
同人音楽翻訳家 Doujin Music Translator

Tag: translation (page 6 of 7)

Kinema106 – ディープブルー

Title: ディープブルー (Deep Blue)
Circle: Kinema106
Vocal: lino
Lyrics: Tom
Arrangement: Tom, jun-jun
Release Date: Sep 9, 2017
Requested By: VocalC Google

My first KanColle request after my hiatus, it’s nice to return to a Kinema106 song (mostly because I know Tom and don’t need to ask permission to repost his videos on my channel).  This song devoted to the Abyssal Jellyfish Princess has all of the awesome hallmarks of a Kinema106 abyssal song:  Striking aggressive dark vocals, English-Japanese wordplay, usage of WW2 codes, and a secret encoded message for us to decipher.  If you want to see another earlier song like this, check out Kinema106 – Rend Ens (which I also translated).

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森羅万象 – ハングオーバー

Title: ハングオーバー (Hangover)
Circle:  森羅万象 (ShinRa-Bansho)
Vocal: あよ (Ayo)
Lyrics: ticat
Arrangement: kaztora
Release Date:  Dec 29, 2017 (Comiket 93)

Despite how simple this song first sounded, I found myself really struggling with this one.  Shinra-Bansho fit a few references in this song, some of which I’m sure I’ve missed.   From what I can tell, this song is about Suika’s drinking and why she does it.  Just like the original Broken Moon, it’s bubbly and upbeat but I feel it carries a very sad undertone to it.  Cheers!

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IOSYS – 嫦娥絶対殺すマンのうた

Title:  嫦娥絶対殺すマンのうた (Absolutely-Will-Kill-Chang’e Man’s Song)
Circle: IOSYS
Vocal: 黒澤りな (Rina Kurosawa)
Lyrics: nukillizo
Arrangement: minami
Release Date: May 7, 2017 (Reitaisai 14)

It’s been a while! Once I heard this jovial, creative tune, I knew it had to be IOSYS. This song has a very classic Japanese “cartoon superhero” feel to it. Follow the adventures of “Absolutely-Will-Kill-Chang’e Man” as she goes on a quest to defeat the evil Chang’e! The promo video has an amusing animation, but is marred an awful hard sub as a joke.

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Includeore – slushy poetry feat. 妖狐

Title: slushy poetry
Circle: 俺++ (Includeore)
Vocal: たま(tama), 妖狐 (youko)
Lyrics: 俺++
Arrangement: Coro
Release Date: Dec 29, 2012

One of the first songs I ever translated two years ago, I was stricken by how beautiful and sad it sounded.  I initially thought it was a sad breakup story, but now I think I completely misinterpreted it!  Songs in Japanese rarely use pronouns so it’s up to you to figure out the context of who’s talking to who.  Now that I have a better grasp of the language, I just had to redo the translation.  The song is actually about a boy and a girl who have been friends for a long time, but keep waiting for the other to confess.  Eventually, the girl has to move away and the final standoff (this song) occurs.  This has risen to become my favorite lyrical Touhou pieces of all time.

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森羅万象 – Life√Butterfly

Title: Life√Butterfly
Circle: 森羅万象 (Shinra-Bansho)
Vocal: めらみぽっぷ
Arrangement: kaztora
Lyrics: ticat
Release Date: Dec 30, 2017

It’s been a long time since I’ve done a translation, even though I’ve been taking Japanese classes the whole time.  Sometimes when you take a break from doing something and come back after lots of practice, you really get to see how much you’ve improved.  I heard this peppy cute song and instantly knew I had to share Eternity Larva’s motivational words with everyone.

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Junko Ohashi – Telephone Number

Title:  大橋純子 – テレフォン・ナンバー
Album: Tea for Tears
Release Date: Jun 2010

I heard this “Awoo 56709” song while browsing through silly memes.  I didn’t expect it to have Japanese lyrics in the beginning, but just the sense of longing in the first verse was enough to spark my curiosity in this old classic.  After finding the lyrics, I felt the song really connected with my mood, so I had to share it.

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Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid – 迷子のかいじゅう

Title:  迷子のかいじゅう/Maigo no Kaiju (The Little Lost Creature)
Anime: 小林さんちのメイドラゴン (Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid)
Vocal: 長縄まりあ (Maria Naganawa)
Arrangement: Arte Refact
Release Date: Mar 15, 2017

It’s been a while since I last translated something, but I recently watched all the episodes of Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid and noticed that my listening comprehension was at the point where I could understand large sections of it without needing any subs at all.  Coincidentally, there is a character song album that doesn’t to have been translated by anyone at this point in time.  The show brought me a warm feeling that I hadn’t felt in a while, so this translation is something that I wanted to do naturally.

A Kaijū (怪獣) is often translated as “monster”, although it means “mysterious beast”.  The most famous Kaijū is Godzilla, although the word can mean all different creatures. As Kanna’s character song, I felt creature was a more appropriate word than monster, carrying less of the negative annotations,.

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Pizuya’s Cell – それもまた一興

Title: それもまた一興 (It’s Still Fun)
Circle: Pizuya’s Cell
Album: 共犯ストラテジー
Vocal: 普透明度 (futoumeido)
Arrangement: Pizuya’s Cell
Original: パンデモニックプラネット (Pandemonic Planet)
Release Date: Dec 30, 2015 (Comiket 89)

The romaji on the video is inaccurate, so follow the one on these blogs.

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Kinema106 – クレイジーソルジャー

Title: クレイジーソルジャー (Crazy Soldier)
Circle: キネマ106 – Kinema106
Album: 深淵
Vocal: kalon.
Arrangement: Tom, jun-jun
Release Date: Dec 28, 2014 (C87)

Are you RE-ady?

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帝國交響楽団 – 天翔る龍は闇に笑む

Title: 天翔る龍は闇に笑む (The Dragon Soaring the Heavens Smiles at the Darkness)
Circle: 帝國交響楽団 (Empire Ensemble)
Album: 陽はまた昇る (The Sun Also Rises)
Vocal: ℃iel
Arrangement: -SEKI
Release Date: Dec 30, 2013 (C85)
Art: kurokky709
Requested by: Kuro Usagi

Tenryuu-chan isn’t afraid of the dark!

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