
同人音楽翻訳家 Doujin Music Translator

Fire Emblem Three Houses – Chapter 12 (Crimson Flower)

白雲の章 White Clouds Chapter
孤月の節 Lone Moon Moon[1]Translating 節 as “moon” makes this translation sound awful.  節 actually does not literally mean moon, but interval of time (in this case, dividing the year).
Since months are based on the moon, “moon” was probably the best translation available.

争覇の幕開け The Opening Act of Conquest

Summary of changes:

Previous: Chapter 11 (Black Eagles) | Next: Chapter 13 (Crimson Flower)

Event: 選択の結果 (The Consequence of Choice)

  • レア: あ……あなたは!?
  • エーデルガルト: せんせい……?
  • でも、本当に……いえ、
  • ヒューベルト: ええ……貴殿の選択に、
  • レア: そう、ですか。
  • 聖墓を穢し、我らが同胞を辱しめた者に、
  • そのような者に、女神ソティスの力を
  • せめて私の手で、あなたを裁きましょう。
  • ヒューベルト: あれが……”白きもの”ですか、くく……。
  • エーデルガルト: そう……フォドラを長きにわたって
  • レアが、その首魁なのよ。
  • ヒューベルト: もはや一刻の猶予もなりませんな。
  • Rhea: Y…you’re?!
  • Edelgard: Master…? …Thank you.
  • But, are you really… No, we can’t afford to talk about it right now.
  • Hubert: Yes… I cannot express how grateful I am for your choice.
  • Rhea: Is that how it is? So you too… are a “failure”.
  • You who would lend your power to those who pollute the holy tomb and disgrace our brethren…
  • Such a person cannot be allowed to wield the power of the Goddess Sothis.
  • At the very least, I shall judge you by my own hand.  I will tear open your chest and take out your heart…!
  • Hubert: So, that is…”The White One”, kuku…
  • Edelgard: Yes… Non-human creatures that have moved across Fodlan and ruled it.
  • Rhea is the leader of those creatures.
  • Hubert: We must not delay a moment longer.  Your Majesty, Teacher, let us escape.
  • Rhea: You… How dare you!
  • Edelgard: My teacher, I– Thank you!
  • But are you certain that– No, now isn’t the time for discussion.
  • Hubert: Words cannot properly express my gratitude, Professor.
  • Rhea: So, this is the choice you have made. You are just another failure.
  • Your presence soils this Holy Tomb, and disgraces my brethren.
  • I will not allow one who would lend our enemies strength… to wield the power of the goddess Sothis.
  • I have passed judgement. And now, I shall now rip your chest open… and TAKE BACK YOUR HEART MYSELF!
  • Hubert: That must be the Immaculate One…
  • Edelgard: Yes. The monsters that have controlled Fódlan in secret for far too long…
  • Rhea is their leader.
  • Hubert: There is no time to waste. Your Majesty, Professor, we must escape while we can.

Opening 1

  • 月明かりのさやけさを共に感じながら、
  • 別れを惜しみ、出会いに胸を膨らませ、
  • 徐々に濃くなっていく春の気配をよそに、
  • 何かを象徴するように……
  • While taking in the bright purity of the moonlight, the people reminisce the ending of the year.
  • They grieve partings, hope[2]胸を膨らます (literally to inflate one’s chest) means to have high expectations that something good will happen. for new encounters, and then each person goes off on their respective paths.
  • Gradually, despite the strengthening signs of spring, there is only a lone moon floating in the sky.
  • As if to symbolize something…
  • Together, the people of Fódlan relish the beauty of the brilliant moon overhead as another year ends.
  • They recall sad partings and new acquaintances alike, but each person must still walk their chosen path alone.
  • With each day, the presence of spring grows stronger and yet a lone moon still haunts the sky.
  •  A silent reminder, perhaps, of some inescapable truth…

Event: 茨の道 (The Path of Thorns)

  • エーデルガルト: ふう……追っ手は、まいたようね。
  • ヒューベルト: ここは帝国軍の仮説陣地の一つ。
  • エーデルガルト: それで……確認しておきたいのだけれど、
  • 流石にフレンは……いないみたいだけれど。
  • カスパル: やべっ、先生が駆け出したから、
  • ペトラ: カスパル、判断できない者、死にます。
  • わたし、帝国、共にある。
  • ベルナデッタ: や、やっぱり、ついてきたら
    まずかったですかね? 失敗でしたか!?
  • でも、あたしの家、帝国にありますし、
  • カスパル: オレはそれでいいと思うけどなあ!
  • フェルディナント: ……私のことか。私は……自分の判断が
  • 君が皇帝なのだ。それに君を諫められるのは
  • リンハルト: はあ……僕は知ってますからね。
  • ドロテア: 私はエーデルちゃんというより、
  • 当然だけど領地なんてないし……
  • ヒューベルト: 戦力は多いほど良いですからな。
  • エーデルガルト: 皆の考えはわかったわ……。
  • 私は起った。
  • この道は、女神に剣を向けるも等しい
  • だけど、貴方たちも見たはずよ。
  • 彼らは獣の力で奇跡を起こし、
  • 刃向かう者を無慈悲に殲滅し、歴史の真実を
  • 私たちはそれを、身をもって知っているわ。
  • セイロス教団の勢力は強大な上、王国や
  • その難敵に、我々は打ち克たねばならない。
    人々のために! フォドラのために!
  • 私と共にこの道を歩めるという者だけが、
  • エーデルガルト: 皆の意志に、感謝するわ。
  • Edelgard: Huff… Looks like we shook off our pursuers.
  • Hubert: This is one of the provisional encampments.  It will at least allow us to prepare our forces.
  • Edelgard: For that… I want to confirm first, but are you all really fine with coming along?
  • Though as expected, it… doesn’t look like Flayn is here.
  • Caspar: Aw crap, since Teacher started running I just subconsciously chased after with all my strength…
  • Petra: Caspar, those who cannot decide, will die. After all, there is fog of war.
  • I am, together, with the Empire. I am, granddaughter of the King of Brigid, and will ally with you.
  • Bernadetta: It was a bad idea to come along in the end, wasn’t it? Did I make a mistake?!
  • But, since my family is in the Empire and I’m also with Teacher… What should I do?
  • Caspar: I think you’ll be okay, though! After all, there are also houses that do nothing but oppose the princess, you know![3]Caspar is basically saying that Bernadetta will be fine compared to other houses that are in a much worse situation.
  • Ferdinand: …Like mine? I… want to believe that I’m not making the wrong decision.
  • You are the emperor. Besides, giving up on you would be unbecoming of me, wouldn’t it?
  • Lindhart: Sigh… For me, it’s because I know.  How nothing is more troublesome than fighting you…
  • Dorothea: I didn’t come here for Edel-chan as much as I did for Teacher.
  • It’s obvious but since I don’t have any territory… Hyu-kun might be unwilling.
  • Hubert: The more fighting power we have the better, right?  So on this occasion, I won’t care about such things as reasons.
  • Edelgard: I understand what everyone is thinking now… In that case, I must now ask you all once again to prepare yourself.
  • I rose to action. I decided this path I take and started to walk it.
  • This path is the path of thorns, the equivalent of pointing your sword at the Goddess herself. One mistake and we will be destroyed.
  • But, you must have all seen it too.  The Archbishop taking the form of a beast.
  • With the power of beasts, they produced miracles and manipulated the hearts of people who believe in the existence of the Goddess.
  • They relentlessly exterminate those who defy them and push an education where the historical truth is concealed onto the children of our nobility.
  • This we have known and experienced ourselves.  Have we not?
  • The influence of the Church of Seiros is above all, and I’m certain they will attempt to influence the lords of the Kingdom and the Alliance.
  • We must conquer this powerful foe. For all people! For Fodlan!
  • To the few that will walk this path with me, take a step forth here and now![4]SFX plays here of people literally stepping forth.
  • I thank all of you for your determination. Victory to our Empire!
  • Edelgard: We somehow managed to escape.
  • Hubert: This is one of the Imperial army’s provisional camps. Here we can organize our forces.
  • Edelgard: Before we go any further, I want all of you to really ask yourselves if you’re certain you wish to join us.
  • As expected, Flayn has chosen to leave our ranks.
  • Caspar: When I saw our professor running off, I ran about as fast as I could to catch up.
  • Petra: Caspar. Death finds those who run without thinking. You gave no thought to the war fog.
  • My grandfather was the leader of Brigid, and I hope for us to be allies with the Empire. I will be staying.
  • Bernadetta: W-Was this a good idea? Did I make the right choice?
  • Oh, but my family is part of the Empire, and our professor is here…
  • Caspar: You’re fine here with us, Bernie. Though it’s true that certain houses were against the Imperial princess…
  • Ferdinand: I assume you are referring to my family. I must believe that the conclusion I came to was the correct one.
  • You are the emperor now… I am the only one left who is qualified to guide you at this point.
  • Lindhart: I’m only here because I know it would be troublesome to stand against you.
  • Dorothea: I’m not just here for you, Edie. I’m here to follow our dear professor.
  • Of course, I don’t have any territory to offer… so Hubie may not even want me here.
  • Hubert: The greater our numbers, the better. Your reasons for being here are of no consequence.
  • Edelgard: I think I understand where you are coming from. But now, I wish to hear of your resolve.
  • Like you, I have risen to meet my destiny. I cut this path, and I will see it through to the end.
  • Following me is akin to pointing a sword to the goddess herself. One misstep, and we fall to ruin.
  • You have now witnessed the archbishop’s true self. She is a cruel beast.
  • Those who rule this world use that beast’s power to fabricate miracles, all to control those who blindly believe in the goddess.
  • They conceal the truth and force their lies on the nobility. They mercilessly annihilate anyone who defies them.
  • I know this because I have lived it. After what you have seen, is there any room for doubt?
  • The Church of Seiros has great influence and power. Their control over the lords of the Kingdom and the Alliance is nearly absolute.
  • We are the only ones who can stop this indomitable enemy that has plagued our world for ages. We fight for humanity! For all of Fódlan!
  • If you dare walk this path with me, take your first step. It’s now or never!
  • Thank you, my friends. We are the true face of the Empire, and we will triumph!

Event: 黒鷲遊撃軍 (Black Eagle Strike Force)

  • ヒューベルト: お見事でした、エーデルガルト様。
  • エーデルガルト: ありがとう。
  • ……正直に言って、ほっとしているわ。
  • たとえ独りになっても進むと決めたけれど、
  • ヒューベルト: 私がいる限り、決して独りにはなりません。
  • それに……やはり、先生の存在は
  • エーデルガルト: そう、ね。
  • 貴方は準備をお願い。
  • ヒューベルト: はっ、お任せを。
  • エーデルガルト: ……せんせい
  • > 「構わない」
    エーデルガルト: ありがとう……。
  • 私は……。
  • > 「どうした?」
    エーデルガルト: ……私は、不安なの。
  • 今まさに、私の言葉一つで、
  • 前節の聖墓への襲撃……それが児戯に思える
  • 各地で策謀が蠢き、決断を迫り、
  • 多くの将兵が死ぬでしょう。
  • 戦の炎は飛び火し、フォドラ全土で
  • そんな命令を、私は出しているの。
  • > 「その道を選んだのでは?」
    エーデルガルト: ええ、そうよ。
  • > 「ならばやめると?」
    エーデルガルト: いいえ。
  • エーデルガルト: 私の足元に、どれほどの血が流れようと、
  • 犠牲のない未来を創るための、犠牲。
  • ふふ……答えなどとうに決まっているのに、
  • ……せんせい
  • 私と違って、貴方には
  • このまま進めば、大司教や教団の人たちと
  • > 「自分も道を選んだ」
    エーデルガルト: 本当に、貴方は……
  • ……ごめんなさい。
  • 私はせんせいを信じている。
  • 今は、それだけでいい。
  • ……行きましょう。
  • ヒューベルト: 陛下、本軍から予定どおりに進軍中との
  • それと、檄文の手はずも整っています。
  • > 「檄文?」
    エーデルガルト: 帝国は、まもなくフォドラ全土の諸侯に
  • セイロス教団の暗部を暴き、フォドラの民に
  • 彼らが一致団結して帝国と戦わないように
  • もちろん帝国への協力を取りつけてある
  • ヒューベルト: 教団との敵対を選ぶ貴族も、いるのです。
  • すでに帝国貴族の一部、腐敗した輩の
  • 中には我が父も……くく、
  • エーデルガルト: そして、それに合わせて
  • すでに本軍は帝都を進発しているわ。
  • 私たちもそれに合流するのだけれど……
  • 軍での貴方たちの立ち位置を、
  • > 「皇帝直属軍」
    > 「帝国遊撃軍」
    ヒューベルト: そうですな。どうせ陛下も先生の軍に
  • となると帝国の本軍に組み込むわけにはいきません。
  • 皇帝直属で、戦場を自由に移動できる
  • エーデルガルト: ええ……せんせいが皇帝である私を指揮する
  • ヒューベルト: そもそも前線に出ることすら、
  • エーデルガルト: ヒューベルト。
  • ヒューベルト: これはこれは。
  • エーデルガルト: さて、そうと決まれば、
  • 我らが黒鷲の学級アドラークラッセにちなんで、
  • > 「素晴らしい」
    エーデルガルト: せんせいにそう言ってもらえて良かったわ。
  • > 「名前負けしそう」
    エーデルガルト: 貴方が率いるのに、それはないわ。鷲
  • > 「格好つけ過ぎでは」
    エーデルガルト: ………………
  • エーデルガルト: せんせい、貴方は“黒鷲遊撃軍シュヴァルツァアドラーヴェーア”の出撃準備を
    進めてくれる? 頼んだわ。
  • Hubert: You were splendid, Lady Edelgard.
  • Edelgard: Thank you.
  • …Frankly speaking, I’m relieved. Everyone came to follow me.
  • I had made up my mind to move onward even if I had to alone, but I didn’t want to be alone.
  • Hubert: As long as I’m here, you will never be alone. Don’t forget that.
  • Also… as suspected, it seems our teacher’s existence was a major factor after all.
  • Edelgard: It was, wasn’t it? I’ll go talk with Master for a bit.
  • Please take care of the preparations. It’s about time for the messenger to arrive.
  • Hubert: Yes, ma’am.  Leave it to me.
  • Edelgard: …Master. May I talk to you for a bit?
  • > 「I don’t mind.」
    Edelgard: Thank you…
  • I…
  • > 「What’s wrong?」
    Edelgard: …I, am afraid. I feel like I’m being crushed by unease…
  • Right now, with a single word, I am about to start a war.
  • A large army is heading to battle… One that will make the raid last moon at the Holy Tomb look like mere child’s play.
  • All around the world people are devising schemes, being pressed to make decisions, and preparations are being made for the outbreak of war.
  • Many soldiers will probably die. And there will be few who will not be dragged into the tempest of war.
  • There’s no mistaking that the flames of war will spill over and give rise to victims in every corner of Fodlan.
  • I’m the one giving that kind of order. After I give the command, the flames of war will burst forth.
  • > 「Because of the path you chose?」
    Edelgard: Yes, that’s right. I can no longer turn back.
  • > 「Then are you saying you’re quitting?」
    Edelgard: No. I can no longer turn back.
  • Edelgard: No matter how much blood flows at my feet, I must crush the twisted rule of the church.
  • Though it seems like a contradiction, for the sake of building a future with no victims, victims are necessary.[5]Victim and sacrifice share the same word.
  • Heh… even though I’ve already decided my answer a long ago, I guess I really just want to be approved by you.
  • …Master. Are you really fine with taking my side?[6]Literally, taking my hand.
    It is the same word that is used in the first line of Edge of Dawn in Japanese, “Until I day I take the hand of dawn”.
  • Unlike me, there is still a path where you can turn back.
  • If you continue like this, you and people like Rhea and the church will be killing each other.  Are you okay with that?
  • > 「I also chose my own path」
    Edelgard: You, really…
  • …I’m sorry. That was a dumb question.
  • I believe in you, Master.  For Master believed in me as well.
  • Now, I have everything I need.  With nothing else, I can go and fight.
  • …Let’s go.  I have something to talk to Hubert about.
  • Hubert: Your Majesty, there was a report from the main army that they are on the march as planned.
  • In addition, arrangements are also ready for the manifesto.
  • > 「Manifesto?」
    Edelgard: The Empire will soon send a manifesto to all the lords of Fodlan.
  • To expose the dark side of the Church of Seiros, bringing forth the injustices of the nobility of the Kingdom and Alliance nobles to the people of Fodlan…
  • By unsettling them, we will begin to influence them to not band together and fight against the Empire.
  • Of course, there are also nobles who we can get to cooperate with the Empire.
  • Hubert: There are also nobles who will choose to oppose the church. We will judge who we must judge, and forgive who we must forgive…
  • We have already purged a portion of the degenerate Imperial nobility.
  • My father too, among them… Kuku, it was completely unavoidable.
  • Edelgard: And in addition to that, we will assault the monastery at Garreg Mach.
  • The main army is already marching from the Imperial capital.  They will arrive in about 2 weeks.
  • We will also join up with them there, but…
  • What do you think I should do about your positions in the army?
  • > 「Emperor’s Royal Guard」
    > 「Imperial Strike Force」
    Hubert: I see.  Her Majesty intends to be added amongst Teacher’s forces.
  • When it comes to the Empire’s main army, we cannot allow her to be incorporated into their forces.
  • Under direct supervision of the Emperor, something like a mobile unit that can move freely on the battlefield… would be the proper thing to do.
  • Edelgard: Yes…  After all, Master cannot do things like give orders to me the Emperor out in public.
  • Hubert: Though I am against you being out on the front lines, even if you wanted it to begin with.
  • Edelgard: Hubert. We should’ve already exhausted that topic of discussion.
  • Hubert: Oh dear. Where are my manners?[7]The sarcasm is palpable.
  • Edelgard: Now that that’s settled. let’s give a name to our new team.
  • Naming ourselves after the Black Eagles ClassAdlerklasse, how about the “Black Eagle Strike ForceSchwarz Adler Wehr“?[8]From German, the “Black Eagle Armed Forces”.
  • > 「Magnificent」
    Edelgard: Master, I’m so glad you said that. I spent all night thinking it up.
  • > 「Feels like we’ll fail to live up to the name」[9]This means giving someone a name they can’t live up to.  Literally translated as “being defeated by your own name”.
    Edelgard: With you leading the troops, I don’t think you will. I’m sure you’ll spread your wings majestically like an eagle.
  • > 「You’re trying too hard to act cool」
    Edelgard: …I guess you and I have somewhat different sensibilities, then.
  • Edelgard: Master, will you prepare the “Black Eagle Strike ForceSchwarz Adler Wehr” for attack?  I’m counting on you.
  • Hubert: That was incredible, Lady Edelgard.
  • Edelgard: Thank you.
  • Honestly, I’m relieved. They really chose to follow me…
  • I was resolved to move forward alone if I had to, but in my heart I hoped it wouldn’t come to that.
  • Hubert: So long as I am here, you will never be alone. Please do not forget that.
  • And…it would seem that the professor also has a key role to play in this.
  • Edelgard: You’re right. Now, I must speak with our teacher.
  • Please, make preparations. The messenger should be here shortly.
  • Hubert: Consider it done.
  • Edelgard: Professor, may I speak with you?
  • > 「Of course.」
    Edelgard: I appreciate it.
  • I…
  • > 「What’s wrong?」
    Edelgard: I’m just…anxious. It feels like the weight of this burden is crushing me.
  • At this very moment, on my orders, I’m starting a war.
  • An army far larger than the one that attacked the Holy Tomb last month will soon be locked in battle.
  • Long-devised strategies are unfolding across Fódlan. Leaders are deciding their loyalties and preparing to fight…
  • So many generals and soldiers will die. It’s inevitable that civilians will get caught up in the chaos as well.
  • There will be countless casualties. With a single command, the flames of war will rage across all corners of this realm.
  • And I am the one who is giving the order.
  • > 「This is the path you chose, isn’t it?」
    Edelgard: Yes, it is. There is no turning back.
  • > 「Do you wish to stop?」
    Edelgard: No. There is no turning back now.
  • Edelgard: No matter how much blood flows at my feet, I will not relent. We must break the bonds that the depraved church has placed on Fódlan.
  • These sacrifices will allow us to create a future where we never need sacrifice again. It may seem contradictory, but it’s the only way.
  • Heh. Listen to me. I made up my mind long ago. Yet here I am, seeking your approval.
  • Tell me the truth, my teacher. Are you happy with your decision to stand by my side.
  • Unlike me, you can still walk away from all of this.
  • This path leads to the death of the archbishop and the servants of the church. Can you live with that?
  • > 「I chose this path too.」
    Edelgard: I never thought…
  • I’m sorry. It was a foolish question.
  • I believe in you, professor. And you believed in me.
  • With that knowledge, I have the strength to keep fighting.
  • Let’s go… There’s something I need to say to Hubert.
  • Hubert: Your Majesty, the latest report indicates that our main army is advancing as planned.
  • Also, the preparations for your manifesto are almost complete.
  • > 「Manifesto?」
    Edelgard: We will distributing our manifesto to every lord within Fódlan.
  • We will expose the dark side of the Church of Seiros and the foul practices of the nobles from the Kingdom and the Alliance.
  • We will force the people of Fódlan to open their eyes to the truth and relinquish any remaining conviction to unite against the empire.
  • Certain nobles have already offered their support.
  • Hubert: There are other nobles who oppose the church. We will condemn those who deserve condemnation and forgive those who deserve forgiveness.
  • We have already purged some of the Imperial nobles who are morally rotten.
  • My father among them. How unfortunate.
  • Edelgard: And soon we will invade and conquer Garreg Mach.
  • Our main army has already departed the Imperial capital. They will arrive at the monastery in two weeks’ time.
  • There, we will join forces with them.
  • As for us, I’d like your opinion on how we should be positioned within the army.
  • > 「We are the Imperial shield.」
    > 「We are the Imperial sword.」
    Hubert: Your majesty wishes to fight alongside the professor, correct?
  • In that case, you will not be incorporated into the Empire’s main army.
  • Your squad can move freely about the battlefield under supervision of the Imperial forces… That would be most prudent.
  • Edelgard: Now that I’m the emperor, we can’t let it slip that I’m following your command in battle, Professor.
  • Hubert: I fully object to the notion of you fighting on the front lines.
  • Edelgard: Hubert. We’ve already discussed this.
  • Hubert: My apologies… I overstepped.
  • Edelgard: Now that the details are settled, all that’s left is to come up with a name for ourselves.
  • In honor at our time at the academy, how about we call ourselves the Black Eagle Strike Force?
  • > 「I love it.」
    Edelgard: I’m so happy you feel that way. I must confess that I spent all night thinking about it.
  • > 「I hope we can live up to that name.」
    Edelgard: With you as our leader, I’m confident we will. To me, that name represents us soaring toward a new dawn, freely as an eagle.
  • > 「Isn’t that a bit much?l」
    Edelgard: It seems we have differing tastes. I suppose we’ll have to agree to disagree.
  • Edelgard: I’ll leave it to you to prepare the Black Eagle Strike Force for departure.

Event: 世界を敵に回す (Turning the World into the Enemy)

  • エーデルガルト: まもなくガルグ=マク大修道院ね。
  • ここを陥落させることは、軍略的にも、
  • 皆にとっては、共に学んだ場所でもある。
  • 学友を盾にするような真似はしないと
  • リンハルト: 学友に思うところはないけど、
  • カスパル: お前なあ、しょっぱなから士気が
  • オレはバッチリだからな!
  • ドロテア: 私には、今ここにいる仲間以外に
  • ペトラ: 故郷離れた時、覚悟、済ませました。
  • ベルナデッタ: 戦う覚悟って、どうやってするんですか!
  • フェルディナント: ああ、覚悟できないはずもない。
  • エーデルガルト: 皆、ありがとう。
  • ヒューベルト: 我々は遊撃軍として、ガルグ=マクの中でも
  • エーデルガルト様や先生の顔を見れば、
  • その間に、残りの地区を本軍が全速力で
  • 言わば、私たちは囮であり、同時に敵の
  • エーデルガルト: 修道院周辺に最も詳しいのが私たちだから、
  • ただ、大司教がまた“白きもの”の
  • 皆、決して無理をせずに戦って。戦場での
  • > 「負けない」
    ヒューベルト: 無論です。陛下と先生が揃っていて、
  • > 「誰も死なせない」
    ヒューベルト: 誰も死なないことこそ
  • エーデルガルト: “黒鷲遊撃軍シュヴァルツァアドラーヴェーア”の初陣……
  • Edelgard: We will soon arrive at Garreg Mach Monastery.
  • Making this place surrender would have a lot of significance, both strategically and symbolically.
  • For all of us, this was also the place where we learned together.
  • I want to believe that they will not use our classmates as shields… but be prepared.
  • Lindhart: I’m not thinking about classmates, but I’m equally not prepared.
  • Caspar: Come on, man. Don’t say such demoralizing things at the very beginning!
  • I’m perfectly ready to go! I’m ready to fight whenever!
  • Dorothea: For me, I have nothing to lose outside of the friends I have here now… Is that enough for you?
  • Petra: The moment I left my homeland, I was forced to finish, readiness. I… will fight.
  • Bernadetta: How can you say you’re ready to fight?! I’m just now able to get ready to decide to get ready!
  • Ferdinand: Ah, there’s no way I can’t be ready. For there is a responsibility for me to bear!
  • Edelgard: Thank you, everyone. Now then, I will explain our strategy.
  • Hubert:  We as the Strike Force will attack until we reach the section closest to the monastery inside Garreg Mach.
  • When they see the faces of Lady Edelgard and Teacher, I’m sure even the Knights of Seiros won’t remain silent.
  • In the meantime, the main army will siege the remaining sections and eliminate them.
  • In other words, we are decoys, but have been asked at the same time to take the necessary role of pinning down the enemy’s essential forces.
  • Edelgard: The logic is that we are the most well-acquainted with the area around the monastery.
  • Still, we must also take into consideration the possibility of the archbishop changing form into “The White One” again.
  • Everyone, fight but never overdo it. As I stated, I’m entrusting the commanding on the battlefield to Master.
  • > 「We won’t lose」
    Hubert: Of course. With both Her Majesty and Teacher present, there’s no way we can lose.
  • > 「I won’t let anyone die」
    Hubert: Not having anyone die would certainly be a victory for us, Teacher.
  • Edelgard: It’s the first battle of the “Black Eagle Strike ForceSchwarz Adler Wehr”…  We shall bask in the glory of victory without fail!
  • Edelgard: We will soon arrive at Garreg Mach Monastery.
  • Forcing a surrender here is extremely significant, both strategically and symbolically.
  • Of course, this is personal as well. This is where we all came together to learn and grow.
  • I have no intention of yielding to our former classmates, so I ask that you prepare yourselves for anything.
  • Lindhart: I’m not thinking about friends right now, and I’m certainly not prepared.
  • Caspar: Damn it, don’t go around saying things that lower morale before we even get started!
  • I’m ready! Let’s go! Let’s fight!
  • Dorothea: I have nothing to lose aside from my friends who are here with me. Does that answer satisfy you?
  • Petra: I have been ready for this since leaving my land of home. I will fight and win!
  • Bernadetta: How can you prepare to fight? Maybe I can prepare to prepare…
  • Ferdinand: There is no reason I cannot be prepared. It is my duty to stand up and battle!
  • Edelgard: Thank you all. Now, let’s talk strategy.
  • Hubert: As the raiding force, we will attack the area nearest to the monastery.
  • The Knights of Seiros certainly won’t stand down after they catch sight of Her Majesty and the professor.
  • At the same time, the remaining areas will be surrounded and annihilated by the main army.
  • In other words, we are the decoy that must suppress the enemy’s most elite soldiers.
  • Edelgard: We know more about the area near the monastery than anyone else in the Imperial army.
  • Still, we must prepare for the worst. It’s possible we will have to face the archbishop’s true form–the Immaculate One.
  • Fight with all you have, but don’t be reckless. As promised, I will leave the command to the professor.
  • > 「We will not lose.」
    Hubert: Naturally. With both Her Majesty and yourself on our side, defeat is impossible.
  • > 「I will protect you all.」
    Hubert: Not only will we all survive this, but we will undoubtedly emerge victorious.
  • Edelgard: This will be our first battle as the Black Eagle Strike Force. All the more reason to prevail!

Battle: ガルグ=マクの戦い (Battle of Garreg Mach)

  • 戦闘開始時
  • セテス: 諸君! 勝機は必ず訪れる!
  • ヒューベルト: 城郭の外に防衛の陣……時間稼ぎですな。
  • しかし、備えがそれだけのはずもない……
  • > 1ターン目自軍フェイズ
  • エーデルガルト: 左翼のラディスラヴァが押されているわ。
  • >誰も⇔ラディスラヴァ
  • ラディスラヴァ: 助かりました!
  • > エーデルガルト⇔ラディスラヴァ
  • ラディスラヴァ:
  • > マップ中央に入った時
  • セイロス騎士: 今だ!
  • vs セテス
  • セテス: 許さぬ。レアを傷つける者は、
  • 主人公 vs セテス
  • セテス: ベレト、貴様……!
  • セテス撃破
  • セテス: ここで私が退くわけには……!
  • セテス撃破後(フレン生存時)
  • フレン: お兄様! 無理は禁物です!
  • セテス: わかった……すまん!
  • vs フレン
  • フレン: ここは通しませんわ!
  • 主人公 vs フレン
  • フレン: 先生、どうして……!
  • フレン撃破
  • フレン: ガルグ=マクを……皆様を……
  • フレン撃破後(セテス生存時)
  • セテス: フレン! 無理は許さんぞ!
  • フレン: わかりましたわ……。
  • 死神騎士: 帝国に、力を貸そう……。
  • 主人公: ……!?
  • エーデルガルト: 心配しないで。今は味方よ。聞きたいことも
  • vs ギルベルト
  • ギルベルト: ……残念だが、ここで死んでもらおう。
  • 主人公 vs ギルベルト
  • ギルベルト: 帝国に与し、教団に……
  • たとえあなたであろうと、
  • アネット vs ギルベルト
  • ギルベルト: こちらへ戻れ、アネット。
  • アネット: 父さん……ごめんなさい。
  • あたしはもう、大修道院にも、王国にも、
  • ギルベルト: ……そうか。許せよ、アネット。
  • ギルベルト撃破
  • ギルベルト: 主君のため……ここで倒れるわけには……
  • 自軍優勢(セテス生存時)
  • セテス: ……苦しくなってきたな。
  • セテス・フレン・ギルベルト撃破 
    レア: セテス、フレン、ギルベルト……。
  • もう少し時間が欲しかったところですが……
  • 12ターン敵軍フェイズ (セテス・フレン・ギルベルト生存時)
  • レア: セテス、フレン、ギルベルト……。
  • 今、動かせる最大限の戦力を揃えました。
  • 皆、出なさい! 忌まわしき叛徒の手より、
  • カトリーヌ: 立ちふさがる者はみんな、ぶっ倒す!
  • ツィリル: レアさまの敵は、ボクの敵だから……!
  • vs レア
  • レア: あなたも叛徒の一味に成り下がりましたか。
  • 主人公 vs レア
  • レア: ベレト……
  • あなたは完全なる失敗作……
  • エーデルガルト vs レア
  • レア: 何の理由があろうとも、あなたを赦し、
  • エーデルガルト: それはこちらも同じこと。
  • レア: ならば知りなさい、己の愚かさを。
  • エーデルガルト: 私が敵に回すのは教団だけ……
  • レア撃破
  • レア: ううっ……ああああ!
  • vs カトリーヌ
  • カトリーヌ: レア様の敵は、この雷霆でぶった斬るのみ!
  • 主人公 vs カトリーヌ
  • カトリーヌ: レア様も、アタシも、
  • こんなことを仕出かしといて、
  • カトリーヌ撃破
  • カトリーヌ: レア様……すみません。
  • レア: ……カトリーヌ、いいのです。
  • vs ツィリル
  • ツィリル: アナタは、ボクが殺さなきゃ……!
  • 主人公 vs ツィリル
  • ツィリル: ボクがレアさまを守るんだ……!
  • ツィリル撃破
  • ツィリル: レアさま……ごめんなさい……!
  • レア: ……ツィリル。
  • 戦闘勝利後
  • レア: 絶対に……絶対に、奪わせません……!
  • Battle Start
  • Seteth: Troops! The opportunity for victory will come for sure! For now, we must exclusively play the role of defense!
  • Hubert: A defense force outside the castle walls… They’re buying themselves time, huh? We will need to push them aside at once.
  • But, there’s no way that’s all of the forces they have at hand… Perhaps we should also watch out for soldiers waiting in ambush.
  • > Turn 1 Player Phase
  • Edelgard: Ladislava on the left flank is being pressured. We must gather some forces and push back.
  • >Anyone⇔Ladislava
  • Ladislava: Thanks for helping! As expected of an ally to Her Majesty.
  • > Edelgard⇔Ladislava
  • Ladislava: I’m so sorry to have caused you trouble, your Majesty!
  • > Entered Center of Map
  • Knight of Seiros: Now! Soldiers lying in wait, attack!
  • vs Seteth
  • Seteth: Unforgivable. I will eliminate whoever would hurt Rhea!
  • Byleth vs Seteth
  • Seteth: Byleth, you bastard…![10]Seteth calls Byleth “kisama”.  Not literally a bastard, but an insult of equal caliber. I will never forgive you for betraying Rhea!
  • Seteth Defeated
  • Seteth: I can’t retreat here…!
  • Seteth Defeated(Flayn Present)
  • Flayn: Brother! Do not overdo it! After all, I am still here too!
  • Seteth: Understood… Sorry! I expect you not to overdo it and retreat yourself, Flayn!
  • vs Flayn
  • Flayn: You will not pass! Garreg Mach is under my protection!
  • Byleth vs Flayn
  • Flayn: Teacher, why…! Why would you do something so cruel[11]Literally, a punch in the gut. to us?!
  • Flayn Defeated
  • Flayn: Garreg Mach… Everyone… I have to protect them…!
  • Flayn Defeated (Seteth Present)
  • Seteth: Flayn!  I won’t allow you to overdo it! I beg you, please retreat!
  • Flayn: Understood… Fa… Brother, please be safe…!
  • Death Knight: Let us lend our power to the Empire…
  • Byleth: …?!
  • Edelgard: Don’t worry, he’s our ally now. I’m sure you have questions, but save them for after the battle.
  • vs Gilbert
  • Gilbert: …It is regrettable, but I’ll have you die here. You will regret the sin of pointing your arrows at the Goddess.
  • Byleth vs Gilbert
  • Gilbert: If you side with the empire and turn your blade against the church… and the Kingdom as well…
  • No matter who you are, there is no reason to let you continue living.
  • Annette vs Gilbert
  • Gilbert: Turn back, Annette. If you’re saying you can’t, then retreat.
  • Annette: Father… I’m sorry. But, I’ve already made up my mind.
  • I can no longer go back.  Not to the monastery, not to the kingdom… not even to you!
  • Gilbert: …Is that so?  Forgive me, Annette. If you side with the Empire… I must kill you.
  • Gilbert Defeated
  • Gilbert: For the sake of the Lord… I musn’t be defeated here… I will have to withdraw.
  • Gain Unit Advantage(Seteth Present)
  • Seteth: …The situation has become difficult.  But, we must hold out no matter what…!
  • Seteth, Flayn and Gilbert Defeated
    Rhea: Seteth, Flayn, Gilbert… So you risked your lives to protect us.
  • If only we had a little more time…  But it appears we cannot delay any longer.
  • Turn 12 Enemy Phase (Seteth, Flayn or Gilbert Present)
  • Rhea: Seteth, Flayn, Gilbert… You did wonderfully holding out for us.
  • We have the most powerful deployable forces gathered now. It’s time for a counterattack…!
  • Everyone, go forth! Protect Garreg Mach Monastery from the hands of these disgusting insurgents!!
  • Catherine: I’ll crush everyone who stands in our way!
  • Cyril: For Rhea’s enemies are my enemies…!
  • vs Rhea
  • Rhea: So you too have stooped down to join the ranks of the insurgents? Prepare to receive the consequence you deserve!
  • Byleth vs Rhea
  • Rhea: Byleth… You dare betray me…
  • You are the product of a complete failure… I must dispose of you myself…!
  • Edelgard vs Rhea
  • Rhea: No matter what reason you have, I cannot forgive you, nor can I allow you to continue living any longer!
  • Edelgard: The same is true for me.  I must bring you to your end…!
  • Rhea: Then know how stupid you are. Know how deep is the sin of making an enemy of us, the followers of the Goddess!
  • Edelgard: The only one I’ve made my enemy is the church itself… You’re wrong if you think I’ve rejected everything!
  • Rhea Defeated
  • Rhea: Uuu… Aaaa!
  • vs Catherine
  • Catherine: I have nothing for Lady Rhea’s enemies other than the cut of my Thunderbolt!
  • Byleth vs Catherine
  • Catherine: Looks like both Lady Rhea and I misjudged you.
  • Did you really think you could commit something like this and get out alive?!
  • Catherine Defeated
  • Catherine: Lady Rhea… I’m sorry.  Please, be safe…!
  • Rhea: …Catherine, it is fine. Do not lose your life here.
  • vs Cyril
  • Cyril: I have to kill you…!
  • Byleth vs Cyril
  • Cyril: I’ll protect Lady Rhea…! Even if you’re my enemy, I won’t run away or anything!
  • Cyril Defeated
  • Cyril: Lady Rhea… I’m sorry…!
  • Rhea: …Cyril. I will not waste your hard work.
  • Battle Victory
  • Rhea: Never… you will never, take it away…! Not Garreg Mach… Not mother…!
  • Battle Start
  • Seteth: Friends! Our opportunity for victory will come, but first we must see to our defenses!
  • Hubert: The city’s defenders are trying to stall for time. We must crush them swiftly.
  • We should be wary of ambushes as well.
  • > Turn 1 Player Phase
  • Edelgard: Ladislava is being pushed on the left flank. We must push back with equal force.
  • >Anyone⇔Ladislava
  • Ladislava: Just what we need! I knew Her Majesty’s allies would help us out.
  • > Edelgard⇔Ladislava
  • Ladislava: Apologies for the trouble, Your Majesty!
  • > Entered Center of Map
  • Knight of Seiros: Now! Hidden Soldiers, attack!
  • vs Seteth
  • Seteth: I will show no mercy to those who attack Rhea!
  • Byleth vs Seteth
  • Seteth: Traitor! I will not forgive you for turning on Rhea!
  • Seteth Defeated
  • Seteth: I cannot yield…
  • Seteth Defeated(Flayn Remains)
  • Flayn: Seteth! Please, do not overextend yourself! I am still in this fight!
  • Seteth: I’m sorry, Flayn… Withdraw if you must…
  • vs Flayn
  • Flayn: You shall not pass! I will protect Garreg Mach!
  • Byleth vs Flayn
  • Flayn: Professor, why?! Do you not see the cruelty of this?
  • Flayn Defeated
  • Flayn: Must protect…Garreg Mach… I must protect…everyone…
  • Flayn Defeated (Seteth Remains)
  • Seteth: Retreat while you still can, Flayn! I beg you!
  • Flayn: Understood… Stay safe Fa–Brother!
  • Death Knight: We will lend the Empire strength…
  • Byleth: ?!
  • Edelgard: Don’t worry. We’re allies now… I understand you must have many questions, but they’ll have to wait until after the battle.
  • vs Gilbert
  • Gilbert: Unfortunately, you must die here. You should never have defied the goddess.
  • Byleth vs Gilbert
  • Gilbert: If you side with the Empire… If you turn your sword on the church and the Kingdom…
  • I care not who you are. I will end you just the same.
  • Annette vs Gilbert
  • Gilbert: Annette, throw down your arms!
  • Annette: I’m sorry, Father. But I have made my choice.
  • I’m not going back to the monastery, to the Kingdom, or to you, Father!
  • Gilbert: Forgive me, Goddess. Annette. If you side with the Empire, I will have no choice but to kill you.
  • Gilbert Defeated
  • Gilbert: In my master’s name, I cannot allow myself to fall here… I must withdraw.
  • Gain Unit Advantage(Seteth Alive)
  • Seteth: You will survive this hardship! Just hold on!
  • Seteth, Flayn and Gilbert Defeated
    Rhea: Seteth, Flayn, Gilbert… You put your lives on the line to protect us.
  • I would have preferred to have more time to prepare, but we cannot delay any longer.
  • Turn 12 Enemy Phase (Seteth, Flayn or Gilbert Remain)
  • Rhea: Seteth, Flayn, Gilbert … You have done well to hold out as long as you have.
  •  Now it is time to deploy our strongest military power. The counterattack begins!
  • Come forth! Protect Garreg Mach Monastery from these despicable rebels!
  • Catherine: I’ll crush them all.
  • Cyril: Her enemies are my enemies.
  • vs Rhea
  • Rhea: So you have sullied yourself by joining with the rebels? I hope you came prepared to breathe your last.
  • Byleth vs Rhea
  • Rhea: You… How dare you betray me…
  • You worthless piece of garbage… I will punish you myself!
  • Edelgard vs Rhea
  • Rhea: No matter your reasons, I cannot permit you to go on living any longer!
  • Edelgard: The feeling is mutual. I must put a stop to your reign of tyranny!
  • Rhea: You must know what a fool you are. The greatest of sins is to make an enemy of the goddess herself!
  • Edelgard: I have only made an enemy of the church, not of the faith.
  • Rhea Defeated
  • Rhea: Raaaargh!
  • vs Catherine
  • Catherine: I am Thunder Catherine, and I will slay all of Lady Rhea’s enemies. Including you.
  • Byleth vs Catherine
  • Catherine: I trusted you. Lady Rhea trusted you.
  • I won’t let you live after what you’ve done.
  • Catherine Defeated
  • Catherine: Lady Rhea, I’m sorry. Please stay safe.
  • Rhea: All is well, Catherine. You must not die here.
  • vs Cyril
  • Cyril: I gotta kill you!
  • Byleth vs Cyril
  • Cyril: I’ll protect Lady Rhea against anyone! Even if it’s you, I’ll fight ya as hard as I can!
  • Cyril Defeated
  • Cyril: Lady Rhea, I couldn’t fight hard enough. I’m sorry…
  • Rhea: Cyril… Your sacrifice will not be in vain.
  • Battle Victory
  • Rhea: I will not…allow Garreg Mach…or my mother to fall!

Opening 2

  • 帝国暦1181年初頭、新アドラステア皇帝エーデルガルト率いる帝国軍が、ガルグ=マク大修道院を攻囲。
  • 多くの犠牲を出しながらも、これを陥落せしめた。
  • 時の大司教レアは、セイロス騎士団を率いて帝国軍を迎え撃ち、自ら陣頭に立って戦うも苦戦、
  • ファーガス神聖王国の王都フェルディアへと撤退し、再起を図る。
  • この一戦を機にアドラステア帝国はファーガス神聖王国ならびにレスター諸侯同盟領への侵攻を本格化。
  • フォドラ統一に動き始めたのである。
  • In the beginning of the Imperial Year 1181, the Imperial Army led by new Adrestian Emperor Edelgard sieges Garreg Mach monastery. 
  • Though at the cost of many casualties, they were forced to surrender.
  • Archbishop Rhea at the time led the Knights of Seiros to meet the Imperial Army in combat and fought alongside her troops in a close battle.
  • She then retreated to Fhirdiad, the capital of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, where she plans her comeback.
  • With this single battle, the Adrestian Empire proceeds with their invasion of both the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the Leicester Alliance.
  • Fodlan has begun to move towards unification.
  • In Imperial Year 1181, the new Adrestian emperor, Edelgard von Hresvelg, led a strategic assault against the monastery at Garreg Mach.
  • Though her own losses were great, her foes had no choice but to surrender.
  • Archbishop Rhea commanded the Knights of Seiros, leading from the front lines against the Imperial army.
  • After a hard fought battle, she was forced to retreat to Fhirdiad, the capital of Faerghus, where she must now plan her next move.
  • With this single attack, the Adrestian Empire officially launched its offensive against the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the Leicester Alliance.
  • The unification of Fódlan has begun.


1 Translating 節 as “moon” makes this translation sound awful.  節 actually does not literally mean moon, but interval of time (in this case, dividing the year).
Since months are based on the moon, “moon” was probably the best translation available.
2 胸を膨らます (literally to inflate one’s chest) means to have high expectations that something good will happen.
3 Caspar is basically saying that Bernadetta will be fine compared to other houses that are in a much worse situation.
4 SFX plays here of people literally stepping forth.
5 Victim and sacrifice share the same word.
6 Literally, taking my hand.
It is the same word that is used in the first line of Edge of Dawn in Japanese, “Until I day I take the hand of dawn”.
7 The sarcasm is palpable.
8 From German, the “Black Eagle Armed Forces”.
9 This means giving someone a name they can’t live up to.  Literally translated as “being defeated by your own name”.
10 Seteth calls Byleth “kisama”.  Not literally a bastard, but an insult of equal caliber.
11 Literally, a punch in the gut.


  1. Thanks so much for the work you’re doing! Its really interesting to see the changes between the english and japanese text.

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