銀雪の章 Silver Snow Chapter
星辰の節 Constellation Moon
再会の夜明け Dawn of Reunion
Summary of changes:
- The villager that finds Byleth has a regional dialect.
- The villager tries to give Byleth advice, not say he won’t speak bad about him.
- Edelgard straight up denies whatever option you choose.
- Seteth thought Byleth was dead for five years. Byleth’s response is to explain everything, rather than “I was sleeping”.
- Seteth says the Church has had opportunities to strike back against the Empire, not that the chance to strike back is near.
- Seteth tells Byleth he will tell them the truth someday personally.
- Caspar has an extra line that didn’t translated. He asks why everyone’s gathered up at the town.
- Pallardó explicitly tells us the first Pallardó you kill was a substitute look-alike.
- There are more human trafficking vibes when fighting Pallardó.
- Caspar doesn’t mention the reason he’s surprised Linhardt showed up.
- Flayn is more suspicious when telling you the reason she is in the Holy Mausoleum.
Previous: Chapter 12 (Silver Snow) | Next: Chapter 14 (Silver Snow)
Opening 1
- 帝国暦1185年。ガルグ=マク大修道院の陥落から、およそ5年が経過したが、フォドラはいまだ混迷の渦中にあった。
- ファーガス神聖王国は政変によって王都フェルディアが制圧され、実質崩壊。
- レスター諸侯同盟領は反帝国派と親帝国派の対立により分裂の危機に瀕していた。
- 一方、皇帝エーデルガルトが親政を布くアドラステア帝国のみは勢力を伸長、帝国によるフォドラ統一の道筋が示されつつあった。
- Imperial year 1185. Around five years have passed following the fall of Garreg Mach Monastery, but Fodlan is still caught in a vortex of confusion.
- The royal capital of Fhirdiad was taken in a coup and the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus has virtually collapsed.
- The Leicester Alliance was on the verge of splitting due to conflicts between anti-imperialist and pro-imperialists.
- On the other side, only the Adrestian Empire, in which Emperor Edelgard has imposed direct rule, has expanded their influence and continued charting out the path to the unification of Fodlan under the Empire.
- It is Imperial Year 1185. Nearly five years have passed since the fall of the monastery at Garreg Mach, and war continues to plague the lands of Fódlan.
- Fhirdiad has been captured. The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus is in shambles.
- The Leicester Alliance is on the verge of collapse, fractured by two opposing factions–those who support the Adrestian Empire and its ruler, and those who seek her demise.
- Meanwhile, under Emperor Edelgard’s rule of law, the Adrestian Empire continues to expand its reach. The path to a new Fódlan, unified by Imperial strength, may yet be in sight.
Event: 復活 (Resurrection)
- ???: ……ベレト、ベレト。
いつまで眠っておるのじゃ。 - おぬしの体はとうに目覚めておるはず。
その目を開き、その足で立つのじゃ。 - 幾度も血の雨が降り、大地は泣いておる。
矢が落ち、槍で突かれ、泣いておる。 - 誰かを傷つけねば生きられぬほどに、
皆は苦しみの淵に立って、泣いておる。 - そのすべてを呑み込めるのは、
わし……いや、おぬしのみよ。 - 「まだ眠い……」
- ???: はあああ……まったく、この大馬鹿者め!
まこと相変わらずじゃな、おぬしは! - 「誰……」
- ???: はあああ……? わしのことを忘れたと!?
いくらおぬしでもそれは許されんぞ! - ???: 立て立て! 甘える時間は終いじゃ!
まったくいつまでも世話が焼ける…… - 村人: ……おい!
あんた、目が覚めたのか? - 「ここは……」
- 村人: 大修道院の麓の村さ。
あんた、こんなとこで何してんだ? - 「あなたは……」
- 村人: そこの村の者さ。
あんた、こんなとこで何してんだ? - 村人: ……あんたが川から
流れてきた時は驚いたよ。 - 川の上流といやガルグ=マクだろ?
あっこはすっかり寂れちまったからな。 - 「どういうこと?」
- 村人: ……あんた、知らねえのか?
もうあそこにゃセイロス教団はいねえんだ。 - あれから5年、根強く住んでる連中も
いるにゃいるが…… - 盗賊が出るようになったって話もある。
- 「5年……?」
「今は何年?」 - 村人: ……なあ、あんた大丈夫か?
頭でも打ったんじゃねえだろうな。 - 今は1185年の、星辰の節。大修道院が
陥落してから、もう5年近くになる。 - 本当なら明日は千年祭の日だったが、
それどころじゃねえからなあ。 - 「千年祭……」
- 村人: ああ。だけど、この戦争ばかりのご時世、
それに大司教様も行方知れずとくりゃ—— - この世の誰だって、
祝福なんて気持ちにはなれんだろうさ。 - って、お、おい!
あんた、どこに行く気だ! - 「大修道院」
- 村人: しょ、正気か!? 盗賊が出るって噂が
あんだぞ。他にも物騒な話を聞くし……。 - 悪いことは言わねえ。
大修道院に行くのはやめとけ。 - お、俺は止めたからな……?
死んでも知らねえぞ? - 「生徒たちが待っている」
- 村人: 生徒だあ……? あそこにゃ子供なんて
ほとんどいねえよ、馬鹿かあんた! - 「心配はいらない」
- 村人: おい!
- ???: You… How long do you intend to sleep?
- Your body should already be awake. Open those eyes and stand up on those feet.
- Blood rains down again and again, and the earth is crying. Pierced by spears and falling arrows, it is crying.
- Everyone, to the point of having to hurt others in order to survive, stands at the precipice of suffering, crying.
- The only one who can take in[1]lit. to swallow. Just like in English, to swallow in Japanese also means to understand. Potentially has a double meaning. all of that is me… No, you.
- 「I’m still sleepy…」
- ???: Haaaa…[2]Angry Sothis noises. You big dumb fool! You truly have not changed one bit, have you?!
- 「Who…?」
- ???: Haaaa…? Are you saying you’ve forgotten about me?! Even if it’s you, I’m not going to forgive that!
- ???: Get up, get up! I’m done spoiling you! Good grief, you always need someone else to help you…
- Villager: …Oi! You, are you awake?
- 「Where is this…?」
- Villager: The village at the foot of the monastery. What are you doing in a place like this?
- 「Who are you…?」
- Villager: Someone from the village over there. What are you doing in a place like this?
- Villager: …I was surprised when you came down the river.
- I mean, isn’t Garreg Mach upstream? Cuz that place is completely deserted.[3]The villager speaks in regional dialect. Possibly Nagano dialect?
- 「What do you mean?」
- Villager: …Ya mean you don’t know? The Church of Seiros ain’t there anymore.
- It’s been five years and I’m sure there’s some folks who’ve stuck their roots and kept living here , but…
- There’s also some talk that bandits have started appearing.
- 「Five years…?」
「What year is it?」 - Villager: …Hey, are you okay? You didn’t get hit on the head, did ya?
- It’s 1185, Constellation Moon right now. It’s been close to five years since the monastery fell.
- Actually, tomorrow was going to be the day of the Millennium Festival, but that’s beside the point.
- 「Millennium Festival…」
- Villager: Yeah. However, in an age where there’s nothing except this war, plus if the Archbishop’s gone missing—
- I’m sure nobody in this world feels like there’s any such things as blessings.
- O-oi! Where do you think you’re going?!
- 「To the monastery.」
- Villager: A-are you insane?! There’s rumors that bandits have appeared. Plus I’ve heard other dangerous stories…
- I’m telling you for your own good. Just give up on going to the monastery.
- I-I’m not going to persuade you anymore, okay…? I don’t care if you die, got it?!
- 「My students are waiting」
- Villager: “Students”…? There’s hardly any kids up there, are you stupid?!
- 「Don’t worry about me」
- Villager: Oi! …You can’t be serious.
- ???: …Byleth, Byleth. How long are you going to sleep?
- Your body is awake. Your eyes must open now, and you must find the strength to stand upon those legs of yours.
- Like so much rain, a pool of blood has fallen to the ground… As spears and arrows pierce the earth, it weeps. And even now…it weeps.
- In order to survive, they kill. And so, the people of this world are lost in an abyss of suffering. They weep as well.
- The only one who truly knows the nature of such things is I… Or rather, you.
- 「I’m still sleepy.」
- ???: You are a complete and utter fool! Have you not changed one bit?!
- 「Who?」
- ???: Excuse me?! Are you saying you have forgotten who I am? How dare you!
- ???: Get on your feet. Right now! I’ll coddle you no more! You are just like a child, always needing me to hold your hand…
- Villager: Hey! A-are you awake?
- 「Where am I?」
- Villager: We’re in a village at the base of the monastery. What are you doing in a place like this?
- 「Who are you?」
- Villager: I’m just a villager here. What are you doing in a place like this?
- Villager: I honestly didn’t expect to find someone floating away down the river…
- Garreg Mach is upstream of here, but that place was abandoned.
- 「What do you mean?」
- Villager: Huh? You don’t know? The Church of Seiros isn’t there anymore.
- Though there have been some folks still living there in the five years since… Well, you know.
- Anyway, I’ve heard some thieves have been spotted around those parts these days.
- 「Five years?」
「What year is it?」 - Villager: Um, are you feeling all right? You didn’t hit your head or anything did you?
- It’s the Ethereal Moon of the year 1185. It’s been nearly five years since the monastery fell.
- Tomorrow was supposed to be the millennium festival, but who’s got time to think about things like that?
- 「The millennium festival…」
- Villager: Uh, yeah, that’s what I said. But with the war and the archbishop still missing and all…
- I doubt there’s a soul to be found who has enough blessings worth counting.
- Hey! Slow down, will ya? Where do you think you’re going?
- 「The monastery.」
- Villager: Are you crazy?! I told ya! They say thieves are running amok up there, and there’s plenty of other dangers too.
- Come on, I promise I won’t say you’re a coward. Just forget about going anywhere near the monastery.
- You just remember I tried to stop you, got it? It’s not on my conscience if you wind up dead!
- 「My students are waiting for me.」
- Villager: Students? You really are crazy, aren’t you? There aren’t any kids anywhere near that place anymore!
- 「No need to worry about me.」
- Villager: Unbelievable…
Event: 銀雪の如き想い (Feelings like Silver Snow)
- エーデルガルト: ふふ……会えるはずもないのに、
ここに来てしまった……。 - あれから5年も経つのね……。
- え……?
……師 !? - ……なぜここに。
- 「エーデルガルトに会いに」
- エーデルガルト: 私に……!?
- 「偶然」
「何となく」 - エーデルガルト: じゃなくて!
……生きていたのね、貴方。 - 今まで何をしていたの?
- 「眠っていた」
「死んでいた」 - 《第一部で黒鷲の学級の生徒いずれかをロストしていた場合》
- エーデルガルト: こんな時に冗談なんて……。
私には言えないというなら、それでいいわ。 - ……でも、一つだけ聞かせて。
私と一緒に、帝国に来る気はない? - 私の下で戦っている
学級の仲間もいるのよ。 - 《第一部で黒鷲の学級の生徒を一人もロストしていない場合》
- エーデルガルト: こんな時に冗談なんて……。
私には言えないというなら、それでいいわ。 - ……でも、一つだけ聞かせて。
私と一緒に、帝国に来る気はない? - 「それは……」
- エーデルガルト: いいの、言い淀む時点で
貴方の答えはわかっているわ。 - 「無理だ」
- エーデルガルト: そうでしょうね。
貴方の答えはわかっていたわ。 - エーデルガルト: ……私と貴方は敵同士。
- これ以上、のん気に言葉を交わしては……
- Edelgard: Heh… Even though it’s not possible to be able to meet, I still ended up coming here…
- It’s been five years since then, hasn’t it…
- Eh…? …Master?!
- …Why are you here?
- 「To meet you, Edelgard」
- Edelgard: Me…?!
- 「Coincidentally」
「For no reason」 - Edelgard: No, you were not! …So, you were alive.[4]Edelgard ends her sentence with “anata”, even though she just called Byleth “sensei”. Edelgard does this intentionally to create a serious, confrontational tone after she was caught off-guard.
- What were you doing until now?
- 「I was sleeping」
「I was dead」 - 《Lost any Black Eagles student in the first part》
- Edelgard: I can’t believe you’re joking at a time like this… If you can’t tell me, that’s fine.
- …But, let me ask you just one thing. Together with me, do you have any intention on coming to the Empire?
- There are also classmates who are fighting under me.
- 《Didn’t lose any Black Eagles students in the first part》
- Edelgard: I can’t believe you’re joking at a time like this… If you can’t tell me, that’s fine.
- …But, let me ask you just one thing. Together with me, do you have any intention on coming to the Empire?
- 「That’s…」
- Edelgard: It’s fine, I understood your answer the moment you hesitated in your speech.
- 「I can’t」
- Edelgard: Right. I knew that would be your answer.
- Edelgard: …You and I are mutual enemies.
- From now on, we can no longer afford… to speak to each other so carefree!
- Edelgard: *sighs* Why am I even here? I know they won’t come, but here I am anyway.
- How has it already been five years? Time stops for no one, I suppose.
- Huh? It’s– It’s you!
- What are you doing here?
- 「I came here for you.」
- Edelgard: Me…?!
- 「I’m not sure myself.」
「A whim.」 - Edelgard: Highly doubtful. So you were alive.
- What have you been doing all this time?
- 「I was sleeping.」
「I was dead.」 - 《Lost any Black Eagles student in the first part》
- Edelgard: Joking at a time like this. Well if you don’t wish to tell me, I won’t persuade you.
- All that matters is this: Will you return to the Empire with me?
- Before you answer, know that friends from our Black Eagle days have chosen to join me in the fight ahead.
- 《Didn’t lose any Black Eagles students in the first part》
- Edelgard: Joking at a time like this. Well if you don’t wish to tell me, I won’t persuade you.
- All that matters is this: Will you return to the Empire with me?
- 「I…」
- Edelgard: Hesitation. It betrays your true answer.
- 「I can’t.」
- Edelgard: As expected. I knew your answer before I had even asked the question.
- Edelgard: That means… we’re enemies now, you and I.
- My teacher, the time for discussion has come to an end.
Movie: 再会・銀雪の章 (Reunion – Silver Snow)
- エーデルガルト: 剣は容易く交わるというのに……
- 私たちの道が、交わることはない
- さようなら、
師 - 次に会う時は、
- どちらかの道が途絶える時よ
- Edelgard: Though they say swords cross easily…
- Our paths, will never cross
- Farewell, Master
- When we next we meet
- one of our paths will come to an end
- Edelgard: Even though our swords may cross as they do now–
- –there’s no denying that our chosen paths never will.
- Goodbye, my teacher.
- When next we meet,
- one of us will breath their last.
Event: 戦乱の余波 (The Aftermath of War)
- セテス: そこのお前! 何者だ!
……ベレト!? - 「久しぶり」
- セテス: ああ、久しいな。
などと挨拶している場合ではない! - 「そこで何を?」
- セテス: それはこちらの台詞だ!
- セテス: 君が死んで……いや死んでいなかった。
姿を消して5年、教団は大変だったのだぞ! - いったいどこで何をしていたのだ……。
- 「実は……」
- セテス: 5年間、眠って……そういうことか。
ならば仕方がない……。 - 実は、5年前のガルグ=マクでの戦いで、
レアもお前と同じく行方不明になった。 - それ以来、騎士団が総力を挙げて
捜索しているのだが、一切の情報がない。 - 「帝国軍に捕らわれた?」
「帝国軍に討たれた?」 - セテス: 可能性がないわけではない。
帝国からそのような発表はされていないが。 - 仮に帝国領に捕らわれていたとしても
今の我々には確かめようがないのだ。 - これまで我々の動ける範囲で捜索を
続けてきたが、そろそろ手詰まりだ。 - このままではレアの捜索も教団の再建も、
頓挫する……帝国が存在する限りな。 - 無論、帝国への反攻の機も窺ってきたが……
戦力不足で踏み出せないでいた。 - しかし……今日、君が見つかった。
- 覚えているか、
5年前にレアが君に言ったことを。 - 自分に何かがあれば、君に後事を託す。
君がフォドラの民を導くのだ……と! - 「覚えている」
- セテス: ならば、その言葉に応えてほしい。
頼む、ベレト! - 「できそうにない」
- セテス: そう言わず、力を貸してほしい。
頼む、ベレト! - セテス: 君が皆を導き、帝国を……
エーデルガルトを打ち倒すのだ。 - 「なぜ自分?」
- セテス: それは……今はまだ言えぬ。
だが、君でなくては駄目なのだ。 - 「セテスが導けばいい」
- セテス: 私では駄目なのだ。
君でなくては……。 - いつか、きっと話そう。
だから今は聞かないでくれ……。 - 「エーデルガルトと戦いたくない」
- セテス: 何故だ!? 彼女こそが人々を
苦しめているというのに…… - そして、その人々を真に救えるのは、
君しかいないというのに……! - 教団兵: 大変です、セテス様!
賊が侵入していたようです! - 隠してあった武器などを盗んで
逃げていきました! - 街のほうへ逃げたので、
もしや街の中に根城があるのではと…… - セテス: なに!? いくら騎士団が不在とはいえ、
ガルグ=マクで狼藉を働くとは……! - 許せぬ!
- Seteth: You there! Who are you?! …Byleth?!
- 「Long time no see」
- Seteth: Ah, it has been. But this is not the time to be doing greetings and such!
- 「What are you doing over there?」
- Seteth: That’s my line!
- Seteth: You were dead… Well, no, you were not dead. In the five years you disappeared, things have been very difficult for the Church!
- Where in the world were you, and what were you doing…?
- 「Actually…」
- Seteth: Sleeping for five years… So that’s what it was. In that case, there’s nothing we can do about it…
- The truth is, Rhea also went missing just like you in the Battle of Garreg Mach 5 years ago.
- Since then, the knights have spent all of their efforts searching, but there has been no information at all.
- 「Was she captured by the Imperial Army?」
「Was she killed by the Imperial Army?」 - Seteth: We cannot rule out the possibility. But, there has been no such announcement from the Empire.
- Even if she was being held in Imperial territory, there is no way of knowing that at the moment.
- So far, we’ve been continually searching in the areas we can move around, but we’re almost at a dead end.
- As it is, the search for Rhea, as well as the reconstruction of the Church, will be derailed… As long as the Empire exists, that is.
- Naturally, we’ve been looking for a chance to strike back against the Empire… Due to insufficient manpower, we were unable to move forward with that.
- But… we have found you today.
- Do you remember? What Rhea said to you 5 years ago.
- That if anything happened to herself, she would entrust future affairs to you. She said… you are the one who will guide the people of Fodlan!
- 「I remember」
- Seteth: In that case, I want you to respond to those words. I beg of you, Byleth!
- 「I don’t think I can」
- Seteth: Don’t say that, I want you to lend us your strength. I beg of you, Byleth!
- Seteth: You will lead everyone, against the Empire… and defeat Edelgard.
- 「Why me?」
- Seteth: That… I cannot say yet. But, it has to be you.
- 「You should lead, Seteth」
- Seteth: It can’t be me. It has to be you…
- I shall tell you one day, for sure. So for now, please don’t ask me…
- 「I don’t want to fight Edelgard」
- Seteth: Why not?! Even though she is the one making all the people suffer…
- And furthermore, there is no one other than you, who can truly save those people…!
- Church Soldier: Bad news, Seteth-sama!It appears bandits have invaded!
- They’ve stolen the weapons and things that were concealed and have gone to escape!
- They ran in the direction of the town, so I think they may have a stronghold inside the town…
- Seteth: What?! Even with the lack of presence of the knights, to commit such riotous acts in Garreg Mach is…!
- Unforgivable! Let’s chase after them, Byleth!
- Seteth: Who is it?! Is that– It’s you!
- 「It’s been a long time.」
- Seteth: Yes, it has been! But this is no time for casual chatter!
- 「What are you doing here?」
- Seteth: I was going to ask you the very same thing.
- Seteth: After you disappeared five years ago, do you have any idea how dire the church’s situation became?
- Where were you, and what were you doing all of those years?
- 「I was sleeping.」
- Seteth: You slept for five years… In that case, I suppose there is nothing more to say.
- You should know that Rhea also disappeared after the battle at Garreg Mach five years ago.
- Since then, the knights have been fully devoted to searching for her. They have yet to find a trace.
- 「Was she captured by the Imperial Army?」
「Was she murdered by the Imperial Army?」 - Seteth: It is possible. However, the Empire has not made any such statement as of yet.
- Even if that were the truth, there is no way for us to confirm.
- We have searched all over, but we have reached an impasse.
- Unless we do something, our efforts to find Rhea and rebuild the Church will be stalled indefinitely.
- Our opportunity to strike back is close at hand. Sadly, we are short on military strength.
- However, now we have you.
- Do you recall what Rhea told you five years ago?
- She asked for you to take her place should anything ever happen to her. She entrusted you with leading the people of Fodlan.
- 「I remember.」
- Seteth: Then I beg of you, please, heed her words.
- 「I can’t do that.」
- Seteth: I will not accept that. Please… you must lend me your strength.
- Seteth: It is up to you to lead us and to defeat the Empire– no, to defeat Edelgard.
- 「Why me?」
- Seteth: There is a very good reason…but it is not yet time to divulge it. Just know that without you, we have no hope.
- 「You should lead, Seteth」
- Seteth: It is not for me to do. You are the only one who can rise to this task.
- Someday, you will know why that is. Until then, I ask that you trust me.
- 「I don’t want to fight Edelgard」
- Seteth: What are you saying? She is tormenting all of Fódlan!
- And you are the only one who can save us! How can you not see that?!
- Church Soldier: Sir! Bandits have entered the area!
- They stole some hidden weapons and ran off!
- They’re heading for the town, so that might be where they’re hiding out…
- Seteth: Vile thieves! Even with the knights gone, I cannot believe they would dare trespass here!
- This is unforgivable! Come, Professor. Let us give chase!
Opening 2
- ファーガス神聖王国は、政変によって親帝国
王家ブレーダッド領のすべてを制圧。 - 王子ディミトリは処断され、旧王国の残存勢
にかろうじて抵抗を続けている。 - 王宮に拠るコルネリアは、帝国の支援を受け
て軍を再編、残存勢力の掃討を進めていた。 - レスター諸侯同盟領では、リーガン家を筆頭
する親帝国派の諸侯が衝突。 - 分裂の危機に瀕しながらも、新盟主クロード
ち続けている。 - 一方、アドラステア帝国では、帝都アンヴァ
を推し進めると共に…… - 王国の政変に干渉して勢力を伸長、旧王国諸
西部の制圧を進めていた。 - そんな中で、セイロス騎士団は消息を絶った
大司教レアを捜索するため各地に離散。 - 崩落したまま放置されたガルグ=マク大修道
- In a coup, the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus has had all of the former lands of House Blaiddyd, including the royal capital Faerghus, conquered by Cornelia of the pro-imperial faction.
- Prince Dimitri has been judged, and the remaining forces of former royal houses, mainly House Fraldarius and Gautier, are barely continuing to resist.
- Cornelia, headquartered in the Royal Palace, has received support from the Empire and restructured her army, proceeding to clean up any residual forces.
- In the Leicester Alliance territories, the lords of anti-imperial faction led by House Riegan and the pro-imperial faction led by House Gloucester clash.
- Though on the verge on splitting, by the skills of the new leader Claude, they manage to continue to preserve the appearance of being allied.
- On the other side, in the Adrestian Empire, in the imperial city of Enbarr, Emperor Edelgard pushed forward to strengthen her regime and also…
- While extending her influence by meddling in the Kingdom’s political change and incorporating the former Kingdom lords, she continued her conquest of western Fodlan .
- In the midst of all this, the Church of Seiros scattered across the land in order to search for Archbishop Rhea, whose whereabouts have lost.
- The currently collapsed and abandoned Garreg Mach monastery had been reduced into a nest for bandits…
- In the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, Imperialist loyalist Cornelia has subdued all regions of the former royal house of Blaiddyd to prevent further revolt.
- Prince Dimitri has been sentenced. Now, the backbone of the former Kingdom–Houses Gautier and Fraldarius–struggle to continue the resistance.
- Cornelia–operating out of the royal palace–has accepted the support of the Empire to build an army and plots to wipe out all remaining Kingdom forces.
- In the Leicester Alliance, House Riegan leads an anti-Imperial faction, while House Gloucester directs the Empire’s supporters.
- Despite the undeniable threat of fracture, the Alliance’s adept new leader, Claude, deftly maintains the outward appearance of a unified front.
- In Enbarr, the Imperial Capital of the Adrestian Empire, Emperor Edelgard fights to strengthen her regime.
- She has extended her reach to the Kingdom by inciting a coup and continues to draw its former lords under her influence in pursuit of controlling all of western Fódlan.
- In the meantime, the Knights of Seiros have been dispatched to find Archbishop Rhea, who remains missing despite their searching.
- Left unattended, the monastery at Garreg Mach has fallen to ruin…and become a haven for thieves.
Battle: 夜明けの掃討戦 (Extermination Battle at Dawn)
- 戦闘開始時
- セテス: 大修道院の貴重な宝物を持ち出すとは、
断じて許せぬ! 一人残らず捕らえるのだ! - バジャルド: おやおや……? 侵入者のようですね。
わたしの商品を守りなさい。 - 1ターン目開始時
- セテス: 賊にくれてやるものなど何もない!
盗まれた品は、すべて回収するぞ! - 3ターン目開始時
- ドロテア: はあ……行く当てもなくてガルグ=マクに
戻って来ちゃったけど……あら? 先生? - カスパル: 戦いの臭いがするぜ!
よっしゃあ! オレも参戦だ! - ペトラ: 先生の無事、確認、です。
わたし、協力する、望みます。 - セテス: なぜここに……!?
いや、話は後だ。賊退治を手伝ってくれ! - 5ターン目開始時
- ベルナデッタ: 誰もいないって聞いてたのに、何で
戦いが……ひええええ~! あ、先生!? - リンハルト: 先生……ああ、生きてたんですね。
来て良かったなあ。 - フェルディナント: なに……先生が賊と戦っているのか?
事情は置いて今は戦おう! - セテス: 賊を退治しているのだ!
力を貸してくれ! - 7ターン目開始時
- セテス: 二手に分かれるか? 手薄な北と南からなら
賊の首領を挟み討てるかもしれんぞ。 - 主人公⇔ドロテア
- ドロテア: ふふっ……先生も5年前の約束を
覚えてたんです? 今日ですもんね。 - 主人公⇔カスパル
- 《駆けつけた仲間が他にいる場合》
- カスパル: 先生にまた会えて嬉しいぜ!
けど、何でこんなみんな集まってんだ? - 《駆けつけた仲間が他にいない場合》
- カスパル: 先生にまた会えて嬉しいぜ!
- 主人公⇔ペトラ
- ペトラ: わたし、一度、ブリギット、戻りました。
けれども、再び、フォドラへ、来る、です。 - 主人公⇔ベルナデッタ
- ベルナデッタ: 自分の意志で家を出るのは拷問でした……。
けど、先生と会えて苦しさ雲散霧消ですよ! - 主人公⇔リンハルト
- リンハルト: しかし、5年も何をしてたんです?
- 寝てた? ……なんて羨ましい。
- 主人公⇔フェルディナント
- フェルディナント: まったく変わっていないな、先生は。
こうして再び共闘できて嬉しいとも。 - vs バジャルド(初戦)
- バジャルド: わ、私は違うんだ!
くそ! やるしかねえか! - バジャルド(初戦)撃破後
- バジャルド: 身代わりを用意しておいて助かりましたねえ。
分が悪いようですし、退散しますか。 - セテス: 奴も修道院の宝物を持っているはずだ!
逃がしてはならん! - vs バジャルド(本物)
- バジャルド: ははあ……あなたを捕まえて売れば、
儲かりそうなんですがねえ。 - バジャルド撃破
- バジャルド: 楽して稼げると思ったんですが……
向いて……ませんでした……かねえ…… - セテス: この男、修道院に出入りしていた商人か。
- Battle Start
- Seteth: To take out the valuable treasures of the monastery is positively unforgivable! Capture every last person!
- Pallardó: My my…?[5]Pallardó is pronounced “Bajardo” in Japanese, which sounds like an Italian? He doesn’t sound too concerned in this line. Looks like we have intruders. Protect my goods.
- Turn 1 Start
- Seteth: We will give away nothing to the bandits! Recover all the stolen articles!
- Turn 3 Start
- Dorothea: Sigh… With nowhere to go, I ended up coming back to Garreg Mach… Oh my? Teacher?
- Caspar: Smells like a fight! Alright! I’m joining in too!
- Petra: Teacher’s safety, confirmed. I desire, to work together.
- Seteth: Why are you here…?! No, we’ll talk about it later. Help us eliminate the bandits!
- Turn 5 Start
- Bernadetta: I heard there was nobody here, but why is there fighting… Hieeeee~! Oh, it’s Teacher?!
- Linhardt: Teacher… Ah, so you were alive. I sure am glad I came.
- Ferdinand: What…? Teacher is fighting bandits? Let’s put things aside for now and fight!
- Seteth: We are eliminating the bandits! Lend us your strength!
- Turn 7 Start
- Seteth: Should we split into two? If we come from the undermanned north and the south, we may be able to close in on and defeat the bandit leader.
- Byleth⇔Dorothea
- Dorothea: Fufu… Did you also remember the promise we made 5 years ago? Today’s the day, isn’t it?
- Byleth⇔Caspar
- 《There are other allies who arrived》
- Caspar: I’m glad to see you again, Teacher! But, why is everyone gathering here?
- 《There are no other allies who arrived》
- Caspar: I’m glad to see you again, Teacher!
- Byleth⇔Petra
- Petra: I, for a moment, returned to Brigid. However, once again, I come, to Fodlan.
- Byleth⇔Bernadetta
- Bernadetta: It was torture leaving the house on my own free will… But, meeting with Teacher suddenly makes the suffering disappear[6]Bernadetta uses an expression 雲散霧消, “the clouds scatter and the fog disappears”, describing how something can shockingly disappear all of a sudden.!
- Byleth⇔Linhardt
- Linhardt: But, what were you doing for nearly 5 years?
- You were sleeping? …I’m somewhat envious.
- Byleth⇔Ferdinand
- Ferdinand: You really haven’t changed at all, Teacher. Then again, I’m also glad we’re able to fight alongside like this again.
- vs Pallardó (First Fight)
- Pallardó: I-it’s not me! Shit! Guess I gotta do this, huh?!
- After Pallardó (First Fight) Defeated
- Balairdo: Having a substitute for me really helped me out. This looks like a bad situation, so I’ll take my leave.
- Seteth: That guy must also have some of the monastery’s treasures! Don’t let him escape!
- vs Pallardó (True Fight)
- Pallardó: Hahah… If I captured and sold you, I’d probably make a nice profit.
- Pallardó Defeated
- Pallardó: I thought it was an easy way to make money but… Looks like I’m not… cut out for this…
- Seteth: That man, wasn’t he a merchant who came frequently to the monastery? For him to sink to the form of a brigand, he has taken the wrong path.
- Battle Start
- Seteth: Looters deserve no forgiveness! After them!
- Pallardó: What the… Intruders! Protect the goods!
- Turn 1 Start
- Seteth: Stop the thieves! Retrieve our stolen goods!
- Turn 3 Start
- Dorothea: We had no place to go so we came back to Garreg Mach. But then — Huh? Professor?
- Caspar: Looks like there’s a fight! I’m ready to join the battle!
- Petra: It is confirmed that Professor is alive. I will be…cooperating.
- Seteth: What are you doing here?! Never mind, we’ll have to talk later! Help us with these thieves!
- Turn 5 Start
- Bernadetta: People? A battle?! Oh, there wasn’t supposed to be anyone here! Wait, is that… Professor?!
- Linhardt: Professor… You’re alive after all. Well then, I am quite pleased with my choice to come here.
- Ferdinand: Professor?! Never mind… We have to focus on winning this fight!
- Seteth: Lend us a hand! Let’s beat them back!
- Turn 7 Start
- Seteth: If we split our troops in two, we can attack from the north and the south to trap their leader.
- Byleth⇔Dorothea
- Dorothea: Do you remember our promise from five years ago, Professor? Today’s the day.
- Byleth⇔Caspar
- 《There are other allies who arrived》
- Caspar: I’m so glad I get to see you again, Professor!
- 《There are no other allies who arrived》
- Caspar: I’m so glad I get to see you again, Professor!
- Byleth⇔Petra
- Petra: I went back to Brigid once…but I had to be returning to Fodlan.
- Byleth⇔Bernadetta
- Bernadetta: Took all my will to come out here today. But seeing you again, Professor? That’s worth a little torture!
- Byleth⇔Linhardt
- Linhardt: So what have you been doing these past five years?
- Sleeping?! Why, I must say I’m a bit envious.
- Byleth⇔Ferdinand
- Ferdinand: Ah, Professor. You have not changed a bit. I am so glad to fight alongside you again.
- vs Pallardó (First Fight)
- Pallardó: No! I’m not the one you want! Gah! I guess I’ve got no choice.
- After Pallardó (First Fight) Defeated
- Pallardó: It isn’t looking good for us. Should we retreat?
- Seteth: He has some treasure from the monastery too! Do not let him escape!
- vs Pallardó (True Fight)
- Pallardó: Ah, you should yield me a tidy profit!
- Pallardó Defeated
- Pallardó: I thought it would be easy money… Maybe it wasn’t…meant to be…
- Seteth: That man used to be a merchant here at the monastery. He must have fallen on hard times to take up with those thieves…
Event: 荒廃した修道院 (The Ruined Monastery)
- 《黒鷲の学級の生徒を全員ロストしていない場合》
- セテス: どうにかガルグ=マクに潜む不逞の輩は
排除できたか。 - しかし、君たち生徒がこうして
大修道院に集まってくるとはな……。 - ドロテア: 実は、先生と約束したんですよねえ。
5年前の今日。 - ペトラ: 千年祭の日、修道院、集合。
学級の皆、誓いました……です。 - リンハルト: まあ、言い出したエーデルガルトは
いないみたいですけどね。 - 《カスパル生存時追加》
- リンハルト: みんな、こんな状況なのに本当に
よく集まったなと思いますよ……。 - カスパル: 何言ってやがる!
お前がいるのが一番意外だっての! - セテス: そうだったのか……。
- ベレト、君を慕う者たちの
おかげで、大修道院は守られた。 - やはりフォドラを救えるのは君しかいない。
そう私は確信したぞ。 - 《黒鷲の学級の生徒を全員ロストしている場合》
- セテス: どうにかガルグ=マクに潜む不逞の輩は
排除できたか。 - やはりフォドラを救えるのは君しかいない。
そう私は確信したぞ。 - 「大げさな……」
- セテス: 大げさではない。
- 「任せてくれ」
- セテス: おお、ついにその気になったか。
- セテス: 私がガルグ=マクに戻ったこの日に、
君もまた目覚め、ここへ来た。 - これは偶然などではない。
女神の、導きなのだ……。 - 「セテスはなぜここへ?」
- セテス: 実は……いや会わせたほうが早いな。
聖廟までついてきてくれ。 - ……そういえば、眠っていたということは、
各国の状況などは知らないのか。 - 私から簡単に教えてやろう。
- ガルグ=マクの戦いの後、
王国では政変が起こった。 - ディミトリや摂政リュファスをはじめ、
ブレーダッド家は鏖殺の憂き目に遭い…… - 王都は帝国からファーガス公に叙された、
コルネリアの支配するところとなった。 - 今はフラルダリウス領のロドリグが中心に
なって、必死の抵抗を続けていると聞く。 - 同盟はクロード率いる反帝国派と、
ローレンツ率いる親帝国派に分かれ…… - 一進一退の攻防を続けているが、
戦況はあまり芳しくない。 - つまり王国も同盟も、かなりのところまで
帝国に侵食され、苦境に陥っているのだ。 - 今こそ、ここ修道院に……君の下に
- 《If Black Eagles students are not all lost》
- Seteth: So, we were somehow able to expel the outlaws hiding in Garreg Mach.
- But, what is the meaning of you students assembling together in the monastery like this…?
- Dorothea: Truth is, we made a promise to Teacher. Today, five years ago.
- Petra: Meet up, the day of the millennium festival, at the monastery. Everyone in the class… we swore.
- Linhardt: Well, except it appears that Edelgard, who proposed it, is not here.
- 《Casper is alive》
- Linhardt: Despite these circumstances, I think we’ve truly managed to assemble everyone quite nicely…
- Caspar: What the heck are you saying?! You being here is the most surprising thing!
- Seteth: So that’s what it was…?
- Byleth, thanks to the ones who miss you, the monastery was protected.
- As I thought, you are the only one who can save Fodlan. That I am certain of.
- 《If all Black Eagles students are lost》
- Seteth: So, we were somehow able to expel the outlaws hiding in Garreg Mach.
- As I thought, you are the only one who can save Fodlan. That I am certain of.
- 「You’re exaggerating…」
- Seteth: I am not exaggerating.
- 「Leave it to me」
- Seteth: Oh, so you’re finally ready?
- Seteth: On the day I return to Garreg Mach, you also reawaken and came here.
- This is no coincidence. This is, the guidance of the Goddess…
- 「Why did you come here, Seteth?」
- Seteth: The truth is… No, it’s faster to have you meet instead. Come with me to the holy tomb.
- …By the way, since you say you have been sleeping, do you know the current status of each nation and such?
- Let me tell it to you, put simply.
- After the Battle of Garreg Mach, a coup occured in the Kingdom.
- Starting with Dimitri and the regent Rufus, House Blaiddyd experienced the grief of massacre…
- The royal capital is under the control of Cornelia, who was conferred the rank Duke of Faerghus by the Empire.
- I hear that the lands of Rodrigue of House Fraldarius are now the center of the desperate resistance.
- The Alliance has split into the anti-imperial faction led by Claude, and the pro-imperial faction led by Lorenz…
- Both sides continue to fight back and forth, but the war situation is not looking very good.
- In summary, both the Kingdom and the Alliance are being encroached to a considerable extent by the empire, trapping them in a difficult situation.
- Now is the time, here in this monastery… You must gather generals under you and turn the tides of war.
- 《If Black Eagles students are not all lost》
- Seteth: It seems we were able to expel the bandits who were hiding in Garreg Mach.
- How fortuitous that you students should gather at the monastery like this…
- Dorothea: We made a promise with the professor. That was five years ago to the very day.
- Petra: We all gave our promise to be meeting here when the millennium festival arrived.
- Linhardt: Though the one who came up with that plan is not here… Edelgard.
- 《Casper is alive》
- Linhardt: Still, how incredible that those present gathered despite the terrible state of things…
- Caspar: Pfft, the most incredible part of it is that you didn’t oversleep and miss the reunion!
- Seteth: So, that is the reason…
- Professor. The monastery is safe because of your devoted students.
- I am now fully convinced you are the only one who can save Fodlan.
- 《If all Black Eagles students are lost》
- Seteth: It seems we were able to expel the bandits who were hiding in Garreg Mach.
- I am now fully convinced you are the only one who can save Fodlan.
- 「That’s taking it a bit far.」
- Seteth: No, not so.
- 「You can count on me.」
- Seteth: Ah, so you have finally accepted your destiny.
- Seteth: On the very day I return to Garreg Mach, you awaken and return as well.
- This is no mere coincidence but, rather, the work of the goddess.
- 「What’s your reason for being here?」
- Seteth: Actually… Well, it would be easier to just show you. Come with me to the Holy Mausoleum.
- I realize that since you have been slumbering for so long, you have no idea what has transpired in the various territories.
- Allow me to explain..
- After the Battle of Garreg Mach, there was a change of regime in the Kingdom.
- House Blaiddyd suffered a series of brutal massacres, which claimed the lives of Dimitri and Regent Rufus.
- The Kingdom capital fell and was absorbed into the Empire as the Faerghus Dukedom, which is now under Cornelia’s control.
- Some still resist the Empire. As of now, Rodrigue of House Fraldarius is at the center of such efforts.
- In the Alliance, Claude leads the faction that opposes the Empire, and Lorenz leads those who have sided with them.
- The front lines are ever in motion, but the war effort has stagnated overall.
- In short, both the Kingdom and the Alliance have been swallowed up by the Empire and are on the verge of collapse.
- We must gather our generals and soldiers under your command and reverse this dire situation.
Event: 再始動 (Start Again)
- セテス: さあ、ここだ。
フレン! ベレトがいたぞ! - フレン: お兄様、何を……あら、先生!?
先生ですのね!? - 生きていらしたなんて……。
お兄様もわたくしも、心配しましたのよ。 - 「ここで何を?」
- フレン: 何をって……その、聖廟に大事なものを
忘れてしまって…… - どうしてもとお兄様に言って、
取りに来たのですわ。 - セテス: フレンの用事を終えたら、レアの捜索に
戻るつもりだったのが…… - 君に出会ったことで、事情が変わった。
虚しく時を過ごしている場合ではない。 - 各地に散らばっている騎士団の面々にも
すぐに連絡を入れる。 - セイロス騎士団の再始動だ。
- Seteth: Here we are. Flayn! Byleth is here!
- Flayn: Big brother, what is… Oh my, Teacher?! It’s you, isn’t it?!
- I can’t believe you’re alive… Big brother and I were both worried.
- 「What are you doing here?」
- Flayn: What, you say…? Um, I forgot something important in the holy tomb.…[7]Flayn hesitates here. It is possible that Flayn was actually hiding there for safety. She and Seteth allude to this in Chapter 4 when she tells Byleth that Seteth told her to hide inside a coffin in the Holy Mausoleum because he was worried.
- I told big brother I had to come get it no matter what .
- Seteth: We intended to return to the searching for Rhea after Flayn was done with her business, but…
- After encountering you, things have changed. This is no time to spend doing nothing.
- We will contact each and every knight scattered across the different lands at once.
- The Knights of Seiros start again. Byleth… I’m counting on you!
- Seteth: Flayn, look! The professor has returned to us!
- Flayn: Hm? What do you mean… Oh! Goodness! It really IS you, Professor!
- I cannot believe you are still of this world! We were so worried we would never see you again.
- 「What are you doing here?」
- Flayn: I forgot something important at the Holy Mausoleum…
- I told my brother I had to go back for it no matter what, and so here I am…
- Seteth: After we finished here, we were going to continue our search for Rhea.
- But now that you are here, things have changed. We must not waste this opportunity.
- We shall send word to the knights scattered all across the land.
- The time has come for the Knights of Serios to return to action. We are counting on you, Professor!
↑1 | lit. to swallow. Just like in English, to swallow in Japanese also means to understand. Potentially has a double meaning. |
↑2 | Angry Sothis noises. |
↑3 | The villager speaks in regional dialect. Possibly Nagano dialect? |
↑4 | Edelgard ends her sentence with “anata”, even though she just called Byleth “sensei”. Edelgard does this intentionally to create a serious, confrontational tone after she was caught off-guard. |
↑5 | Pallardó is pronounced “Bajardo” in Japanese, which sounds like an Italian? He doesn’t sound too concerned in this line. |
↑6 | Bernadetta uses an expression 雲散霧消, “the clouds scatter and the fog disappears”, describing how something can shockingly disappear all of a sudden. |
↑7 | Flayn hesitates here. It is possible that Flayn was actually hiding there for safety. She and Seteth allude to this in Chapter 4 when she tells Byleth that Seteth told her to hide inside a coffin in the Holy Mausoleum because he was worried. |
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