……!? - エーデルガルト: ええ、すべて私が指示したことよ。
私のもう一つの名は……”炎帝”。 - ヒューベルト: 学校ごっこもここまでですな。
エーデルガルト様……いや陛下。 - メトジェイ: それ、お前らはさっさと働け!
紋章石も汚え骨も、何もかも奪うんだ! - レア: あなたは何ということを……。神聖な墓所を
踏み荒らした罪、その命であがないなさい! - ベレト。
主に仇なす逆徒どもを滅ぼすのです! - カスパル: お、おい……待ってくれ!
どういうことだよ、エーデルガルト! - ペトラ: わたしたち、利用した、ですか?
どうして、そこまで……。 - エーデルガルト: ごめんなさい、
師 。
けれど、これが私の進む道。 - 学級の皆には、おとなしくしてほしいわね。
私の目的は戦いではないのだから。 - アドラステア皇帝エーデルガルト=フォン=
フレスベルグの名において命じる! - 迅速に紋章石を回収しなさい!
- Rhea: Byleth, are you surprised? This is the Holy Tomb.
- Edelgard: …To think there was a space like this beneath the monastery.
- That even the giant contraptions used for going underground are of this world is completely unfathomable.
- …
- Rhea: …This is the place where the Goddess who created the world long ago sleeps, along with her household.
- This throne is where our Lord… the Goddess Sothis is said to have sat.
- Byleth, do you have any recollection of this throne?
- > 「I do」
Rhea: Aah… Truly. Truly, I have longed for this day. - > 「I do not」
Rhea: It is unnecessary to hide things from me. I’m sure you’ve seen it, in a dream…? - Rhea: Sit on the thone, Byleth. I am certain there will be a revelation from the Goddess.
- …How is it, Byleth? Did anything…
- It should have come after just one more step… What in the world is missing…?
- Edelgard: That’s enough.
- Metodey: Keehehhe… Nobody move! You move, you die!
- Awfully sorry you took all that trouble to guide us here. The Empire will take everything there is in the Holy Tomb!
- Dorothea: …The Imperial Army?! Why are they in a place like this…
- Ferdinand: …! Are they subordinates of the Flame Emperor? It can’t be!
- Lindhart: So the Flame Emperor and the Empire were connected. I can’t believe our nation was behind it.
- Bernadetta: Edelgard-san… did you know…?!
- Edelgard: Yes, I directed all of it. The other name I have is… the “Flame Emperor”。
- Hubert: So we’re done playing make-believe at school. Lady Edelgard… no, Your Majesty.
- Metodey: All of you, get to work, quickly! Whether crest stones or dirty bones, take away anything and everything!
- Rhea: You, what is the meaning of this… Pay for the sin of trampling the sacred gravesite with your lives!
- Byleth. Destroy these traitors who dishonor the Lord!
- Caspar: O-oy… wait up! What are you doing, Edelgard?!
- Petra: Did you, utilize, us? Why go, that far…?
- Edelgard: I’m sorry, Master. But this is the path I choose to go on.
- I just want everyone in our class to be compliant. My objective is not to fight.
- By the name of the Adrestian Empire, Edelgard Von Hresvelg, I command you!
- Retrieve the crest stones at once! Those who oppose… you may kill them.[3]Literally, I don’t mind if you kill them.
- Rhea: Are you surprised, Professor? This is the Holy Tomb.
- Edelgard: …To think there was a space like this beneath the monastery.
- I can’t believe at all that even the giant contraptions used for going underground are of this world.
- …
- Rhea: This is where the goddess who created this world was laid to rest, along with her children.
- It is said that our creator, the goddess Sothis, sat upon this very throne.
- Professor, do you recognize this throne?
- > 「I do」
Rhea: So long… I have waited so very long for this day. - > 「I do not」
Rhea: There is no need to hide anything from me. You have seen it, haven’t you? In a dream… - Rhea: Sit upon the throne. I have no doubt you will be gifted a revelation from the goddess.
- Well?
- It was supposed to be but a step away. What could possibly be missing?
- Edelgard: Stop right there.
- Metodey: Don’t move, any of you. If you move, your lives will be forfeit.
- Thank you ever so much for guiding us this far. The Imperial army will now take possession of everything in the Holy Tomb.
- Dorothea: What’s the Imperial army doing here?
- Ferdinand: Wait! Does he work for the Flame Emperor?
- Lindhart: So the Flame Emperor’s connected to the Empire. I never thought that possible.
- Bernadetta: Edelgard, did you know about this?
- Edelgard: Yes. In fact, I gave the order. I am the Flame Emperor.
- Hubert:I guess that’s the end of play-at-school, Lady Edelgard. I mean, “Your Majesty”.
- Metodey: Get to work, everyone! The Crest Stones belong to us now! And take those filthy bones, too.
- Rhea: Insolence! You will atone for the sin of tramping on this holy resting place.
- Professor, destroy these villainous traitors who dare dishonor our creator!
- Caspar: Wait! What’s the meaning of this, Edelgard?
- Petra: You… made use of us? Why?
- Edelgard: I’m sorry, my teacher. I cut this path, and now I must follow it.
- My friends, I ask that all of you stay back. It is not my intention to fight you.
- By order of the Adrestian emperor, Edelgard von Hresvelg, I command you to collect the Crest Stones!
- If anyone attempts to stop us, kill them!
Battle: 女神啓示の儀 (The Goddess Revelation Ceremony)
- 戦闘開始時
- レア: 帝国の暴挙を決して許してはなりません!
叛徒どもを討ち、聖墓を守りなさい! - メトジェイ: 紋章石は棺の中だ!
片っ端からこじ開けていけ! - レア: 聖墓が暴かれるなどあってはならぬこと……
1つでも多くの紋章石を守るのです! - 紋章石を奪われた時(初回)
- エーデルガルト: それでいいわ。
紋章石は根こそぎ奪って。 - レア: もう、おやめなさい! あなたたちは、
その石を何だと思っているのです!! - vs エーデルガルト
- エーデルガルト: ああは言ったけれど、
貴方たちを殺すつもりはない。 - だから、邪魔しないで寝ていてくれる?
- 主人公 vs エーデルガルト
- エーデルガルト:
師 ……言い訳はしないわ。
今までありがとう。 - 本当は……
……いえ、やめましょう。 - フレン vs エーデルガルト
- エーデルガルト: ひっそりと暮らしていればいいものを、
なぜ好んでガルグ=マクに…… - エーデルガルト撃破
- エーデルガルト: ここまでのようね……。
- vs メトジェイ
- メトジェイ: ゲへへへ……抵抗する奴は殺していいとさ。
さて、どう調理してやろうか……。 - メトジェイ撃破
- メトジェイ: や、やめろ……やめてくれ……!
- Battle Start
- Rhea: The Empire’s reckless acts will never be forgiven! Kill the insurrectionists and protect the Holy Tomb!
- Metodey: The crest stones are inside the caskets! Pry each and every last one of them open!
- Rhea: You mustn’t allow them to things like rob the Holy Tomb… Protect as many crest stones as possible!
- Crest Stone stolen (First Time)
- Edelgard: Good. Snatch every last one of the crest stones.
- Rhea: Stop already! What do you think those stones are?!
- vs Edelgard
- Edelgard: Despite saying what I did, I have no intention of killing you.
- So, would you please get out of the way and lie down?
- Byleth vs Edelgard
- Edelgard: Master… I won’t make excuses. Thank you for everything you’ve done so far.
- I really… No, let’s stop there.
- Flayn vs Edelgard
- Edelgard: You could have lived anywhere you wanted, so why did you deliberately choose Garreg Mach…?!
- Edelgard Defeated
- Edelgard: Looks like it ends here…
- vs Metodey
- Metodey: Gehehehe… They said we could kill anyone who resisted. Now then, how shall I cook you up…?
- Metodey Defeated
- Metodey: S-stop… Please stop…! I was just following their orders… Gehah!
- Battle Start
- Rhea: I will not allow such violence from the Empire! Strike down the rebels and protect the Holy Tomb!
- Metodey: The Crest Stones are in the caskets! Open every last one of them!
- Rhea: The Holy Tomb must not be desecrated! Protect as many of the Crest Stones as you can!
- Crest Stone stolen (First Time)
- Edelgard: Take away every last one of those Crest Stones.
- Rhea: That is enough! Do you even know what those stones are?!
- vs Edelgard
- Edelgard: Despite what I said, I have no intention of killing you.
- So why not stand down and get out of my way?
- Byleth vs Edelgard
- Edelgard: Professor, I will make no excuses. Thank you for all that you did for me.
- In truth– No. Let’s leave it at that.
- Flayn vs Edelgard
- Edelgard: You could have had a peaceful life… Why did you have to come to Garreg Mach?
- Edelgard Defeated
- Edelgard: So the end has come…
- vs Metodey
- Metodey: I’m told it’s fine to kill those who resist. Now then, how shall I cook you?
- Metodey Defeated
- Metodey: Wait… No! I was just following orders! I just… Graaargh!
Event: 決別の刻・黒鷲の学級 (The Parting Moment)
- レア: 残念です、エーデルガルト。
- フレスベルグの裔たるあなたが
聖教会を裏切ることになろうとは……。 - エーデルガルト: ……
師 。私の前に立ちはだかるのは、
やはり貴方なのね。 - レア: ……ベレト。
エーデルガルトを斬りなさい。今、すぐに。 - この者はフォドラの災厄。主は、この叛徒が
生き続けることを決して許しはしません。 - 《「戴冠・黒鷲の学級」を見ていない場合》
- この選択で物語が大きく変化します
- > エーデルガルトを斬る
- > エーデルガルトを守る
- Rhea: How disappointing, Edelgard.
- That you, a descendant of Hresvelg, would betray the Holy Church…
- Edelgard: …Master. I somehow knew you would be the one who stands in my way.
- Rhea: …Byleth. Cut her down. Right now.
- This person is Fodlan’s plague. The Lord would never permit this insurrectionist to live.
- 《Saw「Coronation – Black Eagles」》
- This Choice drastically changes the story
- > Cut down Edelgard
- > Protect Edelgard
- Rhea: You have disappointed me, Edelgard.
- To think that a descendant of House Hresvelg would dare betray the holy church…
- Edelgard: So it is my teacher who stands in my way. I always knew it would come to this…
- Rhea: Professor, kill Edelgard at once.
- She is a danger to all of Fódlan. Such a rebellious heart cannot be allowed to keep beating.
- 《Saw「Coronation – Black Eagles」》
- This Choice drastically changes the story
- > I must kill Edelgard.
- > I must protect Edelgard.
May 13, 2020 at 11:43 am
Wow, this is superb! Makes me happy to see that Treehouse actually put in effort this time around. Quite a few places where I think they dropped the ball, but overall I think they did a good job.
I wonder how difficult it would be to make some mini-mod/patch for the Switch. The majority of the script is good as is, so it sounds like a simple job of just tweaking various text prompts here and there… well, “simple” compared to geo-spoofing with a jp conversion + fan-translated script lol.
May 14, 2020 at 4:44 am
Thanks! I agree Treehouse did a pretty good job overall as most of the changes are understandable. As far as a patch, text is one of the moddable parts of FE3H so it should definitely be possible.
May 14, 2020 at 8:56 pm
Is there a vote up to decided CF or SS? I hope it went with the former.
May 15, 2020 at 7:15 pm
I believe they mentioned somewhere they were doing CF first.
May 15, 2020 at 10:18 pm
Yes, there was a vote on Reddit. CF is first.