Title: ディープブルー (Deep Blue)
Circle: Kinema106
Vocal: lino
Lyrics: Tom
Arrangement: Tom, jun-jun
Release Date: Sep 9, 2017
Requested By: VocalC Google
My first KanColle request after my hiatus, it’s nice to return to a Kinema106 song (mostly because I know Tom and don’t need to ask permission to repost his videos on my channel). This song devoted to the Abyssal Jellyfish Princess has all of the awesome hallmarks of a Kinema106 abyssal song: Striking aggressive dark vocals, English-Japanese wordplay, usage of WW2 codes, and a secret encoded message for us to decipher. If you want to see another earlier song like this, check out Kinema106 – Rend Ens (which I also translated).