
同人音楽翻訳家 Doujin Music Translator

Fire Emblem Three Houses – Prologue

I’m starting a fan translation for Fire Emblem: Three Houses to understand what kind of changes localization companies decide to make when translating for general audiences.  I will be translating more literally to contrast with the official English translation.

Summary of changes:

  • Sothis teases you for watching her sleep, rather than calling you rude for interrupting her sleep.
  • The original translation for “I’m a demon” is “I’m an evil god”.
  • Jeralt speaks in regional dialect, sounding like a Kanto tough guy.
  • The option Jeralt doesn’t like in “A Skirmish at Dawn” makes more sense.
  • Claude’s Talk option in battle is pretty funny in hindsight.
  • Jeralt’s nickname actually means “The Blade who Breaks” as opposed to “The One who Breaks Blades”.
  • “I am no child” is a much funnier answer in the Japanese version.
  • Byleth asks Sothis to do a “Za Warudo”.
  • The “I’m a bandit” joke is explained a bit more.
  • Claude acts extra cute in “The Prince, the Princess and the Heir”
  • Claude asks what is your preference instead of your allegiance.
  • Your thoughts about the three class leaders are a bit more detailed.

Next Chapter: Chapter 1 (Before House Selection)

Movie: 復讐 (Revenge)

  • 帝国歴91年 タルティーン平原
  • 兵士: ぬ?!
  • 兵士: セイロス様……!
  • セイロス:『赤き谷』を覚えているか?
  • ネメシス!
  • 死ね……! 死ねッ! 死ねええッ!
  • 貴様が! 私から! すべてを……!
  • お母様……
  • ???: おぬし……
  • そこで何をしておる?
  • Tailtean Plains, Imperial Year 91
  • Soldier: Nnh?!
  • Soldier: Lady Seiros…!
  • Seiros: Do you remember the “Red Valley”?
  • Nemesis?!
  • Die…! Die! Dieee!
  • You took! Everything……! From me!
  • Mother…
  • ???: You…[1]Sothis speaks as a superior and uses archaic speech.
  • What are you doing over there?
  • Tailtean Plains, Imperial Year 91
  • Soldier: Huh?
  • Soldier: Lady Seiros!
  • Seiros: Tell me, Nemesis,
  • do you recall the Red Canyon?
  • You’ll die for that! Die, die!
  • You took…everything… that I loved!
  • He’s gone now, Mother…
  • ???: Oh my.
  • What could have brought you here?

Event: 玉座の夢 (The Throne Room Dream)

  • ???: ふあぁ……。いかにしてここに
  • わしの寝顔を盗み見るとは、な。
  • もそっと近う寄れ。
  • ほう……知らぬ顔のようじゃのう。
  • >「幽霊だ」
    ???: 空言を吐くでない。
  • >「人間だ」
    ???: おぬし、人間と言うたな?
  • ???: なるほど。
  • 人間なれば、これにも答えられよう。
  • ???: なに!? わしと同じとは……!
  • 何やら懐かしい心地がするが……。
  • むにゃ……はじ……かい……
  • ???: *yawn* I do not know how you managed to get into this place…
  • Sneaking a peek at my sleeping face, are you?
    *sigh*… Good grief.
  • Come a little closer. Let me get a good look at your appearance.
  • Oh?  A face I have not seen before.
    Just what are you?
  • > “I’m a ghost”
    > “I’m an evil god”
    ???: Do not spout lies. You will keep your teasing of me within limits.
  • > “I’m a human”
    ???: A human, you said you are? In that case, introduce yourself.  Hurry it up now, won’t you?
  • ???: I see. As expected of a child of man, it is a name I am not accustomed to.
  • Since you are human, you should be able to answer this as well. Which day of which moon were you born?
  • ???: What?!  Being the same as mine is…! Hmm, yet another strange coincidence we have here.
  • This feeling is oddly nostalgic but… Maybe I’ll take another nap… *yawn*
  • Munya… the beginning…  is near… Zzz…
  • ???: I wonder how you got in here…
  • It is most rude to interrupt a moment of repose. Very rude indeed.
  • Now come to me. I wish to have a look at you.
  • Hmm… I have not seen the likes of you before. Who are you, anyway?
  • > “I’m a ghost.”
    > “I’m a demon.”
    ???: Do not deceive. You would do well to keep your wit in line.
  • >  “I’m a mortal.”
    ???: I see. Then you must have a name of sorts. Go on.
  • ???: Huh. I shall not ever grow accustomed to the sound of human names.
  • You must possess a day of birth as well. Beneath which moon and on what day were you born to this world?
  • ???: Well, wonders never cease! It seems we share our day of birth.
  • How strange! Hmm. It all feels so…familiar. I think it may be time for yet another nap…
  • It is almost…time to…begin…

Event: 夜明けの異変 (The Dawn’s Strange Encounter)

  • ジェラルト: おい、そろそろ起きろ
  • >「戦争の夢……」
    ジェラルト: 大平原を埋め尽くす大軍の激突、か。
  • >「少女の夢……」
    ジェラルト: お前の話を聞く限り、そんな奴には
  • ジェラルト: まあいい、そんなもん忘れちまえ!
  • 俺たち傭兵の仕事は命懸けなんだ。
  • さ、とっとと支度しな。
  • 少し距離があるから、
  • >「そうだっけ?」
    ジェラルト: ……まったく。
  • >「そういえば……」
    ジェラルト: ……まったく。
  • 傭兵: ジェラルトさん!
  • ジェラルト: どうした?
  • 暗転
  • ディミトリ: 突然、申し訳ありません!
  • ジェラルト: こんな時間に、ガキどもが揃って何の用だ?
  • ディミトリ: 実は私たち、盗賊団に追われているんです。
  • ジェラルト: 盗賊、だと……?
  • エーデルガルト: ええ、野営中に襲撃されたのです。
  • クロード: 上手いこと仲間と分断されて多勢に無勢、
  • ジェラルト: その割には随分とのん気な……。
    ん? その制服……。
  • 傭兵: 村の外に人影!
  • ジェラルト: 来やがったか。ったく、ガキどもはともかく
  • おい、行くぞ。
  • Jeralt: Hey, you should get up soon.
    Were you having that dream again?
  • > “The dream about a war…”
    Jeralt:  A clash of large armies that blanketed the great plains, huh? We ain’t had anything like that come up in 300 years.[2]Jeralt speaks in a regional dialect here.  He speaks like a Kanto/Tokyo tough guy.
  • > “The dream about a girl…”
    Jeralt: According to your description, I haven’t met anyone like that before.
  • Jeralt: Well, whatever.  Wipe those things clear from your mind. You won’t need idle thoughts in battle.
  • Work for us mercenaries is life or death.  Unnecessary thinking will get you killed quickly.
  • Okay, let’s hurry up and get ready.  Next up is a job in the Kingdom.
  • It’s a bit far, so I thought I told you we’d be leaving when dawn breaks.
  • > “Did you?”
    Jeralt: …Good grief. Everyone except you is already waiting outside.
  • > “Now that you mention it…”
    Jeralt: …Good grief. Everyone except you is already waiting outside.
  • Mercenary: Jeralt, sir!  Pardon, can you come with me?
  • Jeralt: What’s wrong?
  • Dimitri: Our absolute sincerest apologies!
  • Jeralt:  What are you kids all gathered here for at this hour?
  • Dimitri: Truth is, we were chased here by bandits.
    Would you kindly lend us your strength?
  • Jeralt: Bandits, you say…?
  • Edelgard: Yes, we were attacked while making camp.
  • Claude:  We were separated from our skilled colleagues and outnumbered.  They were about to steal not only our gold, but our lives!
  • Jeralt: You’re remarkably easygoing despite all that… Hm?  That uniform…
  • Mercenary: People’s shadows outside the village!  Tch… there’s quite a large family of them.
  • Jeralt: So they came?  Ugh.  Nevermind the kids, there’s no way we’re going to abandon this village…
  • Hey, let’s go.  You ready?
  • Jeralt: Hey. Time to wake up.
    Were you having that dream again?
  • > “I was dreaming about a war…”
    Jeralt: Massive armies clashing on a vast field, right? There hasn’t been a battle like that in over three centuries
  • > “I was dreaming about a young girl…”
    Jeralt: You’ve described her to me before. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like that.
  • Jeralt: In any case, just put that out of your mind for now. The battlefield is no place for idle thoughts.
  • Risking your life is part of the job for mercenaries like us. Letting your mind wander is a sure way to get yourself killed.
  • OK, time to get moving. Our next job is in the Kingdom.
  • I told you before. It’s far from here, so we’ll need to leave at dawn.
  • > “Oh, right…”
    Jeralt: Hm? Good grief. Everyone is already waiting for us outside.
  • > “Of course”
    Jeralt: Hm? Good grief. Everyone is already waiting for us outside.
  • Mercenary: Jeralt! Sir! Sorry to barge in, but your presence is needed.
  • Jeralt: What’s happened?
  • Dimitri: Please forgive our intrusion. We wouldn’t bother you were the situation not dire.
  • Jeralt: What do a bunch of kids like you want at this hour?
  • Dimitri: We’re being pursued by a group of bandits. I can only hope that you will be so kind as to lend your support.
  • Jeralt: Bandits? Here?
  • Edelgard: It’s true. They attacked us while we were at rest in our camp.
  • Claude: We’ve been separated from our companions and we’re outnumbered. They’re after our lives…not to mention our gold.
  • Jeralt: I’m impressed you’re staying so calm considering the situation. I… Wait. That uniform…
  • Mercenary: Bandits spotted just outside the village. Damn… There are a lot of them.
  • Jeralt: I guess they followed you all the way here. We can’t abandon this village now.
  • Come on, let’s move. Hope you’re ready.

Battle: 夜明けの異変 (The Dawn’s Strange Encounter)

  • ジェラルト: 村が巻き添え食わねえように、さっさと
  • まずは手前にいる連中を始末して、
  • ジェラルト: 敵の攻撃に備えながら進むぞ。
  • ジェラルト: よし、それでいい。森にいれば敵からの
  • ジェラルト: ベレト、良い機会だ。
  • ジェラルト: 近くに味方がいる時に攻撃すると、
  • コスタス: くそ……何で村に傭兵がいやがる……!
  • エーデルガルト: 貴方、変わった雰囲気の人ね。
  • 傭兵だというなら、腕を見せてくれる?
  • ディミトリ: ありがとう、おかげで助かった。
  • すまないが、力を貸してほしい。
  • クロード: いやあ、悪い悪い。
  • こんな辺鄙な村に、腕利きの傭兵が……
  • コスタス: クソッ!
  • コスタス: けっ! 無表情に剣を振りやがって!
  • コスタス: て、てめえ……まさか、
  • 何でそんな凄腕の傭兵が、
  • ジェラルト: 文句を言いてえのは、
  • Jeralt: Let’s clean up quickly so the village doesn’t get caught up in this mess, Byleth!
  • Start by dealing with the enemies in front.  Take the wind out of their sails!
  • Jeralt: Let’s proceed while preparing for an enemy attack.  Take position even inside a forest.
  • Jeralt: Alright, that’s good.  After all, you’ll receive an advantage against attacks from enemies if you’re inside a forest.
  • Jeralt: This is a good opportunity.  Try using the combat art I taught you here!
  • Jeralt: When you attack with allies nearby, the enemy will be intimidated and attacks will become easier!
  • Kostas: Damn… Why are there mercenaries in the village…!
    In that case, we’ll beat em all up!
  • Edelgard: You have a strange air about you.
  • If you say you’re a mercenary, will you show us your skill?  Don’t worry about your reward, you’ll get one.
  • Dimitri: Thank you.  We are saved, thanks to you.  After all, we won’t have to die in a place like this.
  • I’m sorry, but please lend us your strength.  Let’s drive out the bandits, together.
  • Claude: My bad, my bad.  Looks like I get to escape death thanks to you guys.
  • Finding skilled mercenaries in this remote village… Surely Heaven is watching over me thanks to my good conduct!
  • Kostas: Shit! As long as I kill you here…!
  • Kostas: Hey you, swinging your sword with no expression! Don’t get in my way!
  • Kostas: You, it can’t be… Jeralt the Breaker Blade?[3]The English title for Jeralt is the “Blade Breaker”, implying that Jeralt breaks blades.  壊刃 means the “blade that breaks”, but doesn’t sound as nice.
  • Why the hell is a highly skilled mercenary like you here?
  • Jeralt: I got caught up in this mess, so I should be in one complaining…
  • Jeralt: Let’s take care of those thieves before they overrun the village.
  • Take down the enemies in front first. That should take the wind out of their sails.
  • We’ll advance while protecting ourselves from the enemy. Take up position inside the forest.
  • Jeralt: Yes, good. If we’re in the forest, we can sustain their attacks without losing the advantage.
  • Jeralt: This is a fine opportunity. Use the combat arts I taught you!
  • Jeralt: Attack when an ally is nearby, and the enemy will be intimidated, making them easier to hit.
  • Kostas: Damn. Why are there mercenaries in the village? Guess we’ll have to deal with them too.
  • Edelgard: You have a strange aura about you…
  • You say you’re a mercenary, so show me what you can do.
  • Dimitri: Thank you. We are in your debt. It wouldn’t do for us to fall in a place like this.
  • Please, lend us your strength. Let’s work together to drive out these thieves!
  • Claude: It’s because of you guys that I’m not dead right now. Thanks for that!
  • I didn’t expect to run into mercenaries like you in some remote village. The gods of fortune must be smiling on me!
  • Kostas: I’m gonna kill you where you stand…
  • Kostas: Hey, you with the blank stare! Outta my way!
  • Kostas: What the?! Aren’t you Jeralt the Blade Breaker?
  • What’s a renowned mercenary like you doing here?
  • Jeralt: I’m the one who should be complaining. I’m caught up in the mess you started!

Movie: 玉座の少女 (The Girl of the Throne Room)

  • コスタス: どけええッ!!
  • ???: おぬしおぬしおぬし!
  • 気をつけよ!
  • わしを殺める気か、痴れ者め!
  • いや、良い
  • おぬしごときには、
  • 己が命のまことの値打ちなぞわからぬじゃろう
  • まったく……
  • わしがおぬしを導いてやらねば、な!
  • わしの名はソティス
  • “はじまりのもの”と呼ばれておる
  • Kostas: Outta my way!!
  • ???: Why you, you, you…!
  • Be careful!
  • Are you trying to get me killed, you fool?!
  • No, ’tis fine.
  • After all, people like you
  • don’t know the mystery that is the true value of your own life, right?
  • Good grief…
  • Then, I’ll just have to guide you!
  • My name is Sothis
  • and I am called “The Beginning”
  • Kostas: You’ll die!
  • Sothis: Honestly!
  • What are you accomplishing with that little stunt?!
  • It’s like you’re trying to get me killed, you fool!
  • Well, it’s fine.
  • After all if you don’t know the value of your own life
  • you’re not going to protect it very well are you?
  • Course not.
  • Well then, I guess it’s up to me to guide you from now on, right?
  • You can call me Sothis…
  • but I’m also known as “The Beginning”.

Event: 玉座の少女 (The Girl of the Throne Room)

  • ソティス: ……ううむ。
  • ソティス……ソティス。
  • それに、はじまりのもの、か。
  • >「何を言っている?」
    ソティス: なに、わしは今まで名前すら
  • それが先刻は、するりと口をついて出た。
  • 何じゃ、その顔は。
  • ふん、ならばその童に命を助けられた
  • >「童ではない」
    ソティス: ほう、偉そうに。
  • >「童以下だ……」
    ソティス: そうじゃ!
  • ソティス: たかが小娘一人救うために、
  • わしが咄嗟に時を止めたから良いものの、
  • >「ありがとう」
    ソティス: そう、素直に感謝すれば良いのじゃ。
  • >「時を止めた?」
    ソティス: お礼の1つも言えぬとはのう。
  • そう、素直に感謝すれば良いのじゃ。
  • ソティス: しかし咄嗟とはいえ、よう時を
  • >「時が動き出したらどうなる?」
    ソティス: うむ、再び時を動かせば、あの斧はおぬしの
  • 当たり前じゃ! はあ……おぬしのせいで
  • いったいどうすれば良いのかのう……。
  • >「時間を戻してほしい」
    ソティス: そうか!
  • >「時を止めたまま自分だけ動きたい」
    ソティス: ええい、そのようなことができてたまるか。
  • そうか!
  • >「座して死を待とう」
    ソティス: 何を愚にもつかぬことを言うておる!
  • そうか!
  • ソティス: うむ……できそうじゃ。
  • 巻き戻る時は僅かなれど、何が起こるか
  • では、ゆくぞ。炎をその身に宿せし者よ。
  • Sothis: …Hmmm.
  • Sothis… Sothis. To somebody, I am Sothis.
  • And also, The Beginning…?  Who in the world called me that…?
  • > “What are you talking about?”
    > “Sothis”?
    Sothis: Huh?  I was unable to remember anything except my name until now.
  • Just earlier, it just instantly came out of my mouth.  Sometimes strange things happen…
  • What’s with that face? Did you think I was a child who did not know her own name?
  • Hmph. Then tell me, what does that make someone whose life was saved by said child?
  • > “Not a child”
    Sothis: Ohoh, such pride.  It appears only your appearance is grown up!
  • > “Lower than a child…”
    Sothis: That’s right!  You understand well, don’t you?
  • Sothis: Throwing yourself in front of a bandit’s axe to save just one girl.
  • It’s a good thing I immediately stopped time, or you would have died if I had left things as they were!
  • > “Thank you”
    Sothis: Indeed, you should be honestly grateful.  I’m saying that it is worth saving you.
  • > “You stopped time?”
    Sothis: Did I not hear a single word of gratitude?  Do you want to get kicked out of here?
  • Indeed, you should be honestly grateful.  I’m saying it is worth saving you.
  • Sothis: Though only for a moment, it seems I have stopped time. How did I do that…?
  • > “What happens when time moves again?”
    > “What should we do next?”
    Sothis: Yes, when time moves again, that axe will sink nicely into your back… and you will die.
  • Obviously! *sigh* It’s your fault I have to go through this…
  • What in the world should I do…?
  • > “I want to turn back time”
    Sothis: That’s it!  I should just rewind the time I stopped!
  • > “I want to be the only one who moves while time is stopped”
    Sothis: Eugh, did you really think I could handle something that? No, wait…
  • That’s it!  I should just rewind the time I stopped!
  • > “I’ll sit here and wait for death”
    Sothis: What nonsense are you spewing!  No, wait…
  • That’s it!  I should just rewind the time I stopped!
  • Sothis: Yes… it looks like I can do it.  You really are a troublesome one.
  • The rewind time is short but if you know what will happen, it should be easier to protect your life.
  • Now, go!  You, whose body carries the flames within.  Follow the traces of time and find your own answers!
  • Sothis: Hmm…
  • Sothis… Yes, that is it. My name is Sothis.
  • And I am also called…The Beginning. But who once called me that?
  • > “What are you talking about?”
    > “Sothis”?
    Sothis: I was not able to recall my name…until just now.
  • And just like that, it came to me. How odd.
  • That look upon your face… Did you think me a child? A mere child who forgot her own name?!
  • Phooey! That “child” just saved your life! And what does that make you?
  • > “I am no child.”
    Sothis: Ha! Such arrogance. You look the part but are you truly an adult?
  • > “I’m less than a child?”
    Sothis: Correct! You understand.
  • Sothis: You threw yourself before an axe to save just one young girl.
  • Yet all is well, as I have stalled the flow of time for now. You would have died had I not intervened.
  • > “Thank you”
    Sothis: There now. Is gratitude so much to ask? I did deem you worth saving, after all.
  • > “You stopped time?”
    Sothis: Hm. I do not hear your gratitude. Perhaps I should force you to leave?
  • There now. Is gratitude so much to ask? I did deem you worth saving, after all.
  • Sothis: Though it is only momentary, time has stopped. However did I manage that?
  • > “What will happen when time resumes?”
    > “What now?”
    Sothis: When time begins again, the axe will tear into your flesh, and you will surely meet your end.
  • How rude of you to drag me into this! Now what to do…
  • What in the world should I do…?
  • > “Turn back the hands of time.”
    Sothis: Of course! I must turn back the hands of time!
  • > “Keep time frozen until I’m safe.”
    Sothis: That is ridiculous! Oh, but perhaps…
  • Of course! I must turn back the hands of time!
  • > “I’ll just stay here and wait to die.”
    Sothis: As though I could stand idly by and watch that come to pass! Oh, but perhaps…
  • Of course! I must turn back the hands of time!
  • Sothis: Yes, I do believe it can be done. You really are quite troublesome.
  • I cannot wind back time too far, but all is well. You are aware of what’s to come, which means you can protect yourself this time.
  • Now, go… Yes, you who bears the flames within. Drift through the flow of time to find the answers that you seek…


  • ジェラルト: ベレト?
  • アロイス: セイロス騎士団、ただ今参った!
  • おい、盗賊が逃げていくではないか!
  • さて、級長たちも無事のようだな。
  • ジェラルト: おっと……面倒な奴が来ちまった……。
  • Jeralt: Byleth?  What did you just…
  • Alois: The Knights of Seiros have just arrived!  You bandits who threaten our students, prepare to… uh?
  • Hey, are the bandits running away?!
    Fellow knights, chase after them![4]Alois speaks humbly.
  • Now then, the class leaders appear to be unharmed… and, who’s that over there…?
  • Jeralt: Ugh… Someone bothersome ended up coming…
  • Jeralt: Hey…  Did you just…
  • Alois: The Knights of Seiros are here! We’ll cut you down for terrorizing our students!
  • Hey! The thieves are running away. Go after them.
  • The students seem to be unharmed. And… who’s this?
  • Jeralt: Ugh… Why him?

Event: 思わぬ再会 (An Unexpected Encounter)

  • アロイス: やはり、ジェラルト団長ではないですか!
    うおおお!! お久しぶりですなあ!!
  • 私のこと、覚えておられますか!?
  • 団長が突然いなくなってから20年、
  • ジェラルト: 相変わらずうるせえ奴だな、アロイス……。
  • 今はただの流れの傭兵……そういうわけで
  • アロイス: ええ、ではまたどこかで……
  • って、そうなるわけないでしょうが!
  • ジェラルト: ガルグ=マク大修道院か。
  • アロイス: おや、もしかしてそちらの若者は、
  • >「赤の他人だ」
    アロイス: あっはっは! またまたそんな冗談を。
  • >「逃げ遅れた盗賊の一味だ」
    アロイス: あっはっは! またまたそんな冗談を。
  • >「そうだ」
    アロイス: そうであったか! 見た目はともかく、
  • アロイス: 貴殿にも是非、大修道院を
  • ジェラルト: ………………。
  • アロイス: どうかしましたか、団長。
  • ジェラルト: かのセイロス騎士団を相手に逃げ出せる
  • ソティス: セイロス騎士団、か。
  • ほれ、あちらで呼ばれておるぞ。
  • Alois: I knew it!  If it isn’t Captain Jeralt!  Whoa!!  It’s sure been a long time!
  • Do you remember me?!  I’m your self-proclaimed “right-hand man”, Alois!
  • After you suddenly went missing 20 years ago, I always believed you were still alive!
  • Jeralt: You always were a noisy guy, Alois.  I’m also not a captain anymore.
  • Now I’m just a wandering mercenary… Speaking of which, I have a job to do.  See you later.
  • Alois: Yeah, hope to see you around somewhere…
  • Wait, that’s not what’s going to happen!  The captain is going to come back with us to the monastery, after all.[5]This is phrased as something Alois expect Jeralt would do politely for them, rather than a explicit demand.
  • Jeralt: Garreg Mach Monastery, huh?  *sigh* So this is what it’s come to.
  • Alois: Oh, could this youngster here be the captain’s child?
  • > “I’m a total stranger”
    Alois: Ha ha ha! Another one with those kinds of jokes! You’ve got the same characteristics as the captain.[6]In Japanese, there is a concept of “atmosphere” when describing a person which is hard to translate into English.  Other words that could fall into describing “atmosphere” are things like characteristics, mannerisms, aura, or presence.
  • > “I’m a bandit who escaped too late”
    Alois: Ha ha ha! Another one with those kinds of jokes! You’ve got the same characteristics as the captain.
  • > “That’s right”
    So I was right?  Besides appearances, you’ve got the same characteristics as the captain.
  • Alois: Surely you would like to come see the monastery.  Could you accompany me?
  • Jeralt: …
  • Alois: What’s wrong, Captain? You weren’t thinking of running off, were you?
  • Jeralt: From those Knights of Seiros, even I wouldn’t think about running away.
  • Sothis: Knights of Seiros, huh? They certainly seem like a capable bunch.
  • Look now, someone’s calling you from over there.  You should hurry and go.
  • Alois: Captain Jeralt?! It is you! Goodness, it’s been ages.
  • Don’t you recognize me? It’s Alois! Your old right-hand man! Well, that’s how I always thought of myself anyway.
  • It must have been 20 years ago that you went missing without a trace! I always knew you were still alive!
  • Jeralt: You haven’t changed a bit, Alois. Just as loud as ever. And drop that “captain” nonsense. I’m not your captain anymore.
  • Wait! That isn’t how this ends! I insist that you return to the monastery with me!
  • Alois: Right… Good-bye, Captain.
  • Wait, that’s not what’s going to happen!  The captain is going to come back with us to the monastery, after all.
  • Jeralt: Garreg Mach Monastery… I suppose this was inevitable.
  • Alois: And how about you, kid? Are you the captain’s child?
  • > “He is a stranger to me.”
    Alois: Great sense of humor, this one. Clearly cut from the same cloth as the captain.
  • > “I’m a bandit.”
    Alois: Great sense of humor, this one. Clearly cut from the same cloth as the captain.
  • > “That is correct.”
    Alois: Is that so? Well, physical differences aside, your mannerisms do remind me of the captain.
  • Alois: I’d love for you to see the monastery too. You will join me, won’t you?
  • Jeralt: …
  • Alois: What’s troubling you, Captain? You aren’t about to run off again, are you?
  • Jeralt: Even I wouldn’t dare run from the Knights of Seiros.
  • Sothis: The Knights of Seiros… They do seem rather skilled.
  • Ah. It seems your presence is required. Get going.

Event: 王子と皇女と嫡子 (The Prince, the Imperial Princess, and the Heir)

  • エーデルガルト: さっきは助かったわ、ありがとう。
  • 貴方は傭兵なのよね?
  • セイロス騎士団の元団長、歴代最強の
  • >「セイロス騎士団?」
    エーデルガルト: セイロス騎士団を知らないの? フォドラで
  • >「元団長とは知らなかった」
    エーデルガルト: そんなことがあるの?
  • クロード: なあ、一緒に大修道院に来るんだろ?
  • ああ、俺たちは大修道院に併設されてる
  • 課外活動中に盗賊に襲われてな……。
  • エーデルガルト: 貴方が真っ先に逃げ出すからじゃないの。
  • クロード: そうだった、そうだった。
  • こっそり俺だけずらかろうとしたところへ、
  • 盗賊は揃いも揃って俺たちを追いかけて
  • ディミトリ: クロード、お前はそんなことを考えて……。
  • エーデルガルト: そうに決まってるでしょ。言葉の表しか
  • ディミトリ: 言葉の裏ばかり読んで猜疑心にまみれても、
  • クロード: おっと、帝王学の議論か?
  • しかし、猜疑心の塊の俺からしたら、
  • エーデルガルト: 雛!?
  • ディミトリ: まあいい。
  • 盗賊団の頭相手に一歩も引かぬ戦いぶり……
  • エーデルガルト: 確かにそうね。
  • 何を隠そう、私はアドラステア帝国の……
  • ディミトリ: 待て、エーデルガルト。
  • 今、ファーガス神聖王国は
  • 是非、俺と共に王国へ……
  • クロード: そこまでだ。まったく2人とも手が早いな。
  • 俺は大修道院に向かいながら、
  • まずはあんたの好みでも聞こうかな。
  • ソティス: こやつら……出自を異にするようじゃな。
  • >「歴史ある大国 アドラステア帝国」
    エーデルガルト: ふふっ、そうでしょうね。衰えたとはいえ、
  • >「崇高な騎士の国 ファーガス神聖王国」
    ディミトリ: そうか。昔から騎士道に重きを置いてきた、
  • >「新しい貴族の共同体 レスター諸侯同盟」
    クロード: ほう、珍しいな。
  • アロイス: お喋りはそろそろ終わりにしてくれ。
  • クロード: おっと、話の続きはまた後で、だな。
  • ソティス: やれやれ、慌ただしいのう、まったく。
  • >「エーデルガルトか……」
    ベレト: (気品の高い少女だが……
  • 常にこちらを値踏みするような目で
  • >「ディミトリか……」
    ベレト: (誠実そうな印象を受けるが……
  • 明るさの中にどこか陰りのようなものを
  • >「クロードか……」
    ベレト: (人好きしそうな笑顔が印象的だが……
  • 目が笑っていない気がする。
  • ソティス: ふん、わしと同じ見立てじゃな。
  • おぬし、わしが……眠っておるからと……
  • Edelgard: Thank you for saving us back there.  In any case, you are quite skilled.
  • You are a mercenary, aren’t you? Moreover, your father is…[7]Edelgard refers to you, and others, as “anata”.
  • The former captain of the Knights of Seiros, praised as history’s strongest knight, Jeralt the Breaker Blade…
  • > “The Knights of Seiros?”
    Edelgard: You don’t know the Knights of Seiros? Even though they’re most famous order of knights in Fodlan?
  • > “I didn’t know he was the former captain”
    Edelgard: You didn’t?  It seems there are circumstances where he can’t tell you some things.
  • Claude: Hey, you’re coming with us back to the monastery, aren’t you?  I was hoping you’d let me ask you some things on the way.
  • Ah, we are students at the jointly established military academy at the monastery.
  • We were attacked by bandits during extracurricular activities… You could say I had a bad time.
  • Edelgard: Isn’t it because you were the very first to run away?
  • Claude: True, true.  Listen here, buddy.[8]Claude refers to you, and others, as “anta”.
  • It’s their fault, I was trying to secretly slip away alone when they followed after me…
  • Each and every last bandit gathered up and decided to chase after us. It’s a surprisingly funny story.
  • Dimitri: So that’s what you were thinking, Claude…  Even though I thought you were being a decoy for everyone else.
  • Edelgard: You should have determined that. You can’t become a wise ruler if you only take words at face value.
  • Dimitri: And I don’t feel you can be a wise ruler even if you read behind every word with distrust.
  • Claude:  Uh oh, an Imperial Studies debate?  As expected of you two.
  • But as the embodiment of distrust, your exchange is still pure and juvenile.
  • Edelgard: Juvenile?! Do you not know how to keep your mouth shut…?
  • Dimitri: Alright, enough.  Now, let’s talk about you.[9]Dimitri refers to you, and others, as “omae”.
  • The way you didn’t yield a single step against the bandits… It made me think that I still have to become even stronger.
  • Edelgard: Certainly. Are you interested in working for the Empire?
  • To tell the truth, I am the Adrestian Empire’s…
  • Dimitri: Wait, Edelgard.  In that case, I also have something to say.
  • Right now, The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus is in need of excellent people like you.
  • I’d love for you to return to the Kingdom and…
  • Claude: That’s enough. Good grief, you two sure are quick workers.  Making a play on someone you met the same day.
  • I want to slowly deepen our friendship while we head over to the monastery.
  • To start, I’d like to know whether you even have a preference.  Which nation do you like?
  • Sothis: These kids… Their birthplaces appear to differ.  It would be best to answer which nation you prefer.
  • > “Great Land of History: Adrestian Empire”
    Edelgard: Heh, of course. Despite the decline, what the Empire has cultivated is unmatched in the world.
  • > “Land of Noble Knights: Holy Kingdom of Faerghus”
    Dimitri: Is that so? As a virtuous nation, we have placed great importance on chivalry since ancient times.
  • > “Collective of New Nobles: Leicester Alliance”
    Claude: Oh, that’s unusual.  I’m glad to hear that, being from the Alliance myself.[10]Claude does not have a convincing tone here.
  • Alois: Finish up your chat now, it’s time to depart and head to the monastery!
  • Claude: Whoops, let’s finish this chat later, okay?
  • Sothis: My my, aren’t they in a hurry?  But in those little eyes, each of the three are different from each other.
  • > “Edelgard…”
    Byleth: (She’s an elegant girl but…
  • It feels like she’s always watching me, appraising my value.)
  • > “Dimitri…”
    Byleth:(I get the impression that he’s honest but…
  • I get the feeling there is shade somewhere in the brightness.)
  • > “Claude…”
    Byleth:(His charming smile is impressive but…
  • I feel his eyes aren’t smiling. He may be someone who can’t let his guard down.)
  • Sothis: Yes, I also think so.  *yawn* I’ve become sleepy again…
  • But just because I’m sleeping… I’m… you…
  • Edelgard: I appreciate your help back there. Your skill is beyond question.
  • You’re clearly an experienced mercenary. And your father, that would be Jeralt, the Blade Breaker?
  • Former captain of the Knights of Seiros. Oft praised as the strongest knight to ever live. Have I missed something?
  • > “The Knights of Seiros?”
    Edelgard: You haven’t heard of the Knights of Seiros? The most famous order of knights in all of Fódlan?
  • > “I didn’t know he was a captain”
    Edelgard: How curious. I’d wager the explanation for that is fascinating indeed.
  • Claude: Hey! You are coming with us to the monastery, right? Of course you are. I’d love to bend your ear as we travel.
  • Oh, I should mention that the three of us are students of the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach Monastery.
  • We were doing some training exercises when those bandits attacked. I definitely got the worst of it.
  • Edelgard: That would be because you ran off.
  • Claude: Too true! I was the first to make a strategic retreat.
  • Everything would have worked out if these two hadn’t followed me and ruined everything.
  • Because of them, every single one of those bandits chased after us. Utterly ridiculous.
  • Dimitri: Ah, so that’s what you were thinking, Claude. And here I thought you were acting as a decoy for the sake of us all.
  • Edelgard: His intentions were as clear as day. You will prove a lacking ruler if you cannot see the truth behind a person’s words.
  • Dimitri: Hm. You will prove a lacking ruler if you look for deceit behind every word and fail to trust those whom you rely on.
  • Claude: Oh, joy. A royal debate between Their Highnesses. I wonder how being completely predictable affects one’s ability to wield power.
  • Personally, as the embodiment of distrust, I’d say your little exchange smacks of naiveté.
  • Edelgard: Me? Naïve? Tell me, are you actually incapable of keeping quiet, or is your lack of self-awareness a condition of some sort?
  • Dimitri: In any case, forgive our digression. I must speak with you, if you can spare a moment.
  • The way you held your ground against the bandits’ leader was captivating! You never lost control of the situation. It showed me I still have much to learn.
  • Edelgard: Your skill is precisely why I must ask you to consider lending your services to the Empire.
  • I might as well tell you now. I am no mere student. I am also the Adrestian Empire’s–
  • Dimitri: Halt, Edelgard. Please allow me to finish my own proposition.
  • The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus is in dire need of exceptional individuals such as yourself.
  • Please, do consider returning to the Kingdom with me.
  • Claude: Whoa, there! You two sure are hasty. Trying to recruit someone you just met.
  • I was personally planning to develop a deep and lasting friendship on our journey back to the monastery before begging for favors.
  • But it seems there’s no time for niceties in this world. So, capable stranger, let’s get right to it. Where does your allegiance lie?
  • Sothis: Hmm. It seems one’s place of birth is quite significant to them. Yet they are so impressed by you, that you may take your pick. Well?
  • > “Adrestian Empire: Land of Ancient History”
    Edelgard: A wise choice. Though the Empire has fallen from its former glory, the other regions are merely offshoots that pale in comparison.
  • > “Holy Kingdom of Faerghus: Land of Noble Knights”
    Dimitri: Understood. Faerghus is a noble and distinguished kingdom that has always valued chivalry.
  • > “Leicester Alliance: Burgeoning League of Nobles”
    Claude: Is that right? Well, that’s a win for the Alliance, so I suppose I’m obligated to be happy.
  • Alois: All right, that’s enough with the small talk. It’s time to head back to the monastery.
  • Claude: Looks like we’ll have to pick this up another time.
  • Sothis: My, my. They are in such a hurry. You know… Each of the three is most unique.
  • > “Edelgard…”
    Byleth: (She is a refined young woman…
  • But I feel as though she is always evaluating me…)
  • > “Dimitri…”
    Byleth:(He seems quite sincere…
  • But I sense darkness lurking beneath…)
  • > “Claude…”
    Byleth:(His easy smile is striking…
  • But that smile doesn’t reach his eyes…)
  • Sothis: Yes, I thought the same. I am so sleepy once again…
  • I may be sleeping…but I…


1 Sothis speaks as a superior and uses archaic speech.
2 Jeralt speaks in a regional dialect here.  He speaks like a Kanto/Tokyo tough guy.
3 The English title for Jeralt is the “Blade Breaker”, implying that Jeralt breaks blades.  壊刃 means the “blade that breaks”, but doesn’t sound as nice.
4 Alois speaks humbly.
5 This is phrased as something Alois expect Jeralt would do politely for them, rather than a explicit demand.
6 In Japanese, there is a concept of “atmosphere” when describing a person which is hard to translate into English.  Other words that could fall into describing “atmosphere” are things like characteristics, mannerisms, aura, or presence.
7 Edelgard refers to you, and others, as “anata”.
8 Claude refers to you, and others, as “anta”.
9 Dimitri refers to you, and others, as “omae”.
10 Claude does not have a convincing tone here.


  1. Which region of Japan is Jeralt’s regional dialect from?

  2. Oh, wow, thank you so much for this! I’ve been learning Japanese and have been thinking of trying to slowly work my way through a video game to learn some vocab and get more exposure to kanji. Having the English translation and the more literal translation alongside the Japanese is going to be so incredibly helpful! Looking forward to making my way through Edelgard’s story again!

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