
同人音楽翻訳家 Doujin Music Translator

Fire Emblem Three Houses – Chapter 15 (Crimson Flower)

紅花の章 Safflower Chapter
天馬の節 Pegasus Moon
剣と盾の螺旋 Spiral of the Sword and Shield

Summary of changes:

Previous: Chapter 14 (Crimson Flower) | Next: Chapter 16 (Crimson Flower)

Opening 1

  • デアドラの陥落によりレスター諸侯同盟は瓦
  • フォドラ東方を制圧して後顧の憂いを断った
  • Due to the surrender of Derdriu, the Leicester Alliance collapsed and the former alliance lords fell under the jurisdiction of the Empire.
  • Having gained total control of Eastern Fodlan and cutting out concerns of looking back, the Black Eagle Strike ForceSchwarz Adler Wehr finally makes preparations to advance on the Kingdom, but…
  • With Derdriu now under Imperial control, the Leicester Alliance ceases to exist, and its remaining lords ally with the Empire.
  • The Black Eagle Strike Force, now having conquered all of eastern Fodlan, confidently moves to invade the Kingdom.

Event: 対王国戦線 (The Battlefront Against the Kingdom)

  • ヒューベルト: ……以上がベルグリーズ伯からの
  • 《クロード撤退時》
  • クロードの言葉どおり、旧同盟領はすべて
  • ですが、あの者のこと、どのような毒を
  • 《クロード撤退時》
  • 陛下の予想どおり、旧同盟領はすべて
  • ですが、クロードのこと、死してなお
  • 隙だけは見せぬよう気をつけてください。
  • エーデルガルト: わかったわ。
  • ヒューベルト: は。しかし、アランデル公が
  • どうやら旧同盟領にある英雄の遺産の
  • エーデルガルト: 好きにさせておきなさい。
  • ヒューベルト: わかりました。では王国についてですが……
  • 王家たるブレーダッド他、いくつかの
  • 主だったところでは、フラルダリウス、
  • 《フェリクス、イングリット、シルヴァンいずれかが自軍にいる時》
    ヒューベルト: 我が軍には、当主に近しい者がいますから、
  • 説得、泣き落とし、あるいは人質に……
  • エーデルガルト: 城塞都市アリアンロッドを押さえる
  • ヒューベルト: それが……フラルダリウス家の当主、
  • あるいは、動きを掴まれていたのでしょう。
  • エーデルガルト: そう。一気に王都フェルディアを
  • ヒューベルト: は、いずれにせよ、態勢が整い次第、
  • エーデルガルト: ええ。その方針には変わりないわ。
  • > 「問題ない」
    > 「名前がよくわからなかった」
    エーデルガルト: せんせいが貴族の家名などに興味を持つとは
  • 気にする必要はないわ。戦いが終われば、
  • エーデルガルト: 今節もまた、戦いの準備に奔走しなければ
  • エーデルガルト:  ……きゃあああっ!
  • ベレト: !?
  • エーデルガルト: あ、せんせい
  • > 「大丈夫?」
    エーデルガルト: え、ええ。
  • > 「可愛い悲鳴だった」
    エーデルガルト: 可愛い?
  • > 「しかし……」
    エーデルガルト: 何でもないと言っているでしょう。
  • > 「可愛い悲鳴だった」
  • 《直前で「大丈夫?」を選択》
    エーデルガルト: 可愛い?
  • 《直前で「可愛い悲鳴だった」を選択》
    エーデルガルト: しつこいわね。
  • エーデルガルト: ただちょっと……鼠が出ただけ。
  • 前に話したでしょ?
  • そこにも、鼠が数多く、いたから……。
  • > 「あれは……」
    エーデルガルト: !!!
  • せんせい
  • ええと、確か、ヒューベルトが
  • それと私、着替えたいから……
    とにかく、こっちを見ないで! お願い!
  • > 「もう見てしまった……」
    エーデルガルト: なら今すぐ忘れて!
    忘れなさい! 勅令よ!
  • ベレト: ………………。
  • Hubert: …And that was the report from Count Bergliez.
  • 《Claude Spared》
  • As Claude said they would, the former Alliance lords will all comply with the Empire’s rule.
  • Still, we don’t know what kind of bad influence[1]Poison in Japanese also has the meaning of bad influence, malice, or spite. that man has instilled in them.
  • 《Claude Killed》
  • As Her Majesty expected, the former Alliance lords will all comply with the Empire’s rule.
  • Still, though Claude has died, he may have left behind some bad influence.
  • Please take care not to show any weaknesses.
  • Edelgard: Understood. For the time being, it seems we can attack the Kingdom without any problems.
  • Hubert: Yes, ma’am. However, Lord Arundel has entered Derdriu.
  • For some reason, it appears he has begun collecting the Hero’s Heirlooms that were in the former Alliance…
  • Edelgard: Let him do as he wants. Right now, we must not say anything to him.
  • Hubert: Understood. Now then, about the Kingdom…  As expected, they are not a monolith.
  • Outside of the Blaiddyd Royal Family, we should be able to bring the situation under control without problems if we take down a few of the houses.
  • The main ones being Fraldarius, Galatea, Gautier, Charon…
  • 《Any of Felix, Ingrid, Sylvain in your class》
    Hubert: Since we have some individuals in our army who are close to the heads of those families, there seem to be measures we could possibly take.
  • Persuasion, either by sob story or possibly as a hostage… We must use whatever we must.
  • Edelgard: House Rowe, who controls the Fortress City Arianrhod, should side with us, right?[2]Rowe is the German Röwe, pronounced “roo-ve”.
  • Hubert: As for that… the head of House Fraldarius, Lord Rodrigue is inside the city.
  • It’s quite possible that he has caught on to their activities.
  • Edelgard: I see. Then it may be difficult to attack Fhirdiad straight away.
  • Hubert: Yes.  In any case, this means we will march for the Kingdom as soon as preparations are ready.
  • Edelgard: Right. That plan is unchanged. Master, is something the matter?
  • > 「There’s no problem」
    > 「I didn’t really understand the names」
    Edelgard: I can’t imagine Master having much of an interest in things like the names of the noble houses…
  • You don’t need to pay any attention to them. For when the war is over, they’ll all be gone.
  • Edelgard: We need to hustle preparing for battle this month as well… Master, do your best as well.
  • Edelgard: …Kyaaaaa!
  • Byleth: ?!
  • Edelgard: Ah, Master? You didn’t hear that just now, did you?
  • > 「Are you okay?」
    Edelgard: Y-yes. It’s nothing.
  • > 「That was a cute scream」
    Edelgard: Cute? …I didn’t ask for your opinion on that.  It’s nothing.[3]Picking this option first makes Edelgard sound defensive.
  • > 「But…」
    Edelgard: I said it was nothing, didn’t I?
  • > 「That was a cute scream」
  • 《Previously chose「Are you okay?」》
    Edelgard: Cute? I didn’t ask for your opinion on that.[4]Picking this option second makes Edelgard bashful and blush.
  • 《Previously chose「That was a cute scream」》
    Edelgard: You’re stubborn, you know that? Don’t push it any further.
  • Edelgard: It’s just… a mouse came out, that’s all.  I’m just a little bad at dealing with them.
  • I told you before, didn’t I? That I was chained up in the basement of the Imperial Palace.
  • There were, many rats in that place, so… Ugh…
  • > 「That is…」
    Edelgard: !!!
  • Master! H-hurry, leave the room!
  • Umm, Hubert was definitely calling!
  • And so, because I want to get changed… Anyways, don’t look over here!  Please!
  • > 「I already saw it…」
    Edelgard: Then forget it right now! Forget it!  That’s an order!
  • Byleth: …
  • Hubert: …And that concludes Count Bergliez’s report.
  • 《Claude Spared》
  • Just as Claude said, the old Alliance has willingly fallen under Imperial rule.
  • However, knowing him, there is no telling what manner of poison could be waiting within.
  • 《Claude Killed》
  • Just as Your Majesty predicted, the old Alliance has willingly fallen under Imperial rule.
  • However, even with Claude dead, there is no telling what manner of poison he left in his wake.
  • We must be careful not to expose any weakness.
  • Edelgard: Of course. Though it seems we can now attack the Kingdom without issue.
  • Hubert: True. However, you should know that Lord Arundel has entered Derdriu.
  • It would seem he has already started collecting the Relics of the old Alliance…
  • Edelgard: Let him do as he pleases for now. It’s not yet the time to chide him.
  • Hubert: Understood. As for the Kingdom… As we theorized, it is not entirely united.
  • If we defeat the royal family of House Blaiddyd and a handful of other notable houses, it should fall under our control quite easily.
  • Those we must target include the houses Fraldarius, Galatea, Gautier, and Charon.
  • 《Any of Felix, Ingrid, Sylvain in your class》
    Hubert: We have allies who are close to some of those lords.Perhaps that can be used to our advantage.
  • Persuasion by tears or threats…Perhaps one would consent to act as an hostage? We must make good use of the tools given to us.
  • Edelgard: What about House Rowe in Arianrhod, the Fortress City? Will they not side with us?
  • Hubert: The head of House Fraldarius, Lord Rodrigue, has entered the city.
  • It is possible that he has seized it.
  • Edelgard: I see. Then it might prove too difficult to strike Fhirdiad right away.
  • Hubert: Either way, when preparations are complete, we can begin our deployment into the Kingdom.
  • Edelgard: That part of the plan remains unchanged. Professor? Is something wrong?
  • > 「No, it’s nothing.」
    > 「Many of those names are new to me.」
    Edelgard: Yes, I don’t imagine you have much interest in a running list of noble names.
  • But it matters not. The nobility and the weight of it all those names will be gone once the war is over.
  • Edelgard: This month, we must put all of our effort into preparing for battle. I’m counting on you, my teacher.
  • Edelgard: Aaah!
  • Byleth: …
  • Edelgard: Professor! You didn’t hear anything just now, did you?
  • > 「Are you okay?」
    Edelgard: Of course I am! It’s nothing…nothing at all.
  • > 「That was a cute shriek.」
    Edelgard: Cute?! Huh! Well, be that as it may, it is not your concern. It was nothing.
  • > 「Are you sure about that?」
    Edelgard: I told you it was nothing and I meant it.
  • > 「Really, very cute…」
  • 《Previously chose「Are you okay?」》
    Edelgard: Cute?! Huh! Well, be that as it may, it is not your concern. It was nothing.
  • 《Previously chose「That was a cute scream.」》
    Edelgard: You seem to be trying your hardest to infuriate me. Don’t you dare say that again!
  • Edelgard: It’s just… Well, there was a rat. I don’t enjoy the company of rats.
  • I believe I’ve told you about this before…about when I was held captive beneath the palace.
  • There were a lot of rats there. To this day, I just…
  • > 「What’s that?」
    Edelgard: What?!
  • Oh! Professor! Leave here at once!
  • I recall now that Hubert needs to speak with me.
  • I must change my clothes. Now. Whatever you do, don’t look this way.
  • > 「I already saw it…」
    Edelgard: Aah! Then forget what you saw! That’s an order!
  • Byleth: …

Opening 2

  • 同盟を降し、王国の進行に向けて準備を進
  • “煉獄の谷”アリルに現れたセイロス騎士団
  • Though it was the Black Eagle Strike ForceSchwarz Adler Wehr that defeated the Alliance and were making preparations to advance into the Kingdom, the Kingdom and the Knights of Seiros cooperating with them are one step ahead and make a move.
  • Appearing in the Ailell, “Valley of Purgatory”, the Knights of Seiros headed south of the border, and it was clear that their objective was to recapture Garreg Mach Monastery.
  • Following the Alliance’s defeat, the Black Eagle Strike Force prepares to invade the Kingdom, but the Kingdom’s new allies–the Knights of Seiros–begin to make an advance of their own.
  • After appearing in Ailell, the Valley of Torment, and following the border south, the Knights of Seiros openly march to recapture the monastery at Garreg Mach.

Event: 奇襲 (Surprise Attack)

  • 帝国兵: 北方より敵襲!
  • 一部の部隊はすでに迎撃中です!
  • エーデルガルト: 北から……やられたわ。
  • 敵軍の中に大司教はいるの?
  • 帝国兵: はっ!
  • エーデルガルト: 敵はガルグ=マクを知り尽くしているわ。
  • だからこそ接近される前に
  • せんせい、私たちも急いで迎撃に出るわよ。
  • ヒューベルト: 不利な戦いになりそうですな。
  • ガルグ=マクの調査は進めているのですが、
  • まだ把握しきれていないというのが
  • 恐らく我々の思いもせぬところから、
  • エーデルガルト: 私は先に各所に指示を出してくる。
  • ランドルフ将軍とラディスラヴァ将軍を
    呼びなさい! 急いで!
  • セテス: ここで暮らしていたのが、
  • 愚か者たちに示さねばなるまい。
  • フレン: でも……敵の中には先生もいますわ。
  • セテス: そうだったな……。
  • だが、あの者のせいでレアが苛まれ、
  • 神祖の器として天帝の剣まで託されて
  • ……レアは変わってしまった。
  • もはや、この戦いに勝とうとも、
  • フレン: あの……お兄様?
  • セテス: ……フレン。どうしてもと言うから
  • お前に何かあれば、私は生きていけない。
  • フレン: も、もちろんですわ。わたくしも、お兄様に
  • ……先生と、戦わずに済む方法は、
  • Imperial Soldier: Enemy attack from the North! Looking at their banner, it’s the symbol of the Knights of Seiros!
  • Some of our forces are already intercepting them!  Your Majesty, your orders, please!
  • Edelgard: From the north… They got us there.  Could they have passed through Ailell, the Valley of Purgatory…?
  • Is the Archbishop in the enemy army? If she is, concentrate the soldiers there.
  • Imperial Soldier: Understood!
  • Edelgard: The enemy has complete knowledge of Garreg Mach.  It is likely they can get in whenever they please.
  • That’s exactly why I wanted to have detected them before they got closer, but…
  • Master, we must also hurry and leave to intercept them. So I’m leaving the preparations to you.
  • Hubert: Looks like it will be a battle where we are at a disadvantage. Kukuku…
  • We are proceeding with the survey of Garreg Mach, but there are many things such as hidden passages and magical contraption…
  • The current situation is that we have not yet fully grasped the place.
  • It is quite likely they will attack us from a location we don’t expect.
  • Edelgard: First, I will give out commands to each location.   I will join up with you soon.
  • Call General Randolph and General Ladislava! Quickly!
  • Seteth: It feels like only yesterday, that we were living here…
  • We must show the fools.  How profound the sin of invading Garreg Mach is…
  • Flayn: But… Teacher is also among the enemy. They saved my life…
  • Seteth: That is true… While I find it difficult to forgive, we still owe them.
  • Still, the fact remains that beyond a doubt, that person is the reason Rhea has been tormented and suffering.
  • While Rhea went so far as to entrust them as the vessel of the Goddess with the Sword of the Creator… kuh!
  • …Rhea has completely changed. I’m sure that person has changed as well.
  • Even if we win this battle, the church may no longer go back to the way it was before…
  • Flayn: Um… Big Brother?
  • Seteth: …Flayn. I brought you because you said you’d go no matter what, but you must absolutely not go to the front.
  • If something were to happen to you, I would not be able go on living.  Got it?
  • Flayn: O-of course. If something were to happen to you, Big Brother, I would not be able to go on living either.
  • …I wonder, is there no way to end this without fighting with Teacher?
  • Imperial Soldier: Raid from the north! Their flag bears the symbol of the Knights of Seiros!
  • One of our troops has already intercepted them! Your Majesty, please give us your orders!
  • Edelgard: From the north? Interesting… Could it be they journeyed through Ailell, the Valley of Torment?
  • Is the archbishop among the enemy ranks? If so, focus our attacks on her first.
  • Imperial Soldier: Understood!
  • Edelgard: Our enemy knows Garreg Mach from inside and out. They can come and go as they please.
  • It would have been best if we had detected them sooner, but that can’t be helped.
  • Professor. We must hurry and intercept them ourselves. I’ll leave the preparations to you.
  • Hubert: Heh. The battle looks to be rather cumbersome.
  • We are still guarding all of Garreg Mach, but there are undoubtedly numerous secret passages and magic traps…
  • There is still much about this place that we do not know.
  • It is quite possible that they will attack from a location we cannot anticipate.
  • Edelgard: I must head out first to give my orders. I’ll meet up with you soon.
  • Call for General Randolph and General Ladislava! Hurry!
  • Seteth: It feels like only yesterday we called this place our home…
  • We must show these fools the error of their ways. They shall pay for the sin of invading Garreg Mach…
  • Flayn: Oh, but the professor is fighting alongside our foe! The same one who saved my life…
  • Seteth: That is true… Though I find forgiveness difficult, we do owe that wayward soul a debt.
  • However, the fact remains that because of the professor, Rhea has long been tormented.
  • To think that the vessel of the goddess, entrusted with the Sword of the Creator, could go on to… Ah, it angers me to even think of it!
  • All that has happened has changed Rhea. I imagine it has changed the professor as well.
  • Even if we prevail, I doubt the church can ever fully return to the way it once was…
  • Flayn: Umm… Brother?
  • Seteth: Dear Flayn. I only brought you with me because you were so insistent. Still, no matter what happens, you must not go near the front lines.
  • If something were to happen to you, it would utterly destroy me. You are my reason for breathing. Do you understand?
  • Flayn: I…I understand. If something were to happen to you, it would break my heart. I could not go on either.
  • I cannot help but wonder…if there is a way to end this without fighting the professor…

Battle: ガルグ=マク籠城戦 (Battle to Hold Onto Garreg Mach)

  • 戦闘開始前
  • 《シャミアが敵軍にいる時》
    シャミア: ガルグ=マクへの奇襲は成功した。
  • 《シャミアが自軍にいる時》
    セイロス騎士: ガルグ=マクへの奇襲、成功しました!
  • 《アロイスが敵軍にいる時》
    アロイス: レア様やカトリーヌ殿は帝国軍の本隊を
  • 別動隊の我らで策を成し、
  • 《アロイスが自軍にいる時》
    セイロス騎士: 大司教様やカトリーヌ様は、
  • 我らは策を成功させ、こちらより
  • エーデルガルト: ここまで敵が……まずいわね。
  • ヒューベルト: 陛下、敵の動きが妙ですな。
  • エーデルガルト: そう、ならば早めに手を打ちましょう。
  • ヒューベルト: それと……敵軍の陣容も不自然です。
  • 中の投石器に近づく時
  • セテス: 今だ、やれ!
  • エーデルガルト: 来なさい、叩き潰してあげる!
  • 下の階段を通すまたは右下の投石器に近づく時
  • フレン: 今ですわね! わたくしたちがいる限り、
  • 2ターン目開始時
  • ヒューベルト: エーデルガルト様、敵は森の中に
  • 彼らが火攻めを狙っているのは明白、
  • エーデルガルト: 森のどこかに伏兵が潜んでいそうなのよね?
  • 12ターン目前にすべての敵将の撃破
  • エーデルガルト: これで敵の策を潰せたかしら?
  • 12ターン目敵フェイズ
  • 《アロイス敵対かつ生存時》
  • アロイス: 今だ! 火をかけよ!
  • 《アロイス不在時》
  • セイロス騎士: 今だ! 火をかけよ!
  • 《シャミア敵対かつ生存時》
  • シャミル: よし、抜け道が開いたな。
  • 《シャミア不在時》
  • セイロス騎士: よし、抜け道が開きました!
  • 敵が防衛線に近づく時
  • ヒューベルト: 敵が防衛線に接近しています!
  • 防衛地点が陥落した時
  • エーデルガルト: ここを突破されては、修道院が……
  • vs セテス
  • セテス: 我らの聖域を侵した大罪、
  • 主人公 vs セテス (フレン生存)
  • セテス: くっ……フレンの恩人である君と、
  • 私は君の行いを認めることはできない。
  • 今更、こんなことを言っても仕方ないが、
  • フレンと2人で、世を捨てて生きよう。
  • セテス撃破
  • 《セテス、フレンいずれかと主人公が戦闘していた場合》
    セテス: レア、すまない……。フレンのため、
  • 《セテス、フレンいずれかと主人公が戦闘していなかった場合》
    セテス: フレン、すまない……!
  • 《セテス死亡時かつフレン撃破前追加》
    フレン: お父様!!
  • vs アロイス
  • アロイス: 女神に仇為す不届き者め……!
  • 主人公 vs アロイス
  • アロイス: まさか貴殿がレア様を討たんとするとは……
  • せめて私の手で、貴殿を葬り去ってくれる。
  • シャミア vs アロイス
  • シャミア: あんた、騎士団長になったんだって?
  • アロイス: ああ、貴殿もよく働いているようだな。
  • シャミア: フ……手加減はしない。
  • アロイス: その言葉、そっくり返すぞ!
  • アロイス撃破
  • アロイス: 団長……
  • 《シャミア敵対かつ生存時追加》
    シャミア: アロイス!
    私より先に、逝くな……! クソ……!
  • vs シャミア
  • シャミア: ガルグ=マクを返してもらおう。
  • 主人公 vs シャミア
  • シャミア: 相も変わらず皇帝の味方か。
  • できれば一瞬で勝負をつけよう。
  • アロイス vs シャミア
  • アロイス: シャミア殿ではないか!
  • シャミア: 意外なのはそっちだろ。
  • フ……手加減はしない。
  • アロイス: その言葉、そっくり返すぞ!
  • シャミア撃破
  • シャミア: チッ……やはり……
  • 《アロイス敵対かつ生存時追加》
    アロイス: なにっ、シャミア殿!
  • vs フレン
  • フレン: 悲しいですが……これがわたくしの使命、
  • 主人公 vs フレン (セテス生存)
  • フレン: 先生……! 生きてらしたと聞いて、
  • まだ、そちら側で戦っているのですね…。
  • わたくし……やはり恩人であるあなたの
  • この戦いをやめるのは、
  • 戦いが終わったら、お父様に頼んで、
  • フレン撃破
  • 《セテス、フレンいずれかと主人公が戦闘していた場合》
    フレン: さようなら、先生……。
  • 《セテス、フレンいずれかと主人公が戦闘していなかった場合》
    フレン: お父様、ごめんなさい……!
  • 《フレン死亡時かつセテス撃破前追加》
    セテス: フレン!!
  • クリア条件達成後
  • エーデルガルト: ……撃退したようね。
  • 私たちは騎士団の主力を撃退し、
  • 戦闘勝利後
  • エーデルガルト: ……ヒューベルト。
  • ヒューベルト: はっ。……我々より、本軍の戦況が
  • エーデルガルト: ええ。あちらには、
  • Battle Start
  • 《Shamir is in enemy army》
    Shamir: The surprise attack on Garreg Mach was a success. Now we just need to break through past this point.
  • 《Shamir is in your army》
    Knight of Seiros: The sneak attack on Garreg Mach succeeded. All that’s left is to break through past this point.
  • 《Alois is in enemy army》
    Alois: Lady Rhea and Ms. Catherine are holding down the main forces of the Imperial Army.
  • As a detached force, we’ll execute the plan and take back the monastery!
  • 《Alois is in your army》
    Knight of Seiros: Lady Archbishop and Lady Catherine are fighting the main forces of the Imperial Army.
  • We’ll make the plan a success and enter the monastery from here!
  • Edelgard: There are enemies even this far in… This is problematic.
  • Hubert: Your Majesty, the enemy’s movements are strange. Perhaps they’re plotting something unsavory?
  • Edelgard: Right.  If they are, let’s take measures early. Defend the line of defense to the death, and defeat the enemy swiftly.
  • Hubert: With that in mind… The enemy’s formation is unnatural. There might be soldiers coming from anywhere.
  • Approaching the center onager
  • Seteth: Now, get them!
  • Edelgard: Come then, I’ll crush you all you want!
  • Crossing the bottom stairs or approaching the bottom right onager
  • Flayn: The time is now! As long as we are here, you shall not pass!
  • Turn 2 Own Phase
  • Hubert: Lady Edelgard, the enemy is carrying in large quantities of things like fuel into the forest.
  • It’s clear they’re after a fire attack, so we must beat them to the punch and obstruct their strategy, should we not?
  • Edelgard: There appear to be ambush troops lurking somewhere in the forest, correct? Let’s avoid suspicious areas and advance.
  • All enemy generals defeated before turn 12
  • Edelgard: I wonder if we shut down the enemy’s strategy with this? Be on guard just to be safe.
  • Turn 12 Enemy Phase
  • 《Alois is enemy and present》
  • Alois: Now! Set it on fire! Wrath of the Lord, become a blaze and burn our enemies to nothing!
  • 《Alois not present》
  • Knight of Seiros: Now! Set it on fire!
  • 《Shamir is enemy and present》
  • Shamir: Good, another path opened. Looks like we did pretty well here too.
  • 《Shamir not present》
  • Knight of Seiros: Good, another path opened! We did pretty well here too!
  • Enemy approaches Line of Defense
  • Hubert: The enemy is getting close to the line of defense! If we don’t deal with it, we’ll be in danger…!
  • Line of Defense falls
  • Edelgard: Letting them break through here, the monastery is… We’ve lost…
  • vs Seteth
  • Seteth: For the great sin of trespassing our holy grounds, I will have you pay with your life…!
  • Byleth vs Seteth (Flayn is still alive)
  • Seteth: Kuh… That I would have to fight with the one who saved Flayn like this…
  • I cannot deem your actions acceptable. But at the same time, I cannot follow Rhea as she is now either.
  • It’s pointless to say this kind of thing this late, but if I am to survive this battle…
  • I shall leave the world behind to live together with Flayn. And you may do as you please…
  • Seteth Defeated
  • 《If Byleth had battled either Flayn or Seteth》
    Seteth: Rhea, I’m sorry… For Flayn’s sake, I must have you let me resign…
  • 《If Byleth hadn’t battled either Flayn or Seteth》
    Seteth: Flayn, I’m sorry…! I can’t… protect you anymore…
  • 《Seteth dies before defeating Flayn》
    Flayn: Father!! Why… Why did this happen…
  • vs Alois
  • Alois: You scoundrel who makes an enemy of the Goddess…! Know that this is where you die!
  • Byleth vs Alois
  • Alois: I’d never thought you’d try to kill Lady Rhea… Captain must be turning in his grave!
  • At the very least, I will bury you with my own hands.  Now, prepare yourself!
  • Shamir vs Alois
  • Shamir: You became captain of the Knights, eh? Good for you, Alois.
  • Alois: Yeah, you seem to be doing pretty well yourself.  The others knights had been bad-mouthing you.
  • Shamir: Hmph… I won’t go easy on you. For the sake of an old colleague.
  • Alois: I’ll say the same words to you! Hope you’re ready, Ms. Shamir!
  • Alois Defeated
  • Alois: Captain… I, protected… the monastery…
  • 《Shamir is an enemy and present》
    Shamir: Alois! Don’t you go on before me…! Goddamnit…!
  • vs Shamir
  • Shamir: I’ll be taking Garreg Mach back from you. Now then, how many shots should I put in you to be satisfied?
  • Byleth vs Shamir
  • Shamir: Siding with the Emperor as always, huh? Tch… What a shame.
  • If possible, let’s end this match quickly. So that whoever dies doesn’t suffer.
  • Alois vs Shamir
  • Alois: If it isn’t Ms. Shamir! I’m surprised you’re still with the knights!
  • Shamir: I’m the one who’s surprised. That you picked Teacher over even Rhea-san.
  • Hmph… I won’t go easy on you. For the sake of an old colleague.
  • Alois: I’ll say the same words to you! Hope you’re ready, Ms. Shamir!
  • Shamir Defeated
  • Shamir: Tch… I knew it… Things don’t work out, when using things like emotions…
  • 《Alois is enemy and present》
    Alois: What, Ms. Shamir! …I will avenge you, I swear it!
  • vs Flayn
  • Flayn: It is sad, but… This is my duty, and I cannot afford to retreat!
  • Byleth vs Flayn (Seteth Alive)
  • Flayn: Teacher…! Even though I was very happy when I heard you were alive…
  • Still, you are fighting for that side… Tell me, why…?!
  • Even so… As the person who saved me, I cannot take your life away from you!
  • Though it is not possible for me to quit this battle…
  • When it is over, I will ask my father to live in hiding with me somewhere.
  • Flayn Defeated
  • 《If Byleth had battled either Flayn or Seteth》
    Flayn: Farewell, Teacher… I think we will never meet again…
  • 《If Byleth hadn’t battled either Flayn or Seteth》
    Flayn: Father, I’m sorry…! I’m going ahead, back to… where Mother is…
  • 《Flayn dies before defeating Seteth》
    Seteth: Flayn!! Aah… Oh god, why…![5]There’s no actual mention of God, but it’s the closest English phrase in terms of level of shock I could think of.
  • After victory condition
  • Edelgard: …Looks like we’ve driven them back. Everyone, you have fought hard and well!
  • We have driven back the main force of the knights and held onto Garreg Mach!
  • After Battle Victory
  • Edelgard: …Hubert. Conduct a damage report at once.
  • Hubert: Understood. …Moreso than us, I am more concerned about the war situation of the main army.
  • Edelgard: Yes. After all, that is where Rhea and Catherine seem to be…
  • Battle Start
  • 《Shamir is in enemy army》
    Shamir: Our surprise attack on Garreg Mach was a success. Now we just need to break through past this point.
  • 《Shamir is in your army》
    Knight of Seiros: The surprise on Garreg Mach succeeded! Now, we just need to break past this point!
  • 《Alois is in enemy army》
    Alois: Lady Rhea and Catherine are holding back most of the Empire’s army.
  • Thereby leaving us, the expeditionary force, free to recapture the monastery!
  • 《Alois is in your army》
    Knight of Seiros: The archbishop and Catherine are handling the bulk of the Imperial army.
  • That gives us the chance to infiltrate the monastery!
  • Edelgard: Our enemies have followed us even here. How unfortunate.
  • Hubert: Your Majesty, the enemy’s movement is suspicious. They may have some tactic in mind.
  • Edelgard: If so, then let’s face them without delay. Form defensive lines and hold them to the death! Strike down all who approach!
  • Hubert: Their troop composition is also strange. I would bet that they are concealing additional soldiers.
  • Approaching the center onager
  • Seteth: Now!
  • Edelgard: Come at me, so that I may put you out of your misery!
  • Crossing the bottom stairs or approaching the bottom right onager
  • Flayn: The time is now! As long as we stand here, you shall not pass!
  • Turn 2 Own Phase
  • Hubert: Lady Edelgard, the enemy is carrying in large quantities of things like fuel into the forest.
  • It’s clear they’re after a fire attack, so we must beat them to the punch and obstruct their strategy, should we not?
  • Edelgard: There seem to be ambush troops lurking somewhere in the forest, aren’t there? Let’s avoid suspicious areas and advance.
  • All enemy generals defeated before turn 12
  • Edelgard: Our enemy’s plans is in ruins. Still, we must tread carefully.
  • Turn 12 Enemy Phase
  • 《Alois is enemy and present》
  • Alois: Now! Light it up! Like the goddess’s fiery wrath, these flames will engulf our enemies.
  • 《Alois is not present》
  • Knight of Seiros: Start the fire!
  • 《Shamir is enemy and present》
  • Shamir: Great. A path has opened for us.
  • 《Shamir is not present》
  • Knight of Seiros: All right, a second route is open! Well done on this one too!
  • Enemy approaches Line of Defense
  • Hubert: The enemy is approaching our defensive lines! There will be trouble if we don’t deal with them!
  • Line of Defense falls
  • Edelgard: If they break through here, the monastery will be — …If that happens, all will be lost.
  • vs Seteth
  • Seteth: Trespassing on holy ground is a grave sin indeed. You must atone for it with your life!
  • Byleth vs Seteth (Flayn is still alive)
  • Seteth: It saddens me to face you on the field of battle, after all you’ve done for Flayn.
  • I cannot approve of your actions. But I also cannot follow Rhea on her current course.
  • It may not change anything, but allow me to make a promise to you.
  • If Flayn and I survive this battle, we will withdraw from the world and leave you to do as you please.
  • Seteth Defeated
  • 《If Byleth had battled either Flayn or Seteth》
    Seteth: I’m sorry, Rhea… For Flayn’s sake, I must take my leave to retreat…
  • 《If Byleth hadn’t battled either Flayn or Seteth》
    Seteth: I’m sorry, Flayn… I couldn’t protect you…
  • 《Seteth dies before defeating Flayn》
    Flayn: Father! Father, why?! Why?!
  • vs Alois
  • Alois: You fiend, bearing ill will against the goddess. This place will be your grave!
  • Byleth vs Alois
  • Alois: I can’t believe you would try to kill lady Rhea. Jeralt must be turning in his grave.
  • I can’t protect you like I promised. I have to kill you and bury you with my own hands.
  • Shamir vs Alois
  • Shamir: So, you’re the leader of the Knights of Seiros now? Good for you, Alois.
  • Alois: Indeed. You seem to be doing well for yourself too. The other knights are always cursing you.
  • Shamir: Don’t worry, I won’t hold back. I owe an old ally the courtesy.
  • Alois: I won’t either. I hope you’re ready.
  • Alois Defeated
  • Alois: Jeralt, I did it… I protected the monastery…
  • 《Shamir is an enemy and alive》
    Shamir: Alois! How dare you die before me!
  • vs Shamir
  • Shamir: How much of this can you take? It doesn’t matter. We will be reclaming Garreg Mach.
  • Byleth vs Shamir
  • Shamir: You still align yourself with the emperor? What a shame.
  • Let’s make this quick. I don’t want the loser to suffer.
  • Alois vs Shamir
  • Alois: Why, if it isn’t Shamir! You’re still with the knights. What a surprise.
  • Shamir: You’re the surprise, Alois. I never thought I’d see the day you’d choose anyone over Rhea.
  • Don’t worry, I won’t hold back. I owe an old ally the courtesy.
  • Alois: I won’t either. I hope you’re ready.
  • Shamir Defeated
  • Shamir: I knew it… Shouldn’t have let emotion get in the way…
  • 《Alois is enemy and alive》
    Alois: Shamir, no! I will avenge you!
  • vs Flayn
  • Flayn: This makes me terribly sad, but this is my duty, to which I must be true!
  • Byleth vs Flayn (Seteth Alive)
  • Flayn: When I heard you were alive, Professor, I was so happy.
  • But now… Now this? How can it be that you fight on that side?
  • I cannot take your life, for I owe you mine, even now.
  • And yet I cannot back away from this fight.
  • When this is over, my brother and I will go into hiding. It is the only way.
  • Flayn Defeated
  • 《If Byleth had battled either Flayn or Seteth》
    Flayn: Farewell, Professor. I do not imagine we shall ever meet again.
  • 《If Byleth hadn’t battled either Flayn or Seteth》
    Flayn: Father, please forgive me… I am returning to Mother now…before you do…
  • 《Flayn dies before defeating Seteth》
    Seteth: Flayn! Please, no! No!
  • After victory condition
  • Edelgard: We fought them off. Good work, everyone.
  • We’ve repelled the principle force of the knights and defended Garreg Mach!
  • After Battle Victory
  • Edelgard: Hubert, I require a damage report at once.
  • Hubert: Yes, Your Majesty. We will have to make inquiries about the status of the main army.
  • Edelgard: Indeed. After all, it seems they had Rhea and Catherine fighting on their side.

Event: 軍議・天馬の節 (War Council – Pegasus Moon)

  • 《セテス&フレン撤退時》
    カトリーヌ: レア様……大修道院に潜入した部隊は、
  • こちらに攻めかかって来た連中は、
  • 今は、退くしかありませんね。
  • レア: セテスとフレンは……
  • カトリーヌ: セテス様はフレン様を連れて、別の方向に
  • セテス: レア、すまない。
  • 私とてあの者は憎い。が、それよりも
  • レア……私は、君がその業とでも呼ぶべき
  • レア: そう、ですか。
  • ああ……待っていてください、お母様。
  • 聖墓を侵し、お母様を奪った薄汚い盗人……
  • 《セテス&フレン死亡時》
    カトリーヌ: レア様!
  • こちらに攻めかかって来た連中は、
  • 大修道院近辺に潜入した部隊は、
  • 今は、退くしか……。
  • レア: セテス……フレン……
  • お母様のみならず、
  • あなたは……私から
  • カトリーヌ: レア様……?
  • レア: もはやどれほど悔いようとも
  • 煉獄の谷を泳がせ、永劫の砂漠を歩かせ、
  • 必ずやあなたに代償を払わせます。
  • ……我らナバテアの名に懸けて。
  • ランドルフ: エーデル……ガルト陛下……、
  • エーデルガルト: 黙って。
  • ランドルフ: 無理です……助からないのは……
  • ラディスラヴァも……先に、逝きました……
  • エーデルガルト: ……報告、ご苦労。
  • ……また、失ったわ。
  • この足下が血に濡れるたびに、
  • 後悔も、怨嗟も、絶望も、何もかも、
  • ヒューベルト: そして、また進まれる……。
  • エーデルガルト: ……ヒューベルト。
  • ヒューベルト: は……まさに痛み分け、ですな。
  • 《セテス&フレン死亡時追加》
    ヒューベルト: 中でもレアの副将とも言うべき、
  • 《アロイス撃破時追加》
    ヒューベルト: 戦死した騎士団長のアロイスをはじめ、
  • 我々やガルグ=マクへの被害が少ない分、
  • エーデルガルト: ええ……勝利したと喧伝しなさい。
  • ヒューベルト: は、すぐに指示を出します。
  • ベルナデッタ: おっ、おっ、おっ、恐ろftrしい相手でしたあ!
  • どんな訓練したらあんな……ああもう!
  • リンハルト: いや、ガルグ=マクの中に敵を見た時には、
  • 死んでもいいやと思っていたのに、
  • ペトラ: 勝利、幸運、です。
  • それから……憂い、なく、攻めること、
  • フェルディナント: ああ、この勝利は大きい。
  • 旗色を窺っていた王国の諸侯の中には、
  • 勝敗一つで態度を変えるなど、まったく……
  • ドロテア: 今日戦った相手は……今まで以上に
  • そんな相手と本気で殺し合わなくちゃ
  • カスパル: オレはもう止まらねえ!
  • フォドラの統一、オレたちならできるって
    みんな思えたはずだ! そうだろ?
  • エーデルガルト: 皆、やっているようね。
  • こちらも相応の被害を負ったけれど、
  • ヒューベルト: 多少の予定外はありましたが、
  • 次の戦いへの支障も……「ない」と
  • エーデルガルト: タルティーン平原を突破して、
  • いよいよ王国との、そして教団との、
  • 《Seteth and Flayn Retreated》
    Catherine: Lady Rhea… The unit infiltrating the monastery has been completely repelled.
  • We wiped out those who came to attack us here, but…
  • Now, we have no choice but to retreat. Your orders, please…
  • Rhea: Seteth and Flayn are…
  • Catherine: As for Lord Seteth and Lady Flayn, they have safely escaped in another direction. They entrusted me with a message.
  • Seteth: Rhea, I’m sorry. We have returned again to a secluded lifestyle.
  • I, too, detest that person.  But, Flayn is even more important than anything else…
  • Rhea… I will be praying that you will be released from those emotions so strong that they must be garnering bad karma.
  • Rhea: Is, that so? As I thought, there is no one left but me.
  • Aah… Please wait for, Mother. For I swear that I will rescue you.
  • The filthy thief who trespassed the Holy Mausoleum and stole my mother… I will destroy them with my own hands…!
  • 《Seteth and Flayn Died》
    Catherine: Lady Rhea! Lord Seteth and Lady Flayn, we lost them…!
  • We wiped out those who came to attack us here, but…
  • The unit infiltrating in the vicinity of the monastery has been completely repelled… It is regrettable.
  • Now, we can only retreat… Your orders, please…
  • Rhea: Seteth… Flayn…
  • Mother wasn’t enough, so you even steal those two away from me as well.
  • Do you mean… to take everything from me?!
  • Catherine: Lady Rhea…?
  • Rhea: No matter how much they regret it, their soul is already beyond any kind of salvation.
  • I want to make them swim in the Valley of Purgatory, make them walk the Endless Desert, and for both their body and bones to rot away completely.
  • I will absolutely make you pay what you owe.  You will compensate me, Byleth.
  • …I swear it on our name, the Nabateans.
  • Randoph: Edel……gard, Your Majesty… My… apologies…
  • Edelgard: Silence. Right now, you need treatment…
  • Randolph: It’s no use…  I can’t be saved… It’s the end for me…
  • Ladislava has also… passed on… We drove away… the enemy… You’re safe… now…
  • Edelgard: …Thank you for the report.  You did well.
  • …Again, we lose another.
  • Each time the ground beneath me is soaked in blood, the feet I step forward with become heavier.
  • Remorse, resentment, despair, and just about everything else, I threw them all away to get here.
  • Hubert: And thus, we can move forward again…
  • Edelgard: …Hubert. Tell me the enemy’s situation.
  • Hubert: Yes… There is no clear winner with injuries on both sides. There are several well-known generals that we have taken out.
  • 《Seteth and Flayn Died》
    Hubert: Above all else, killing Seteth, who you would call Rhea’s second in command, was a big deal.
  • 《Alois Defeated》
    Hubert: Not to mention Alois, the Captain of the Knights, was killed in battle, striking a blow to the Knights of Seiros.
  • As we suffered a lesser degree of damage to Garreg Mach, I suppose one cannot argue that this is a win for us.
  • Edelgard: Yes… Spread the message that we were victorious. Though I’m sure they will do the same on the other side as well.
  • Hubert: Understood, I will give the order right away.
  • Bernadetta: W-w-w-what a terrifying enemy that was! Why is the church always like this?!
  • How am I supposed to train for that kind of… Aaah, for crying out loud! That was so scary!
  • Lindhardt: Why, when I saw the enemy inside Garreg Mach, I was prepared for death.
  • I thought I was okay with dying, but it looks like I didn’t actually want to die.  Sigh…
  • Petra: The victory is fortunate. For the Knights’, true strength, is high.
  • And also… Without grief, attack, we must be able to.  Is that right?
  • Ferdinand: Indeed, this is a great victory. We lost many sacrifices, but we also gained some things as well.
  • For the Kingdom lords who were on the fence, those who have been swayed will be coming over to our side.
  • Truly, changing your attitude after the outcome of one match… They are an absolute disgrace to the nobility.
  • Dorothea: The opponent we fought today… There were many faces that I recognized, more than ever before…
  • Having to kill each other seriously with such opponents, both the Kingdom and the Goddess…
  • Caspar: I can’t be stopped anymore!  At this rate, we’ll beat the crap out the Kingdom!
  • Everyone must be thinking that we can unify Fodlan!  Isn’t that right?
  • Edelgard: Good going, everyone. The post-war cleanup is complete.
  • Though we have also suffered an suitable amount of damage, the enemy has lost far more.
  • Hubert: There were a few things that were unexpected, but a win is still a win.
  • To the extent that you could say… the obstacles to get to the next battle are “none”.
  • Edelgard: We are breaking through the Tailtean Plains and heading for the Royal Capital of Fhirdiad.
  • At last, the decisive moment with the Kingdom, and with the Church, is drawing near.
  • 《Seteth and Flayn Retreated》
    Catherine: Lady Rhea. The unit that invaded the monastery has been completely driven away.
  • We were able to make a clean sweep of those who came to attack us.
  • However, I fear we can do nothing but retreat for now.
  • Rhea: What of Seteth and Flayn?
  • Catherine: Seteth and Flayn were able to escape in another direction. I have a message from them.
  • Seteth: I am sorry, Rhea. I fear we must return to a life in hiding.
  • I detest that person with all my heart. However, Flayn’s life is more important to me than all else.
  • I pray that you will one day be free from the burden of your work…
  • Rhea: I see. As expected, I am the only one left.
  • Mother, please wait for me. I promise that I will save you…
  • The filthy thief who stole you from the Holy Tomb…I will crush them with my bare hands!
  • 《Seteth and Flayn Died》
    Catherine: Lady Rhea! I am afraid I must report…we lost Seteth and Flayn.
  • We were able to make a clean sweep of those who came to attack us.
  • The unit that invaded the monastery has been completely driven away…a bitter disappointment.
  • I fear we can do nothing but retreat for you.
  • Rhea: Seteth… Flayn…
  • First my mother, and now those two have been stolen away as well?
  • Must you take everything from me?!
  • Catherine: Lady Rhea…
  • Rhea: No amount of repentance will bring your wretched soul salvation.
  • You will be chained to the Valley of Torment…eternally walk the desert until the skin rots from your bones…
  • I will ensure that you pay for your sins, Professor!
  • In the name of the Nabateans, I swear it!
  • Randoph: Edelgard… Your Majesty… I am so sorry…
  • Edelgard: Silence. We must tend to your wounds.
  • Randolph: It will do no good. I can’t be saved… You must know that.
  • Ladislava has also passed… The enemy has withdrawn… You are safe now…
  • Edelgard: Understood. Good work.
  • Another loss on my watch…
  • As more blood wets my feet, they grow heavier with each step.
  • Remorse, resentment, despair… I have dispensed with all such things to come this far.
  • Hubert: And we must keep moving forward…
  • Edelgard: Hubert. Tell me the status of the enemy.
  • Hubert: The battle has ended in a draw with severe injuries on both sides. Some known commanders have been slain.
  • 《Seteth and Flayn Died》
    Hubert: The most worthy of mention among the dead was the second in command to Rhea herself, Seteth.
  • 《Alois Defeated》
    Hubert: With the death of Alois, the Knights of Seiros have taken a huge blow as well.
  • Garreg Mach has not taken much damage, and so it would not be let out of line to claim it as a victory of ours.
  • Edelgard: Yes… We’ll call that a victory. Although, I’m sure they will say the same.
  • Hubert: Yes, Your Majesty.
  • Bernadetta: Ugh, what a terrible opponent that was! Why is the church always like this?!
  • How am I supposed to train for that?! It was way too scary!
  • Lindhardt: When I saw the enemy enter Garreg Mach, I prepared myself mentally for death.
  • I thought it would be a fine time to die, but I suppose it wasn’t quite the time after all…
  • Petra: Our luck was good to have grabbed victory. The church has great strength.
  • We must not have grief, but must keep fighting. Can we be fighting now?
  • Ferdinand: This was certainly a momentous victory. We lost a lot, but we also gained a lot.
  • Certain lords in the Kingdom have examined the situation again and decided to join our cause.
  • Changing their fealty based on just one battle… They are all a disgrace to the nobility!
  • Dorothea: Today, our enemy held many faces I knew well…
  • If we must fight to the death with that kind of opponent, what will become of this world?
  • Caspar: There’s no stopping me! I’m ready go strike the Kingdom here and now!
  • Everyone must believe that we can easily unite Fodlan! Don’t you think?
  • Edelgard: Excellent job, everyone. The battle is over now.
  • While we have sustained heavy losses, our foe has suffered far more.
  • Hubert: Although not exactly as planned, a win is a win.
  • It may be safe to say that there will be no more obstacles on our way to the next battle.
  • Edelgard: We will break through the Tailtean Plains and then set course for Fhirdiad, the Kingdom Capital.
  • The final chapter of our fight with the Kingdom and the church is close at hand.


1 Poison in Japanese also has the meaning of bad influence, malice, or spite.
2 Rowe is the German Röwe, pronounced “roo-ve”.
3 Picking this option first makes Edelgard sound defensive.
4 Picking this option second makes Edelgard bashful and blush.
5 There’s no actual mention of God, but it’s the closest English phrase in terms of level of shock I could think of.


  1. I’m looking forward to the last three! I hope you’re well!

    • ryuuhoukagiyama

      August 4, 2020 at 12:40 pm

      Thank you for the comment! I have been busy these days, working two jobs. I will do my best to finish as soon as possible.

  2. Thank you for these blogs! They are very helpful for my language study. I hope you will continue and finish the entire script of the game. If you need any help, please let me know.

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