白雲の章 White Clouds Chapter
竪琴の節 Harp Moon
追懐の風景 Reminiscent Scenery
Summary of changes:
- It is more clear the Knights of Seiros are actively cornering the enemy at Zanado to make it as easy as possible for the students, rather than just keeping things under control.
- Jeralt is more specific on what he handled when you were both mercenaries. He didn’t handle everything, just the negotiations.
- Jeralt talks about you being accustomed to fighting alongside “your old man”, rather than being used to fighting bandits.
- Dorothea doesn’t look down on bandits specifically. She only mentions the enemies are at a level that they should be able to win without problems.
- Lindhart elaborates on why Dorothea’s optimism is unfounded.
- Lindhart had a line about not trying too hard that was simplified.
- Petra’s response to that line is more appropriate.
- Edelgard talks about “necessary sacrifices” on her first kill.
- Kostas and Edelgard’s dialogue isn’t about “noble vs commoner”, but about “those that have suffered vs those who haven’t”. Thus there is more poeticism in Edelgard’s response.
- Byleth remembers Zanado being more busier, rather than peaceful.
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