白雲の章 White Clouds Chapter
角弓の節 Horn Bow Moon
死神の噂 Rumors of a Reaper
Summary of changes:
- Death Knight just wants a death match with Byleth in their battle line.
- Death Knight’s defeat line is very vague as to who the subject and target is.
- The Flame Emperor wants to return the world to how it should be, meaning it was once that way before?
- Jeralt complains harder about the church working him too hard.
Previous: Chapter 5 (Black Eagles) | Next: Chapter 7 (Black Eagles)
- ファーガスの北から、涼やかな空気が下り始めると、
フォドラは実りの秋を迎える。 - 女たちは黄金色の絨毯を刈り取り、
男たちは角弓を手に野山を駆け巡る。 - 女神のもたらす大地の豊穣を、
- When cold air begins to come down from the north of Faerghus, Fodlan welcomes autumn’s harvest.
- Women reap the golden carpets and men run about the hills and fields with horn bows in hand.
- They enjoy the bountiful harvest brought forth by the Goddess to the best of their ability.
- As cold air begins to creep in from the north of Faerghus, Fódlan welcomes the riches of fall.
- The women spend their days reaping the golden fields, gratefully embracing the bounty the goddess has once again provided.
- The men venture into the wild with horsebows and empty sacks ready to be filled with game.
Event: 失踪・黒鷲の学級 (Disappearance – Black Eagles)
- レア: ……すでに聞き及んでいると思いますが、
セテスの妹、フレンの行方がわかりません。 - 今のところ、ガルグ=マクを出た形跡が
ないことだけは確認できています。 - セテス: 私に行き先も告げぬまま、一人で勝手に
どこかへ行くような子ではないんだ。 - 大修道院の中をいくら捜しても見つからず、
騎士団を動員して街の捜索も開始している。 - 最近は物騒な噂も飛び交っていてな。
まさかとは思うが……。 - > 「物騒な噂?」
> 「まさか、とは?」
レア: ……このところ、夜な夜な街を徘徊して、
人を襲う者がいるという噂があるのです。 - 騎士団の調査では、遺体が見つかるなどと
いったことは起こっていませんが…… - セテス: 『死神騎士が、その鎌で命を刈りに来る』
などと騒ぎ立てる者も出ている……。 - そんな奴にかどわかされたのだとしたら
無事では済むまい……ああ、フレン!! - レア: セテス、焦燥は徒労の友ともいいます。
冷静に努めなさい。 - あなたの大切な……妹は、私にとっても
かけがえのない家族のようなもの……。 - 全身全霊を尽くし、必ずや見つけ出します。
- ……ベレト、今節の課題は
フレン捜索への協力とします。 - 街は騎士団が担当しますので、あなた方は
大修道院内の捜索に注力してください。 - 時は一刻を争います……頼みましたよ。
- ヒューベルト: フレン殿が消えた、と?
それは穏やかではありませんな。 - エーデルガルト: ただの迷子ではなさそうね。同じ修道院に
身を置く者として、協力は惜しまないわ。 - フェルディナント: つまり、今節は人捜しが課題ということか。
ならば誰よりも早く見つけ出さねばな! - ベルナデッタ: フレンさん、無事なんでしょうか……!?
もしかしたら、もう! ううっ!! - ドロテア: ベルちゃん、滅多なこと口にしちゃダーメ。
セテスさんが聞いたら卒倒するわよ? - リンハルト: 彼女は紋章持ちだと聞いたことあるよ。
あ、だからどうって話じゃないけど……。 - ヒューベルト: まずは情報の収集から始めましょう。
フレン殿を見た者がいるかもしれません。 - エーデルガルト: そうね……皆で協力して、
- Rhea: …I believe you’ve already heard, but the whereabouts of Seteth’s little sister, Flayn, are unknown.
- For the time being, we can only confirm that there is no evidence of her leaving the monastery.
- Seteth: She is not the kind of child who would go somewhere on her own, and she has not yet informed me on where she is going.
- Having not found her despite countless searching in the monastery, I am mobilizing the knights to also search the city.
- Recently, there have been unsettling rumors going around. I believe it is improbable, but…
- > 「Troubling rumors?」
> 「What’s improbable?」
Rhea: …Lately, there are rumors of one who prowls the town night by night, attacking people. - According to the knight’s investigations, nothing such as dead bodies being discovered has happened, but…
- Seteth: The people clamor,”The Death Knight comes to reap our life with that scythe” or something like that…
- If she were to be kidnapped by such a person, it would not end well… Aah, Flayn!!
- Rhea: Seteth, they say fretfulness is the friend of futility. Try to keep your composure.
- Your beloved… sister is as irreplaceable to me as if she were family.
- We will completely devote our body and soul to find her without fail.
- …Byleth, your task this moon is cooperating with the search of Flayn.
- As the knights are responsible for the town, please focus your search on within the monastery.
- We race against time… I’ve made my request.
- Hubert: Ms. Flayn disappeared, you say? That is unsettling.[1]Hubert’s formality extends to everyone, referring even to Flayn with the -dono honorific.
- Edelgard: She doesn’t seem to just be lost. As one enlisted in the same monastery, I will spare no effort in cooperating.
- Ferdinand: In other words, you mean to say our task this month is missing person hunt? If so, we must find her faster than anyone else!
- Bernadetta: Is, is Flayn-san okay…?! Maybe she’s, already! Uuu!!
- Dorothea: Beru-chan, no saying reckless things~ If Seteth-san hears, he might faint, you know?
- Lindhart: I’ve heard she has a crest. Ah, but that’s not related to what we’re talking about…
- Hubert: First, let us start with gathering information. Maybe someone has seen Ms. Flayn.
- Edelgard: Indeed… Let us all work together and find Flayn without fail.
- Rhea: As I believe you are already aware, Seteth’s younger sister, Flayn, has gone missing.
- At present, all we know for certain is that she has not left Garreg Mach.
- Seteth: Flayn is not the type of person to just wander off on her own without telling me where she is going!
- We have searched the monastery thoroughly, but have found nothing. I am now mobilizing the knights to begin searching the town.
- Troubling rumors have been running rampant lately. I do not wish to consider the worst, but…
- > 「Troubling rumors?」
> 「What is it you’re afraid of?」
Rhea: There are rumors of someone prowling the streets and attacking innocents, night after night. - The knights have investigated the matter. They have not discovered any remains, nor have they found any concrete evidence.
- Seteth: The people are panicked! They all insist someone called the Death Knight is coming to claim their souls with his blade.
- There is no way she could have escaped unscathed if she were captured by such a fiend! Where is she?!
- Rhea: Seteth, recall that impatience begets error. Please do your best to calm yourself.
- I think of your…sister as family as well. You know that.
- You have my support. We will devote ourselves fully–mind, body, and soul–to recovering her.
- Professor. Your mission for this month is to help find Flayn.
- The knights have the town covered, so I ask that you focus your efforts on searching the monastery again.
- We do not have time to waste. You have your orders.
- Hubert: Flayn has gone missing? Most unsettling.
- Edelgard: It doesn’t seem likely that she’s simply gotten lost. I’ll help in any way that I can.
- Ferdinand: So, our mission this month is to find her? Well then, let us hurry and locate her before anyone else!
- Bernadetta: I hope Flayn is OK! What would happen if… Just what would we do if…
- Dorothea: You can’t think like that, Bern. Seteth would have a heart attack if he heard you.
- Lindhart: I’ve heard that she has a Crest, but I suppose, for this moment, that is irrelevant.
- Hubert: We’ll start by gathering information. Someone must have seen Flayn recently.
- Edelgard: Right. If we work together, I’m certain we’ll find her.
Event: 捜索・黒鷲の学級 (Search – Black Eagles)
- 《月末までイエリッツァの部屋に行かなかった時》
- エーデルガルト: フレンはまだ見つかっていないようね。
いったい何があったというのかしら……。 - カスパル: おい、来てくれ! イエリッツァ先生の
部屋から女性の悲鳴が聞こえたんだ! - ソティス: イエリッツァ? 仮面の武術師範じゃな。
いかにも怪しげだったが……急ぎ向かえ! - エーデルガルト: イエリッツァ殿、いらっしゃいますか……?
- ヒューベルト: 不在のようですな……ん?
あそこに倒れているのは、マヌエラ殿……! - > 「怪我している?」
エーデルガルト: ええ、意識を失っている。
何者かに襲われたのね。 - > 「死んでいる……?」
エーデルガルト: いえ、意識を失っているだけみたい。
何者かに襲われたのね。 - ヒューベルト: ほう、彼女の手を見てください。
何かを指し示しているようで……あれは? - エーデルガルト: あの棚の後ろ、穴が空いているわ。
もしかして、隠し通路…… - ハンネマン: なっ……マヌエラ君ではないか!
これは、何があったというのだ!? - エーデルガルト: それが、私たちにも……
すぐに医務室に運びましょう。 - ハンネマン: ああ、そうだ。早くしなければ。
手伝いたまえ! - エーデルガルト: わかりました。
頭のほうは私が……。 - 運び次第、戻ってくるから。
師せんせい、任せたわよ。 - カスパル: 犯人は、やっぱりイエリッツァ先生なのか?
もしかして、フレンをさらったのも……。 - ヒューベルト: まず調べるべきは、そこの隠し通路ですな。
どうしますかな、先生? - > 「入ってみよう」
ヒューベルト: そうですな。
中に犯人が隠れているやもしれません。 - > 「騎士団を呼ぼう」
ヒューベルト: 悠長なことを。その間に犯人が逃げたら、
言い訳もできませんよ。 - カスパル: よし、突撃で決まりだな!
待ってろよ、凶悪犯! - ヒューベルト: さあ、先生。
- 《Haven’t gone into Jeritza’s room by the end of month》
- Edelgard: It appears we haven’t found Flayn yet. I wonder what in the world happened…
- Caspar: Hey, come here! I heard a woman’s scream from Mr. Jeritza’s room!
- Sothis: Jeritza? That’s the masked martial arts instructor, is it not? He was indeed suspicious… hurry over!
- Edelgard: Mr. Jeritza, are you here…?
- Hubert: It appears he is absent… Hm? Collapsed over there, it’s Ms. Manuela…!
- > 「Is she injured?」
Edelgard: Yes, she’s unconscious. Seems she was attacked by someone. - > 「Is she dead…?」
Edelgard: No, it looks like she’s only lost consciousness. Seems she was attacked by someone. - Hubert: Huh, please take a look at her hand. It appears to be pointing at something… What’s that?
- Edelgard: Behind that shelf, there’s an opening. Perhaps a secret passage…
- Hanneman: Wha… Isn’t that Manuela?! What happened here?!
- Edelgard: That, we don’t know either… Let us carry her over to the infirmary right away.
- Hanneman: Ah, right. We must hurry. Give me a hand!
- Edelgard: Understood. I’ve got her head…
- I’ll come back as soon as I’ve transported her. Master, I’ve entrusted the rest to you.
- Caspar: So the criminal was Mr. Jeritza as suspected? Perhaps he also abducted Flayn…
- Hubert: The first thing we must investigate the hidden passage there. What should we do, Teacher?
- > 「Let’s try going in」
Hubert: Indeed. The criminal may be hiding inside. - > 「Let’s call the knights」
Hubert: That’s too leisurely. It is possible that the criminal will have escaped in that time. - Caspar: Alright, it’s decided we charge in! Just you wait, vile criminal!
- Hubert: Now then, Teacher. Time to go.
- 《Haven’t gone into Jeritza’s room by the end of month》
- Edelgard: It seems Flayn is still missing. What could have happened to her?
- Caspar: Everyone, hurry! I heard a scream from Professor Jeritza’s room!
- Sothis: Jeritza… Ah! The combat professor with the mask. He has always been rather suspicious. We must hurry!
- Edelgard: Professor Jeritza? Are you there?
- Hubert: He does not seem to be here… Hm? On the ground! Professor Manuela!
- > 「Is she injured?」
Edelgard: She’s unconscious. Someone clearly attacked her. - > 「Is she… dead?」
Edelgard: No, she’s unconscious. Someone clearly attacked her. - Hubert: Look at her hand. It looks as though she is pointing at something… There.
- Edelgard: There’s an opening behind that shelf. Perhaps a secret passageway…
- Hanneman: What is the meaning of… Wait, is that Manuela? What happened here?
- Edelgard: We know as much as you do. She needs to be taken to the infirmary.
- Hanneman: Yes, of course–and quickly. Give me a hand, child.
- Edelgard: Understood. I’ll support her head.
- Professor, I’ll be back shortly. Please be careful.
- Caspar: Does this mean Professor Jeritza did it? Could he also have kidnapped Flayn?!
- Hubert: We should start by investigating this passageway. Do you agree, Professor?
- > 「Let’s investigate.」
Hubert: Agreed. The culprit could be hiding inside. - > 「We should call for the knights.」
Hubert: We don’t have time for that. It would be on us if the culprit escaped. - Caspar: That settles it! We’ll take the offensive. Here we come, you monsters!
- Hubert: Shall we, Professor?
Event: 発見・黒鷲の学級 (Discovery – Black Eagles)
- ヒューベルト: 地下にこんな部屋が……。
ふむ、また人が倒れているようです。 - > 「フレン?」
ヒューベルト: 一人はそうでしょうが、もう一人いますな。
服装からして生徒のようですが。 - > 「イエリッツァ?」
ヒューベルト: 先生、どう見ても女性に見えますが?
しかも、2人いますな。 - カスパル: お、おい、誰か来たぞ……!
あの鎌と仮面……聖廟で戦った奴だ! - 死神騎士: 貴様……あの剣の……。
- 死ぬは……俺か、貴様か……
- Hubert: That there is such a room underground as this… Hmm, it appears another person is collapsed.
- > 「Flayn?」
Hubert: Certainly one of them is, but there’s another person. Judging from the uniform, it appears to be a student. - > 「Jeritza?」
Hubert: Teacher, no matter how you look at it, she appears to be female? Although, there are two people. - Caspar: O-oy, someone’s coming…! That mask and scythe… it’s the guy we fought in the Holy Mausoleum!
- Death Knight: You… that sword’s…
- The one who will die… Is it me, or you… Let us enjoy this dance of Hell… We go!
- Hubert: I never would have imagined… Hm? I see someone. They’re unconscious.
- > 「Is it Flayn?」
Hubert: Yes, and there is someone else too. It appears to be another student. - > 「Is it Jeritza?」
Hubert: No, Professor. It’s two young girls. - Caspar: Someone’s coming! I recognize that scythe and mask… It’s that jerk we fought at the Holy Mausoleum!
- Death Knight: That sword. You must be…
- One of us will die, the other will live. I will enjoy this dance of damnation.
Battle: 秘密の地下道の戦い (Battle of the Secret Underground Tunnel)
- > 戦闘開始前
- ヒューベルト: まだ命あることを祈って、
死神騎士からフレン殿を取り返しますか。 - > 戦闘開始時
- ヒューベルト: ……む? そこの床、どうも怪しいですな。
踏むと何やら起こるやもしれません。 - > 左上の部屋の仕掛けに近づいた時
- ヒューベルト: なるほど……妙な仕掛けが施された床が
あるようです。注意を払うべきですな。 - > 右上の部屋の扉を開けた時(増援出現)
- 炎帝兵: やはり来たか……!
ここで朽ち果てるがいい! - > 右上の部屋の仕掛けに近づいた時
- ヒューベルト: ふむ……おかしな器具ですな。
動かせるようですが……。 - > vs 死神騎士
- 死神騎士: 貴様などに、用はない……。
- > 主人公 vs 死神騎士
- 死神騎士: さあ、死合え!
逸楽を……! - > ヒューベルト vs 死神騎士
- ヒューベルト: ……ここは退いてもらうとしますか。
- 死神騎士: 貴様の指図は受けん……。
- > 戦闘勝利後
- 死神騎士: 命を削れ……もっとだ!
- ???: そこまでだ……興が過ぎるぞ、死神。
- 死神騎士: 我が逸楽の、邪魔を……。
- ???: フ、これからいくらでも機会はあろう。
貴様の仕事は終わったはずだ。 - 死神騎士: ……承知。
再び相見えん……。 - ???: いずれまた会おう。我が名は炎帝……
世界をあるべき姿に還す者よ。 - リンハルト: 炎帝、ねえ。
また現れるつもりだけど面倒……。 - フェルディナント: フレンたちは無事か!?
今は二人を連れて、早くここを出るぞ! - ヒューベルト: 敵も消え失せましたしな。
- > Before Battle Start
- Hubert: Praying that she still has life, will we be able to reclaim Ms. Flayn from the Death Knight?
- > Battle Start
- Hubert: …Hm? That floor there is quite suspicious. Something may happen when you step on it.
- > Approached contraptions in top left room
- Hubert: I see… It appears there are curious contraptions in the floors that are spread out. We must pay attention to them.
- > Opened the door to the top right room (Reinforcements)
- Flame Emperor Soldier: So they came as expected…?! Just die and rot here!
- > Approached contraptions in top right room
- Hubert: Hmm… a strange device. It appears to be movable…
- > vs Death Knight
- Death Knight: I have no use for the likes of you…
- > Byleth vs Death Knight
- Death Knight: Now then, a death match! Such pleasure…![2]The Death Knight says “shiae”, which is a commands to “do death to each other”.
Some believe this to be the original form of the Japanese term for a serious competition match (shiai). - > Hubert vs Death Knight
- Hubert: …Can I get you to go and retreat from here?
- Death Knight: I do not accept orders from you…
- > After Victory
- Death Knight: Shorten their*[3]The subject and target of this command is vague. The localization interprets it as Death Knight commanding his (mostly or completely dead) subjects to kill the students.
It may also be Death Knight commanding the students or Byleth to shorten their lives by continuing to fight him.
It is also possible Death Knight is asking to have his own life shortened. lives… more! - ???: That’s enough… You’ve had too much entertainment, Reaper.
- Death Knight: You’re getting in the way of my pleasure…
- ???: Hmph, we shall have as many opportunities as you’d like after this. Your work here should be done.
- Death Knight: …Acknowledged. I will once again be unseen…
- ???: We shall meet again someday. My name is the Flame Emperor… the one who will return the world to the way it should be.
- Lindhart: The Flame Emperor, huh? They intend to return again, but that’s bothersome…
- Ferdinand: Is Flayn and the other safe?! Let’s take the two now and get out of here, fast!
- Hubert: Yes, since the enemy has disappeared. Let us carry them up.
- > Before Battle Start
- Hubert: Our objective is to recover Flayn. Let us hope we are not too late.
- > Battle Start
- Hubert: Hmm. Something odd about the floor over there. What will happen if we step on it?
- > Approached contraptions in top left room
- Hubert: Contraptions in the floor. Stay alert.
- > Opened the door to the top right room (Reinforcements)
- Flame Emperor Soldier: So, you have come! I’ll make sure you never leave!
- > Approached contraptions in top right room
- Hubert: Interesting apparatus. I wonder if we can operate it.
- > vs Death Knight
- Death Knight: I have no need of you…
- > Byleth vs Death Knight
- Death Knight: Now, you will die together… How joyous…
- > Hubert vs Death Knight
- Hubert: You should withdraw from here.
- Death Knight: I don’t take orders from you…
- > After Victory
- Death Knight: Kill them.
- ???: Halt. You’re having a bit too much fun.
- Death Knight: You are getting in the way of my game.
- ???: Hmph. You’ll have more opportunities to play soon. Your work here is done.
- Death Knight: Understood. I will go…
- ???: We will cross paths again. I am the Flame Emperor… It is I who will reforge the world.
- Lindhart: Flame Emperor? Rather worrisome that he sounds intent on showing up again.
- Ferdinand: Are they both OK? We should get them out of here.
- Hubert: The enemy’s withdrawn. Let’s carry them up.
Event: 救出成功・黒鷲の学級 (Rescue Success – Black Eagles)
- リンハルト: 脈拍が弱め、顔色は少し悪いけど……
貧血かな。命に別状はなさそうだ。 - エーデルガルト: フレン……!?
無事に見つかったのね。 - フェルディナント: フン、肝心な時に不在とはな。
……そこの隠し通路の先にいたのだ。 - 犯人は死神騎士と、もう一人……
炎帝とかいうのがいたが、逃げられたよ。 - エーデルガルト: フレンの保護が最優先だもの、仕方ないわ。
そうよね、師せんせい? - > 「そういうことだ」
- > 「できれば捕らえたかった」
エーデルガルト: ……残念ね。
私がもっと早く戻っていれば。 - ヒューベルト: 我々は保護した2人を医務室へ運びます。
先生は、セテス殿に報告をお願いしますよ。 - エーデルガルト: とにかくフレンが無事で良かった。
もう一人が誰なのか気になるけど……。 - ……?
今の、師せんせいの笑顔よね? - ふふ、嬉しそう。
師せんせいのそんな顔、初めて見たわ。 - さあ、セテス殿の元へ早く。
- Lindhart: Their pulses are weak, and the color on their face is poor, but… that’s probably anemia. Their lives doesn’t appear to be in serious condition.
- Edelgard: Flayn…?! So you found them safely.
- Ferdinand: Hmph, to be absent during the most crucial moment. …She was in that hidden passage from before.
- The criminal was the Death Knight, and one other… Someone called the Flame Emperor or something was there, but they were able to run away.
- Edelgard: It can’t be helped, Flayn’s safety is top priority. Isn’t that right, Master?
- > 「That’s right」
- > 「I wanted to capture them if possible」
Edelgard: …It’s a shame. If only I had come back sooner. - Hubert: We will bring the two we protected to the infirmary. Teacher, please give a report to Seteth.
- Edelgard: In any case, I’m glad Flayn is safe. But, I am curious who the other person is…
- …? Master, did you smile just now?
- Fufu, you seem glad. That’s the first time I’ve seen you make that kind of face, Master.
- Now then, hurry back to Mr. Seteth. He should be hoping for you to bring good news.
- Lindhart: They’re pale, and their pulse are slow… Still, I don’t believe their lives are in danger.
- Edelgard: You found Flayn? Where?!
- Ferdinand: You missed the most important part of the mission! We found her within that secret passage.
- The culprits were the Death Knight and…what was his name? Ah, the Flame Emperor. Sadly, they got away.
- Edelgard: All that matters is Flayn’s safety. Right, Professor?
- > 「Right.」
- > 「I wanted to catch them.」
Edelgard: It is unfortunate. If only you could have waited for me to return… - Hubert: We will take these two to the infirmary. Professor, please inform Seteth.
- Edelgard: Whatever the circumstance, I’m glad Flayn is safe. Though I’m curious to find out who that other girl is…
- Huh, Professor? Is that…a smile?
- Heh, you look…happy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this before.
- Anyhow, we should hurry to Seteth. He must be beside himself by now.
Event: 血の秘密 (Blood’s Secret)
- セテス: ……ベレト、改めて礼を言う。
おかげでフレンが無事に戻った。 - どれだけ感謝の言葉を並べても足りない。
私にとって、君は大恩人だ。 - > 「生徒たちの力だ」
セテス: ああ、もちろん生徒たちにも
後で礼を言っておこう。 - > 「本当に良かった」
セテス: ああ、本当に……。本当に良かった……。 - > 「しかしなぜフレンが……?」
セテス: 女神再誕の儀で姿を消した仮面の騎士が、
今回の実行犯、つまり死神騎士だった。 - そして諸々の状況を踏まえれば、奴の正体は
イエリッツァと見て間違いなかろう。 - 更に、炎帝と呼ばれる謎の人物……、
奴らの真の目的は、不明だ。 - しかし……実は私には心当たりがある。
恐らく敵の狙いは、フレンの血だ。 - 彼女には特別な血が流れている。
とても希少で……危険な血がな。 - フレンの血の秘密を知る敵が現れた以上、
我々は大修道院を出て身を隠すしか…… - フレン: 待ってください、お兄様。
- セテス: フレン……!? お前、なぜここに!
まだ安静にしていなければ駄目ではないか! - フレン: わたくし、嫌です。また人里離れた土地で、
誰にも会えず、寂しく暮らすなんて…… - セテス: ここに留まれば、また襲われるかもしれん。
それならば兄と2人、慎ましく長閑に…… - フレン: ですが、どこかに隠れて暮らしたとしても、
見つからない保証なんてありませんわ。 - それなら、先生や騎士団の方々がいる
大修道院にいたほうが安全だと思いますの。 - セテス: それは、そうかもしれんが……。
- フレン: ……そうですわ。わたくしを、先生の
学級の生徒にしてくださらなくって? - > 「名案だ」
フレン: 先生もそう思われます?
まあ、なんて嬉しいのでしょう! - こんな先生が近くにいてくだされば、たとえ
どんな敵が現れても、安心できますわ! - > 「なぜ?」
フレン: 先生がいつも近くにいてくださるなら、
どんな敵が現れても、安心ですもの! - セテス: なるほど……そうかもしれんな。
- ベレト、私は立場上、
これまで、君を厳しく評してきた。 - しかし今は、君を頼もしく思っている。
どうだろう、フレンのことを頼めないか。 - > 「喜んで」
> 「やむを得ない」
ソティス: フレンが助かって良かったのう。
もう一人の小娘はどうなんじゃろうな。 - あれも身なりからして、士官学校の生徒の
- Seteth: …Byleth, I thank you once again. Because of you, Flayn has returned safely.
- Words cannot express how thankful I am. As for me, I am deeply indebted to you.
- > 「It was the power of the students」
Seteth: Yes, naturally, I will also go and give my thanks to the students later. - > 「Truly, that’s great」
Seteth: Yes, truly… It truly is great… - > 「But why was Flayn…?」
Seteth: The perpetrator this time is the masked knight who disappeared at the Ceremony of the Goddess’ Resurrection, in other words, the Death Knight. - Thus, if we go off of a number of circumstances, it looks unmistakable that the identity of that fellow is Jeritza.
- Furthermore, the mysterious individual called the Flame Emperor… Their true objective is unclear.
- But… truth is, I have an idea. I daresay the enemy’s objective is Flayn’s blood.
- Special blood flows within her. It’s a very rare… and dangerous blood.
- Seeing that enemies have appeared who knows the secret of Flayn’s blood, we have no choice but to leave the monastery and go into hiding…
- Flayn: Please wait, big brother.
- Seteth: Flayn…?! Why are you here?! Should you not still be resting?!
- Flayn: I don’t want to. To once again be in some place in the middle of nowhere, spending my days alone without meeting anyone…
- Seteth: If you stay here, you might be attacked again. If that’s the case, live a quiet and peaceful life together with your brother…
- Flayn: But there’s no guarantee we won’t be found, no matter where we live and hide.
- In that case, I think we would be safer in the monastery where Teacher and the knights are.
- Seteth: That may be, but…
- Flayn: …That it is. What about letting me be a student of Teacher’s class?
- > 「Good idea」
Flayn: Teacher thinks so too? My, I’m so glad! - If I were allowed stay close to such a teacher, I can be safe no matter what enemy appears!
- > 「Why?」
Flayn: If I were allowed stay close to such a teacher, I can be safe no matter what enemy appears! - Seteth: I see… That may be so.
- Byleth, Due to my position, I have evaluated you intensely up to this point.
- But now, I believe you to be trustworthy. What do you think? Can I entrust Flayn to you?
- > 「With pleasure」
> 「It can’t be avoided」
Sothis: I’m glad Flayn was saved. But I wonder what is with the other little girl. - Judging from her attire, she appears to also be a student of the military academy, but… who is she?
- Seteth: Professor… Please, allow me to express my eternal gratitude once more. Flayn is safe and sound, and I have you to thank for that.
- Mere words could never express how thankful I am. I…I am indebted to you.
- > 「I couldn’t have done it without the students.」
Seteth: Yes, of course. I shall express my gratitude to the students as well. - > 「I’m just happy she’s safe.」
Seteth: Yes, indeed. I…I, too, am overjoyed. - > 「But why was Flayn taken to begin with?」
Seteth: Her kidnapper was the masked knight who vanished during the Rite of Rebirth. The one known as the Death Knight. - Considering the circumstances, it seems plausible to assume that his true identity is Jeritza.
- And we cannot forget about the mysterious Flame Emperor… His true motives are yet unclear.
- However, I have an idea. I believe the enemy may have been after Flayn’s blood.
- The blood that flows through her veins is special. It is extremely rare…and extremely dangerous.
- If enemies who know the secret of Flayn’s blood have appeared, our only option is to leave the monastery and go into hiding.
- Flayn: Brother, wait.
- Seteth: Flayn?! What are you doing here? You should be resting!
- Flayn: I do not like the path of your thoughts. I do not wish to live in some lonely, remote location where I never get to see anyone. Not ever again.
- Seteth: If we stay here, you may be targeted again! Wouldn’t it be better for the two of us to live in peace?
- Flayn: Even if we ran off to some new, secret location, there is no guarantee that they would not find us.
- That is why I believe it would be safest to stay in the monastery, where we are surrounded by capable knights and professors.
- Seteth: I see your point, I do. However…
- Flayn: You know it is the only reasonable option. What if I were to join the professor’s class?
- > 「That is a great idea.」
Flayn: You think so too? I am so very pleased to hear that! - With a professor like you nearby, I shall be safe no matter what foe should appear!
- > 「Why would you do that?」
Flayn: Because, with a professor like you nearby, I shall be safe no matter what foe should appear! - Seteth: I see. I am afraid you have a good point.
- Professor… Due to my position, I have closely scrutinized everything about you.
- After all that has happened, I must admit that you are indeed…a trusted ally. So, what say you? Can I entrust you with Flayn’s safety?
- > 「It would be my pleasure.」
> 「I suppose I have no choice.」
Sothis:I am so glad that Flayn is safe. Yet I can’t help but wonder what the story is about the other girl. - She wore the uniform of the academy. But who is she?
Event: 報告・角弓の節 (Report – Horn Bow Moon)
- レア: ……ご苦労様でした、ベレト。
あなたの学級に協力を頼んで正解でした。 - マヌエラもフレンも……そしてモニカも、
順調に回復していると聞いています。 - > 「モニカは生徒?」
> 「モニカは何者?」
レア: 今回、フレンと共に保護されたモニカも、
士官学校の生徒なのですが……。 - ハンネマン: 実を言うと、彼女は去年の生徒なのだ。
ちょうど卒業の時期に行方をくらましてな。 - そのため、大修道院ではなく、自領への
帰還中に失踪したのだと考えられていた。 - それがまさか、
こんな形で発見されるとは……。 - レア: モニカ本人の希望もあり、体力が回復次第、
本年度の黒鷲の学級アドラークラッセに復帰させる予定です。 - 犯人が逃走中である以上、この件については
引き続き調査と警戒が必要ですが……。 - 生徒たちには、気持ちを切り替えて
もらわねばなりません。 - ハンネマン: 来節はいよいよ「グロンダーズ鷲獅子戦」が
催されますからな。 - レア: ええ……生徒たちにとっては、
一生の思い出となる大切な催しです。 - 生徒たちが全力で鷲獅子戦に望めるよう、
導いてあげてください。 - ジェラルト: 翌節はグロンダーズか。
あっちのほうには行ったことがなかったな。 - 帝国も西のほうじゃゴタゴタしてるが、
都のアンヴァルから東は安定…… - いや、少し前に貴族の内乱があったか。
ま、たいした話じゃねえ。 - > 「来節は何を?」
ジェラルト: 任務、また任務、だ。
教団はいつだって人使いが荒い。 - > 「鷲獅子戦に同行する?」
ジェラルト: 悪い、任務があってな。
グロンダーズとは逆方向さ。 - 教団はいつだって人使いが荒いんだ。
- ジェラルト: が……それよりも気になるのは、何者かが
俺たちの近くで暗躍してるってことだよ。 - 女神再誕の儀以降、ガルグ=マクの周辺でも
それ以外でも、変な連中が目撃されてる。 - 怪しい奴を調べてた騎士が、
死体で発見されるなんて事件も起こった。 - ないとは思うが、
俺に万一のことがあれば…… - この部屋の中を探ってくれ。棚の裏とかな。
お前宛てのものを残しておく。 - > 「縁起でもない」
ジェラルト: 俺だって死ぬつもりは露ほどもねえよ。 - お前に笑えってのも無理な話だが、
せめて真顔はやめ……おい、今、笑ったか? - > 「わかった」
ジェラルト: そんな真顔でうなずくなって。
万一の話だ、万一の。 - いや、お前が真顔なのは
- Rhea: …You have done well, Byleth. I was correct to request cooperation from your class.
- I hear Manuela and Flayn… as well as Monica, are recovering well.
- > 「Is Monica a student?」
> 「Who is Monica?」
Rhea: Monica, who was taken into care lately together with Flayn, is a student at the military academy, but… - Hanneman: To speak frankly, she is last year’s student. She disappeared right at the time of graduation.
- For that reason, we thought she disappeared not in the monastery, but when while returning to her own territory.
- I never thought we’d discover her in this shape…
- Rhea: At Monica’s own request, we plan to reinstate her into the current year’s Black Eagles as soon as her strength recovers.
- Since the criminal is still on the run, we must be continue to investigate and be vigilant on this matter…
- But for the students, we must give them a change in mood.
- Hanneman: After all, the “Gronder’s Battle of the Eagle and Lion” is finally coming up next moon.
- Rhea: Yes… For the students, it is an important event that they will remember for the rest of their life.
- Please guide the students so that we can hope they’ll put all their effort into the Battle of the Eagle and Lion.
- Jeralt: So next moon is Gronder’s? You’ve never been over there, eh?
- The west of the Empire also has some disputes, but east from the capital of Enbarr is stable…
- Or, no. Wasn’t there was a civil war between the nobles just recently? Well, it wasn’t a big deal.
- > 「What will you do next month?」
Jeralt: Missions, then more missions. The church is always working its people too hard. - > 「Will you accompany us to the Battle of the Eagle and Lion?」
Jeralt: Sorry, I got a mission. Gronder’s is in the opposite direction. - The church is always working its people too hard.
- Jeralt: But… more importantly, the thing that’s been on my mind is who’s operating behind the scenes around us.
- Ever since the Ceremony of the Goddess’ Rebirth, strange groups have been sighted around and outside of Garreg Mach.
- There have been incidents where knights investigating the suspicious guys have turned up dead.
- Not that I think it will, but if some unlikely event were to happen to me…
- Search inside this room for me. Things like behind the shelf. I’ll go and leave something addressed to you.
- > 「Don’t say such bad omens」
Jeralt: I also don’t have the slightest intention of dying. - I know it’s too much for you to smile, but at least quit with the serious face… Oi, did you smile just now?
- > 「Understood」
Jeralt: Don’t nod with such a serious face. I said unlikely event. Unlikely. - Or wait, is that the serious face you always have…? Ha ha ha!
- Rhea: Well done, Professor. I see that I was right to ask your class for assistance.
- I have been told that Manuela and Flayn are recovering nicely, as is Monica.
- > 「Is Monica a student here?」
> 「Who is Monica?」
Rhea: Monica, the girl you rescued along with Flayn, is also a student at the Officers Academy. However… - Hanneman: She is a student from last year’s class. She went missing just before she would have graduated.
- It never occurred to us that something might have happened to her at the monastery. We assumed she had run away.
- I never dreamed that we would find her. Not like this.
- Rhea: Monica has asked to rejoin the Black Eagle House once she has fully recovered.
- Our enemies are still out there, so we must remain cautious and continue our investigation.
- However, we must also help the students to move on from this incident.
- Hanneman: After all, the Battle of the Eagle and Lion will be held in Gronder Field next month.
- Rhea: Yes. The students will remember it for the rest of their lives.
- Please guide them so they may show us their best at the coming battle.
- Jeralt: So, you’ll be going to Gronder Field next month. You’ve never been there before, have you?
- There is unease in the western side of the Empire, but everything east of the capital, Enbarr, is stable.
- Well, there was a noble rebellion a short while ago, but it didn’t amount to much.
- > 「What will you do next month?」
Jeralt: I have my own mission. The church has always been quick to make use of those who work for them. - > 「Will you come to the Battle of the Eagle and Lion?」
Jeralt: Sorry, but I’ve got my own mission, and it’s far from Gronder Field. - The church is always working its people too hard.
- Jeralt: What I’m more concerned about is finding out who among us is pulling the strings.
- Ever since the Rite of Rebirth, strange groups have been seen around Garreg Mach, and elsewhere too.
- There was also an incident where some knights investigating these suspicious strangers…turned up dead.
- Not that it’s likely, but if something like that ever happens to me…
- Search this room. Every corner. Behind every shelf. I’m going to leave something for you.
- > 「Don’t say things like that. 」
Jeralt: Don’t get me wrong. I have no intention of dying. - I know it would be too much to ask you to cheer up, but can you at least drop the serious… Well, I’ll be. Was that a smile just now?
- > 「I promise.」
Jeralt: Don’t just nod solemnly. There’s nothing to worry about. I’m just being cautious. - Then again, I guess you’re always solemn.
↑1 | Hubert’s formality extends to everyone, referring even to Flayn with the -dono honorific. |
↑2 | The Death Knight says “shiae”, which is a commands to “do death to each other”. Some believe this to be the original form of the Japanese term for a serious competition match (shiai). |
↑3 | The subject and target of this command is vague. The localization interprets it as Death Knight commanding his (mostly or completely dead) subjects to kill the students. It may also be Death Knight commanding the students or Byleth to shorten their lives by continuing to fight him. It is also possible Death Knight is asking to have his own life shortened. |
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