白雲の章 White Clouds Chapter
孤月の節 Lone Moon Moon
戦乱の幕開け The Opening Act of War
Summary of changes:
- Ferdinand doesn’t specifically say to strike down Edelgard, but the misdeeds of her and her followers.
- Seteth is more panicked when finding out they only have two weeks to prepare.
- The Progenitor God translates to God-Ancestor, which makes the connection a little more obvious. On top of that, Rhea subtly mentions they are related in a way to this divine ancestor.
- Seteth is more shocked about Rhea’s taboo and even states the reason for not helping Byleth is that it would be akin to committing a taboo himself.
- Linhardt jokes about them not being run away, not Edelgard getting away with what she is doing. This uncomfortable moment is what draws the “unwanted glaring”.
- Catherine is less sentimental when Byleth accepts command of the students.
- Seteth wishes his army the best of luck, rather than telling them to hold fast for reinforcements.
- Manuela tells her enemy to remember her because she holds deep grudges.
- Randolph doesn’t randomly curse Caspar.
- Hubert is more sinister when telling you how your army doesn’t stand a chance of winning, and laughs like a villain when mentioning what might happen to your loved ones in the Empire.
Previous: Chapter 11 (Black Eagles) | Next: Chapter 13 (Silver Snow)
Event: 開戦・黒鷲の学級 (War Begins – Black Eagles)
- エーデルガルト: 今は……退くわ。
- ……ヒューベルト!
- レア: どこへ逃げようとも、セイロス聖教会が
総力を挙げて、必ずあなたを捕らえます! - あなたはこの聖墓を穢し、主を貶め、
同胞たちを辱めたのです。 - その罪は、たとえ煉獄の炎で焼かれようと、
すべての血を流し尽くそうと、消えません。 - レア: ……ベレト。
上に戻り、今後の方針を立てましょう。 - セテス: エーデルガルトとヒューベルトの2人は
行方をくらました。帝国へ戻ったのだろう。 - 捜索と偵察のため、騎士を遣ってある。
新たな動きがあれば報告が来る。 - 最悪の場合、帝国軍との戦端が
開かれることは想像に難くない。 - 《黒鷲の学級生徒を全員ロストしている場合、以下の会話は省略される》
- セテス: そうなった時、帝国出身の……
君たちに、祖国と戦う覚悟はあるか? - ……帰国を望むならば止めはしない。
君たち自身が決めることだ。 - フェルディナント: エーデルガルトたちが間違った行いを
するのなら、私はそれを討つまでさ。 - カスパル: オレらがあいつらを止めてやらねえと!
このままじゃ戦争になっちまう! - リンハルト: 僕は、はっきり言って戦いたくないですね。
彼女のためにも。だけど……。 - ベルナデッタ: えっ? いや、その? い、いきなり
決めろって言われても無理ですよおおお! - ドロテア: エーデルちゃんやヒューくんには悪いけど、
私は先生に従います。 - ペトラ: 彼女、誤り、やり方です。ならば……
私たち、正す必要、ある、あります。 - セテス: ……君たちにもそれぞれ、
思うところはあるだろう。 - 先生とよく話し合って、決めるのだ。
戦いの始まる、その時までに……。 - セテス: ベレト、フォドラの安寧のため、
君の力を頼りにしている。 - エーデルガルト: 教団は、フォドラを支配せんとする欲望の
ために教義を利用し、人々を欺いてきた。 - かつて帝国を分裂させて王国を作り、
王国を分裂させて同盟を生んだのもそうだ。 - それらはすべて人々を争わせ、民の安寧を
脅かすことで己の権勢を保つためだった。 - 女神に救いを求める人々の信仰心を利用し、
金を掻き集め、贅を尽くす偽善者たち……。 - 彼らはフォドラを導くことなどできない。
そんな信仰は、打ち砕かれるべきだ。 - ゆえに、私は決断した!
- アドラステア皇帝エーデルガルト=フォン=
フレスベルグの名において…… - ここにセイロス教団との開戦を宣言する!
- セテス: 信じられん事態だ……。
- 状況を整理しよう、ベレト。
君たちが聖墓から戻った後…… - アドラステア帝国が、セイロス聖教会と
我らに味方する諸侯に対して宣戦した。 - 「宣戦?」
- セテス: エーデルガルトは父王を退位させると、
自らが皇帝になったのだ。 - 彼女はセイロス聖教会こそがこの世の
悪だとして、民衆に呼びかけているらしい。 - 偵察に遣っている騎士が帰還次第、
大司教を交えて対応を協議する予定だ。 - それまでに君は、生徒たちが動揺せぬよう
- Edelgard: I will… withdraw now.
- …Hubert!
- Rhea: No matter where you try to run, the Church of Seiros will amass all their efforts and capture you without fail!
- For you have defiled the Holy Tomb, disparaged the Lord, and disgraced your bretheren.
- Even if you burned in the flames of purgatory and were drained of all your blood, you could not erase those sins.
- …Byleth. Let us go back up and set a course of action.
- Seteth: Edelgard and Hubert have gone missing. I’m sure they’ve returned to the Empire.
- The Knights have been sent in order to do investigation and reconnaisance. They will let us know if there are any new developments.
- In the worst case, it’s not difficult to imagine the start of hostilities with the Imperial Army.
- 《If all students in the Black Eagles are lost, the following dialogue is omitted》
- Seteth: When that time comes, those of you from the Empire… Are you prepared to fight against your homeland?
- …If you wish to return to your nation, I will not stop you. The decision is yours.
- Ferdinand: If Edelgard and her followers are doing misdeeds, then not until we end them[1]Ferdinand says それを討つ. それ refers to things rather than people, and 討つ means to attack or defeat. Ferdinand is likely talking about the misdeeds, rather than Edelgard specifically..
- Caspar: We’ve gotta stop them! If this keeps up, it’s going to become a war!
- Linhardt: Like I said before, I don’t want to fight. That goes for fighting for her too. Although…
- Bernadetta: Eh? Wait, what? You can’t just tell us this all of a sudden and expect us to decideee!
- Dorothea: Sorry to do this to Edel-chan and Hubie-kun, but I’m following Teacher.
- Petra: Her method, it is, a mistake. Therefore… there is a need, for us, to make it right.
- Seteth: …I’m sure all of you each have your own thoughts on this.
- Meet with your Teacher to discuss it and decide. You have up until the fighting begins…
- Byleth, for the peace of Fodlan, we will be relying on your strength.
- Edelgard: The Church, in an attempt to control Fodlan, have been using their doctrine to deceive everyone.
- Long ago, the empire was divided to create the Kingdom, and it seems the Kingdom being divided to give birth to the Alliance was them as well.
- The keeping of everyone in conflict and threatening the stability of the people was all for them to maintain their own power.
- They are wolves in sheep’s clothing using the faith of people who sought the salvation of the Goddess, spending all their efforts raking in money and extravagance…
- They are incapable of doing things like guiding Fodlan. We must crush that religious faith.
- Therefore, I have decided!
- In the name of the Adrestian Emperor Edelgard von Hresvelg…
- I hereby declare war on the Church of Seiros!
- Seteh: This is an unbelievable situation…
- Let us sort out the situation, Byleth. After you all returned from the Holy Tomb…
- The Adrestian Empire declared war against the Church of Seiros and the lords who support us.
- 「Declared war?」
- Seteth: When she made her father abdicate the throne, she herself became the Emperor.
- It seems she is appealing to the masses that the Church of Seiros in particular is an evil upon this world.
- We plan to discuss our response with the Archbishop as soon as the knights doing the reconnaissance have returned.
- Until then, watch over the students for me so that they don’t get shaken.
- Edelgard: I will withdraw… for now.
- Come, Hubert!
- Rhea: To flee is futile, wicked girl. The Church of Seiros will raise its entire army against you, until you have been captured and punished!
- You have defiled the Holy Tomb, dishonored the goddess, and humiliated your brethren.
- That crime will never be erased, even if you burn in the eternal flames, and spill all of your blood into the goddess’s soil!
- Rhea: Come, Professor. Let us return and decide upon our next course of action.
- Seteth: Edelgard and Hubert have disappeared. They will surely return to the Empire.
- The knights have been dispatched to search and investigate. If there is any movement, we will know
- We cannot ignore the possibility that there will soon be open hostilities between us and the Imperial army.
- 《If all students in the Black Eagles are lost, the following dialogue is omitted》
- Seteth: When that happens, are you prepared to fight your own?
- If you wish to return to the Empire, I will not stop you. That is your choice to make.
- Ferdinand: If Edelgard is acting afoul, then we have no choice but to strike her down.
- Caspar: It’s up to us to stop them! We have a war on our hands!
- Linhardt: I have no interest in fighting, not even for her. And yet–
- Bernadetta: How are we supposed to decide just like that?
- Dorothea: Edie, Hubie, I’m sorry about this, but… I’m siding with the professor.
- Petra: Her doings are wrong. It is our duty to make everything right.
- Seteth: I am sure you all have much on your mind.
- I encourage you to confer with your professor and make a decision. You have until the fighting commences.
- Professor, I am depending on your strength for the safety of Fódlan.
- Edelgard: The leaders of the church have misused its creed to fulfill their true desire – to rule the world. They have fooled the people of Fódlan.
- Long ago, they divided the Empire to create a Kingdom, and then, divided that Kingdom to create an Alliance.
- They did all of this to make the masses bicker amongst themselves. They caused instability in order to reinforce their own authority.
- They gathered gold and lived in extravagance. How? By preying on the devotion of those who wished for the goddess’s salvation!
- Those corrupt hypocrites cannot lead Fódlan to true peace! Their foul belief system must be torn asunder so that true wisdom may finally prevail!
- And so, I have decided–
- by order of the Adrestian Emperor, Edelgard von Hresvelg–
- the Empire hereby declares war on the Church of Seiros!
- Seteh: I cannot believe it…
- I cannot believe it… Let us recount the situation as it stands, Professor. After you returned from the Holy Tomb…
- the Adrestian Empire declared war upon the Church of Seiros, as well as our allies.
- 「Declared war?」
- Seteth: Edelgard demanded her own father relinquish the throne, and then assumed the position of emperor.
- She has deemed the Church of Seiros to be an evil of this world, and is calling upon the people of Fódlan to help her tear it down.
- I must discuss our response to this declaration with the archbishop after the knights return from their investigation.
- Until then, watch over the students. See that they remain calm.
- 月明かりのさやけさを共に感じながら、人は一年の終わりを思い偲ぶ。
- 別れを惜しみ、出会いに胸を膨らませ、それぞれの道を歩いてゆく。
- 徐々に濃くなっていく春の気配をよそに、空にはただ孤月が浮かんでいる。
- 何かを象徴するように……
- While taking in the bright purity of the moonlight, the people reminisce the ending of the year.
- They grieve partings, hope[2]胸を膨らます (literally to inflate one’s chest) means to have high expectations that something good will happen. for new encounters, and then each person goes off on their respective paths.
- Gradually, despite the strengthening signs of spring, there is only a lone moon floating in the sky.
- As if to symbolize something…
- Together, the people of Fodlan relish the beauty of the brilliant moon overhead as another year ends.
- They recall sad partings and new acquaintances alike, but each person must still walk their chosen path alone.
- With each day, the presence of spring grows stronger and yet a lone moon still haunts the sky.
- A silent reminder, perhaps, of some inescapable truth…
Event: 帝国軍起つ (The Imperial Army Rises)
- レア: アドラステア帝国がこのような暴挙に
出るとは……実に忌々しき事態です。 - セテス: エーデルガルトの邪心を見抜けなかったのは
痛恨の失態でした……。 - 「本当に邪心なのか?」
- セテス: 己が野心のために得体の知れぬ輩と共謀し、
あろうことか聖墓までも穢したのだぞ。 - これを邪心と言わずして何と言うのだ!
- 「彼女の目的は?」
- セテス: 言わずもがな、フォドラ全土の征服だろう。
- そのために得体の知れぬ輩と共謀し、
あろうことか聖墓まで穢したのだ! - セテス: もしや彼女は、セイロス教を否定することで
自身を神格化しようとしているのか……? - レア: 神託をもって名づけられたアドラステアが
女神に仇なすなど、断じて許されません! - 急ぎ、帝国の動きを止める手立てを……。
- シャミア: 戻りました、レアさん。
- レア: シャミア、ご苦労でした。
帝国の動きは掴めましたか? - シャミア: ……帝国の本軍は、ガルグ=マクを
目指して進軍中です。 - 途中、エーデルガルトの軍と合流し、
あと2週ほどで到達するかと。 - セテス: わずか2週間……!?
いくら何でも早すぎる! - それでは防備を固めるので
精一杯ではないか! - すぐに近隣の村々に通達を!
ガルグ=マクの住民にも避難を命じよ! - シャミア: はっ。
- レア: ………………。
- ……ベレト、お聞きなさい。
- 敵がこの大修道院まで攻め寄せれば、
私も戦場に立たざるを得ないでしょう。 - 私に万一のことがあれば、その時は……
あなたに、後事を託します。 - 「なぜ自分が?」
「後事、とは?」 - レア: あなたはもう、自分が何者なのか
気づき始めているはず。 - いえ……記憶を取り戻しつつある、
と言ったほうが適切でしょうか。 - 元々、私はあなたの代理に過ぎぬ存在。
あなたが、フォドラの民を導くのです。 - セテス: ………………。
- レア、すべて打ち明けてくれ。
頼む。 - レア: ………………。
- セテス: あの者は……神祖なのか?
- レア: あの者は……彼女の器。
体の内に神祖の力を宿した者……。 - やがて器は一つになり、
彼女が……神祖が地上へと戻られる。 - セテス: やはり君は禁忌を……!
だが……後戻りは、できないか……。 - レア: あなたにも、あの子を……
いいえ、彼女を、助けてほしい。 - 神祖が再び地上を統べるその瞬間を、
私は待ち望んでいるのです……。 - 《主人公とセテス、レア支援C/外伝「海の見える場所」クリア済》
- セテス: ……わかった。
今は君の言葉を信じよう。 - フレン: レア様、お兄様!
わたくしもあの方をお助けします。 - セテス: フレン、聞いていたのか……!
ああ、そうだな。 - あの者は、お前の命の恩人で……そして、
我らが同胞でもあるかもしれないのだから。 - レア: 感謝します、セテス、フレン。
- 神祖に連なる者として、
その使命を共に果たしましょう。 - 《条件を満たさない時》
- セテス: ……やはり私にはできない。
禁忌を犯すことなど……。 - レア: そうですか……残念です……。
- Rhea: That the Adrestian Empire has resorted to this kind of violence… It truly is a despicable situation.
- Seteth: Not seeing the evil within Edelgard’s heart was a regretful mistake…
- 「Is her heart truly evil?」
- Seteth: She colluded with an unknown party to further her own ambitions and defiled the holy tomb, of all things.
- If that isn’t evil in her heart, what is?!
- 「What is her goal?」
- Seteth: It goes without saying, but it is the conquest of the entire land of Fodlan.
- In order to do that, she colluded with an unknown party defiled the holy tomb, of all things!
- Seteth: Perhaps by disavowing the Church of Seiros, she is attempting to deify herself…?
- Rhea: For Adrestia, who was named after an oracle, to do such things like being hostile to the Goddess, absolutely cannot be forgiven!
- Hurry, to find a way to stop the movements of the Empire…
- Shamir: I have returned, Rhea-san.
- Rhea: Good work, Shamir. Have you grasped the Empire’s movements?
- Shamir: …The Empire’s main force is currently marching towards Garreg Mach.
- I believe they will reach and merge with Edelgard’s forces en route in about two weeks.
- Seteth: In just two weeks…?! That’s too soon to do anything!
- In that case, isn’t strengthening our defenses the best we can do?!
- Notify the neighboring villages immediately! Order the residents of Garreg Mach to evacuate!
- Shamir: Yes, sir.
- Rhea: …
- …Byleth, listen well.
- Should the enemy close in on this monastery, I will also have no choice but to stand on the battlefield.
- In something were to happen to me, then… I entrust future affairs[3]Specifically, affairs after death. to you.
- 「Why me?」
「What do you mean, future affairs?」 - Rhea: You must have already begun to realize who you are.
- No… I’m sure it’s more appropriate to say that you in the process of regaining your memories?
- From the start, my existence has been nothing more than a substitute for you. You are the one who will guide the people of Fodlan.
- Seteth: …
- Rhea, please disclose everything to me. I beg of you.
- Rhea: …
- Seteth: Is that one… the divine ancestor?
- Rhea: That one is… her vessel. One who possesses the power of the divine ancestor within their body…
- Eventually the vessel will be one with her and then she… our divine ancestor will be returned to this world.
- Seteth: So you did the taboo after all…! But… we can’t turn back, can we…?
- Rhea: I want you to also help that child… No, rather help her.[4]That child refers to Byleth, and “her” refers to Sothis.
- That is what I have been waiting for, the moment the divine ancestor rules over this world once again…
- 《Seteth, Rhea C Support and Cleared Paralogue「An Ocean View」》
- Seteth: …Understood. I shall trust in your word now.
- Flayn: Rhea-sama, big brother! I will also help that person.
- Seteth: Flayn, you were listening…?! Ah, that’s right.
- Since that person is the one that saved your life… And perhaps they may be one of us.
- Rhea: You have my gratitude, Seteth, Flayn.
- As ones linked[5]連なる means “to be an extension of”, and also means “related to”. to the divine ancestor, let us fulfill that mission together.
- 《Conditions not met》
- Seteth: …Even so, I cannot. It would be akin to committing a taboo…
- Rhea: Is that so… That is a shame…
- Rhea: Unforgivable! I cannot believe that the Adrestian Empire would embark on such a violent course of action.
- Seteth: The fault is my own. I failed to see the wickedness within Edelgard’s heart.
- 「Is she wicked?」
- Seteth: She plotted with ill-meaning strangers to achieve her own ambitions and defiled the Holy Tomb.
- If that is not wicked, what is?
- 「What is her objective?」
- Seteth: There is no question on that front. She clearly wishes to conquer all of Fodlan.
- And in order to achieve her own selfish ambitions, she plotted with ill-meaning strangers and defiled the Holy Tomb.
- Seteth: Or perhaps her ambitions are even grander than we know. Perhaps she is planning to make herself a false deity by demonizing the Church of Seiros…
- Rhea: Adrestia received its very name through a divine oracle. To injure the goddess is a sin most foul that shall not be forgiven nor forgotten.
- We must stop the Empire…and quickly.
- Shamir: I have returned, Rhea.
- Rhea: Welcome back, Shamir. Were you able to discern the Empire’s movements?
- Shamir: Their main troops are marching towards Garreg Mach.
- It is said that they will join forces with Edelgard’s army and arrive within two weeks.
- Seteth: Two weeks? That is not enough time!
- It will require all of our efforts just to prepare our defenses before then.
- We must send notice to all surrounding villages at once. We must order the residents of Garreg Mach to flee for their lives.
- Shamir: It will be done.
- Rhea: …
- Professor…listen closely.
- If our enemy invades the monastery, I will have no choice but to stand upon the battlefield.
- If something happens to me…I am entrusting my sacred duties to you.
- 「Why me?」
「Sacred duties?」 - Rhea: You must have guessed it by now. The truth of who you are.
- Or perhaps I should say, your lost memories are surely beginning to return.
- I have acted all these long years as a mere proxy for you. But the duty is yours and yours alone. Only you can lead the people of Fodlan.
- Seteth: …
- Rhea, please. You must tell me all that you know. I beg of you.
- Rhea: …
- Seteth: That one…is the progenitor god. Am I correct?
- Rhea: In a sense. Our dear professor is…a vessel. One who carries the power of the progenitor god within.
- In time, the vessel will become one with the power contained within, and the progenitor god shall return to this world.
- Seteth: I see. I trust that you are aware of the questionable nature of this experiment? But I suppose there is no turning back…
- Rhea: I ask that you help our friend…and in doing so, help her.
- I am waiting and hoping for the moment when our creator rules this wayward land once more.
- 《Seteth, Rhea C Support and Cleared Paralogue「An Ocean View」》
- Seteth: I understand. As ever, I will take you at your word.
- Flayn: Lady Rhea, Brother, I will do my part as well!
- Seteth: Flayn! Were you eavesdropping? Regardless, I am glad to hear it.
- You owe your life to the professor, after all. And in the end, they may prove to be our brethren.
- Rhea: You have my gratitude, Seteth. And you as well, Flayn.
- As followers of the progenitor god, it is up to us to see our mission through.
- 《Conditions not met》
- Seteth: I am sorry, but I cannot do this. I am not certain it is just…
- Rhea: I see. That is a shame.
Event: 戦乱の幕開け・黒鷲の学級 (The Opening Act of War – Black Eagles)
- アロイス: 皆、聞け!
すでに帝国軍は目前まで迫っている! - 戦える者は武器を取れ!
他の者は急ぎ避難せよ! - 我らには主の加護がある!
恐れることはない、勝利を信じるのだ! - カトリーヌ: ベレト、準備はできてるか?
- 「すぐに準備する」
- カトリーヌ: そうしてくれ。わかってるとは思うけど、
今の状況は最悪だ。 - 近隣諸侯から援軍は得てるものの、
敵は大軍、どう考えても分が悪い。 - しかも向こうの大将はエーデルガルトだ。
彼女の非凡さはよく知ってるだろ? - リンハルト: もちろん知ってますよ。
でも今更、逃げられませんしねえ。 - ジタバタしたって疲れるだけ……
そんな睨まないでくださいって。 - フェルディナント: ……私の父は、宰相を罷免され、
今も帝都で軟禁されているという。 - 私は、父の跡継ぎとして……
彼女を止めねばならないのだ! - カスパル: あいつのやり方は間違ってる。
俺たちがそれをわからせてやらねえとな! - ベルナデッタ: あの人に従わないって決めたから……
でも逃げ……逃げません!! - ドロテア: エーデルちゃんはきっと本気で来ますよ。
だから私たちも本気で応えないと、ねえ。 - ペトラ: 彼女、強い人、です。しかし……
わたしたち、強い……負けません! - フレン: わたくしも……皆さんと一緒に
精一杯戦いますわ! - カトリーヌ: はは、みんな度胸が据わってて助かるよ。
- もう生徒だ何だ言ってられないからな……
アンタらも戦力として扱う。頼んだぞ。 - ベレト、
もちろん指揮はアンタに任せるさ。 - 「わかっている」
「生徒は自分が守る」 - カトリーヌ: ま、言うまでもないか。
アンタはこいつらの先生だもんな。 - じゃ、生きてたらまた会おう。
- Alois: Everyone, listen up! The Imperial army is already closing in on us!
- All who can fight, take up weapons! All others, hurry up and evacuate!
- We have the blessing of the Lord with us! There is nothing to fear, believe in victory!
- Catherine: Byleth, are you ready?
- 「I will get ready soon.」
- Catherine: Please do that for me. I think you already know, but things are the worst right now.
- We have received reinforcements from the neighboring lords, but the enemy is a large army and we’re at a disadvantage no matter how you look at it.
- Furthermore, the general on the other side is Edelgard. I’m sure you’re aware of the degree of her extraordinarity?
- Linhardt: Of course we know. Besides, at this point in time, we can’t run away anyways, can we?
- Making a fuss would just tire us out… And, please stop staring at me like that.
- Ferdinand: …They say that my father has been dismissed from his position as prime minister and is also now under house arrest in the Imperial capital.
- As the successor to my father… I must stop her!
- Casper: The way they’re doing things is wrong. We gotta make ’em understand that, ya know!
- Bernadetta: I’ve decided I won’t obey that person… But I… I won’t run away either!
- Dorothea: Edel-chan will surely come at us for real. That’s why we also have to respond for real, right?
- Petra: She, is strong person. However… We are strong… We will not lose!
- Flayn: Me too… I’ll fight together with everyone with all of my might!
- Catherine: Haha, it really helps me out to see everyone with nerves of steel.
- I can no longer say that you are students and whatnot, eh…? I will treat you all as capable fighting power as well. I’m counting on you.
- And Byleth, I’m leaving the commanding to you, of course.
- 「Understood.」
「I will protect the students.」 - Catherine: Well, I don’t need to tell you that, do I? You are their teacher after all.
- Alright then, let’s see each other again if we survive. Godspeed![6]Praying for good fortune in war, specfically.
- Alois: Listen up, everyone! The Imperial army is upon us.
- If you can fight, pick up a weapon! Everyone else, hurry up and evacuate!
- We have the goddess’s protection on our side. We have nothing to fear. Victory will be ours!
- Catherine: Professor, are you ready?
- 「Almost.」
- Catherine: Well, hurry up. I don’t need to tell you that the situation is dire.
- We have some support troops from the local nobles, but the army we’re facing is immense. No matter how you look at it, we’re at a disadvantage.
- To make matters worse, the enemy is being led by Edelgard. Do not underestimate how extraordinary her abilities are.
- Linhardt: Of course we know, but we can’t let her get away.
- Also, please cease your unwarranted glaring. We don’t deserve your judgement.
- Ferdinand: My father was removed from his role as prime minister and is still under house arrest in the Imperial capital.
- As his successor…it is my duty to stop her!
- Casper: The way she’s going about all of this is wrong. It’s up to us to help her realize that!
- Bernadetta: I won’t be following her, but…l won’t run away either!
- Dorothea: Edie’s going to come at us with all she’s got. And that’s a lot. That means we need to fight her with all of our might too.
- Petra: She is one who has strength, that has certainty. But we have strength also. We will not be losing!
- Flayn: I shall fight with all that I have. It is an honor to fight alongside each of you!
- Catherine: You students really have guts, don’t you?
- Though, I suppose I can’t call you students anymore. You’re now part of our order. You have our support and our gratitude.
- Professor, I’m counting on you. Go ahead and take the lead.
- 「Leave it to me.」
「I’ll protect the students.」 - Catherine: These kids…they look up to you. I guess that goes without saying. Just look in their eyes and you can see it.
- If we all make it through this, let’s meet again. Good luck out there!
Battle: ガルグ=マクの戦い (The Battle of Garreg Mach)
- 戦闘開始時
- セイロス騎士: 報告! 敵が城郭内に侵入!
防衛線を突破されそうです!! - セテス: 騎士団、生徒諸君、全兵士に告ぐ!
援軍到着まで大司教と防衛線を死守せよ! - 諸君の奮闘に期待する!
以上だ! - 2ターン目
- セイロス騎士: 報告!
援軍の進入口を敵に押さえられている模様! - セテス: まずいな……急ぎ東西の砦を奪還せよ!
そこから援軍を呼び込むのだ! - 1つ目の砦を制圧した時
- セテス: よし、一方の砦は奪還で来たな。
これで…… - 2つ目の砦を制圧した時
- セテス: 両方の砦を押さえられたぞ!
間に合ったか。 - 2つ目の砦を制圧後の敵フェーズ《ランドルフを撃破していない場合》
- ランドルフ: 大手柄を得るまたとない好機……!
俺の手で、大修道院を落としてやる!! - ハンネマン撤退(NPC時)
- ハンネマン: 退かせてもらおう……。我輩の研究、
ここで終わるわけにはいかないのでな…… - マヌエラ撤退(NPC時)
- マヌエラ: きーっ! 覚えてなさい……!
あたくしは、執念、深いんだから! - vs ランドルフ
- ランドルフ: 俺はこの戦いで、
活躍しなければならないんだ! - カスパル vs ランドルフ
- カスパル: こいつ、どっかで見たような……。
- ランドルフ: む……?
貴様は、まさか……いや……? - カスパル: ま、いいか。
いくぜ、侵略者! - ランドルフ撃破
- ランドルフ: ぐうっ……無理はできん。
口惜しいが、ここは退くぞ! - vs ラディスラヴァ
- ラディスラヴァ: 陛下に見出されたこの命……
帝国のために! 参ります! - vs ラディスラヴァ 《エーデルガルトが攻撃した場合》
- ラディスラヴァ: これ以上、陛下に近づくこと、 私が許しません……!
- ラディスラヴァ撃破
- ラディスラヴァ: エーデルガルト様、申し訳ありません!
戦闘の継続は難しく……撤退いたします! - vs 死神騎士
- 死神騎士: ガルグ=マクという聖域を穿つ……。
その余興に過ぎん、この戦いは……。 - 主人公 vs 死神騎士
- 死神騎士: 貴様と殺し合うのに……
この戦場は、煩すぎる……。 - 死神騎士撃破
- 死神騎士: 時は満たず、か……。
次を待つ……。 - vs ヒューベルト
- ヒューベルト: 貴殿らでは万に一つも勝ち目がない戦力を、
我々は揃えてここに来ましたからな……。 - 主人公 vs ヒューベルト
- ヒューベルト: エーデルガルト様は、貴殿のことを
本当に高く評価していました。 - しかし、実際には違ったわけですな。
貴殿も、女神の走狗に過ぎなかった。 - 元帝国生徒 vs ヒューベルト
- ヒューベルト: まことに残念です。
貴殿にも、帝国に大切な人がいるでしょう。 - その者の運命は、どうなるのか……。
くくく……。 - ヒューベルト撃破
- ヒューベルト: まだ戦力に余裕はありますからな……
私は無理せず退かせてもらいますよ。 - vs エーデルガルト
- エーデルガルト: アドラステア帝国の皇帝に、
刃を向ける愚かしさを知りなさい! - 主人公 vs エーデルガルト
- エーデルガルト: 貴方が私の言動に、心を揺り動かされる
ような人だったら良かったのに。 - そうしたら、貴方を味方につけるために、
何でもやったわ……。 - 元帝国生徒 vs エーデルガルト
- エーデルガルト: 帝国に刃を向けていいか、
胸に手を当ててよく考えなさい。 - その上で戦うというのなら止めないわ。
全力で……討つ! - 戦闘勝利後
- エーデルガルト: ……貴方たちはよく戦ったわ。
けれど、もう終わりよ……! - 温存していた全兵力を投入しなさい!
それに、伯父様に合図を! - レア: な……あれは……!
- Battle Start
- Knight of Seiros: Report! The enemy has penetrated the wall interior! The defense line appears to have been broken through!!
- Seteth: Tell the knights, the students, all the soldiers! Until the reinforcements arrive, protect the archbishop and the defensive line with your lives!
- I wish you the best in your struggles, ladies and gentlemen! That is all!
- Turn 2
- Knight of Seiros: Report! It seems like the entrance for our reinforcements is being held down by the enemy!
- Seteth: That’s not good… Hurry and recapture the fort to the west and east! That’s where we call in reinforcements from!
- Seized control of 1st fort
- Seteth: Alright, we were able to recapture the fort on one side. And now…
- Seized control of 2nd fort
- Seteth: We’ve gotten a hold the forts on both sides! Looks like we made it in time.
- Enemy Phase after seizing 2nd fort《If you haven’t defeated Randolph》
- Randolph: This is a unique opportunity to obtain a glorious achievement…! By my hand, I will take down the monastery!!
- Hanneman Retreats
- Hanneman: I must take my retreat… For I cannot allow my research to end here…
- Manuela Retreats
- Manuela: Kiii! You better remember this…! Because, my grudges run deep!
- vs Randolph
- Randolph: I need to play an active part in this battle!
- Caspar vs Randolph
- Caspar: This guy, I think I’ve seen him before…
- Randolph: Mm…? You, could you be… No…?
- Caspar: Well, whatever. Come on, invader!
- Randolph Defeated
- Randolph: Guuh… I musn’t overdo it. It is regrettable, but this is where I retreat!
- vs Ladislava
- Ladislava: This life of mine that has been noticed by Her Majesty… I give it for the Empire! Here I come!
- vs Ladislava《Edelgard has been attacked》
- Ladislava: I will not allow you to get any closer to Her Majesty…!
- Ladislava Defeated
- Ladislava: Edelgard-sama, my deepest apologies! It has become difficult to continue the battle… I shall humbly retreat!
- vs Death Knight
- Death Knight: I will drill through the sanctuary that is called Garreg Mach… This battle is is just a stage performance of that.…
- Byleth vs Death Knight
- Death Knight: Even though we will kill one another… It is too noisy on this battlefield…
- Death Knight Defeated
- Death Knight: So, time is running out…? I will wait for the next time…
- vs Hubert
- Hubert: Good luck with forces that don’t even have a 1 in 10,000 chance of winning, since we have come here with things all lined up…
- Byleth vs Hubert
- Hubert: Edelgard-sama truly thought highly of you.
- However, in reality it looks like she was wrong. You too are nothing more than the Goddess’s pet hound.
- Former Imperial Students vs Hubert
- Hubert: What a shame. Even you must have people in the Empire who are important to you.
- What will be the fates of those people…? Kukuku…
- Hubert Defeated
- Hubert: We still have military strength to spare… I won’t overdo it and shall allow my self to retreat.
- vs Edelgard
- Edelgard: Know the foolishness of raising your blade at the Emperor of Adrestia!
- Byleth vs Edelgard
- Edelgard: I wish you were the kind of person whose heart I could sway with my words and deeds.
- If you were, I would have done anything in order to have you on my side…
- Former Empire Students vs Edelgard
- Edelgard: Place your hand over your heart and think hard about whether it’s right to raise your blade against the Empire.
- If after that you say that you will fight, I will not stop you. With all my power… I will strike you down!
- Battle Ends
- Edelgard: …You have all fought well. But, it’s already over…!
- Bring in all the reserved troops! And give the signal to my uncle!
- Rhea: Wha… That’s…!
- Battle Start
- Knight of Seiros: I have a report! The enemy is within the walls. They’re about to break the defensive line!
- Seteth: Knights, soldiers, students! Defend the front line and the archbishop with your lives until help arrives!
- Reinforcements are on the way! Hold fast!
- Turn 2
- Knight of Seiros: Report! The enemy has taken the entrances where the reinforcements were heading!
- Seteth: That won’t do—the strongholds to the east and west are our rally points for reinforcements. Retake them at once!
- Seized control of 1st fort
- Seteth: All right, that’s one stronghold recaptured. Now, the other!
- Seized control of 2nd fort
- Seteth: That’s both strongholds! It appears we were right on time.
- Enemy Phase after seizing 2nd fort《If you haven’t defeated Randolph》
- Randolph: A wonderful chance to earn some recognition! I’ll be the one to take down the monastery!
- Hanneman Retreats
- Hanneman: I must fall back… For I cannot allow my research to end here…
- Manuela Retreats
- Manuela: I won’t forget this. You can count on that.
- vs Randolph
- Randolph: I have no choice but to distinguish myself in this fight!
- Caspar vs Randolph
- Caspar: Huh. This guy seems real familiar…
- Randolph: Y-you dastard! Aren’t you… No…
- Caspar: Eh, that doesn’t matter right now. Let’s go!
- Randolph Defeated
- Randolph: Argh! I’m finished. I loathe to say it, but I must retreat…
- vs Ladislava
- Ladislava: My life was changed forever by Her Majesty… Now, I lay it on the line. For the Empire!
- vs Ladislava《Edelgard has been attacked》
- Ladislava: I will not allow you to get any closer to Her Majesty!
- Ladislava Defeated
- Ladislava: Lady Edelgard, I’m so sorry! I can’t keep going! I must retreat!
- vs Death Knight
- Death Knight: This fight is but a sideshow… to the ravaging of the sacred place that is Garreg Mach…
- Byleth vs Death Knight
- Death Knight: This battlefield is too chaotic… for us to kill each other upon…
- Death Knight Defeated
- Death Knight: The time is not right… I will wait for the next opportunity…
- vs Hubert
- Hubert: What you fail to appreciate is that we have, at our backs, a force you cannot hope to defeat.
- Byleth vs Hubert
- Hubert: Lady Edelgard held you in such high esteem.
- In the end, however, it seems like you are nothing more than a slave to your goddess.
- Former Imperial Students vs Hubert
- Hubert: Such a shame. There are people in the Empire you truly care about, too, aren’t there?
- I wonder what will become of them.
- Hubert Defeated
- Hubert: I can afford to fall back. We still have the advantage.
- vs Edelgard
- Edelgard: You will come to regret raising your blade against the emperor of the Adrestian Empire!
- Byleth vs Edelgard
- Edelgard: I wish you were someone whose heart could be swayed by my words and deeds.
- If it were so, I would have done anything to make you my ally…
- Former Empire Students vs Edelgard
- Edelgard: Think very carefully about whether you wish to raise your sword against the Empire… or if you will offer it to us in fealty.
- And after you’ve thought it through, if you still wish to fight, I won’t stop you. I will simply use the full extent of my power… and crush you.
- Battle Ends
- Edelgard: You fought well. But now, your fight is over.
- Send in our reserve troops, and give my uncle the signal!
- Rhea: What… is this?!
Movie: 降臨 (Descent)
- レア: 子供たちを……皆を、頼みましたよ
- もう、赤き谷の惨劇を繰り返させはしません
- クロード: 嘘だろ……
- 帝国兵: 何だ?
- レア: なぜ、来たのです……!
- Rhea: The children… Everyone. I’ve entrusted them to you.
- I will not allow another Tragedy of the Red Valley to happen again.
- Claude: You’re kidding…
- Imperial Soldier: What is that?
- Rhea: Why, did you come…?!
- Rhea: Everyone here, young and old, is in your hands.
- No. I will not allow another Red Canyon tragedy to happen here.
- Claude: What is going on?
- Imperial Soldier: What now?
- Rhea: Why did you come?!
Opening 2
- 帝国暦1181年初頭、新アドラステア皇帝エーデルガルト率いる帝国軍が、ガルグ=マク大修道院を攻囲。
- 多くの犠牲を出しながらも、これを陥落せしめた。
- 時の大司教レアは、セイロス騎士団を率いて帝国軍を迎え撃ち、自ら陣頭に立って戦うも混乱の中、姿を消す。
- この一戦を機にアドラステア帝国はファーガス神聖王国ならびにレスター諸侯同盟領への侵攻を本格化。
- フォドラ統一に動き始めたのである。
- In the beginning of the Imperial Year 1181, the Imperial Army led by new Adrestian Emperor Edelgard sieges Garreg Mach monastery.
- Though at the cost of many casualties, they were forced to surrender.
- The Archbishop at the time, Rhea, led the Knights of Seiros to confront the Imperial Army and fought on the battlefield herself, but vanished in the midst of the chaos.
- Using this one battle as an opportunity, the Adrestian Empire launched a full scale invasion of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the Leicester Alliance.
- The unification of Fódlan has begun.
- In Imperial Year 1181, the new Adrestian emperor, Edelgard von Hresvelg, led a strategic assault against the monastery at Garreg Mach.
- Though her own losses were great, her foes had no choice but to surrender.
- Archbishop Rhea commanded the Knights of Seiros, leading from the front lines against the Imperial Army. But amidst the chaos of battle, she vanished, and her whereabouts remain unknown.
- With this single attack, the Adrestian Empire officially launched its offensive against the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the Leicester Alliance.
- The unification of Fódlan has begun.
↑1 | Ferdinand says それを討つ. それ refers to things rather than people, and 討つ means to attack or defeat. Ferdinand is likely talking about the misdeeds, rather than Edelgard specifically. |
↑2 | 胸を膨らます (literally to inflate one’s chest) means to have high expectations that something good will happen. |
↑3 | Specifically, affairs after death. |
↑4 | That child refers to Byleth, and “her” refers to Sothis. |
↑5 | 連なる means “to be an extension of”, and also means “related to”. |
↑6 | Praying for good fortune in war, specfically. |
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