Title: セテレス (Seteth x Bylass)
Artist: わんだゆ (@_wandayou_)
Link: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/77069826
Trying out something new by typesetting manga.
Title: セテレス (Seteth x Bylass)
Artist: わんだゆ (@_wandayou_)
Link: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/77069826
Trying out something new by typesetting manga.
Title: Eternal Knowledge
Circle: T. Piacere/Eternal Melody
Vocal: 黒崎朔夜 (Sakuya Kurosaki)
Lyrics: 葵 (Aoi)
Arrangement: 葵 (Aoi)
Release Date: Aug 11, 2012 (C82)
Requested By: JULIOCESAR
A Locked Girl vocal arrange from 2012 that got lost in time. IT was originally released under by T. Piacere in the golden age (2009-2014) when Touhou Project was the #1 doujin series with over 2,000 circles every Comiket. T. Piacere disbanded in 2014 and the singer created a new circle, Eternal Melody. This song was released again in 2017 under the circle Eternal Melody. It would be their last Touhou album.
This is a simpler song from a simpler time. The song is about Patchouli Knowledge describing how she feels when she reads her books, locking herself away from the outside world and diving into the colorful ocean of knowledge found in ancient history.
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